• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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Round 1

Mr. X floated over the arena as the crowd cheered. By appearance, it was just a standard boxing ring, although with a great deal of tech surrounding it. Raising his hands, Mr. X waved for silence before speaking up. "And here we have our arena, specially crafted for this tournament. A high powered energy field surrounds the ring, which will negate any energy based attacks passing through said barrier, allowing the Robot Masters to go nuts on each other without concern for civilian casualties! Oh, and don't worry, it's been tested against the power output of all the Robot Masters present. Even all of them together couldn't overload it."

Seeing the relief that brought everyone, he continued his explanation. "All matches will be a single round. The match ends when one of the robots surrenders, is decommissioned, is unable to move for a ten count, or passes through the energy field. And before each match, my daughter X-P0N3 will interview each Robot Master to let you get a sense of them, and their creators."

X-P0N3 smiled and waved as she made her way around to the first Robot Master she was to interview, riding Item 2 to stay at head level. "First up is the Frigid Fiend from the Far North...let's have a round of applause for Blizzard Man!" As the applause rang, she moved up to the Robot Master. He resembled a large snowball with metallic legs and arms. Green energy cores ran up and down his torso, and his only accessories were skis, ski poles, and an orange beanie. "What can you tell us about yourself, Blizzard Man?"

"I bring a new cold front to this battlefield!" Blizzard Man proclaimed, his voice thickly accented. At X-P0N3's flat eyed stare, he shrugged. "Forgive me. I just wanted to break the ice."

X-P0N3 stared at him for a time, then moved on. "And in this corner, the Dreaded Double Dragon...Welsh Standard!" As the cheers rang, she approached the crimson armored bot, the scale patterned mail covering his entire body save green power crystals in the torso and each gauntlet. "How do you think today's battle is going to go?"

"I cannot help but be victorious!" Welsh Standard proclaimed proudly. "I am truly the mightiest robot here, and have at my disposal a strategy I personally have developed which has never failed!"

"Wow!" X-P0N3 gasped in amazement. "How many battles have you been in?"

"W-what does that have to do with anything?" Welsh Standard countered.

X-P0N3 sighed. "Just get in the ring," she grumbled, floating back up to Mr. X.

"Ready...fight!" Mr. X proclaimed.

Blizzard Man readied himself to fight, only to see his opponent standing there, tensed up. "Talk about a cold reception-"

"BOOST!" Welsh Standard proclaimed, energy flaring off of him as he lunged forward.

Blizzard Man quickly dashed to the side to evade the lunge. Welsh Standard's fist slammed into the floor of the ring, sending up a massive explosive force. "Now that's cool," Blizzard Man muttered.

Welsh Standard once more took up the same pose. Three seconds later, he shouted, "BOOST!" and lunged for Blizzard Man again.

This time, Blizzard Man faced the lunge, dodging individual strikes as he swayed back and forth, each strike coming faster and harder than expected. One particularly fast strike sent him flying back into the edge of the ring, where the ropes stretched to catch his impact. Taking advantage of that, Blizzard Man slingshot himself back at Welsh Standard. "You need to chill!" he snapped as he body checked his opponent.

Welsh Standard staggered backwards, the energy around him dissipating. He then began focusing energy again.

Blizzard Man's eyes narrowed, an idea coming to him. "Let's see how a hothead like you handles things...when winter comes!" Throwing his arms to either side, he froze the entire ring, covering it in ice.

"BOOST!" Welsh Standard roared, lunging forward again. Blizzard Man slid to the side on his skis, but when Welsh Standard tried to stop or turn, his feet skid on the ice, unable to get a good grip before he plowed into the side of the ring. His extra momentum sent him rocketing around the arena, unable to get any traction.

"Seems the wind blows cold for you now," Blizzard Man pointed out as he gathered his own power. "Dragons are like dinosaurs. Neither could handle...the ice age!" Throwing his arms forward, he froze Welsh Standard as his gathered energy failed, and threw out a ramp of ice. The frozen foe flew up the ramp, launching up and out of the ring to crash above the stands.

"Ring out!" Mr. X proclaimed as the audience cheered. "Winner...Blizzard Man!"

Smiling, X-P0N3 flew over to Blizzard Man. "Right at first, that seemed to be an even match, but you certainly claimed a dramatic victory. To what do you attribute your amazing triumph?"

Blizzard Man chuckled softly. "Welsh Standard needs to learn how to chill!"

X-P0N3 stared at him flat eyed. "Please...just stop talking...the puns...they hurt..."

Mr. X quickly took over the announcing. "Well, there you have it folks! Blizzard Man is the first Robot Master to move ahead in this Tournament! It seems for all his power, Welsh Standard just wasn't very adaptable. Here's hoping future matches are more impressive. But for now we'll take a brief intermission so everyone can grab snacks, or whatever else they need to do before the next match...because I promise you it's going to be an explosive battle!"

Author's Note:

Welsh Standard submitted by F14m3rz.

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