• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Error Message

(Suggested Listening)

As new music once more overrode the world around him, Mega Man prepared himself for the world to change. He gripped Rush's handlebars tight and kept his eyes peeled, staring as the road and buildings around him rose and shifted as the mystical sounds altered perceptions of reality.

As Mega Man's sensors attempted to make sense of what he was seeing, he was forced to close his eyes as every internal system started giving errors. He quickly went through the error messages, trying to figure out which systems were causing problems so he could open his eyes without crashing. Eventually, he found the systems in question, and deactivated them in an attempt to adjust to the new perception of reality. His internal gyroscope, his radar and sonar systems, and his GPS. While doing so made him nervous, he promised himself he wouldn't let go of Rush and rely on him to keep him safe. With that done, he opened his eyes.

To say that the world around him made no sense was the greatest understatement Mega Man could ever think. The road swirled, twisted, dove, rose, and tied itself in knots in, over, around, and through the various buildings, which seemed to blend together in such a way that Mega Man couldn't even tell which way was the sky. Somehow, he could look down towards the ground and see the top of buildings. It was like looking at what M.C. Escher would have drawn if he was high and listening to Yakety Sax. He could see various robots racing in and out of buildings, but they seemed just as lost and confused as he was beginning to feel. One Mettool raced into a doorway, only to come spinning on its helmet out of another on the opposite side of the city and on the underside of the road.

Mega Man stared at the scene for a time, making sure Rush was idling and not about to go through any of the doorways accidentally. "...I'm not going to try to make sense of this," he stated finally. "There's no fun in suffering processor meltdown."

"I am Junk Man!" a nearby crimson and gold motorcycle shouted out as it drove up. "And there is no fun in making sense!"

Mega Man turned to stare. As he did, the motorcycle emitted an unusual sound as it began to unfold into a robot that Mega Man assumed was Junk Man, though it didn't look like one of Wily or Vinyl's usual designs. It's body was crimson and gold, standing tall, though the various parts seemed somewhat mismatched and barely held together despite the color matching. A spike extended from each shoulder, each elbow, and each knee, and the front wheel of the motorcycle had become a shield on his arm, covered in spikes. It also wore a crimson helm. "Uhh..." Mega Man greeted nervously.

"I am Junk Man!" the robot greeted happily, a large grin on its face. "And I exist to do battle with Mega Man!" He blinked for a time. "Umm...what's a Mega Man? Have you seen one around here?"

Mega Man hesitated. As he stared at the robot for a time, he realized he could very easily claim that any one of a number of the robots around him was 'a Mega Man', and end this conflict - with this Robot Master at least - without violence. Several things stopped him, however. First, he could tell this had Vinyl's hoof in things, and after all the effort she went to for this, he knew she'd be terribly disappointed in him if he pulled something like that. Second, he wasn't entirely sure how to get out of the altered cityscape. But the biggest issue he came across was an unwillingness to take advantage of Junk Man, however stupid he apparently was.

"Having trouble sighting a Mega Man?" Junk Man asked. "I know what you mean. Ever since my music tape changed the world around us, I've been having trouble figuring out how to get around too. But Vinyl says the only way it'll stop is if I'm shut down-"

"I'm Mega Man!" That last tidbit of information decided Mega Man's confusion. If he wanted out, he had to win the fight. He was not looking forward to driving around and hunting a Robot Master in the insane maze, however.

Junk Man's eyes lit up. "I am Junk Man, and I exist to do battle with you! Now we race through this area in an attempt to smash each other without getting lost..." Junk Man stared out at the crazy architecture. "Umm...I'm not entirely sure that's possible. I get the feeling we'd spend half the time trying to figure out where we are in relation to each other. Somehow I don't think combat that's half 'Marco-Polo' is very exciting..."

"Probably not," Mega Man agreed. "You're smarter than I gave you credit for."

Junk Man grinned widely. "I am Junk Man, and I am smarter than I was given credit for!" He posed proudly, hands clenched in fists on his hips as he pulled a graduation cap out of his chest and placed it on his head.

"...okay, you're still half stupid," Mega Man replied with a chuckle.

"I am Junk Man, and I dare to be half-stupid!" Junk Man proclaimed. Reaching into his chest compartment, he pulled out a giant pair of scissors, pulling them apart at the joint. "I will run with half a scissor!" With that, he rounded on Mega Man, wielding his half-scissor like a sword.

Mega Man yelped as he leapt back, landing on Rush and racing off to get some distance. Junk Man charged in pursuit, shifting back into motorcycle form while keeping his sword arm out. "How am I supposed to fight here?" Mega Man demanded as he tried to shoot back at Junk Man, only for the wheel to once more turn sideways like a shield and deflect the blasts. "I brought a gun to a sword fight!"

A hawk's hunting cry cut the air, and Beat swooped in, a sword clutched in his talons. Diving low, he dropped it to Mega Man, who caught it in one hand. Spinning Rush around, he reached up and unsheathed the sword, the blade glittering with plasma energy.

With a wide grin, Mega Man revved Rush's engine. "Let's d-" He paused, remembering Junk Man's tendency to react to things literally. "Time for sword chicken!"

"I am Junk Man!" Junk Man called back as he charged forward. "And I-"

Rush roared forward, and the swords flashed.

"...really should have kept my sword on the correct side for that," Junk Man finished as he fell apart.

Mega Man turned, ready to claim victory...only to notice the world not changing perceptive states. To his surprise, an electrical field inside Junk Man started to pull his parts back together. Thinking quickly, he switched to Thunder Bolt and fired several shots into Junk Man's parts.

"I am...no longer Junk Man!" Junk Man called out as his body exploded, the world shifting back to normal as his ethereal impression flowed into Mega Man, the shield symbol appearing on his chest as he drove off.

"I hope the next one won't make things so...crazy," Mega Man mumbled worriedly.

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