• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,457 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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The Storm Passes

Twilight stood smiling at her restored family and started to gush,

“Oh my stars, where do I even begin? First we had to escape Canterlot, then we stumbled into Trixie and Gabby, and then…”

She was quickly interrupted though by Luna’s shouting. “YOU!!!” Twilight looked to see Luna and Celestia were focused on Tempest now their horns glowing. Before they could do anything to rash though Pinkie slid in front of Tempest front hooves in the air.

“WAIT!!!! Tempest isn’t a bad pony anymore! Tell them Twilight!” she shouted. A moment later Applejack, Fluttershy, Trixie, and Gabby all stood in front of Tempest as well waiting for the princesses response. Celestia and Luna looked at Twilight, the small mare quick to answer,

“I know Tempest has done some bad things, REALLY bad things. But she did it because she thought the Storm King could fix her horn. He was just using her the whole time, and once she realized this she willingly helped us defeat him. I’m not saying she should be forgiven or not receive any punishments, but...she’s not a bad pony. I promise.” Twilight pleaded. Celestia and Luna looked back Tempest and the two sisters relaxed.

“Very well, for now we’ll wait to pass judgment. After all, we need to see how much damage has been done in our absence.” Celestia said.

The Canterlot guards and Bat pony soldiers were busy rounding up the Storm King’s forces. Sunset and Shining stood with Lullaby and Nightshade, they were still pretty shocked at the sight of actual bat ponies being in Canterlot.

“I gotta admit, I didn’t think that you were actually real. I mean, I read a few books here and there same as Twilight talking about bat ponies. But I had no idea you actually existed.” Sunset said. Lullaby smiled back putting her front hooves together with glee,

“Well we’ve been hiding in the Garden of Shadows this whole time. We’ve been waiting for so long for the Mare of the Moon to come bring us here to Canterlot. But now, we’re here all on our own! Its so exciting!!!” Lullaby said. Sunset tilted her head a little in confusion by Lullaby’s words,

“Garden of Shadows? Mare of the Moon? Wait, do you mean?…” she asked. Nightshade stood tall in front of Shining, respecting the fellow pony soldier.

“Its nice to meet a fellow soldier, I’ve heard a lot about Canterlot guards and their training. This is the first time I’ve had a chance to meet one though.” Nightshade said.

“Well I’m glad you all came to help, we were in a pretty bad spot here. Its nice to know there are other ponies out there we can count on.” Shining said as he offered to shake Nightshade’s. Before he could shake Shining’s hoof though Lullaby slid over and hugged him tight,

“I can’t believe you came to help! I was totally expecting you all to stay put until this was over!” she shouted.

“Let go of me Lullaby…” he groaned.

“Aww, are you embarrassed? Come on don’t be like that, this is a good thing!” she teased. Nightshade didn’t answer though, instead he seemed distracted suddenly,

“Hey, you’re not ignoring me now are you? Don’t be rude Nightshade!” she said as she poked his cheek. Nightshade quietly put his hoof to her cheek though and made her look towards the castle. Lullaby noticed Twilight and her friends at the top of the stairs and it made her smile, but then she saw standing behind her was the other alicorns including Luna. The bat ponies all stood in awe looking at Luna, a few whispering among themselves.

“Is that her?” “She’s real?” “That’s the mare of the moon”

Were being spoken back and forth between the bat ponies now. Luna slowly smiled at the sight of all of them, Twilight looked back at Luna to see her reaction.

“You found them...you found them all.” Luna said. Twilight smiled and turned to face her aunt,

“Well of course I did. You did tell me and Sweetie Belle to go find them all.” she answered. A few of the Canterlot ponies heard the two mares and started whisper as well,

“Twilight did this?” “It was Twilight who brought help?” “Twilight saved us?”

They spoke to one another. It caught Twilight’s attention when she heard them taking about her now too, before she could say anything though Luna walked to the bottom of the castle stairs. A few of the bat ponies took hesitant steps back, some stood and watched though. Luna bit her lip a little nervous,

“I’m so sorry...I promised you all so long ago I’d come back to bring you here. To make you a part of everything my sister and I built. Then, things happened. Things I couldn’t control and still regret to this day. But it warms my heart to see you all here now, having found your way here and with help from my niece, Twilight no less. Thank you all, truly thank you for your help.” Luna said. The bat ponies seemed to relax at Luna’s words, most of them now smiling. Lullaby watched as Nightshade walked up to Luna, stopping a few steps just in front of her. To everyone’s surprise he knelt down in front of her eyes shut,

“We are your humble servants princess, same as we’ve always been.” he said. Luna looked up to Lullaby and all the other bat ponies approach and just like Nightshade they all bowed in respect before their Mare of the Moon. Twilight smiled at the sight of the bat ponies showing Luna so much respect. Twilight was suddenly hugged by Pinkie squished her cheek to Twilight’s.

“I love happy endings! Now let’s get that happy ending party started already!!!” Pinkie shouted.

Hours later, the Storm King sat in his cage deep within the confines of Tartarus. the prison for the worst of Equestria’s villains, he lied slumped against the side his head hanging low, armor cracked, covered in dirt, and utterly defeated. An all too familiar boom caught his attention though and he looked up to see a portal open before him, Grogar slowly emerging a look of pure rage in his eyes.

“Gr..Grogar! So good to see you, see...I had this whole plan to take care of those ponies and make your plan that much easier, but then see…” the Storm pleaded in a vain attempt but then was cut off as Grogar’s horns glowed and threw the Storm King back against the rear of his cage. He let out a pained groan as he felt Grogar’s magic crushing almost every inch of his body. His damaged armor cracking and crumbling even more.

“I can tolerate your treachery Storm King...but not your...INCOMPENTANCE!!!” he growled. Storm King felt the magic crushing him more and more, his horns bending from the force.

“Treachery requires, no mistakes…” Groger added.

“But...my army...you said… you needed my armies!!!” he pleaded to the ram. With a loud SNAP one of the Storm King’s horns broke free and he dropped to the ground,, he screamed in pain and gripped the broken horn.

“Your armies are broken...even now word has spread of your defeat…” Grogar said. He approached the cage and glared back while belittling the Storm King more,

“When I found you, you were nothing...A pitiful whelp on the street, your people enslaved and ignored by those who you called for help, Canterlot included. Now look at you, back to where you started. Absolutely NOTHING.” The Storm King was afraid now, he wasn’t sure if Grogar was going to kill him or not.

“I have no use for you now...so stay here and rot… I will find those more willing to aid me than you.” Grogar growled as he turned and opened another portal behind him to leave. After the portal shut a faint laughter caught the Storm King’s attention, he lifted his head and looked at the cage across from him. Inside was a shriveled figure covered in tattered cloak.

“So...that was Grogar? I’ve only heard stories of him before.” the figure chuckled. The Storm King sat upright and looked over at the cage and asked,

“Who are you supposed to be?”

The figure chuckled and looked up with a grin, “You can call me...Tirek...”

Author's Note:

:yay: Newest chapter all finished. Had the different parts of this chapter planned out ahead, but took so long to figure out HOW to start the chapter. Took the easiest route though and just decided to pick up where the last chapter left off. :pinkiehappy: Next chapter should be a buffer or two, mostly so I can figure out what to do with Tempest not she'll be sticking around. After that I'll get into the next villain arc. Might have a bit of a wait on the next update though due to the holidays coming up and my job getting hectic during that time. But I'll try and get things done ASAP.:twilightsmile:

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