• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,457 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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LoRd oF CHaOs aNd DiSCorD

“The Newspapers have been talking about us ever since the Galloping Gala.” Twilight said while reading the morning paper. The rest of her family sat at the dining table eating breakfast with her like usual,

“Oh? And what have they been saying exactly?” Celestia asked before taking a sip from her morning tea. Twilight levitated the paper over to Celestia with a smile,

“Mostly about how well the Gala went and Aunt Luna’s big debut. They’re calling us a bunch new names now, House of the Sun & Moon, House of Eclipse, and the House of Two Sisters. It’s nice to see every pony appreciates Aunt Luna as much as we do now.” Twilight continued,

Spike swallowed the mouthful of pancakes he had and asked, “Doesn’t House of Eclipse sound more like Luna overshadows Mom though?”

Celestia laughed as she read the paper, “I think they’re just trying to find a way to make it sound like Luna and I are equals is all. Which I must admit, I do appreciate it greatly.” Celesta replied. Twilight finished her breakfast and looked at the others at the table,

“Well, Spike and I need to get going. I volunteered to give a guided tour of the castle gardens to a class visiting from out of town.” she said as she hopped out of her chair, Spike followed a few seconds later.

“Where did they say they were from again?” he asked.

“Ponyville I think, I remember the teacher’s name was Cheerilee.” Twilight answered as they walked.

Twilight and Spike walked through the hall heading towards the castle gate, Spike seemed distracted though.

“Is something wrong Spike? You’re not nervous are you?” Twilight asked,

Spike stopped and looked at the windows and asked. “Is it just me or is something different?” Twilight looked at the windows and noticed the images were different, instead of the usual pictures they were instead they all depicted a brown serpent like being making pranks and mischief.

“Wait, these aren’t right...who changed these? And overnight at that?” Twilight asked, Spike began to walk back towards the dining room.

“We’d better go tell Mom, she should probably know about this.” Spike said as he reached for the door, he grabbed the door handle and opened the door only to have a mass of water come pouring into the halls instantly flooding it. Twilight and Spike screamed in a panic as they found themselves swimming to stay above the water, the ceiling only a few feet from their heads.

“What is happening!?” Spike shouted,

“I don’t know!” Twilight answered. Then a group of birds sprang out of the water diving back in like fish, then a group of fish flew past their heads like birds.

“What the hay?” Twilight said as she grabbed Spike, her horn glowed pink and she teleported the two of them to a nearby room. They looked around to see the room was in complete disarray, furniture on the walls and ceiling, small clouds scattered throughout the air. The sound of thunder followed by clouds raining chocolate milk, Spike stayed as close as he could to Twilight.

“Your seeing this too right? Please tell me I’m not going crazy Twilight?” he asked,

“No! I see it too, we need to get out of here!” Twilight shrieked. She put Spike on her back and tried to teleport again, every room she jumped to was only more insane than the last however. Twilight couldn’t figure out what was happening she’d never seen magic like this before she thought. Eventually she exhausted herself and needed to rest,

“Twi, are you okay?” Spike asked,

Twilight nodded. “I’m fine, just need a sec to catch my breath...” she gasped. A low growling sound arose behind the two as they looked to see a swarm of fruit with mouths and tiny limbs rushing towards them. The two screamed in fear and ran as fast as they could,

“Are we actually being chased by killer fruit!?” Spike shouted.

“Don’t think about it Spike! Just run!!!” Twilight answered, in a flash of light Celestia suddenly appeared in front of them.

“Twilight, Spike! Thank the stars you’re alright, I was worried the spell wouldn’t work!” she said,

“Were being attacked!!!” Spike shouted as he and Twilight hid behind Celestia, she looked ahead to the fruit monsters closing in on them.

“Stay close to me!” Celestia shouted as she cast another spell moving them away from the encroaching threat.

Celestia teleported the three of them to what seemed to be the throne room, though now a distorted mess of shapes colors and random objects floating in the air and sticking out of the walls and ceiling. Luna, Cadence, and Shining were already there waiting,

“Tia! Thank goodness you made it back, and you found Twilight and Spike too!” Luna said as they approached.

“What is happening!?” Spike shouted while grabbing the sides of his head in a panic. Luna looked at Celestia concerned,

“Luna and I have seen this kind of magic before, there’s only one creature who could do something like this on so grand a scale.” she explained.

“Oh come on, I went through all this trouble and your just now getting to my introduction?” a voice echoed throughout the room, Luna and Celestia gasped as they looked towards the throne to see spin it around to reveal the culprit. A large serpent like being with mismatched limbs sat on the throne a smile on his face.

“Discord!” Celestia announced,

“Oh, I’m so glad you remember me. After all its easy to forget about a garden statue after a thousand years or so. Right, Celestia?” Discord said appearing behind her. Twilight, Cadence, and Spike panicked quickly hiding behind Luna, and Celestia. Luna stepped forward an angry look on her face,

“We won’t allow you to do as you please Discord! Your going right back to where we left you!” she announced.

