• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,750 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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Let's Watch Mega Man: 2-2

Author's Note:

For those wondering about the stage order, I'm using playthrough videos on Youtube for research on each game, and using the stage order the videos use. Please enjoy.

As the original screen came back up, Air Man beamed in beside them. "Who is he going up against next?" he asked, sitting down beside the sofa.

"From the looks of things," Wily murmured as one of the windows illuminated, "Crash Man."

"Had he beaten me, that would be interesting," Air Man admitted. "Crash Man's weakness is my Air Shooter. However, Mega Man does not have my weapon."

As they watched Mega Man struggle to climb up the ladders in the stage while floating bots slammed into him to knock him off the ladders, Protoman shrugged. "Maybe he was just hoping there wouldn't be any more pits or disappearing blocks."

Vinyl attempted to cackle wickedly, but it only came out as an adorable giggle, much to her frustration.

The Metools who blocked Mega Man's path had been given slots in their helmets that slid aside to let them shoot, so they never needed to come out from under cover. Screaming in visible frustration, Mega Man leapt over them to continue onward, looking up nervously at the moving platform he had to deal with next.

Three moving platforms with increasingly convoluted paths and a ladder to the heavens with increasingly complicated paths and frustrating enemy placements later, Mega Man finally reached Crash Man's boss chamber.

Crash Man smiled as Mega Man entered his chamber. "Welcome, Mega Man. I've been expecting you."

Mega Man caught his breath as he tried to deal with all the damage he'd taken on his way up. "If that's the case, you should have left a clearer path."

"And where would the fun in that be?" Crash Man asked with a chuckle. As Mega Man leveled his blaster, he waved his hand. "I have no intention of engaging in some churlish bout of fisticuffs or blasting with you. Hardly the gentlebot's approach."

Mega Man raised an eyebrow. "Then...you're surrendering?"

Crash Man let out a bark of laughter. "Hardly. I've presented you a challenge instead. Do you see the grid on the floor before you?"

Looking down, Mega Man saw the grid. "Uhh...yeah..."

"I have concealed numerous Crash Bombs beneath the squares of the grid," Crash Man explained. "However, there is a safe way across. I have prepared a series of clues to allow you to figure out that safe path. If you have determined the safe path in...two minutes after I give you the clues and make it to me without setting off any of the bombs, and are able to make it to me safely, I will surrender. If, however, you set off even a single bomb, I will leave...and you will have to escape the detonation of this entire room."

Mega Man's eyes widened, and he gulped. "A-alright," he agreed. "Let me see the clues."

Smiling, Crash Man threw Mega Man a packet of papers. "The time starts...now!"

Mega Man caught the packet and looked at the first page.

1. Read all clues before attempting to solve.
2. Divide the 322nd digit of pi by the square root of your DLN.
3. Combine the total number of robot masters you've fought with the cube root of the total number of Robot Masters created so far.
4. ...

And on and on it went, the clues becoming more and more mathematically complex as it went on. Trying to save time, Mega Man attempted all the solutions as he went through them. Because of this, however, he was only at clue 247 by the time Crash Man called out, "Time!"

Gulping, Mega Man went by what the clues he'd solved so far told him, taking a step onto one of the grid squares. The square promptly exploded, blasting him backwards.

"So much for that, Mega Man," Crash Man sighed. "You are not as smart as I'd hoped." He beamed out, and the entire chamber started to explode.

Mega Man barely managed to get out alive, but the packet of clues landed with him. Confused, he looked through, trying to figure out what he missed.

When he found it, he groaned loudly, proceeding to bang his head against the nearest wall.

544. Ignore clues 2 through 543.
545. Use Item 2.

As the clues had shown up on the camera feed, Wily burst into peals of wicked laughter. "I remember those tests!" he reminisced. "Good times."

Crash Man beamed in. "I am glad my performance pleased you, Dr. Wily." He blushed a bit as Vinyl wrapped her forelegs around his neck and kissed him on the cheek.

"It is good Mega Man did not die," Air Man pointed out. "It wouldn't be fair to rob our brothers of the fun."

"Speaking of, Heat Man's almost completely rebuilt for his role in defending the Fortress, in case Mega Man makes it all the way here."

"Shh!" Vinyl suddenly hissed, pointing to where Flash Man had been selected.

Mega Man beamed into the area covered with flashing, slippery floors, making it impossible to control precisely how far he was trying to run, causing him to frequently slam into walls, enemies, or mistime jumps. Thankfully for him, there weren't that many enemies to avoid. However, the slippery floors did allow enemies to replace destroyed ones just out of Mega Man's sight, creating even more frustration.

Eventually, after barely maneuvering through numerous paths littered with enemies, Mega Man made it to Flash Man's chamber.

As Mega Man entered, he heard both music and singing.

"Don't stop me now! I'm having such a good time, I'm having a ball!" Flash Man was singing as he danced along to the music.

Confused, but willing to take any advantage at this point, Mega Man leveled his buster.

"Stop!" Flash Man shouted, spinning around as his body flashed with his Time-Stopper, causing Mega Man's body to lock up. "In the name...of love!" Flash Man then charged forward, punching Mega Man hard in the chest. "Before you break...my heart!" He then leapt back, letting Mega Man fall over. "Baby think it over!"

"That pun...hurt worse...than the punch..." Mega Man gasped out as he stood back up. He leveled his blaster again.

"Flash!" Mega Man was once more frozen. "Ah a-ah!" Flash Man picked Mega Man up and threw him. "Savior of the universe!"

Mega Man groaned as he got to his feet again. "Stop...singing!" he growled out as he opened fire.

"I don't wanna stop at all!" Flash Man sang out, returning to his original song as he leapt out of the way of Mega Man's blasts.

Mega Man could feel himself starting to lose his temper, and he paused, trying to get control of himself.

"Now Freeze!" Flash Man sang out.

Startled, Mega Man leapt into the air as the Time-Stopper triggered, locking him in midair.

"Oh, oh, oh, oh!" Flash Man sang as he tried to strike at Mega Man. Unfortunately, he couldn't jump as high.

As the Time-Stopper ran out, Mega Man fell, landing on Flash Man. Unfortunately for Flash Man, Mega Man was built sturdier than he was, and he was destroyed.

"Two for four," Air Man stated. "Mega Man is not doing so well this time around."

"Still fun to watch," Wily pointed out as Vinyl waved her flags happily.

"It looks like Vinyl left Item-3 there, too," Protoman pointed out.

Vinyl, for her part, began to slowly crush an effigy of Mega Man, glowering at him as he uploaded her Items.

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