• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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8: Denounce

Kalinka smiled warmly into her cotton candy as she walked side by side with Rock through the carnival. "This was wonderful idea, Rock," she said warmly. "Has been getting somewhat lonely up in Sky Lagoon with everyone focused on Vinyl's work with new energies or Mars project. It's nice to get away from it all for a while. Thank you."

"Glad to," Rock replied happily. "To be honest, I don't have much to do back at the lab, either. Dad's working on a new project he doesn't want my help with for some reason, and Roll's totally absorbed in her work on Duo. I've been left at loose ends myself." He smiled widely. "Glad you could accept my invitation."

Kalinka chuckled briefly. "Also glad that you don't wear your armor here?" she teased playfully.

Rock groaned, putting his hand to his forehead. "Don't remind me...Dad says he won't fix that until he's no longer talking funny. I hope I don't have to use my armor again until then. It'd be so embarrassing if I had to try and give a speech with my voice all high and squeaky."

Kalinka laughed as she raced ahead, the short red dress she was wearing - borrowed from Roll for the outing and sea-level weather conditions - billowing somewhat around her as she ran before turning to face Rock. "Come on, Rock. Don't be so down on things, da? It was funny to hear you over the phone like that!"

Rock wanted to groan in frustration, but found himself distracted by an error in his optics and personality core, the same ones that so interested Dr. Light and amused Vinyl. Chuckling nervously, he rubbed the back of his head. "Well...maybe a little," he admitted finally.

Kalinka smiled widely as she took in Rock's changed appearance. For some reason, Dr. Light had decided that a child-like body wasn't really appropriate for Rock anymore, and had done work to 'age him up', along with reinforcing his limbs in the process. He now more closely resembled a teenager rather than a child, approximately Kalinka's age of 15. In fact, he was indistinguishable from most of the teenage boys wandering around, save for the somewhat more prominent palsti-skin seams at his joints. She idly wondered why this upgrade had included growing Rock's hair out to shoulder length, but she didn't complain. She thought it looked nice. ...she privately suspected Vinyl might have told Dr. Light about her preference for guys with long hair. "At least not all the upgrades are jokes," she teased Rock, batting playfully at his hair as she went back to his side.

"I guess so," Rock admitted, smiling as he walked alongside her.

"How come you didn't get cotton candy for you?" Kalinka asked him curiously.

"Dad's still working on correcting the digestive system for the upgraded body," Rock admitted. "Until he has it perfected, I shouldn't eat anything outside the lab."

Kalinka frowned, making a small 'mu' sound of disapproval. "He should have fixed that before sending you out," she grumbled.

Rock smirked widely. "He...doesn't actually know I'm out here with you just now. I...kinda snuck out."

Kalinka burst into laughter. "You maverick, you!"

Smirking, Rock walked over to the ball throwing booth. "Come on, I'll win you a prize," he offered warmly, laying down some cash and reaching for the ball.

"Ahem!" the one running the stall coughed, getting Rock's attention. The man then pointed at a nearby sign.

No Robot Competitors

Rock stared at the sign for a while, then sighed, taking his money back. "Sorry Kalinka-"

"Hold this," Kalinka said firmly, handing Rock her cotton candy as she slapped down her own money and picked up a ball.

"Good luck little lady," the man offered with a smirk, plainly expecting a predictable outcome.

Kalinka tightened her hand around the ball, twisting it around in her grip as she narrowed her eyes. Pulling her arm back, she threw with all her might.


The ball struck the table the bottles were stacked up on, causing the table to flip, scattering the bottles everywhere as the table fell and landed on the bottles waiting to be stacked. The scattering bottles slammed into the walls of the booth and the one running it, causing everything to collapse inward on top of him.

The man groaned from underneath the pile. "...fine...you win..."

"What are you talking about?" Kalinka asked, her tone hard. "I paid for three throws. I still have two left."

The man's eyes widened, and he shoved two large plushies into her arms. "Here, take the best ones! Just no more!"

Kalinka smiled coldly, put her nose in the air, and turned and walked away with Rock close behind her. "This one's yours," she said, handing him a pony plushy. "I can cuddle one of these often back home."

Nodding, Rock took the pony and held it under his arm, handing her back her cotton candy. "...how did you...?"

"I'm used to competing in this sort of thing up on Sky Lagoon," Kalinka explained. "You pick up a few tricks to beat computer brains. Also, programming targeting systems gives one a better sense of spatial interactions."

Rock chuckled a bit in response. "Maybe we should have hung out up there..." he murmured softly.

"Nyet," Kalinka responded firmly. "We'd have spent half the time convincing boys up there to leave me be, and other half convincing bots you didn't want to fight. Down here, at least I'm not a celebrity."

"Yeah..." He glanced back at where the sign that had created that problem had landed. "But we wouldn't have dealt with...that." He sighed to himself. It was perfectly reasonable to not let a robot - who by definition was made and functioned with machine precision - compete in skill contests like that...but it didn't make the exclusion feel any better for the robot.

He was startled out of his thoughts as he felt Kalinka's small, soft hand in his. "Don't worry about it, Rock," she whispered warmly. "It was still fun." Leaning in, she gave him a light peck on the cheek.

As she started to walk away, she was pulled up short with her arm at full extension. Turning, she saw that Rock seemed to be in some sort of system lockup. Groaning, she put her face in her hand. "Ty dolzhno byt' shutish'," she grumbled under her breath, unsure whether or not to laugh.

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