• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,422 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Over the next few years word of Celestia’s adopting the Sparkle children had quickly spread across Equestria. Many saw this as a grand act of kindness on Celestia’s behalf and the love for her family quickly rose. It wasn’t long before Twilight, Spike, and Shining were accepted as true members of the royal family and soon after the pony’s of Equestria began to affectionately call them “the House of Sun” in honor of their foster Mother. Twilight would continue to study under Celestia as her student day in and day out, while Shining would go on to join the Royal guard and with no aid from his Mother quickly rise in rank to captain. Cadence would soon become Celestia’s representative and act on her half when the Princess herself was unavailable. Spike would become well know amongst the pony’s of Equestria and often be seen aiding the citizens of the city and acting as voice for the people at times. While Celestia herself could not be more proud of the children she had adopted and seen grow, she still harbored a deep sense of worry, for no other creature knew what the Summer Solstice would soon bring…

“Ready Twilight?” Sunset asked a confident grin on her face,

“Bring it! Just no enlargement or growth spells this time...you remembered what happened last time.” Twilight answered. Sunset rolled her eyes and groaned,

“I know, but I did fix the roof afterwards. Don’t know why everyone got so worked up over it.” The two stood silent in the castle library watching each other,

“Polymorph!” Sunset shouted as she turned a nearby book into a small figurine of herself, Twilight did the same only her figurine was less detailed. Twilight groaned in frustration,

“Ha! I win the first round! Your pick!” Sunset said with smile,

“All right, mass levitation!” Twilight shouted, her horn began to glow as all the nearby bookcases began to lift off the ground, the books scattering and flying around Twilight. Sunset’s horn glowed with her red aura and lifted the shelves near her, however the books only seemed to lift from the shelves and fall to the ground around her. The two set everything back down gently and Twilight shouted,

“Ha! One and One now Sunset!” Sunset sat and began to think for a moment, she grinned and stood up and announced,

“Teleport!” In a flash of pink and red magic the two instantly moved to the castle study, another flash and they were in the gardens, then the courtyard, and finally back to the study. Twilight’s horn lost its glow and began to spark, she pat with her horn with her hooves over and over.

“My win!” Sunset said, though it was obvious she was trying not to show she was tired.

“Yeah, yeah, the scores only 49 to 51 now...I’ll close that gap before you know it.” Twilight replied. Sunset laughed and began to put the books she had dropped earlier back on the bookshelves,

“Please Twilight, we both know I’m the better student here.” Sunset playfully taunted, Twilight helped put some of the books on to the higher shelves and answered.

“Oh yeah, but who’s a part of the House of Sun?” The two glared at each other angrily for a moment, then suddenly began to laugh, Twilight and Sunset began to finish putting everything back in order, Sunset picked up her bags and threw them across her back.

“Well, I’ll see you tomorrow Twi.” she said, Twilight smiled but then noticed a red book lying on the floor.

“Oh, we missed one.” she said, Sunset stopped to see what she was talking about. The book glided over to Twilight as she looked at its cover.

“Huh, I don’t think I’ve seen this one before. And I thought I read every book in here...the Elements of Harmony?” Sunset walked over to Twilight to look at the book,

“Elements of Harmony? What’re those? I’ve never heard of them.” she asked. Twilight set the book down on the table and the two began to read the book, the book spoke of two princesses. One of the sun, another of the moon, how the two once ruled Equestria in a time of peace. But the Moon princess eventually became jealous of the others fame and threatened to cast Equestria into eternal night. No choice left the princess of the sun would use the Elements of Harmony to send the other princess away bringing peace and Harmony back to Equestria.

“Moon and Sun princess?” Twilight asked Sunset,

“Is this about Princess Celestia? I thought she and Cadence were the only two Alicorns.” Sunset replied. The two sat thinking for a moment Sunset looking over the books pages again,

“I wonder if Mom knows about this book...maybe I should ask her.” Twilight said, Sunset rolled her eyes and replied.

“Well you have fun with that. I’m heading home.” Twilight said goodbye and Sunset left soon after. Twilight looked over the book and couldn’t help but wonder why this felt familiar to her, she picked up the book and walked out of the library determined to ask Princess Celestia about it herself.

