• Published 20th Mar 2015
  • 1,930 Views, 309 Comments

The Pony That Fell From The Sky - Zurvan

When Sweetie Belle saves a young colt's life Ponyville may never be the same

  • ...

Long Ago

Chapter 24: Long Ago

{Some time before season 1}

Scootaloo sits on the floor and plays with some of the toys in the Orphanage. Her friend Sweetie Belle was off with her parents which left Scootaloo alone with her thoughts.

"Scootaloo," Matron Mercy calls out..

"Yes ma'am?" Scootaloo asks as she gets up.

“They found a colt at the edge of the Everfree earlier today.”

“Is he okay?”

Matron Mercy nods. “But nopony in Ponyville knows who he is. So he’s probably going to be coming here when he wakes up.”

Scootaloo nods. “I understand.”

Matron Mercy pats Scootaloo on the head. “You’ll make sure he feels welcome here, won’t you?”

“Of course I will.”

“I’m going to the hospital, I want to be there when he wakes up.”

“I’ll stay out of trouble until you return ma’am.”

“See that you do, and maybe I’ll make dessert tonight.”

Scootaloo’s eyes light up and a smile comes on her face. “Don’t worry, I’ll behave.”

Matron Mercy nods and leaves the orphanage. She goes up to Ponyville General and sees Nurse Redheart. “Has he woken yet?”

Nurse Redheart shakes her head. “I wouldn’t be surprised if he woke up any minute though.”

“You mind if I go sit in his room for a little?”

“Go ahead Mercy, he’s probably going to end up going to you anyway.”

“Thank you Redheart.” Mercy says as she walks to the back where she finds sees a dark blue unicorn colt with a two tone mane and tail. “There you are.” Mercy says to herself as she sits in the nearby chair.

Sometime later the colt wakes up and looks around. “Where am I?” he asks.

“You’re in Ponyville General Hospital.” Mercy answers.

“How… how did I get here?”

“We found you at the edge of the Everfree Forest.” Mercy answers. “What’s you name?”

“Winter Spark, ma’am. “ He answers then looks around. “Where’s my father?”

“We found you alone and unconscious when we found you, what happened?”

“We were attacked by Timberwolves, my dad’s still out there.”

“Tell me about your father.” Mercy says. “The more details I have to give the search parties the better off we’ll be.”

Winter nods. “Dad’s an unicorn like me, coat’s the same color as mine, dark red eyes, and a silver mane and tail.”

Matron Mercy nods. “And his name?”

“Winter Heart.”

“Pardon me, what did you say?”

“My dad’s name is Winter Heart.”

“That’s impossible, Winter Heart is an old pony’s tale.”

“What are you talking about?”

“When I was just a little filly my grandmother told me a story about unicorn that crawled out of the Everfree Forest grievously wounded. He asked if his son was okay, and when his name was asked he whispered Winter Heart before passing.”

“That’s impossible, I was just with him.”

“Sweetheart, there’s a gravemarker for Winters Heart at the edge of the Everfree Forest. He died almost 1,000 years ago.

“Did they carve his cutie mark into the marker?” Winter asks.

“I believe so.”

“Could I see the marker?” Winter asks. “Please?”

“Once they’ve cleared you to go, I’ll take you there myself.”

“Thank you ma’am.”

Nurse Redheart comes in an hour or so later. “All your tests have back okay, you’re free to go.”

“Thank you Nurse Redheart, I’ll take care of him.” Mercy says.

“Very well.” Nurse Redheart says as she trots away to take care of other business.

“Come on then, get out of bed if you want to see the marker.”

Winter carefully climbs out of bed. “I’m ready.”

Mercy nods and the two of them walk out of the hospital. “Are you sure you want to see this?”

“Please, I have to know if it’s true.”

“Very well.” Mercy says as she leads him to the outskirts of Ponyville and the edge of the Everfree Forest. “Here’s the marker.” She nods to a triangular stone with the name Winters Heart, a picture of a heart half buried in snow is etched into the marker as well.

“No.” Winter whispers. “It’s not possible.”


Winter screams. “No, you can’t be dead! You can’t be dead!” Winter pounds on the ground, his horn starts to glow blue.

“Winter, I know this is a lot for you to take in, but you need to calm down.”

“Calm down!?” Winter asks.

“It’s not good for an unicorn to use their magic when they’re angry, or so I’ve read.”

“He sent me away with his magic.” Winter sniffles. “Right as the Timberwolves ganged up on him. Said he was going to send me someplace safe.”

“Are you saying your dad sent you through time?”

“I.. I guess, it’s the only thing that makes sense.”

“It doesn’t make sense.” Mercy says. “My grandmother talked different than I do, ponies 1,000 years ago would be vastly different. I have no problem understanding you.”

“Maybe something in the spell my dad cast did something to me?”

“You may very well be right. For the time being you are coming with me.”

