• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,424 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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It had been almost a full week since the House of Sun had finally returned to Canterlot, word spread quickly about Blueblood’s actions. Celestia was quick to dispatch workers and soldiers to help with repairing the damage the stallion had caused. Celestia and Luna sat in the castle study going through most of the old tomes in the restricted section of the castle library. Twilight walked into the room with a fresh pot of tea and cups for them.

“Any luck on the research?” Twilight asked, Celestia shook her head and set the book she was reading down before getting herself a fresh cup of tea.

“Sadly no, we’ve found no lack of information regarding the alicorn amulets magic, its origins, and some of the places its been, but nothing on where it could’ve been before Blueblood received it. It’s simply moved around for far too long, I don’t think were going to find out who was responsible for this. Or why they wanted Blueblood of all ponies to use it to wreak havoc. There are far more powerful creatures out there who could’ve used something like this to a much better extent.” Celestia explained. A brief hush fell over the room before Twilight spoke up again,

“Could it have been Nightmare? Maybe he was trying to use Blueblood to get back at us?” Luna set her book down and looked at Twilight,

“That’s certainly possible, but I don’t think that’s the answer we’re looking for either Twilight.” Luna replied. Celestia let out a frustrated groan and then stood up from her seat,

“I need some fresh air, we’ve been in this library all day. A brief walk will do us both wonders right now Luna.” she said.

Twilight followed Celestia and Luna as they made their way out to the terrace overlooking the city, it was a gorgeous sunny day out and barely any clouds were in sky.

“Mmm, this is exactly what I needed. Just a moment to feel that warm breeze is all…” Celestia said as she held her head high and smiled.

“Twilight!” a voice shouted from across the way, she looked over to see Sweetie Belle with Cadence and Sunset. A small stack of books and other nick knacks near them, Sweetie Belle eagerly ran over to her excitedly.

“Hi Sweetie Belle, what are you three doing out here?” Twilight asked as she hugged nuzzled the filly. Sunset and Cadence trot over behind Sweetie Belle.

“Well, after that thing with the changelings I wanted to get better at helping every pony. So I asked Sunset and Cadence to teach me some magic!” she explained. Celestia and Luna both looked at Sunset surprised when they heard this. Sunset blushed rubbing one of her legs embarrassed,

“It just seemed right, you know? And I’m kinda having fun teaching some pony the stuff I learned as a foal.” Sunset said. Luna walked over and gave Sunset a hug, nuzzling her a little as she did.

“So what lessons are you working on right now?” Twilight asked taking a new interest in the conversation.

“We're starting small, basic alteration and levitation. Sweetie’s doing a good job picking up the basics really. Might start teaching her a barrier spell if she keeps this up.” Sunset said. Twilight’s face suddenly lit up with a bright smile,

“Oh! What about the Illusionary Encyclopedia? Or maybe Starswirl’s tome of advanced polymorphs? Or there’s also…” Twilight began to gush before Cadence walked over and put her hoof on the mares shoulder.

“Twi, she’s just started today. It’ll be a while before we try anything more advanced okay?.” Cadance said. Twilight’s face turned a little red as every pony chuckled at her,

“I guess I just got a little carried away, I just wanted to be a part of…” Twilight’s sentence was suddenly cut off by the clap of thunder in the distance. Every pony turned to see a large dark storm cloud approaching Canterlot castle.

“A storm cloud? But I thought we were supposed to have clear skies today? What lazy pegasus in Cloudsdale let this happen?” Sunset said. Twilight looked at Celestia and Luna noticing the look of concern on both of their faces, before she could ask though Luna spoke to Sunset.

“Sunset, go get Shining and inform the guards right now.” she instructed, Sunset didn’t question her and sprinted off to do as she was told.

“What’s wrong?” Sweetie Belle asked,

“That cloud is moving against the wind, and there’s thunder but none of the lightning is making landfall…” Luna explained. The storm cloud slowly came to settle over the castle and as it did a trio of airships emerged from the black clouds, the lead ship turning and coming to a stop at the edge of the terrace. Twilight gently pushed Sweetie Belle behind her as Celestia, Luna, and Cadence stepped forward.