Princess Celestia sat at her desk, Kibitz handing her papers to sign as she drank her afternoon tea. A knocking came at the door as she paused to look up.

“Come in.” Celestia said, the door opened and Twilight cautiously entered,

“Hi Mom, is this a bad time?” she asked. Celestia looked at Kibitz who handed her the last of the papers, she signed them and Kibitz quickly gathered them up. He took a polite bow and walked out of the of the office but not before greeting Twilight properly.

“So? What seems to be the problem Twilight? Did Spike and Shining claim the study for game night again by chance?” she asked. Twilight scoffed and said,

“No, nothing like that. Its about a book I found in the library just now.” Celestia took a sip from her tea and asked which book she was referring to. Twilight sat down next to her desk and lifted the book in front of her,

“Umm...Mom? Are there any other Alicorns besides you and Cadence?” she asked. Celestia paused for a moment, she set her tea cup down and asked.

“Why do you ask?” Twilight turned the book around to show Celestia the illustrations,

“Well, this is about you isn’t it? And I was wondering if whether or not it was true.” she asked, Celestia sat silent for a moment. Twilight could see a bit of hesitation in her face.

“This is just an old foal’s tale Twilight, not much different from the stories about how Nightmare Night first began. I promise its nothing to be concerned about.” Celestia answered, Twilight could tell something was wrong. But she didn’t want to press the matter either,

“Well ok, if you say so. I just thought I’d ask you first is all.” Twilight closed the book and walked over and hugged Celestia,

“Sorry for bothering you about this, I’ll let you get back to work now.” she said, Twilight left Celestia’s office she stood outside the door and began to think for a moment. She didn’t want to distrust Celestia’s words, but her curiosity made her want to know if there were any other Alicorns out there.

“I’m telling you Spike, she seemed like she was hiding something...” Twilight said, she sat in the study looking over the book again. Spike was busy setting up the table, bottles of cider, bags of chips, Game master’s screen, and figures for Ogres and oubliettes placed all across the table.

“You sure you’re not just obsessing over nothing again? Why would Mom need to hide something like this from us?” Spike asked. Twilight kept going through the pages over and over,

“But what if there’s more to this than what the book says? What if this is some kind of warning that every pony forgot about?” Twilight pressed her hooves against her head in frustration,

“I wish had some more answers!” she slumped forward against the floor her face buried between her front legs.

“Did you ask Cadence?” Spike replied, Twilight lifted her head,

“Cadence was a pegasus before she became an Alicorn, and she’s almost the same age as Shining. I doubt she’d know anything more than I do.” she groaned. Spike hopped down from the chair he was standing on and walked over to Twilight,

“If Mom won’t say anything then why not find out for yourself, you can’t tell me there isn’t any pony who doesn’t want to help you.” he said. Twilight sprang to her hooves a smile on her face,

“That’s it Spike! I’ll get Sunset to help!” She quickly levitated a piece of paper and quill to Spike,

“Take a note Spike.” she said, Spike rolled his eyes in response and began to write down what Twilight was about to say.

“Sunset Shimmer, meet me at Cinnamon Chai’s cafe tomorrow morning. I need to discuss something with you that I can’t trust any pony else with. Your friend, Twilight.” she announced. Spike finished writing and rolled up the paper, a quick breath of magic fire and the smoke quickly left the room to travel to its recipient.

“Oh my stars, this is so exciting! I’ve never done something like this before! Researching something without Mom’s knowledge!” Twilight danced in place excitedly before walking out of the room with her book in tow. Spike stood silent and rolled his eyes,

“Oh brother...”

The next day came and Twilight sat excitedly at a table in the corner of the cafe. She was trying her best to contain her excitement, almost bouncing with eagerness in her chair. Sunset finally entered the cafe, she looked around and noticed Twilight waving and smiling. Sunset rolled her eyes at how much of a dork her friend was being. She walked over to the counter and ordered some coffee and then sat down with Twilight.

“Okay Twi, what’s the big emergency?” she asked before taking a sip of her coffee.

“I’m glad you asked, I was up all night making notes, I tried not to do any research because that’s why I wanted to talk to you. But I got carried away, and did a little research and found some things, but not everything and that’s why I need your help!” Twilight rambled on as she pulled a stack of papers and scrolls as well as the book from yesterday from her saddle bag and placed them across the table. Sunset looked over the papers in front of her,

“Sooo, this is about the book from yesterday?” she asked, Twilight nodded in excitement.

