• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,425 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Making Sweetie smile

Spike slowly opened the door to the guest, he peered around the door to see Sweetie lying on the bed a sad look still on her face. She’d been like this for two whole days now and Spike was trying to think of someone way he could cheer her up. He cleared his throat trying to get her attention, Sweetie looked up when she heard him of course.

“Oh! Spike, is there something you needed?” she asked. Spike walked into the room a smile on his face,

“Well, I was gonna go get some ice cream actually. I thought maybe you’d want to come with me and get some too? He asked her. Sweetie thought for a moment then hopped down from the bed and walked over to him.

“Sure, I’d love to get some. I think I might be spending too much time in this room anyway...” Sweetie answered. It was true, Sweetie had come down for breakfast the past few mornings but the majority of her time she spent in this guest room sulking. Spike wasn’t going to tell her that though, his goal was to try and make her feel better not worse. Spike opened the door for Sweetie and the two began to walk through the castle, as they did they came across Cadence who stopped and smiled at the sight of the two together.

“Oh, hi Sweetie, Spike. Where are you two off to?” she asked.

Spike smiled happily and answered, “Were just going to get some ice cream, I thought Sweetie could use a snack right now.” Cadence giggled from his response, seeing these two together and watching their relationship grow had become a hobby of sorts for her.

“Well...do you mind if I come? I could use a snack too and I was wondering if the three of us could maybe talk a little bit.” Cadence asked. Spike nodded in agreement looking at Sweetie who smiled back at Cadence.

The three sat at a table inside the ice cream parlor, Cadence holding the single scoop ice cream cone she ordered. While Spike and Sweetie had gotten sundaes, Sweetie ate hers with a bright smile the cool vanilla flavor of her sundae mixing perfectly with hot fudge drizzled on top.

“So Sweetie, are you doing anything else today?” Cadence asked. Sweetie took another spoonful of her ice cream before looking at Cadence an unsure expression on her face.

“No...not really...I haven’t been thinking about doing anything to tell you the truth.” she replied. Spike saw how sad Sweetie still was and he tried to think of something to cheer her up,

“Well the three of us can go to the bookstore after this, I wanted to see if they had the newest issue of Power ponies. Or we can go to the candy shoppe, what do you think Sweetie?” he asked eagerly. Sweetie sat silent for a moment, taking another spoonful from her ice cream,

“I’m not really in the mood...I think...maybe I’ll just go back to the castle instead.” she answered. The next few minutes were an uncomfortable silence as they sat and ate the rest of their ice cream. Once Sweetie finished she thanked Cadence and Spike and then left,

“Be careful going back to the castle, alright Sweetie?” Cadence said to her as she left. Cadence looked back at Spike and saw how he was bothered by Sweetie Belle missing Rarity so much.

“I’m sorry Spike, I know you're trying your best. But it’ll be a while before she’s better, you know that right?” Cadence said.

Spike nodded, “Yeah… I just wish there was something I could think of that we could do that would make her feel better you know? Something that got all of us together to have fun.” he said slumping forward against the table. Cadence’s face suddenly lit up with a smile though as she shook Spike’s arm and said with a smile.

“What about our game night!? It’s tonight isn’t it? Why don’t we invite her along? I know Sweetie will have lots of fun with that don’t you think Spike?” Cadence asked. Spike sprang up from his seat with a smile and eagerly agreed.

“Hey yeah! I was gonna invite her before, but this might the best chance to have her join! Do you think she’ll like it though?” he said.

“Oh come on, game night is always fun. And Discord certainly keeps things interesting every time we play. Come on, let’s go talk to Shiny and get things started alright?” Cadence said as she stood up and waved for Spike to follow her. Spike hopped out of his chair and the two excitedly rushed to back to the castle.

Much later Sweetie walked into the study with Spike, who had an excited smile on his face.

“So how exactly do you play this game anyway Spike?” she asked as they entered Spike closing the doors behind them.

“Oh don’t worry about that, you really just have to play it all by ear. But don’t worry Shining and Cadence are playing too so you’ll have plenty of ponies to help you out.” he reassured her. Sweetie Belle walked up to the two older ponies and then looked around the study, she was a little confused though. It looked the same as it always did, no games, no snacks, nothing was different at all.