The side of the airship opened a large black steel ramp extending with a loud bang smashing a section of the terrace railing. A moment later a large group of Canterlot guards approached and lined up behind the royal family. The guards stood at the ready when a small yeti emerged from the ship carrying a small speaker box with a microphone attached to it. He picked up the microphone and spoke into it loudly,

“Ponies of Equestria! On behalf of the great Storm King, bow and give praise to commander Tempest Shadow!!!” He picked the speaker up and stepped to the side as a dark purple pony with a bright red mane, donned in black armor, and piercing green eyes, emerged from the airship, she stood silently staring down at the princesses coldly. Celestia took a step forward looking back at her fiercely,

“I am Princess Celestia, what reason does the Storm King dare invade our kingdom?” she demanded. Tempest slowly began to walk down the ramp looking down at the princesses the entire way,

“Your immediate surrender, without any hesitation.” Tempest answered. Luna sneered and stood beside her sister,

“Surrender? And how exactly do you plan to do this? There’s only two of you and you are in OUR castle amongst our forces.” Luna shouted back. Tempest grinned and came to a stop,

“Oh, you have no idea how many more you will need right now.” she replied. A moment later massive spiked anchors launched from the other airships striking the terrace ground, the Storm King’s forces springing from the airships and swarming the area almost immediately outnumbering the Canterlot guard. The Royal family looked around frantically trying to make sense of the situation, Celestia turned her attention back to Tempest though seeing the mare charge down the ramp at her. She watched as Tempest threw a small orb into the air and leapt up kicking it towards her with one of her hind legs. Celestia quickly used her magic to raise a barrier and move her family back, the orb crashed into the barrier and stuck like glue for a moment before shaking and exploding releasing a thick green gas. Twilight watched in shock as Celestia tried to move away but her body was slowly turned to black onyx,

“LUNA!!! I can’t…” her voice was cut off finally when her whole body changed. Luna was in shock but quickly turned her attention back to Tempest who was still approaching, Luna turned to face Twilight and Cadence,

“Twilight! Cadence! Get Sunset and the others, go north! Find the Children of the Night, tell them I’ve…” Luna stopped mid sentence when she saw Tempest tossing another of the onyx orbs into the air, Luna instead sprang forward and charged ramming the mare and stopping her from kicking the orb. Tempest rolled backwards and got back to her hooves as Luna charged again. Twilight went to help her aunt, but was stopped by Cadence.

“Twilight! Remember what she said, we need to go! Grab Sweetie Belle!” she shouted, Twilight hated leaving her Aunt behind, let alone Celestia in this moment but she knew Cadence was right. Tempest dodged Luna’s attacks, the mare was bigger and stronger than her and she knew it. She caught a glimpse of Twilight and Cadence running and as Luna landed blocking her view she threw another orb into the air and kicked it towards her, instinctively Luna leapt into the air dodging the orb which flew through the air and struck Cadence in the back just as she finished giving Sweetie to Twilight.

“Cadence, NOO!!!” Twilight shouted as she watched her best friend slowly turn to black stone same as her mother. Luna looked back hearing Twilight’s shouts realizing her mistake, angrily she turned and charged at Tempest ready to end this battle. Tempest rolled out of the way watching Luna land onto the ground with a thud,

“You won’t win this fight!” Luna snapped. Tempest smiled back at the princess,

“I have to disagree with you there.” she replied, Tempest’s eyes then looked towards the ground Luna looked down to see one of the orbs between her front hooves. She gasped and spread her wings ready to take flight but then Tempest blasted it with her broken horns magic setting it off and releasing the green gas.

Twilight watched as Luna looked back at her a second before she turned to stone, shouting to her “RUN!!!”. Without a second thought Twilight turned and ran as fast she could, Sweetie Belle gripped Twilight’s neck as tightly as she could as the two ran between all the Canterlot guards and Storm King soldiers fighting one another. The sound of hoof steps caught Twilight’s attention though and she looked back to see Tempest chasing after her,

“Oh no, no, no, no, no no!” She muttered. She watched as Tempest threw another onyx orb into the air and leapt to kick it, a second before her hoof kicked it though a red magic blast knocked Tempest away from the orb. Twilight slid to a stop and looked to see Shining and Sunset arriving with more Canterlot guards,

“Twilight! Keep running! We’ll keep her here!” Sunset shouted as she and Shining stood between her and Tempest. Twilight got further from Tempest which angered the mare,

she turned and shouted, “GRUBBER! Get the princess!!!”

Twilight ran as fast as she could, the whole city of Canterlot was now under siege. Just as Twilight made it to the bridge leading into the city though a pair of Storm King soldiers landed in front of her blocking her exit, she tried to retreat but was interrupted by the familiar voice of Grubber.

“Ha, nowhere to go now pony! Should’ve just let the commander catch you and make this whole thing easier.” he taunted. The soldiers slowly started to march towards Twilight and Sweetie Belle, Sweetie tightening her grip as they did.

“Twilight...I’m scared…what do we do?” Sweetie whimpered. Twilight turned towards the guards in front of her and fired magic blasts hoping to knock them away, the blasts were easily blocked by their shields though, the last ricocheting and hitting the bridge they stood on. The bridge gave way and Twilight and Sweetie shrieked as they fell to the river below, Grubber and the guards as they were swept away by the current.