“Yes! I asked my Mom about it and she said it wasn’t anything to worry about, but I could tell she wasn’t telling me everything, then I talked to Spike, and he said I should find out on my own, and that’s when I had him send you that letter!” Sunset looked at Twilight surprised and asked,

“You’re doing this without Princess Celestia knowing? Wow Twi, you’re turning into a regular rebel.” Twilight leaned back in her chair her smile faded and muttered,

“I mean, I really do trust her...and I want to believe what she says but...” Sunset looked at Twilight her face turning serious,

“But you think there are things she’s not telling us too?” Sunset replied. Twilight looked up at Sunset,

“Are you talking about the book?” Twilight asked, Sunset scratched the back of her head.

“Yes and no, it’s just that...well, I’ve been doing a little studying without the Celestia’s knowledge too is all...” Twilight looked at Sunset concerned,

“What kind of research?” she asked. Sunset smiled and hopped out of her chair,

“Come on Twi, let’s go back to the castle. I’ve got something to show you.”

Sunset and Twilight walked through the dark halls of the castle depths,

“I don’t think I’ve ever been in this part of the castle before...” Twilight said as she looked around.

“I’m not surprised, I had to find out about it all on my own.” Sunset replied,

“Here it is.” the two reached an old door, a large ancient combination lock holding it shut. Twilight gasped with excitement,

“Is that an ancient element lock? Clover the clever invented these, they have over two thousand possible combinations for opening them. Whatever’s in here must be really important.” Sunset nodded and pulled a book from her saddle bag, she looked over the book and tinkered with the lock. The gears turned and with a loud click the lock opened the doors slowly opening to reveal the interior of the room. Sunset walked into the room Twilight following behind her, glass display cases were arranged all around the room, pieces of old artifacts and Equestrian gems and weapons placed within each.

“I could spend days in here, just trying to catalog everything alone could take forever!” Twilight said with excitement,

“Yeah, but what were here for is this...” Sunset said as she held up her hoof to show Twilight a large mirror placed at the back of the room. Twilight walked up and asked,

“A mirror? What’s so special about this?” Sunset flipped through the pages of the book she had and showed Twilight her notes,

“This is one of several mirrors all across Equestria Twi, they’re said to be gateways to other worlds unlike anything any pony has ever seen!” Twilight looked over Sunset’s notes and looked up at her with a smile,

“Really? Does it work?” she asked. Sunset shook her head,

“No, not right now at least. But! I think this mirror does more than just take pony’s to other worlds. I think it also shows you the future!” Sunset said, her excitement growing. Sunset quickly walked behind Twilight and began to push her in front of the mirror,

“When I look at it, I see myself as an Alicorn Twi! An actual Alicorn! Wings made of fire, and everything. Go ahead you look too!” she said. Twilight stood in front of the mirror, she was feeling nervous all of a sudden. Something about this felt wrong to her, she turned and looked to see her reflection in the mirror. Slowly, the image rippled like the surface of water, then she saw Shining appear beside her, then Spike, Cadence, and finally Celestia. Twilight smiled, happy to see this is what the mirror showed her. Then, she noticed another pony appear beside Celestia. A pony she didn’t recognize, a blue Alicorn draped in black regalia, a crescent moon printed across her chest. Twilight slowly inched toward the mirror trying to get a better look when Sunset spoke up,

“Well!?” Twilight looked at Sunset surprised, she looked back to see the mirrors reflection was just her again.

“What’d you see? You were an alicorn too right?” Sunset asked excitedly. Twilight shook her head,

“No...it was just me, and my family...but there was some pony I didn’t recognize too...” Twilight was suddenly cut off as a voice echoed through the room.

“Sunset Shimmer, Twilight Sparkle...I hope you have a good explanation for this...” The two turned and there they saw standing in the doorway was Celestia with two Unicorn guards by her side.

Author's Note:

That was easy to write, good news is I've got a good idea how the next two or three chapters are going to go and should be able to get them up quick. Assuming my job doesn't get the better of me again. Next chapter should conclude the "Sunset Shimmer arc" after that I'll finally start on Nightmare Moon. Hope you enjoyed this, leave me some comments!

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