• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

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Light's Mercy, Vinyl's Ambition

Dr. Light and Dr. Wily once more sat across from each other, drinking tea together. Against the wall a good distance behind Dr. Light, Mega Man and Roll stood, watching, ready to spring into action should the need arise. Against the wall behind Wily, Air Man, Crash Man, and Wood Man were lined up. None of the robots were in range to hear what the doctors were going to talk about, as they had set up a sound suppression field around them. Vinyl was currently in Protoman's care, who was on the roof doing his best to look badass and cool as he stared off into the middle distance of the sunset, his scarf blowing freely in the breeze...and a white unicorn on his head whistling his theme music after having swapped their glasses around. Wood Man was the only one who had seen this, and he wasn't sure whether Protoman was succeeding at badass and cool or not.

After a time of sipping tea, Dr. Light spoke up. "So you surrendered?" he asked in surprise. "Do you mean to say you've given up on your ideals already?"

"Hardly," Wily countered. "I still believe that the only way to achieve a world where robots and humans are equals is to shove it down their throats. However...certain things have made me reconsider the...timing of my ambitions." He sipped at his tea. "Is this a new blend?"

Dr. Light nodded. "Roll prepared it," he explained. "She's quite good. Was it Vinyl?"

Wily tilted his hand back and forth, indicating 'sort of'. "It was Metal Man."

"Ah," Tomas commented dryly. "Mega Man told me about that...incident."

"I realized I didn't actually know as much about how robots worked as I thought," Albert explained, "and until I could make sure that future robots didn't become crazed horror movie monsters, I have too much to learn to attempt world takeover again. After all, I'm trying to make the world better through application of sheer brute force."

"Reasonable," Tomas agreed. "You know, I've been commissioned by the government to start work on a giant, human controlled, battle robot to defend the planet with."

Albert raised his eyebrows with a disbelieving snort. "Seriously? Alright, I'll bite...which general watched too much Power Rangers?"

"I'm not entirely sure it was Sentai Giant Robot shows," Tom replied with a laugh. "Still...Project Gamma is a rather large project...bigger than anything I've ever taken on alone." He smiled across the table. "To be perfectly frank, I'd rather not tackle it alone."

Wily's eyebrows climbed onto his scalp. "You want me to come back?" he asked in shock.

"Of course," Light replied. "You're still my friend, after all." He then treated his old friend to a mischievous smirk. "I could use a competent assistant."

Wily snorted. "We'll see who's whose assistant when this is over."

With tea over, Dr. Light informed the government that Dr. Wily had seen the error of his ways, and would turn his talents to the betterment of mankind by assisting with Project Gamma.

Rock glanced around in fear. He was standing atop a massive tower that stretched upwards into infinity, sheer drops to all sides. Taking a step forward, he quickly pulled his foot back as the block he'd just stepped on crumbled beneath his foot.

"Is there a problem, Rock?"

Rock spun in response to that robotic voice, seeing Air Man approaching him. "Air Man, what's going on?"

"Isn't it obvious?" another familiar voice said as Cut Man stepped out from behind Air Man. "We're going to show you the power of the Third." Reaching up, he disconnected his head blade...and the inner and outer edges hummed, surrounded by blue light. As he swung it, the air rippled.


Air Man reached to his hip and pulled out the Sonic Disrupter. "You should have brought your armor, Rock," he stated as he fired.


Rock ducked under the blast, scrambling as the blocks he ran across crumbled under his weight. He tried to pull out his buster, only to find he didn't have his Mega Man armor units. Cut Man charged at him, swinging the sonic blade about as he tried to cut Rock to pieces. Backing up, Rock found his way to the edge of the tower...which crumbled.

He managed to catch one last platform with one of his hands. "Help!" he called out.

Air Man stepped up to the edge. "...You bore me," he stated bluntly, turning away.

As Rock tried to climb up, Metal Man appeared out of nowhere, Metal Blade in hand. "Want to play a game?" he asked, his blade humming in the same way Cut Man's blade had as he sliced Rock's hand off.

Rock screamed in fear as he tumbled endlessly to his doom.

Rock sat up, sweating in terror as he stared into the darkness.

"Rock?" Dr. Light asked. "Are you alright? Did...did you have a nightmare?" The last was said in a mix of concern, disbelief, and fascination.

Letting out a terrified wail, Rock clung to Dr. Light, crying his eyes out as he poured out the entire dream in choked gasps.

Dr. Light did his best to comfort Rock, rubbing his back and whispering, "There, there," and other such things. In his mind, however, he thought, I never thought I'd need that psychology degree when I got into robotics. Thanks for making me take those classes, Mom...

Vinyl sat down just outside Rock's room, having heard the entire nightmare. While the mention of Metal Man had unnerved her - her own nightmare in that regard was why she was riding Item 2 around the lab for water instead of being asleep in her own bed - the rest of it had gotten her thinking.

Returning to her room, she pulled out a tablet and scrolled through, finding a massive data file. The file was titled, "Making Daddy Proud".

The file was a checklist with various schematics and details attached to each item. The first item, "Make sonic gun," was checked off. The second item was, "Make better sonic gun." The third read, "Make bigger sonic gun." The remaining two items were, "World Takeover attempt" and "My Own Robot Masters". Both had ideas attached to them, but not much details.

Going down to the end of the checklist, she typed in one more entry.


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