• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,751 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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Mega Man blinked as his capsule opened up, shaking his head. "Ugh...Dr. Light, how long have I been out?" he called. When he received no response, he glanced around worriedly. "Dr. Light? ...Dad?"

When he still received no response, he began racing around the lab, looking for any sign of what happened. Eventually, he found Protoman's scarf beside a spilled glass of eggnog. "Protoman...kidnapped Dr. Light?" he gasped. "But...but he wouldn't just go with him..."

Turning, he accessed the computers, and discovered that the proximity sensors had registered eight unknown Robot Masters arriving with Protoman. "Eight Robot Masters? Is this a takeover attempt?" He checked the news feed, and sure enough, eight Robot Masters were on the loose. "...I need some help. Well...Dr. Cossack owes me one for covering for him over his Robot Masters. Come on, Rush!"

"Ruff!" Rush replied, leaping to Mega Man's side. The pair headed for the teleporter, putting in the coordinates for Dr. Cossack's lab.

Dr. Cossack was awakened to the sound of someone pounding at the front door. Grumbling, he went to open it. "Who is...Mega Man? What are you doing here?"

"Protoman's kidnapped Dr. Light!" Mega Man replied quickly. "Eight new Robot Masters are rampaging. I need some combat upgrades to handle them. One of them's a tank. A freaking tank!"

Mikhail quickly ushered Mega Man and Rush in. "Alright. Let me see what I can do."

After a while of working in his lab, Mikhail shook his head. "I'm afraid there's not much I can do to improve your Mega Buster. Dr. Light did an excellent job on this charge function. At best, I could give you another one on your other arm...but using both together could be dangerous for you."

"I'll manage it," Mega Man replied.

"Off to hunt again?"

Mega Man shivered. Turning, he saw the source of the voice leaning against a nearby wall. "Skull Man," he greeted calmly.

"Have fun slaughtering more robots...dirty brother killer," Skull Man added. "You certainly seem to enjoy it."

As Skull Man left, Dr. Cossack turned back to Mega Man. "Don't let him get to you," he reassured softly. "You don't-"

"Did you build Protoman's Robot Masters?" Mega Man asked suddenly.

"What?" Mikhail asked, shocked. "No! What possible reason could I have to do that? Why would you even ask me?"

"Because there are only three scientists in the world who could build Robot Masters of that level," Mega Man replied. "Protoman used them to kidnap one, and you are helping me stop them. Protoman couldn't build them himself. ...can you give Rush an upgrade as well?"

Confused by the way Mega Man's mind seemed to be leaping about, Mikhail nodded. "What did you have in mind?"


Forte walked back and forth in the halls of Wily's Castle, grumbling to himself. Vinyl had gotten a head cold the previous night, and was thus staying in bed for the day. While he was concerned for her health, he was also frustrated as he had nothing to do until she recovered. Wood Man was meditating, Air Man was fixing the Fortress' ventilation system, Crash Man was setting up Vinyl's future education plan, and Shadow Man was helping Protoman set up at his Fortress in preparation for Mega Man's counter attack. On top of that, Dr. Wily himself was up in his lab to offer Protoman some support when the time came, and the Robot Formerly Known As Doc was currently tending to Vinyl.

Grumbling angrily to himself, Forte kicked a nearby wall. "I wish something would happen!" he snapped. "Just to break up the boredom-"

The front door of the Fortress blasted open from a double charged plasma blast, and Mega Man came flying in on a motorbike with Rush's head. He sailed right over Forte before driving on through the Fortress, the bike's engine roaring as he turned through the halls.

"I didn't mean it!" Forte shouted to the universe at large as he tried to make chase...only to be thwarted by a large pit Mega Man had widened as he'd cleared it. "Dammit!"

To say that Dr. Wily was startled when Mega Man busted down his door on the back of a Rush cycle would be to say that Genghis Khan dabbled in real estate. He was quite floored when Mega Man leapt off the Rush cycle, blasted him, and then landed braced over him as all his muscles locked up briefly. Rush transformed back into a dog as he skidded towards the wall, deploying turrets of all things from his back. "Surrender now, Dr. Wily!" Mega Man ordered. "I know you're behind Protoman kidnapping Dr. Light!"

Wily was rather surprised that Mega Man had figured it out so quickly, but something else was of greater significance to him just now. "You shot me!" he shouted out.

"Stun blast," Mega Man replied. "I asked Mikhail to give me a stun setting so I could actually capture you this time. That way you would actually be in jail and not ready to do this all over again in a year or two."

"How did you come to the conclusion that I was behind this?" he demanded.

"Because only three people can make Robot Masters that advanced, and you're the only one Protoman would work for," Mega Man replied. "Beyond that, one was kidnapped by the Robot Masters, and the other is helping me stop you. I assume you programmed them with a voice command to make them shut down and withdraw, just in case they turned against you?"

Wily's eyes popped open. "How did you know I did that?" he gasped out. "I never did before!"

"Because you put the Robot Masters under Protoman's command," Mega Man explained. "Since you've confirmed you made them and programmed such a command, you're going to make use of it...or I'll make sure you regret not doing so for the rest of your life."

Wily burst into laughter. "You...you're actually threatening me?" He laughed louder. "An empty threat, but still, that's impressive!"

"What makes you think it's empty?" Mega Man asked coldly.

"You've got the three laws in you," Wily replied. "Tom was obsessed with Asimov. You can't hurt me, or any human."

"You're right, Wily," Mega Man replied, his voice...somehow dead. "The first law, hardcoded into my programming, says 'A robot may not harm a human, or through inaction, allow a human to come to harm." As Wily's eyes narrowed in confusion from the emphasis, Mega Man stepped back. "Rush, keep him pinned here," he ordered. Rush quickly moved to obey, pinning Wily beneath him. "I need to go find Vinyl." He turned to leave the room.

Albert felt his heart skip a few beats. "You can't!" Wily shouted out. "You could never go through with such a thing! You care too much!"

"My personality simulation is just that, Doctor," Mega Man replied without turning around. "A simulation. I, like any robot, am a tool. My brain is a difference engine. If projected calculations indicate that killing Vinyl will save humans, then I won't hesitate." He took another step forward.

"I order you to halt!" Wily gasped out desperately, struggling against Rush.

"I have long standing orders to ignore the orders of criminals if they interfere with my primary mission," Mega Man replied coolly, continuing out the door.

Wily refused to believe it. Wily could not accept that this would happen, wanted to call Mega Man's bluff. But as Mega Man turned the corner towards Vinyl's room...Albert broke. "Wait!" he called out, his voice broken. "I'll...I'll do it..."

Turning, Mega Man stepped back into the lab, hauled Albert up by his collar, and carried him over to the console.

Reaching out, Albert blindly activated the sequence that put him in contact with the latest eight Robot Masters. He then leaned forward and spoke into a microphone. "...abandon hope, all ye who enter here," he whispered, before slumping in on himself as his tears fell.

Elsewhere in the Fortress, eight teleportation signals indicated that the Robot Masters had been recalled. The screens indicated they were shutting down.

Mega Man turned Albert to face him, his voice dead. "Dr. Albert Wily, you're under arrest for crimes of robotic terrorism, destruction of property, and acts of world terrorism."

Saying no more, Mega Man teleported out, taking Albert Wily with him to jail...only for Protoman to step into the room, having gotten there in time to hear the end of the interaction, but too late to interfere.

Author's Note:

This chapter...it hurt to write. But after how I handled Skull Man after the end of 4...it was unavoidable.

Before the hate on Mega Man...wait for the next chapter. But otherwise, comment away.

:fluttercry:Ex...excuse me...:applecry:

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