• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,504 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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The Summer Solstice

The castle doors slowly creaked open a small hint of dust lifted from the floor, Celestia walked into the room the morning sun shining in behind her. She hadn’t been in this room for more than a century she thought. She looked around the room seeing all the weapons and relics from her past battles over the centuries on display. The curtains on the far side of the room were closed giving a dim light in the room, Celestia’s horn began to glow as she pulled the curtains apart to better see into the room. She walked into the room thinking about how the summer solstice was tonight, how she dreaded this day for a thousand years. She paused and looked to her right, the display beside her held a black suit of armor, a crescent moon and stars etched all across. Celestia felt a knot in her stomach at the sight of it, she closed her eyes and turned away.

“This is how it has to be...”she thought, she couldn’t use the elements of harmony anymore and she knew why. They must have chosen new bearers she thought, and there was no time to find them. She had a kingdom to protect, innocent lives, but more importantly than anything else, she had a family to protect. Celestia slowly lifted her head wiping her eyes and looked at the golden armor on display before her. She steeled herself and took a deep breath,

“I will do what must be done...even if it means fighting you again...”

Spike approached the study a clipboard with a checklist in his hands humming a happy tune as he walked. He opened the doors and walked inside,

“Twilight, I’ve got the list of things Cadence wants you to go over for the Summer Sun festival, and...” Spike looked up to see Twilight sitting behind the desk, books, scrolls, and papers thrown all over the desk and room as she was frantically looking through them all.

“Ummm...Twilight?” Spike asked again, Twilight looked up and smiled at Spike, her mane a complete mess.

“Spike! Great timing, we’ve been up all night and finally made a breakthrough in the research!” she announced. Spike walked over to Twilight and asked,

“Dare I ask what about?” Twilight lifted a book in front of him showing a picture of the two alicorns,

“The Mare of the Moon! We found out her name is Nightmare Moon apparently, she once ruled Equestria alongside Mom, that is, Princess Celestia. But she got jealous because every pony was always asleep at night and was never awake to see the stars and moon. So she decided to raise the moon and make everyday eternal night. Mom, that is Princess Celestia fought with her and eventually used the elements of harmony, whatever those are, to banish her to the moon. However, there was a prophecy made that said that she would return one day. So that’s what has Mom so worried! Once we get the last book we need, we can finally figure out when she’s supposed to come back and stop her from ever returning! Isn’t that great!?” Twilight said, a slightly nervous twitch to her eye as she spoke. Spike leaned back from her a little concerned,

“Did...you go to sleep last night?” he asked.

“Well we did fall asleep while researching for a while, but then we woke and got some coffee, went through four whole pots just to stay awake.” Twilight explained as she pointed to a nearby coffee pot and small pile of coffee cups discarded on the floor. Spike looked back at Twilight,

“Yeah...so like I was saying, Cadence still needs your help with the festival today and I’ve got the list of things she needs from you." Spike said as he tried to hand Twilight the checklist,

“Spike! You don’t understand, this is huge!! We’ve been at this all night and need to tell Mom, that is Princess Celestia, about this at once!” she shouted, Spike let out an annoyed groan and brought his face to the palm of his hand.

“Twilight, you’ve already heard Mom say that...wait, ‘We’? What pony in their right mind would help you research this?” he asked. The doors to the study burst open,

“I found IT!!” Moondancer announced as she stood in the doorway holding a book in the air triumphantly. Spike groaned and slumped over almost in defeat,

“I should’ve known...” Moondancer raced over beside Twilight and set the book down and began to explain as Twilight read the book.

“I read some of the book on the way over here, according to the astrological drifts and changing of stars over the last thousand years and in accordance with the Summer solstice happening tonight, Nightmare Moon’s return should come to pass...” Twilight gasped in shock,

“Tonight! This is big! I’ve gotta warn Mom right away!” Twilight said. Moondancer pointed and explained,

“Spike’s right here, lets get him to send her a message!”

“No...” Spike muttered an annoyed look on his face,

“No this is too important, I’ve got to take this to her right away!” Twilight said as she gathered up her notes and a few of the books,

“No...” Spike repeated himself. Twilight crammed everything she had as best she could into her saddle bag,

“Ok, I’ll stay here and start researching ways that we might be able to stop Nightmare Moon’s return, maybe we can get lucky and find something!” Moondancer said as she grabbed a stack of books and started to read.

