• Published 10th Aug 2015
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Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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10: Speed Run

Nitro Man seemed to be active in the city streets, rather than in any specific location. Once the trio teleported to the right general area, they began to explore.

Eventually, they began to approach one specific building, where they were attacked by car-like robots with turrets on top of them. Destroying the car-bodies caused the turret to fly away while shooting at them. Destroying the turret top caused the car-body to charge them at high speed. By working together, the trio was able to destroy both parts easily, and thus climb into the structure via ladders.

At the top of the ladders, they discovered they were inside a parking structure, and rogue trucks drove through at irregular intervals, barely clearing some parts of the roof. When there was clearance, jumping over them was a simple task.

This only became more complex at the third parking level, where the trucks payload made them too tall to jump over. However, a launch of Chill Spikes caused the trucks' tires to be popped, making them swerve and crash away from the trio before exploding. The trio took turns doing so in order to conserve ammo for when they came across Nitro Man himself.

Climbing back down the structure at the other side proved rather simple, as it was a shaft filled with spike traps and bomb platforms, both of which were easily evaded by the trio. This proved the last major obstacle before the trio reached Nitro Man himself.

Their information proved somewhat inaccurate, as Nitro Man was motorcycle-based rather than car-based. He entered the final chamber in motorcycle form before shifting back into robot form, with a crimson armored upper body and a grey, unarmored lower body. He wore a biker's helmet that matched his armor, and had an exhaust pipe on his left shoulder.

The trio discovered two separate strategies as they fought Nitro Man. If the shot of ice hit Nitro Man before landing on the ground, it froze him for a few moments. However, if he landed on the spikes that formed when the shot hit the ground - whether on foot from jumping or running over them in motorcycle form - his systems showed far greater damage. More concerning was his tactic of throwing wheels, which reminded Mega Man far too much of Metal Man's Metal Blades in shape, if not function.

The best strategy they quickly discovered was for Mega Man to freeze-lock Nitro Man, allowing Bass and Prometheus to blast him with their busters. This drained his energy rapidly, allowing them to send his defunct form back to the lab and acquire the Wheel Cutter weapon.

"One down-" Prometheus began, only to notice Mega Man shuddering. "Bro? You okay?"

"Other than the bouncing...it's the Metal Blade..." he muttered under his breath.

"Still not over that?" Bass asked, surprised.

"Mostly over it," Mega Man answered. "Just...bad memories."

"Well, only one more to go," Prometheus assured them. "Commando Man, at the desert army base."

The army base seemed to have almost been swallowed by the desert by the time the trio arrived. The first area was overrun by quicksand, which was also filled with mines and other hazards. Beyond there, spontaneous sandstorms blotted out any and all visibility in some areas, and even interfered with other sensors, leaving the trio to maneuver by speed to try and outrun the sandstorm, or blind luck if that failed. Eventually, the only way they could move safely forward was to have Prometheus take point while the others held on to the end of his scarf, ready to pull him up if he fell into a pit.

Once inside the base itself, things were less nerve wracking, as it was well lit and quite straightforward. Unfortunately, it turned out to only be the first building, and a very short break from dealing with the desert hazards. Thankfully, they discovered that they could ride Rush and Treble over the sandstorm in some cases to get past it when it happened, allowing them to make it more safely to the final chamber of the base, where Commando Man waited.

Despite his name, Commando Man was built more like a tank than a soldier. When he dropped into the chamber, the entire building shook. His heavily armored chassis was bright green, and he had two heavy rocket launchers instead of arms. He fought by firing off the rockets and jumping, each landing shaking the chamber and knocking the trio off their feet. Quite by accident, Mega Man discovered that if the Wheel Cutter was held rather than thrown, it could pull them straight up a wall for an aerial advantage.

Before long, the trio settled on barraging Commando Man with as many Wheel Cutters as they could get into the air at once, which put him down before too long. Once he was sent back to the lab, giving the trio the Commando Bomb weapon.

"Time to go check on the progress of the cure," Prometheus mused.

As the trio returned to the lab, Mega Man started to stagger. "Ugh...what the...?"

"Mega Man?" Prometheus asked worriedly. "You okay?" He started to take a step towards him, only for Bass to hold him back.

"He's got it," Bass warned just as Mega Man sneezed.

"Thankfully, we've managed to make a cure," Dr. Wily spoke up as he approached, holding out a small capsule. "Eat this, Mega Man."

Nodding, Mega Man ate the capsule. After a time, the headache, nausea, and stuffy nose faded, though he still didn't feel 100%. "It...it worked..."

"Efficiency's not the best," Wily admitted as he handed a capsule to Bass. "But considering the delivery system of the virus, it's the best we've got."

"Delivery system of the virus?" Prometheus asked as Bass took his capsule, marked with different colors from the one Mega Man had eaten. Plainly, Bass was being given a vaccine, rather than a cure.

"Its original form is a biological virus," Wily explained. "It's completely harmless to humans, but if it gets into a robot's artificial digestive tract, it converts to a computer virus when interpreted as data by the computer systems of the robot...at which point it attacks the robotic brain. The simple ones are rendered inoperable, while the complex ones are driven to berserker fury as the virus attacks the personality matrix." He rubbed his chin thoughtfully. "Fiendishly clever in design, I must admit. Obviously designed as a weapon against those robots built to be more human, and designed so that the more advanced a robot is, the more dangerous it becomes once infected."

"How come I wasn't infected, then?" Prometheus asked curiously.

"We still haven't fully analyzed your build data in your new form," Wily admitted, "but if I had to guess, you were infected, but your body created antibodies to the virus before it left your biological systems. I actually formulated the vaccine that I gave Bass just now from a sample I took from you when you were here last."

"So now you can cure any robot that has it, and vaccinate those who don't?" Bass asked curiously as Mega Man slumped into a nearby chair.

"Yes, but those who need curing will go into standby for a time while their system is cleaned out," Wily explained. "How long depends on how far along their infection is. Mega Man should be fine by tomorrow. It might take a few days with others, though, possibly as long as a week."

"That could be bad if anyone decides to take advantage of that," Prometheus murmured worriedly. "I mean, whoever did this could be expecting this cure, and will try to take over and destroy robots before any of the victims recover."

"That's why we're returning to Sky Lagoon now," Wily explained. "In order to prevent that, Vinyl's reactivated eight Robot Masters that Mega Man hasn't fought before and is going to make a world takeover attempt, so that whoever actually set this up can't do it themselves." Pulling out a rather fancy card, he laid it in Mega Man's lap. "She even went to the trouble of crafting a 'Final Challenge' letter to him, nice calligraphy and everything."

"Won't this just make people believe she was behind the virus in the first place?" Bass asked nervously. "I mean, the cure comes from a bot loyal only to her, and before the world's fully recovered, she's trying to take over?"

"Apparently, the whole thing was a frame up, anyway," Wily explained. "She found a skull fortress already in place, and has already taken it over. No sign of whoever was actually behind it, though."

Groaning, Prometheus buried his face in one hand. "Does she really think this will work?"

"She's prepared a video challenge to the entire world," Wily explained. "If Mega Man beats her this time, she's going to leave Earth forever for the Mars colony, along with the rest of us. If Mega Man loses, he has to give up trying to stop her conquest forever. With the state the world's in now, there wouldn't be anything else the world governments could do to stop us."

"So...now we're taking over the world to stop someone worse from managing it?" Bass inquired. When this was greeted with nods, he smirked. "Just checking. Does that mean we're the heroes this time?"

"Depends on who wins," Wily muttered as they were beamed back to the Sky Lagoon.

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