• Published 10th Aug 2015
  • 20,748 Views, 7,065 Comments

Wily's Wittle Wub - Tatsurou

Dr. Albert Wily wakes up one morning with an infant Vinyl Scratch clinging to his bald head. There goes the neighborhood.

  • ...

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The Grand Design

It had been nearly a year since the new country, 'Sky Lagoon', had appeared in the sky. While it could rarely be seen, everyone knew it was up there, somewhere, and exactly how much power was at its disposal. The idea that danger could come from the skies with impunity had led to a change in the world, and robotics development went into overdrive. A new company, called X-Corp, had arisen, and was quietly funding and encouraging the construction and development of combat robots with a variety of weapons. Many scientists had worked hard to develop this new generation of Robot Masters.

As the year started to wind to a close, the head of X-Corp stepped forward, announcing a grand tournament that would take place so that the Robot Masters from all over the world could do battle with each other to prove the skills of their makers, and show that they were truly the greatest of the new generation of robots. The founder of this First Annual Robotics Tournament, the Mysterious Mr. X, proclaimed that a special prize was to be granted to those who built the eight finalists, and a truly grand prize for whoever built the Mightiest Robot Alive! The Mysterious Mr. X proclaimed that he would preside over the tournament personally, along with his unicorn daughter X-P0N3.

As Mega Man watched that announcement, he shook his head in disbelief and waited for the news media to explode about how Mr. X was plainly Dr. Wily. Seriously, all he'd done was put on a black coat, sit in a hover chair, and wear Vinyl's shades while she wore tiny black ones. No one could possibly fall for that...right?

"I didn't know there was another unicorn in the world!" Roll squealed happily. "She's adorable! Do you think she and Vinyl would be good friends, Rock?"

Mega Man turned to stare at his sister in disbelief. He tried to rationalize her not seeing it. Then again, he'd spent far more time with Vinyl than she had...but still! "...I imagine they have a great deal in common," he offered lamely.

"Oh, I hope so!" Roll replied excitedly. "Vinyl's just so precious, adorable, and fun when she isn't working with Wily to take over the world!"

"What's this?" Dr. Light called, coming into the room. "You say there's another unicorn out there?"

"Oh yes!" Roll proclaimed happily. "The Mysterious Mr. X of X-Corp has a unicorn daughter named X-P0N3! Come look!"

Dr. Light looked at the broadcast with a smile. "My, what a wonder. Maybe tiny ponies will start popping up all over the world."

"Oh, I hope we get one!" Roll squealed happily.

Mega Man stared at them flat eyed. "...am I getting punked?" he asked hopefully.

"Whatever do you mean, Rock?" Dr. Light asked in confusion.

Mega Man groaned, putting his face in his hands. "...nothing, Dad..."

As the actual Tournament rolled around, Mega Man made sure to be there, even trying to enter himself in the Tournament. However, he was told the Tournament itself was for new robots, and he couldn't enter as a contestant. He was invited to compete against the finalists in special exhibition matches when the time came, though. Upon agreeing, he was escorted to meet The Mysterious Mr. X and X-P0N3.

Since the first broadcast, Mega Man had kept his eyes and ears open for any sign of anyone else putting together that X and X-P0N3 were Wily and Vinyl...but somehow, no one had. His own attempt to explain it to people online was laughed off as crazed conspiracy theories...by people who, in the same breath, tried to convince him that the Moon Landing was a hoax, that the governments were puppets to the Illuminati, and that the Secret Shadow Government was run by highly evolved velociraptors that had survived the extinction of the dinosaurs and sought to summon their god Jibbers Crabst to Earth from the rings of Saturn.

He was not deterred, however. He knew, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that Mr. X and X-P0N3 were Wily and Vinyl, and he fully intended to confront them on it. He was rather surprised, therefor, when he was left at the door and told that Mr. X and X-P0N3 was waiting inside for him for a private meeting.

Inside, Dr. Wily was sitting back on the hover chair in his more usual garb, Vinyl sitting on his head while he spun a globe on his finger for her amusement. After Mega Man had closed the door behind him, Vinyl turned and waved at him. "Hey Megs!" she greeted happily, grinning and showing a recently lost tooth.

"Wily! Vinyl!" Mega Man proclaimed. "It is you two! Well, I'm here to stop whatever nefarious scheme you're plotting!"

Wily sighed, setting aside the globe, to where Vinyl promptly pounced on it. "What makes you think I'm engaging in a nefarious scheme?" he asked calmly.

"8 finalist robots!" Mega Man immediately pointed out.

"I like the number 8," Wily replied easily.

"You're operating in disguise!" Mega Man continued.

"Well, nobody would come to a Robot Tournament run by Dr. Wily," Albert countered. "They'd assume it was a plot to take over the world!"

"You've somehow got the entire world hypnotized to not see it's you under that ridiculous disguise!" Mega Man insisted.

"I'm as stunned as you that no one's seen through it yet," Wily grumbled ruefully. "I worked hard creating a fake identity and backstory for 'Mr. X' and 'X-P0N3' distinct from us to use should anyone question, but nobody's bothered! It's so frustrating! All that work wasted!"

"The Robot Tournament itself?" Rock demanded desperately.

"A birthday present for Vinyl."


Albert shrugged. "I spoil her too much," Wily explained. "After Sky Lagoon worked out so well, I asked if there was anything special she wanted for her birthday this year, and she said she wanted to watch a whole bunch of new robots duke it out tournament style...but not our robots." He chuckled. "She knows my work too well, you see."

Mega Man could only stare. "All this...for a birthday present?"

Wily shrugged helplessly. "What can I say? I'm a pushover parent."

"How do I know you're telling me the truth?" Mega Man insisted, struggling to find a way to make sense of this.

Wily raised his hand. "I swear as a scientist, as a friend, and as a parent, on Vinyl's life, I have no plans for this Tournament beyond giving Vinyl a happy birthday."

Mega Man stared. He knew Wily was a lot of things, but he took being a parent seriously. If he was swearing on Vinyl's life, Mega Man could believe him. "...alright," he said at last. "Then I look forward to helping you do that." He turned and left the room, much more relaxed now that he no longer had to worry.

After he left, Vinyl popped the globe open and began tinkering with the internal circuitry, finishing the device hidden inside. "Signal's good!" she proclaimed happily. "Eight distinct control code slots prepared for the finalists!"

Wily chuckled to himself. "I love being a politician," he mused happily.

After all, he'd said nothing about Vinyl's plans.

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