“For the love of...NO!!!” Spike shouted, Twilight and Moondancer looked at Spike surprised.

“Twilight! You promised you’d help Cadence today! The Summer Sun festival preparations, remember?” he shouted.

“Spike, this is way more important. All of Equestria could be in danger if we ignore this!” Twilight explained as she walked past him. Spike groaned leaning back to look at the ceiling,

“It’s a foal’s story...you’ve been told this by everypony!” he said. Spike looked up to see Twilight was gone,

“Twilight!” he shouted as he left the room chasing after her as fast as his legs could carry him.

Twilight rushed through the castle making her way to the throne room, Spike close behind calling out to her as she ran. Twilight reached the doors to the throne and burst into the room announcing her presence with a booming,

“I finally have proof!!” She looked ahead expecting to see Celestia, instead she saw Cadence sitting on the throne, Kibitz standing beside her, and small group of delegates looking back at her confused. Twilight’s smile slowly faded as she sat down embarrassed by her grand entrance, Spike finally caught up trying to catch his breath.

“I...was...trying to...tell you...she’s not in here!” he wheezed. Cadence quickly got the delegates attention,

“Well, if there’s nothing else left to discuss I hope to see you all tonight at the festival then.” Cadence said with a smile. The delegates gathered up their papers and left the throne room, Twilight smiling nervously as they walked passed her. The doors shut and it was just Cadence, Twilight, and Spike in the throne room now. Twilight walked up to Cadence and apologized,

“Sorry Cadence, I was looking for Mom. Figured she’d be in here.” Cadence looked at the state of Twilight’s mane, she reached up and started to fix it.

“Were you up all night again? Your mane’s a mess, and where’s your hair clip at?” Cadence asked.

“I think I left it back at the study...I think.” Twilight answered, Spike stood annoyed and held up the hair clip in his hand.

“Thanks Spike.” Cadence said as she took the clip and finished fixing Twilight’s mane.

“So what’s this about proof exactly?” Cadence asked,

“Please, don’t encourage her...” Spike muttered. Twilight pulled the book from her saddle bag and showed it to Cadence,

“The Mare of the Moon, I finally found enough proof to show Mom that she’s real. And I think tonight is when she’s going to appear, during the solstice.” Twilight explained. Cadence looked at Twilight’s book and then back at Spike, she didn’t want to discourage Twilight but she felt this was a little far fetched.

“Do you know where she is Cadence?” Twilight asked. Cadence paused and began to think,

“Actually...now that you mention it. I don’t think I’ve seen Auntie all day. She didn’t make breakfast this morning which isn’t like her at all.” Cadence said.

“Yeah, I haven’t seen her either.” Spike added, Twilight groaned in annoyance.

“I need to talk to her.” Twilight said before turning to rush off.

“But Twilight! You said you’d help me with the festival preparations today!” Cadence shouted, Twilight stopped at the door and looked back.

“Oh, um...just get Spike to help out! I’ll make it up to you later!” she said before rushing out the door. Cadence stood dumbstruck,

“Yeah, just drop everything on me...I don’t mind.” Spike grumbled.

Twilight rushed to the castle barracks in a hurry,

“Maybe Shining knows where she is, he gets up almost as early as she does. He has to have seen her, right?” she thought. Twilight made her way into the barracks, it was crowded with soldiers as usual. She made her way through the main hall soldiers stopping to greet and salute her as she did. Twilight managed to reach Shining’s office and rushed inside closing the door behind her.

“Shiny! I need to ask you something.” she said, Shining looked up from his desk.

“Twily? Something up? You look...well more stressed than usual.” he said with sarcastic grin. Twilight walked over and rolled her eyes,

“Yeah, yeah, funny Shiny.” She sat in one of the chairs in front of his desk,

“Have you seen Mom? You’re usually up pretty early for morning patrols and I thought maybe you’d know where she is.” she asked, Shining shook his head.

“Haven’t seen her since yesterday. Figured maybe she had work to do.” he replied. Twilight groaned and slumped in the chair slowly.