“Why’s that?”

“My name’s Matron Mercy, and I run the local orphanage.”

Winter looks to the ground. “That’s what I am now, isn’t it?”

“I’m sorry Winter, but yes.”

Winter sobs for a few. “Are.. are there others?”

Mercy nods. “There’s a filly, she’s about your age.”

“At least I won’t be alone.” Winter says with a weak smile. “Can I go meet her now?”

“Of course you can.” Mercy says and she leads him back into town and to the orphanage

Scootaloo meets them outside. “Hello Matron Mercy.” Scootaloo says as Mercy continues along leaving Winter with her.

Winter looks at Scootaloo in aw. “You’re..you’re a pegasus.”

Scootaloo looks back and flexes her wings. “You know I was wondering what the deal was with these things on my back.”

Winter tries to hold back a chuckle but fails and soon starts laughing. “Thanks, I needed that.”

“Don’t mention it, I’m Scootaloo.”

“Name’s Winter Spark.”

“So, I take it you’ve never seen a pegasus before?”

Winter shakes his head. “Not up close, the town I was in was all unicorns and earth ponies. Pegasi only came in to control the weather then they left.”

Scootaloo nods. “I’ve heard there’s still a few towns like that.” Winter just stares at Scootaloo’s wings. Scootaloo sighs, “Go ahead.”


“Touch my wings, I know you want to.”

Winter blushes slightly. “Isn’t that kind of personal to touch a pegasus that way?”

“Yeah, well I’d rather you just touch them and make sure they’re real then just have you staring at them.”

“Are you sure it’s okay?”

“Yeah, go ahead.” Scootaloo says and Winter carefully takes a forehoof and touches her wing. Scootaloo blushes heavily as he does. “Satisfied?”

Winter nods. “Thanks.” Scootaloo nods. “Would it make you feel better if you touched my horn?”

“Woah!” Scootaloo exclaims. “Backup buddy, there are just some things you don’t ask a filly to do on the first date.” Winter looks flustered for a second before Scootaloo starts laughing. “You should see the look on your face. I wish I had a camera right now.”

“Wait! You’re joking about this?”

“I’m trying to liven the mood, I’ve been where you are right now, it’s hard, sometimes it feels like the end. So anytime a new pony comes here I try and make things a little better for them until they get adopted.”

“Other ponies have been here since you’ve been here?”

“Yeah, not much chance of being adopted.”

“Why not?”

“I can’t fly.” Scootaloo says as she flaps her wings. “I have a scooter that I can propel myself on pretty good, but I can’t fly, and no pegasus family wants a pegasus that can’t fly.”

“And unicorn’s and earth ponies would rather have of one of their kind?” Winter guesses.

“Got it.” Scootaloo says. “I doubt you’re here more than a month, you’re a colt.”

“What’s that have to do with anything?”

“Fillies outnumber colts 5 to 1 here in Ponyville, I guarantee somepony’s going to want to adopt you.”

“So when they do you’ll just be left here alone again?”

Scootaloo nods. “I’ll probably be here until I’m old enough to leave.”

“That’s sad.”

“That’s life.”


“So let me get this straight, you’re from 1,000 years ago?” Scootaloo asks as she lays in bed that night.

Winter, who lays in another bed beside hers answers. “From what I’ve learned it seems that way.”

“That is so awesome!” Scootaloo says.

“Wait, you just believe me?”

“Sure.” Scootaloo says. “Makes a lot more sense why you’d never met a pegasus before, 1,000 years ago cities where a lot different.”

Winter nods. “A lot of things where different.”

“Starting tomorrow I’m going to make it my job to get you as caught up on this modern world as I can."

“Why would you do that?”

“We orphans need to look out for each other.”

“Thanks Scootaloo.”

“You can call me Scoots, that’s what my friend Sweetie does.”

“Alright.” Winter says as he rolls over in his bed. “Good night Scoots.”

“Night, Winter.”

The next morning they are eating breakfast. “It feels weird having had slept in the same room as you Scoots.”


“In my time, since we aren’t siblings it would be forbidden for us to even be in the same room together without an adult.”


Winter nods. “I remember one time when I was out with my father, he was taking care of business and I saw this filly. I went up to her and asked her name, I wanted to have somepony to talk to. Next thing I know I have this stallion hitting me for daring to talk to his daughter.”

“Did he hurt you?”

Winter shakes his head. “Not really, I was bruised for a few days, but that’s about it.”

“So why weren’t you afraid to talk to me?”

“Matron Mercy said I could meet you, so I figured it was okay.” Winter says. “Then you said that we could sleep in whatever room we wanted because we were the only two there. I was enjoying being in your company, so I just went along with it.”

“I didn’t mean to make you uncomfortable.”

“I was at first, but then I realized that you weren’t going to hurt me and neither was Matron Mercy. So I relaxed and stopped worrying about it.”