“I don’t get it, where’s the stuff we use to play?” she asked. Cadence smiled at Shining and gave him an excited nudge, he looked down at Spike as he walked up to Sweetie.

“Well Spike, you want to do the honors today?” he asked.

Spike nodded and then held his hands to his mouth and announced, “Captain What! We summon you here to search for treasure and adventure on this night of games!” In a sudden white flash everything in the study had changed to resemble a forest made of cardboard and paper cut outs. Discord appearing in his Ogres and Oubliettes attire, Sweetie ducked behind Spike a little nervous by his sudden appearance.

“Huzzah my fellow adventurers! I, the great Captain What have appeared to aid you in this night of adventure and...oh, who is that?” Discord said as his attention shifted pointing to Sweetie Belle. Every creature except Sweetie was now in costume, toy weapons and all, save for Sweetie of course. Spike took a step to the side and introduced the two,

“This is Sweetie Belle, we wanted her to play with us tonight. Plus you said you wanted more ponies in our party remember?” Spike said. Discord crossed his arms looking down at her,

“I did, but we are sure she wants to play? She doesn’t look very enthusiastic about this...” Discord replied.

“Oh come on Discord, think about how much more fun this will be with Sweetie Belle playing along side us?” Cadence said.

“And besides we’ll need another pony if we want to raid the diamond mines of Gaigax.” Shining added.

The mention of these mines brought a smile to Discord’s face as he looked at Sweetie Belle and replied. “Very well, but what class should she play? A thief maybe?” with a snap of his fingers Sweetie was suddenly dressed in dark leather armor a toy knife on her belt.

She was confused about what just happened but before she could ask Cadence spoke up, “No...I don’t that’s right for her.”

Discord snapped his fingers again Sweetie’s outfit changing to a set of robes, a wooden staff in her hoof, a toy squirrel on her head and rubber duck on her back. “What about a druid then?”

Sweetie looked at the others more confused then ever, “A what?” she asked.

Spike shook his head, “No, that doesn’t seem right either.”

After a brief silence Discord smiled, “Oh! I know, just what the party needs!” he said, snapping his fingers. Sweetie was now wearing black robes, and a black steel crown, a sword on her hip.

“A warlock! That’s perfect!” Discord added.

“No! No, on so many levels Discord...” Cadence shouted, Discord groaned and snapped his fingers again Sweetie returning to normal.

“Well then what? I’m all out of ideas...” he groaned.

Spike walked up to Sweetie and asked her, “What do you want to be Sweetie? A knight? A wizard? Maybe an Archer?” She sat nervously rubbing her leg,

“I don’t know...I’ve never done this before...” she sighed. Cadence walked up and sat down in front of her with a smile,

“Well what do you like to do Sweetie? Maybe we can figure out something from that?” Cadence asked.

Sweetie blushed a little embarrassed but then she smiled thinking of an idea. “I like to sing sometimes...does that help?” she said. Discord’s face lit up with a smile and before any creature could say anything he snapped his fingers, Sweetie now dressed in colorful performers clothes and lute across her back.

“A Bard! Oh I can’t tell you how much I wanted us to have one of those in the party...” he said with a smile. Sweetie looked over her costume a little confused and picked up the lute from her back.

“What’s a bard do?” she asked.

“Bard’s use song and magic to to support the rest of the party, its a good role for you since your just starting out. All you have to do is stay close to Spike and play songs for us while were fighting. Easy right?” Shining added. Sweetie smiled a little bit and then stood up looking at every creature around her.

“Okay! I can do that, so when do we start playing?” she asked. Discord suddenly appeared behind her and Spike picking them both up with a hug,

“Oh I’d thought you’d never ask! We make for the mines of Gaigax at once!!!”

Author's Note:

Oh lord I can't believe how long I dragged my a$$ getting this update done. It felt I'd only posted the last chapter two weeks ago maybe a little longer, but then I see its almost been a whole month! Sorry about, my need to play games obviously got the better of me again. On the plus side this does help start off the mini arc involving Sweetie's first time in Ogres and Oubliettes. So here's hoping everyone enjoys the chapter and I'll try and get the next update for this and my other stories up as soon as I'm able to. Leave me some comments of what you think. And stay safe out there everyone!

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