“So what’s so important anyway?” he asked,

“You’re probably gonna laugh at me but...” Twilight got her notes out again and began to explain to Shining about what she and Moondancer had learned last night. Shining got out of his chair and walked around a smile on his face,

“Oh boy, someone’s going Twily Nanner’s again.” he teased as he rubbed his hoof in her mane. Twilight pushed his hoof aside and groaned,

“I am not...and what if this has something to do with why Mom’s nowhere to be found? What if she knows about all this too?” she asked, Shining sighed and sat down next to Twilight.

“Look sis, we both know that she gets a little weird during the Summer Sun festival. We’ve seen how she’ll get quiet or just stare at the moon all night, maybe she’s just trying to find a way to...” Shining’s smile faded as he suddenly had look of deep thought on his face.

“What?” Twilight asked, Shining thought for a moment and asked

“You didn’t happen to go by the armory on the third floor today did you?” Twilight shook her head.

“It’s just...the door was open this morning, and I don’t think I’ve ever seen it open even. Plus Mom’s armor was missing from its display.” he added. Twilight looked at him concerned,

“The one she wore during the war with the Crystal Empire?” she asked. Shining nodded,

“Oh my stars! That’s it! She does know! She got her armor because she’s getting ready for a fight!” Twilight sprang out of her chair and rushed to the door, she was immediately pulled back by Shining’s magic though.

“Hold up Twily, we don’t know if this is all connected yet or at all. So before you go rushing off and creating a small panic, let’s try to find Mom first and get some answers. In the meantime I’ll double the castle guard and city patrols for anything suspicious or out of the ordinary, deal?” Shining asked. Twilight was annoyed but she also knew he was right, she shouldn’t just go rushing off when she still didn’t have all the answers.

“Ok, deal. I’ll get with Moondancer and search the castle. You see if Mom’s somewhere in the city.” Twilight said, Shining nodded in agreement and put his helmet on. Twilight walked out of the barracks and rushed back to the castle study.

It was hours later and the sun had finally set, the festival was underway throughout the entire city, the lights could be seen from almost anywhere in the castle. Twilight and Shining walked into the throne room to find Cadence and Spike waiting. Cadence glided over landing in front of them Spike following on foot,

“Any luck?” she asked. Shining shook his head no,

“Wherever she is, its not in Canterlot. We looked everywhere. I just hope she’s okay.” Twilight said.

“So what do we do now?” Spike asked,

“We need to make sure no pony finds out about this for now. If word got out the Princess was missing it could start a panic, or give some creature the idea to attack the castle.” Shining added. They all nodded in agreement,

“For now, let’s just pretend that everything is all right. Well go out and enjoy the festival for now, if any pony asks, Auntie isn’t feeling well and couldn’t make it. Okay?” Cadence asked.

“Yeah, that makes sense.” Spike agreed, a hush fell over the four of them they were all worried about where Celestia could be.

“Anyway, let’s get going. We wait too long and it might start to look suspicious that we aren’t there either.” Twilight said, they all started to walk towards the doors. Shining reached to open them when suddenly a loud cackle echoed across the castle halls, they looked around in a panic.

“What? Who was that?” Spike shouted nervously,

“Look!” Cadence said pointing to outside the window. They all turned and saw the alicorn image on the moon glow and suddenly disappear in a flash, the night sky quickly turned to a sinister shade of red, as the cackling began to echo throughout the throne room again. The pillars lining the throne room one by one burst into terrifying green flames, illuminating the room.

“What is happening!?” Spike shouted as he grabbed Twilight's leg in fear. Twilight looked to the throne as the shadows all gathered and slowly took the form of a black Alicorn donned in blue armor, she opened her eyes to reveal a menacing emerald green shade that almost glowed in the darkness around her.

“Is that?” Cadence asked backing towards the door,

“Nightmare Moon...” Twilight answered. Nightmare Moon stood on the throne and slowly smiled,

“Hello Equestria...I’ve missed you…”

Author's Note:

Oh man, its always fun to write an ominous entrance or moment. And this was definitely one of my better ones I think. Nightmare Moon is finally here at long last. I'll try and get the next chapter done soon, but my work schedule is a little dicey the next few days so no promises. Anyways you know the drill! Leave some comments.

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