Scootaloo nods. “I guess I understand.”

“So, what else should I know?”

“I’ll give you a tour of Ponyville, and you can ask me questions as we go along. Hopefully we can fill in the majority of the gaps that way. Ponyville itself didn’t exist 1,000 years ago so I’m sure it’s full of things that didn’t exist then either.”

“Let’s go then.” Winter says and the two of them head outside and start walking around Ponyville. Every once in awhile Scootaloo would explain something to Winter, once she even had to ask a passing unicorn to explain how the magical lights worked. They arrive at the park and see a group of young ponies playing. “What are they doing?”

“Playing hoofball.” Scootaloo answers as they watch the two teams, the only way to tell them apart is one team had tied ribbons in their manes or tails. Each team had a pegasus flying just above the ground in front of a goal. Other pegasi are playing but have their wings banded, the unicorn’s playing all have bands on their horns.

“What’s with the bands and rings?”

“The bands on the pegasi are made of ultralight steel, they can break it if they choose, but it’s just to keep the game honest. The unicorns all have magic suppressing bands on their horns, nothing that they couldn’t force off if they wanted.”

“So the idea is to keep the game fair?” Winter asks.

“Yeah, nopony makes them wear the bands, it’s a choice, but we do it cause it’s fun to play fair.”

“What about the two pegasi that are flying?”

“They’re allowed to fly so that they can block shots. They’re called goalies.”

“Wouldn't unicorn’s be better?”

Scootaloo nods. “That’s why they use the pegasi, better chance that the game will eventually end.”

“I see.” Winter says. “With magic unicorns would be able to block every shot, where as with pegasi it’s all about reaction time.”

“Hey Scootaloo!” one of the others shouts. “You and your friend want to play?”

Scootaloo looks at Winter. “Sure.” Winter says. “Would it be asking too much that we can be on same team?” Winter asks.

‘Yeah, sure.” One of the ponies answers. “I’ll go on the ribbon team.”

“Thanks.” Winter says as they join into the game. Some time later the game is over, and the two of them are sitting on a bench.

“So did you have fun?” Scootaloo asks.


“Did you enjoy yourself?”

“Very much.” Winter nods.

“Then you had fun.” Scootaloo says. “Come on, we’d better head back to the orphanage or we won’t get dinner.”



Scootaloo and Winter spend the next several days together, Scootaloo teaching Winter everything she can about this modern world, then one morning, about a week after Winter’s arrival they come out to breakfast to an unexpected sight. Princess Celestia sitting at their table drinking tea with Madame Mercy.

“Good morning young ones.” Princess Celestia says.

“Your majesty.” Winter and Scootaloo says quickly bowing to her.

“Rise.” Princess Celestia says. “Winter Spark, Matron Mercy wrote me a letter shortly after your arrival telling me of your situation, I came as soon as it arrived.”

“You honor me with your visit.” Winter says.

“How are you coping with being out of your time?”

“Thanks to my friend Scootaloo I’m doing pretty good.”

“I’m glad you’ve made a friend, but unfortunately I must ask you to leave your friend behind.”

“Excuse me?”

“You will be coming back with me to Canterlot, where I will help fill in the blanks that no doubt your friend here has tried to do. I feel a great deal of potential in magic from you Winter, I suspect that you cast the language spell on yourself without even realizing it. I want to help you realize your potential.”

“You want to teach me?”

Celestia nods. “My current personal student is almost ready to be sent out in the world, so I don’t see why I can’t go ahead and take on another one, who clearly needs me help.”

“What about Scootaloo?”

“I’m sorry, but she’ll have to remain here.”

“When does he leave?” Scootaloo asks.

“I’ll give you some time to say goodbye, and he can pack up anything he may have acquired.”

“Thank you.” Scootaloo says as she and Winter go into the other room.

“This sucks, just as I’m starting to enjoy this time I get taken away from the one pony I feel like I understand.”

Scootaloo nods. “I know.”

Winter packs his meager possessions, mostly gifts from either Pinkie Pie or Rarity. Then he goes to Celestia. “I’m ready.”

“Wait.” Scootaloo says as she runs down the hall with a beat up notebook in her mouth. “I thought you could use this, you know for notes, or as a journal."

Winter takes the notebook in his magic and tucks it into his bag. “Thanks Scootaloo.” He says then hugs her. “I’ll miss you Scootaloo.”

“I’ll miss you too Winter Spark, take care of yourself.”

“We should be off if you’re done.” Celestia says and Winter follows her to the chariot and they fly off. As they fly Winter pulls the notebook out of his bag and looks at it. When he opens it he sees a note written on the first page to him.


If you’re reading this then you’ve already left Ponyville. I’m sorry that I can’t go with you, and I know I’ll miss you. You’re the first pony since, you know, that I can say I really cared about. I will miss you Winter Spark, and you will always have a special place in my heart. ~Your friend,
