• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,751 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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8: Blast Off

Duo raced through the sky, using his senses to lock onto the Evil Energy that was on the planet's surface. Having transformed his body almost entirely into Justice Energy for transport, he was all but immune to physical damage as he flew, so he doubted if anything he encountered on his trip to what was apparently an island in the middle of the ocean - and skull-shaped at that - would give him any sort of problem.

As such, he was understandably perplexed when he lowered close to the sea level to recieve a white energy beam to the face that slammed him bodily into the rocky archipelago that shaped the island's 'teeth', rapidly drained his energy, and forced him to revert to his physical state. "What in this world?" he demanded in shock as he floated out of the pillar he'd slammed into, letting it collapse behind him.

"Yeah, that'd be me."

"Roll?" Duo asked in confusion as he turned towards the source of the voice...only to spy a robot in dirty looking red and yellow armor. "...you are not female," he commented dryly.

The robot threw his arms into the air in frustration. "Seriously, Dad! Let me have my normal voice back in battle mode already! I'm sorry about laughing about the Novocain!"

"...you are not Roll," Duo repeated, seeking clarification.

"No, I'm Mega Man," the strange robot replied. "Sis called me as soon as you shot off here to kill Vinyl. I'm here to stop you."

Duo growled as he braced himself. Despite his mission, there was another protocol inside him that was causing him problems now. He wasn't supposed to fight another Justice user, whether actual or potential. While it had higher priority over actual, his senses showed a strong affinity for Justice Energy in the robot before him, even if he had never been exposed. As such, it went against the grain as far as his programming to simply go all out against him. "Very well," he grumbled. "Then I will make you-" He paused, noticing something else. "Why are you glowing-"

Without warning, Mega Man shot forward, flames shooting out of his hindquarters as he body-checked Duo back into another rock pillar before bringing his buster around, unleashing another white beam, using the recoil to push himself back to land. "That's why," Mega Man replied simply. "It's called the Skull Blast."

"Stop! Doing that!" Duo roared out as he sent a surge of Justice Energy through his body to accelerate his self-repair. Locking his eyes on Mega Man, he raced forward, pulling his fist back. He wasn't surprised when Mega Man rolled out of the way, but the discharge when his fist slammed into the ground still sent Mega Man flying back. "Hold still and fight-" He rocked back as he received a flame driven kick in the head. "What kind of weapon is that, anyway?"

"A useful joke!" Mega Man proclaimed as he gripped Duo's shoulders, flipped himself around...and unleashed a point-blank flaming fart right in Duo's face as he launched himself forward to get some distance.

Duo screamed in frustration as he wiped at his face. "Look, I can see a strong Justice in you. I don't want to fight you..."

"And I don't really want to fight you, either," Mega Man admitted. "But I'm not about to let you go kill someone when I can stop you."

"Why?" Duo demanded. "I aim to destroy evil!"

"And I've got nothing against that," Mega Man countered. "I'm fine with the idea of seeking out evil and destroying it. But I'm a robot. Beyond anything else, the First Law means I can't stand by and let someone my program classifies as human get hurt if I can act to prevent it. And my program classifies Vinyl as human." Lowering his voice, he murmured, "Can't count the mental issues I wouldn't have if somebody had thought to do that a lot sooner..."

"I can fix that for you, then," Duo offered, calling up a function of his Justice Energy state.


Before Mega Man could react, Duo had blurred forward and gripped his head in his massive hand. For a brief moment, both Duo and Mega Man entered a pure energy state, and then they were back to normal. "There," Duo explained. "It's not a full fix, but I've reconfigured the connection between your programming and personality cores. Your command structure is now part of your personality core, rather than your programming core, with the programming core acting as a preprogrammed set of ethics rather than an iron-clad command structure."

Mega Man staggered back, stunned. "Then...I actually have...true free will now?" he asked, stunned.

"Not entirely," Duo replied. "For some reason, the restructure left you incapable of disobeying orders from an entity identified as Kalinka Cossack. No idea who that is."

"Huh. ...wouldn't really want to upset her by telling her no, anyway," Mega Man admitted.

"Her? Oh, a female. Yes, that would likely be your updated self preservation protocols," Duo admitted. "Well, now that I've fixed that, you don't have to stand in my way as I go after this Vinyl-"

Another blast of white from Mega Man's buster slammed Duo into yet another pillar of stone above the water. "The bleep!?" Duo demanded angrily.

"Don't have to," Mega Man confirmed. "Still want to. She's still one of my best friends, after all." He grinned widely. "Besides..."

Ten more robots teleported in. Eight seemed to be designed along an elemental theme of some sort. One was black armored and stood beside Mega Man, bracing his large buster. The last was armored in red and seemed to be of similar design to Mega Man, standing to his other side.

"...I'm not the only one here to stop you," Mega Man concluded.

Duo gritted his teeth firmly as he stood upright. As he analyzed his situation, the programming restrictions relaxed as the situation dictated the survival of potential Justice users being of lower priority of his own survival, or the priority of destroying Evil Energy. "Fine then," he growled out as he released his internal limiters, no longer holding anything back. "Die with her, then."

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