• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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FARTing Around

The Mysterious Mr. X moved his hoverchair into position atop the podium as the gathered scientists, roboticists, politicos, spectators, and press delegates gathered below the balcony, looking up at where he, X-P0N3, and Mega Man stood. He cleared his throat as he brought the microphone to his lips. "Greetings, citizens of our world!" he proclaimed dramatically. "As you all know, the world has changed. More and more, humanity has come to rely upon robots, whether for minor services, defense of the home and country, care taking, or any other job that it is inefficient or unsafe for humans to do. At the same time, robotics has become an outlet for the imagination, as scientists build into reality their greatest dreams.

"Dreams of the future...dreams of a new world...of many new worlds out there amongst the stars..." Mr. X took a deep breath. "This is the dream that has driven every scientific advancement since man first struck rocks together over dry tinder. The fundamental question of human curiosity and adventure. What will I find beyond the next hill? Across the next lake? On the other side of the river? In the depths of the sea? Beyond the clouds?" He spread his arms wide. "So to have we built up everything we have ever made. Always, we desire to know...what is next to be discovered?"

He paused for a time, letting what he'd said so far sink in. "And that is the essence of robotics as well," he continued. "We take up the mantle of God, and create a new form of life, imbuing into them the laws, rules, and dictates we deem appropriate to this new life...laws we have agreed upon to keep us safe. For though we take on the mantle of Creator with our robots, we know ourselves to not be gods. And yet...and yet they accept the yoke we place upon them, welcoming it. They become more than just tools, more than just an experiment. We give them a personality unique to them...and they become our friends.

"But there will always be those who seek to destroy what others have built. Those who see the progress of others as a threat to themselves." He lowered his eyes, spreading his arms dramatically. "And thus we become paranoid, seeing danger in all around us. Our leaders tell us that we must be safe, be secure...and so we turn to our friends, our creations, our robots...and they become our protectors. We give them strength beyond any we can wield ourselves, and place them as wardens over our safety, to ensure that the dangers we know are out there cannot reach us.

"And they do so without hesitation. They take up the mantle we have thrust upon them, facing unknowable threats to body and mind, in a struggle that tears them apart only to let them slowly be put back together. Any human who went through what they do for us would fall apart after a few of such battles." He gestured for Mega Man to step forward. "But as our hero here has shown, these children of our mind bear the burden we have placed upon them and flourished! They greet us with a smile, a salute, and a promise to fight on...for the everlasting peace we all desire."

He paused, letting the gathered throng applaud for Mega Man, letting him enjoy the praise and adulation he had rightly earned as humanity's protector. He could see that Mega Man could feel the positive welcome so many people were giving him, and it was doing him good. He even smiled and waved, even going so far as to salute, which brought even more cheers.

Mr. X then spoke up again. "And that, my fellow citizens of Planet Earth, is why we are here today. For Mega Man has fought so many battles...more than it is fair to ask of him. It is time for him to pass the torch, to choose which amongst our creations has the drive, the ability, the spark of justice...to become Mega Man's apprentice, a fellow Defender of Humanity!" Shocked gasps raced through the throng. "That's right, scientists. If your robot proves victorious this day, he - or she, I see those female Robot Masters, whether built by female scientists or male ones who should really grow up the rest of the way -" He paused long enough for the laughter to die down. "The child of your mind may be remembered alongside Mega Man, the Blue Bomber himself, as a Hero of Justice and Peace!"

The cheers that greeted this announcement shook the building. As Mr. X had planned, this caused the banner behind him to unroll, and he raised his hands to it. "I give welcome to you all, to the First Annual Robotics Tournament!" He waited patiently for the applause...only to hear laughter instead. "Huh? What's so funny?" He turned towards Mega Man, only to see him glancing up at the banner and shaking with suppressed laughter and shooting an accusing glare at X-P0N3, who whistled innocently. Confused, he looked up.

The banner did indeed proclaim that this was the First Annual Robotics Tournament, but the first letter of each word was much larger than the rest, making it impossible to not see the acronym, which was the source of amusement for so many.

Mr. X stared, his jaw hanging. "Wha...how did I miss that?" he groaned, being met with yet more laughter. "Please tell me I'm not the only one who just saw that, America?" he begged, appealing to the citizenry of the host country.

At that moment, X-P0N3 began to play the Star Spangled Banner...on carefully tuned whoopee cushions of various sizes.

As the laughter grew and grew, Mr. X could only groan and bury his face in his hands. "And that's what people are going to remember," he grumbled under his breath as he backed away from the microphone. "Why did I bother?"

Mega Man rested his hand on Mr. X's back. "It's not so bad," he comforted. "I liked your speech."

Mr. X couldn't help but smile at that. It seemed he'd hit more nails on the head than he'd thought. "Thank you, Rock," he replied softly.

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