• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,752 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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Looking Back, Looking Forward

The day was going to be perfect.

Tom, Albert, and Mikhail stood together, dressed in their best. The event that was about to come to pass was unprecedented, and the culmination of the hopes and dreams that had driven the conflict, now finally over. "It's been a long time coming to this moment, Albert," Tom said finally as they waited.

"Indeed it has," Albert agreed, staring up towards where everyone else waited. "Of course, everything's not quite over. There's still a few messes to clean up."

"I think we can trust the children to take care of that," Mikhail spoke up softly. "I don't think they need us sticking our noses in their business now."

"Probably," Light admitted. "But you still have one last thing to do today. What do you plan to do afterwards?"

"Vinyl's offered me the head of the Mars Project," Mikhail replied. "I think it could be a worthwhile endeavor, and a good use for my skills and time. I'll see you both later." Turning, he headed towards another part of the building.

Albert let out a sigh, running his hand across his bald crown. "So...how does it feel, Tom?" he asked softly. "What's going to happen today?"

"It's...it's amazing," Tom responded softly, briefly wiping his eyes. "I...even with everything I worked for, hoped for, prayed for...I never thought to dream that this could come to pass. Or if it did, that I would live to see the world change enough to accept it."

Albert chuckled softly. "I know what you mean. Vinyl's done a lot to the world, hasn't she?"

"It really has been her, hasn't it?" Tom allowed. "You and I...we thought we were the ones who would change the world, make robots and humans true equals. We were right on the cusp of the beginning of a new age..."

"And then I woke up with a unicorn on my head, and she pulled the rug out from under both of us and remade the world her way," Albert laughed, gazing towards where his daughter was standing with Rock, preparing for what would come to pass this day. "And at the end, she won. The world is moving towards a new dawn, even if she has to drag it kicking and screaming."

"Hope we won't get too many kicks or screams today," Tom offered softly. "Rock deserves this day. It...it shouldn't go wrong."

Albert said nothing. He just stood next to his old friend, their hands behind their backs, watching and waiting for the day to unfold.

The kind of day of which they dreamed since they were small.

Rock tugged nervously at the collar of his tuxedo. "How do humans wear these things?" he demanded irritably. "It was sized exactly to my specs, and it's still the most uncomfortable garment I've ever worn."

"As I understand it, humans wear them as little as possible," Vinyl offered, shifting a bit in the blue and white robe she wore for the day. A large hat with a speaker design surrounded by a crown completed her idea of a 'priestess-queen' outfit, which she'd chosen for the day. She'd gone without her shades for this event. "It's just something for formal wear."

"But if it's such an important day, why would they deliberately pick uncomfortable outfits?" Rock asked in frustration.

"Well, I have two theories on that," Vinyl offered. "First, it's because it looks real nice, and everyone wants everything to be perfect on this day." She then grinned wickedly, looking up at Rock through her eyelashes. "Second, it makes it that much more fun to get out of them afterwards."

Rock blushed brightly as Vinyl burst into giggles. "How about we talk about something else?" he pleaded.

Vinyl's smile softened. "We've come a long way, haven't we?" she offered softly. "Fighting for the fate of the world, pushing science beyond its limits, discovering things unknown..." She sighed somewhat sadly. "I'm going to miss it."

Rock smiled warmly. "I admit, it was certainly a wild ride. I didn't really know what to think of you at first. And...the tech you gave your Father to use against me..."

Vinyl chuckled softly. "Yeah. I came up with some pretty crazy stuff trying to make Dad proud of me, huh?"

"Was it really him behind the Gamma incident?" Rock asked curiously.

Vinyl snickered softly. "Nope," she whispered so only Rock could hear. "That was me. Dad just took credit - and blame - to keep it off my record."

"Then why would he build eight Robot Masters to kidnap Dad?" Rock asked pointedly. "That doesn't seem to fit..."

Vinyl looked away with a nervous frown. "Rock...that was never a kidnapping," she offered sorrowfully. "That was Dad inviting Dr. Light to be Santa Claus for my first Christmas...and then them getting drunk and speculating what you'd think if you reactivated and he wasn't there. It..." Her voice trailed off.

Rock sighed softly. "Yeah...I was afraid it was something like that," he murmured. "In recent years, I thought back on those events...I really fell apart, didn't I?"

"Yeah..." Vinyl agreed. "And...I kinda went too far with my Wub Masters, trying to get back at you. I mean, I was a little kid upset about my Dad getting taken away, so I guess that sorta reaction - to try and make you feel as bad as I could about it - was understandable...but the way I went about it was really out of line. Sorry about that."

"We've both made mistakes with each other through all this," Rock offered warmly. "But we're friends. Friends make mistakes...and real friends get past them, and grow stronger together. I think we managed that." He sighed wistfully. "And that one adventure where you introduced Bass and Treble..."

Vinyl chuckled. "Yeah, I really went over the top with that one, huh?" She turned her eyes heavenward. "You know, as much fun as the rivalry was...I wish we'd never had to be enemies."

"Yeah..." Rock agreed. "It was better when we didn't have to fight. But that's at an end today."

"Yup," Vinyl agreed warmly. "And today, my two best friends get their happy ending. And we get the everlasting peace you fought for."

"We can only hope," Rock agreed. He glanced around, then paused as he noticed something he hadn't before. "Is that...is that Merkava behind the piano?"

Vinyl giggled. "No, the piano is Merkava. She added it to her tank chassis just for today."

Rock chuckled and rolled his eyes as he took in the robot beside the tank girl bot. "So how are she and Yamato Man getting along? Did they ever get that rematch?"

"You gave them the rematch, remember?" Vinyl teased. "When you got her to take him down with the sniper rifle? As for after that..." She grinned widely. "They're scheduled for two weeks from now."

Rock stifled his own laugh, only for his voice to die as Merkava began to play and the doors swung open.

Everyone had gathered round, as their hopes and dreams abound.

Mikhail smiled down proudly at his daughter, resplendent in her white gown as he walked her down the aisle. Friends, loved ones, family, and true supporters filled the seats. Today was the day everything changed for the better.

At the end of the aisle, Rock stood ramrod straight, looking nervous but hopeful...and more than a little flustered at the cut of Kalinka's gown. Kalinka, for her part, looked radiant, with a warm smile on her face. Vinyl spoke up from atop the podium. "Who gives away the bride?"

"I do," Mikhail said warmly as Kalinka slipped her hand off his arm and stepped to Rock's side. Mikhail then stepped back, letting it happen.

Vinyl looked up at the throng. "Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these two together in blessed union. While there are some in this world who might say this should not be, it is not they who decide these things. These two already share a bond of friendship, of trust, of love. In my eyes, this day is about letting that bond be recognized and protected in the eyes of the law. Let it be so."

She swept her gaze around. "If there are any here now who have sound reason why these two should not be joined, speak now or forever hold your peace."

But one was there who did not care at all.

The doors burst open violently.

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