• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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8: New Masters

Vinyl stared at the strange robot that had fallen from the stars, its features nearly completely concealed by its purple miasma. It seemed roughly humanoid, with a triangular upper body and strong limbs, including an oversized right fist, and was wearing a war helm of some sort. However, that was all Vinyl was able to make out, and it refused to speak or interact in any way, shape, or form. Vinyl had already used her magic to harvest some of the miasma it constantly released for study, as well as bits of blue miasma that had clung to the robot, presumably left from the conflict with the other robot. The results of just the initial examinations were both fascinating and terrifying...but she wouldn't speak about that until she had more information. Thankfully, both types of energy seemed to be self-multiplying, generating more of itself when stored properly, so she had plenty of samples to work with.

For now, she turned her attention away. It was time to review the troops, as she needed to be certain they could handle their duties. Albert had built them without her input, since she was focused on getting the Fortress up and running and properly containing the alien robot. Besides, she was genuinely curious as far as what designs he'd used, and what personalities she'd be dealing with this time around.

When she reached the robotics lab, she was pleasantly surprised to see seven different Robot Masters already familiarizing themselves with their duties on the island and the overall layout of their designated areas, already on the job. Albert was sitting back in the middle, observing them all, though he smiled widely as he saw Vinyl come in. "Vinyl!" he called happily, rising to his feet. "Make any progress on analyzing those energy samples?"

"Nothing definitive," Vinyl replied as she raced up to him for a hug and nuzzle. "But what I have discovered so far has me progressing cautiously."

Albert raised his eyebrows. "Something making you cautious? Now I'm worried!"

Vinyl punched him gently on the leg as he burst into laughter. "Da~ad!" she complained.

Chuckling, Albert gestured to the Robot Masters. "Care to meet your new subordinates?" he offered.

Smiling, Vinyl followed Albert to the first robot. It was primarily bright green, had a boxy upper body, a square head, and a spherical lower body with two smaller spheres orbiting it as it floated around. "This is Astro Man," Albert explained. "He specializes in gravity manipulation."

"Pleased to meet you!" Vinyl proclaimed, putting her hoof up.

"Beep!" Astro Man responded firmly.

"You ready to handle your duties?" Vinyl inquired.


"Well...I suppose I can see what I can do about that..."


Vinyl gasped. "Now there's no reason to take that tone with me!"


"Now enough of that!" Vinyl insisted, stomping her hoof. "Behave yourself.


"That's better," Vinyl complimented, turning to leave.

Albert followed her along. "So...what was he saying?" he asked curiously.

"Beep," Vinyl replied logically, making Albert facepalm. She grinned widely as she approached a new Robot Master, one with a mostly brown humanoid body and a massive sword instead of a right hand. "You certainly look interesting," she praised.

"My thanks, little lady," the robot replied, his voice having a somewhat strong Spanish accent. "Tell me...might you know a blue armored robot of great power and deep, firm voice?"

Vinyl blinked, wondering why he'd be asking about Mega Man. "...why?" she asked curiously.

"Because the robot I describe...he has killed many of my kin," the robot explained. "I seek him with every breath. And when I find him, I will say...Allo! My name is Sword Man. You killed my brothers. Prepare to die."

Vinyl couldn't stop herself from giggling. "You gave him that personality on purpose!" she accused of Albert.

"What?" Albert demanded, shocked. "You suspect me of deliberately affecting the formulation of one of my Robot Master's personalities for the sake of a joke you'll enjoy? Inconceivable!"

"You keep using that word," Sword Man pointed out as Vinyl fell onto her side laughing hysterically. "I do not think it means what you think it means."

"Forsooth," another surprisingly familiar voice spoke up, as large hands gently lifted Vinyl off the floor as she continued to laugh. "Surely you must cease this jocularity, lest the young maid do herself harm in her amusement."

Vinyl gasped as she recognized the voice. "Elec Man!" she squealed happily, turning to see him...only to come face to face with a short robot with incredibly long multi-colored arms wearing a jester's cap. She promptly burst into laughter again.

