• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,751 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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7: Scoop of the Day

(Suggested Listening)

As Mega Man raced down the road, he was startled to see it change, taking on a rainbow hue as it shot upwards into the sky, taking crazy loops as he clung tight to Rush. Much to his surprise, Rush's wheels flipped on their sides and glowed, anchoring himself to the road as it proceeded to do movements that no understanding of physics could ever accept. He'd noticed the music change, even if his perception of his appearance and Rush's hadn't. Obviously, his cassette wasn't the only one that could alter reality around him, and the others apparently had priority over his.

Hearing an unusual whirring sound, he glanced upwards, expecting to see Wily's saucer incoming. Instead, he saw the ground far above him and the bottom of a cloud. Riding the cloud upside down was an orange and purple figure with several sparking orbs floating in a circle behind him, his armored form having taken on the appearance of a turtle shell. In one hand, he held a sphere in which various icons swirled. In his other, he held a fishing rod. "You started the race early!" he proclaimed tauntingly. "I'm going to have to penalize you for that. What a scoop, 'Blue Bomber Caught Cheating in Grand Prix'! Time to take you back to start!"

With that, Cloud Man swooped down - Mega Man told himself fervently that it was down relative to himself and that was all that mattered - with fishing rod outstretched, attempting to snag him with the empty hook. Mega Man swerved Rush to the left to avoid it, only to bank right as he nearly went off the track. "Going to have to try harder than that!" Mega Man called out.

"Oh, but I can!" Cloud Man shouted back, the sphere in his hand spinning with a sound like a video game's roulette wheel. When it dinged loudly, he hurled out...a large green shell.

Reacting quickly, Mega Man steered Rush off the track and onto another loop, everything finally becoming familiar. "You'll have to do better than that!" he called back. "Vinyl never could beat me at these games!"

"She had to rely on luck!" Cloud Man called out, his sphere now providing a Red Shell which homed in on Mega Man.

"And I'm not bound by the rules!" With that shout, Mega Man leapt off of Rush. Rush, for his part, spun on the track and caught the incoming red shell in his teeth, crushing it in his jaws as he spun back around for Mega Man to land on him, once more shooting down the track.

"You think you can beat me at my own game?" Cloud Man roared out, hurling several black bombs with faces straight at Mega Man.

Smirking, Mega Man spun around in a wheelie, firing off the Danger Wrap to catch the bombs in them. The speed they were travelling in caused Cloud Man to slam into the bombs before he could course correct. Since Mega Man maintained his speed, he was able to gain a major lead to plan out his next move.

"You will not make a mockery of me!" Cloud Man roared out, lifting his hands on calling down bolts of lightning from the sky. "I'll teach you a lesson you won't forget!"

Staring up at the sky, Mega Man did the only thing he could think of. Shooting ahead, he found an area where the track was upside down, drove up into the loop, and stopped, trusting to Rush to keep him there. The bolts of lightning rained down, but they only hit the track. Mega Man took a few deep breaths to calm himself down. "You missed!" he shouted out, grinning ear to ear.

Cloud Man laughed maniacally. "You really think that's all it takes to beat me? Arrogant fool!" Pulling back the sphere hand, he clutched a spiky blue shell. "You've just activated my Trap Card!" Aiming straight up, he hurled it right at Mega Man.

Eyes wide, Mega Man did the first thing that came to mind. Holding the charge for the Danger Wrap, he let the bomb drop out of the bubble...and let go of Rush.

Cloud Man cheered with joy as he witnessed the massive blue explosion, certain now of his victory. "You should know better than to try and win a race against the referee!" he squealed out, bouncing back and forth in a crazed dance of glee.

"And you shouldn't gloat before the fight is over!" Mega Man called out as he dropped out of the explosion and smoke, somewhat singed but otherwise in good health. "You just activated my Alucard!" As he said that, he landed foot first on Cloud Man's head, kicking him right off his cloud and to the track below, where Rush - once more in dog form, but looking much wilder - lunged in and clamped his jaws down on Cloud Man's head, shaking him back and forth like he was worrying a bone.

As Mega Man flipped, he remembered how close it had come. Had the blue shell hit him dead on, the point-focus of the explosion would have obliterated him. However, since he dropped the bomb above him, it hit the shell first, protecting him much from most of the blast. The cover had been all he needed to get the drop on Cloud Man...literally. Coming down, he signaled Rush, who released Cloud Man just in time for Mega Man to land on Cloud Man's back with both feet.

Much to Mega Man's surprise, a much smaller Cloud Man shot out of the head hole of the turtle shell he appeared to be wearing. Landing behind the shell, Mega Man grinned as he gave it a hard kick. The shell slammed into Cloud Man, causing both to explode violently.

As Mega Man climbed onto Rush Cycle once more, the road turned back towards the ground as an ethereal image of Cloud Man fused with him, adding gold to his blue armor as a lightning bolt appeared on his chest, signaling he'd acquired the Thunder Bolt. Powering up Rush's engine, he shot back down to ground level to hunt his next opponent.

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