“But I have so many new design ideas for Equestria, let’s start with Celestia’s makeover shall we?” Discord said as he suddenly changed to resemble a construction worker holding a blueprint is hands, he quickly folded the blueprint into a paper plane and watched as it flew away making engine noises. Then with a snap of his fingers Celestia’s tail and mane were changed into an over sized afro, a red clown hose comically placed on the end of her muzzle. Celestia gasped in shock quickly knocking the red nose off, Spike covered his mouth trying not to laugh however which Discord took notice of.

“Well at least some creature here has a sense of humor.” he teased.

“Enough! We’ll not stand for this anymore!” Luna shouted as she and Celestia fired blasts of magic at Discord, with a snap of fingers their attacks changed into a harmless cloud of confetti. Celestia and Luna grew angry and continued to try and attack Discord, he comically dodged their attacks or outright rendered them into harmless objects. Eventually Twilight, Cadence, and Shining began to help, but despite their efforts nothing was working on Discord.

“Honestly, I expected my return to be a little more exciting than this.” he complained as he snapped his fingers trapping each pony in a comical way. Spike stood watching nervously, he wanted to help but couldn’t think of how.

“Well now, aren’t you going to join in? Pools open you know and the water's just fine.” Discord asked changing into a pair of swim trunks and jumping into a small kiddie which was deeper than it seemed.

“Then again, maybe you’re enjoying the show as much as I am.” a second full size Discord appeared beside Spike eating popcorn and relaxing on a beach chair.

Spike thought as fast as he could and finally spoke up, “Why are you doing this?” Discord came to a stop and looked at Spike.

“For the chaos of course, I wouldn’t be much of a lord of Chaos and Discord if I wasn’t” he replied,

Spike crossed his arms a looks of doubt on his face. “I don’t think so...” he said. Discord was surprised by his answer,

“Oh really?” Discord said. Spike looked at Discord a confident smile on his face,

“You know what I think, I think you’re just doing this for the attention, because you just want some pony to have fun with.” Spike added,

Discord gasped in shock. “ME? Doing this for attention? Preposterous...and what exactly would I get out of having some pony to have fun with anyway?” he asked.

Spike walked up to Discord and answered, “You’d get a friend, and then you wouldn’t have to worry about fighting Mom or Aunt Luna all the time that way.” Spike said with a smile.

“Oh really?” Discord said with a sly smile, appearing behind Spike, “I can’t help but feel there may be a gentledrake’s bet in the works.”

Spike thought for a moment and then said with a smile, “Yeah, I bet you that I can make you my friend before the day is out. If I win, you have to stop being the bad guy and be my friend from now on.”

Discord stood crossing his mismatched arms, “But, what do I get if I win?” he asked. Spike’s smiled faded as he thought for a moment, he hadn’t thought about that he realized. Discord quickly picked Spike up a smile on his face,

“How about this then? If you win, you get me as your new best friend.” Discord said as he made air quotes with his free hand, “But if I win, I get to turn Canterlot into my own personal playground of Chaos and Discord. That’s a fair exchange don’t you think?” Spike thought for a moment but couldn’t come up with an alternative, he knew they couldn’t beat Discord like they were trying this might be their best bet he thought.

“Okay, but three conditions, first you have to change everything back to normal. Second, you can’t brainwash any pony, I mean assuming you can. Finally, you can’t change everything this much until the bet is over.” Spike demanded, Discord set Spike down on the ground and thought for a moment before smiling.

“All right then, I suppose that’s fair, after all it'd too easy to win if I already had everything the way I like it...Then we have a deal I suppose?” he said holding out his hand, Spike waited a moment before shaking Discord’s hand.

“Oooh, this is going to be so much fun.” Discord announced before snapping his fingers and changing everything back to normal in a flash.

“Is it over?” Twilight groaned, Spike turned to see his family scattered around the room. Celestia and Luna took notice of Discord and leapt towards him before Spike interrupted them.

“WAIT!” he shouted hands in the air,

“Spike, get out of the way. We have to stop Discord now!” Celestia said.

“Yeah, about that...” Spike said nervously.

Discord immediately appeared between Celestia and Luna hugging them with a smile saying, “You see, what little Spike here is trying to say is that we’ve made a bit of bet. If he can convince me to be his new friend I promise to be a good Draconeqous from now on. But if I win, I get to turn all of Canterlot into my own personal Chaos land. Oh, it’s going to be so much fun! Just think of all the things I get to do. First thing is to turn off all the gravity of course...” Celestia and Luna gasped, before looking at Spike and shouting.


Author's Note:

At long last Discord has arrived. Wish I could've gotten this up sooner, but the last couple days have been exhausting my job wasn't exactly helping. But I managed to get this done this finally. Decided to go a different route then the show, where as Discord stayed out of sight most of his first appearance here he decides just to get everyone's attention the only way he knows how. Plus Spike wasn't really a big part of those episodes, and I think he could've been a big help if they'd just brought him along. Not sure when the next update will happen, got a long process of brainstorming ahead plus there's my job. But I'll try and get things up as soon as possible. :pinkiehappy:

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