"Verily," the robot sighed. "Tis I, now uploaded into a new body with new functions. Discarding the mask of drama, I now don the mask of comedy...for I am now Clown Man."

Vinyl managed to stifle her giggles. "Well...it certainly seems to fit you...sorta."

"And I am not the only old face wearing a new one this day," Clown Man explained. "But the others are currently busy, and one other is not."

Smiling, Vinyl turned where she was directed and saw a two-headed Robot Master in camo colors, staling along as he braced the massive gun that was his right arm with his left hand. As he stalked past the group, he paused. One head turned towards them, put a finger to his lips, and whispered, "Shhh! Be vewy vewy quiet!"

"We're hunting Mega-ish Men!" the other head added, before the whole robot continued to stalk away.

"...Mega-ish?" Vinyl asked curiously.

"They're programmed to attack any robots that aren't on the registry of staff here with power levels rivaling Mega Man that aren't Mega Man," Albert explained.

"Oh," Vinyl replied, understanding. "So...who's next?"

When no face presented itself, Clown Man sighed. "Brother, do come out!"

"B-b-but I'm s-s-scared..." another familiar voice responded.

"Brother, now you be in the body of a frost giant!" Clown Man countered. "How can it be that fear still has hold upon your spark?"

"N-now I'm scared I'll s-step on someone I c-c-care about..." the voice whimpered.

Sighing, Clown Man stretched out one arm to behind the wall, seized hold of something, and proceeded to drag out a robot that resembled a giant gorilla made of ice blocks. "This be Frost Man," Clown Man introduced. "Our introverted brother has been reborn in this shape of mighty thews...and yet timidity still claims his soul. Truly, there is naught that can be done to change some things."

"You said a mouthful," a familiar calm voice spoke as a new robot walked in, this one's body resembling a giant grenade, complete with a pin coming off the back of its head. "Although being reuploaded into a new body can change some things as we adapt, our core essence remains."

"Bomb Man?" Vinyl gasped out happily.

"Indeed," the robot replied. "Once more I have a chance to be one with destruction, the power I was created twice to wield. This time, it is the essence of my design that makes it so..." He put his hand to his pin. "...as Grenade Man."

"So cool..." Vinyl whispered in awe.

"Not as cool as me!" a high pitched voice proclaimed as another robot raced up. This one had a spherical torso filled with water, what looked like a robot fire hose for a right arm, and a half dome over its eyes like a top hat that was also filled with water. "I'm Aqua Man, and I'm going to save the day! Whooooosh!" As he proclaimed his last word, he rushed off in a Superman pose even as the turbines in his torso revved with a whooshing sound.

Vinyl turned to stare at her father. "...did you turn the laundry machine into a Robot Master?" she asked flatly.

"...multitasking?" Albert offered lamely. "I mean...it's not like I could create a water robot that could compete with Umikage!"

"You could at least try..." Vinyl groaned. "I mean, the rest of these guys look cool! He just looks...weird." Shaking her head, she rubbed her temple with one hoof. "So...where's number 8?"

"He likes to make an entrance," Albert explained.

At that moment, all the lights went out save for a spotlight that slowly trailed towards a figure. As it illuminated hovering boots, a deep, sonorous voice sang out.

"T is for Tyranny, which I shall surely bring"

As the song continued, the light rose higher, now illuminating long, strong legs.

"E is for Extermination, about which I do sing"

A three pointed green blade, like a leaf fan, on one arm, a white hand on the other.

"N is for Never-Ending, to which my powers grow
G is for my Greatness, which everyone shall know"

Two silver and black wings like blades jutting from the back.

"U is for Ultimate, of all my Maker's bots"

An incredibly long nose.

"M-A is for Magnificent, without a hint of rot"

A crimson face mask.

"N is for the Nightmare, on my enemies I'll bestow"

The lights all came on, revealing the Robot Master completely as he finished his song.

"My name is Tengu Man...and I'd like to say hello."

Vinyl stared at him for a while. "...Dad? Why'd you put Cut Man in a wind bot?"

"I'm not Cut Man!" Tengu Man roared out angrily as the other Robot Masters burst into laughter.

Author's Note:

Sword Man personality suggested by Kenshinryuu

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