“Oh the commander is not gonna like this...Go get her already!” Grubber said. Twilight splashed and tried to keep her head above the water, frantically reaching for Sweetie Belle and holding her close.

“Don’t worry, Sweetie Belle! I’ve got this...I think!” she said.

“Twilight…” Sweetie replied, the purple mare looked up and saw the end of the river ahead, a large waterfall that ran away from Canterlot.

“Oh no, oh no, oh no!!!” Twilight shouted as the two reached the falls and fell over to the water below. Twilight held onto Sweetie as best she could spinning around and around, she spread her wings and started to frantically flap them, trying to fly. After what seemed like forever the two suddenly slowed to a stop in the air. Twilight had her eyes closed, and could feel her wings flapping over and over. She laughed to herself before smiling,

“I did it! I actually did it! I’m flying Sweetie!” she announced. Sweetie didn’t reply though,

“Um...I’m sorry Twilight, please don’t look up. I’ll set you down really quick, I promise.” a third voice suddenly spoke up. Twilight opened her eyes when she realized she could feel a pair of claws holding her sides. She looked back to see Gabby above her, she slowly flew over to the edge of the river and set Twilight and Sweetie Belle down, she then flapped her wings and put a few feet between them remembering Twilight's griffon phobia. Twilight looked back Gabby and saw wave and smile, she was happy to see her friend but she also felt bad knowing she was staying her distance. Twilight set Sweetie Belle down and took a deep breath slowly approaching Gabby, and then finally hugging her.

“Thank you Gabby, I mean it. Thanks for the save.” Twilight said. Gabby smiled happy to finally get a hug from Twilight and then she immediately grabbed the mare and lifted her into a hug of her own.

Sweetie trot over and gave the griffon and mare a hug as well, a moment later they stopped hugging and Gabby looked at the two ponies.

“What were you two doing in the river? Don’t you know how dangerous that is?” Gabby asked. Sweetie Belle pointed back towards Canterlot, Gabby looking back to see the dark clouds and airships now floating over the city.

“Is that...bad?” Gabby asked. Twilight nodded,

“Yeah, but let’s get away from the river for now. We need to get out of sight as soon as possible.” Twilight explained. The three walked through the brush near the river and headed towards the roadside.

“I can’t believe this is happening...Mom, Aunt Luna, Cadence, my whole family is trapped back in Canterlot. I...I don’t know what to do right now.” Twilight said.

“Is there something we can do maybe? Do want me fly over and see if I can find them maybe? I wanna help Twilight.” Gabby asked. Twilight shook her head,

“No, going back is too dangerous. The Storm King’s forces are everywhere and then there’s that pony...what was her name? Tempest Shadow. I’ve never seen a unicorn with a broken horn before. Why is she helping someone like the Storm King in the first place?” Twilight said. Gabby and Sweetie could see how distraught the mare was, they reached the road a few minutes later and stopped to think. They sat silently for a few minutes when Sweetie heard the sound of wagon wheels approaching, she quickly alerted Twilight and Gabby and the three ducked into the bushes to hide. They waited expecting to see more of the Storm King’s forces, but instead a familiar blue mare came walking down the road pulling a caravan from the opposite direction. Twilight instantly sprung out of the bushes and hugged the pony taking her by complete surprise.

“Trixie! Are you a sight for sore eyes!” Twilight announced, Trixie stood dumbfounded for a second before realizing it was Twilight hugging her.

“Oh hi Twilight, its great to see you too. But...what are you doing all the way out here? Shouldn’t you be in Canterlot?” she asked. Twilight took a step back and looked towards the city, Trixie looking up to see the airships as well.

“Oh...that’s, um...what is going on?” she asked. Twilight took a few moments to explain as Trixie undid the harness for her caravan. When Twilight finally finished they all sat and thought for a moment about the next move they should make.

“Isn’t there something we can do? I mean, I know we can’t just go charging into the city but...is there anything?” Trixie asked. Twilight then remembered Luna’s words and her eyes opened wide.

“The Children of the Night...that’s it! We need to find them, Luna said they could help. But...I don’t know where to start looking, north is the only real clue we’ve got.” Twilight answered. Sweetie then stood up and smiled excitedly,

“I know a place we can get help AND find out where they are!” she said. Twilight and the others looked at one anther before looking back at Sweetie.

“Where?” Gabby asked.

Then with a bright smile Sweetie hopped in place and announced, “Ponyvile!”

Author's Note:

:ajsleepy: Finally got this done, tried getting it up before the Christmas but my job was kicking my @$$ the last two weeks. :twilightsheepish: But at long last I got the Storm King arc off to a good start. I will be honest, I've been looking forward to writing this arc as much as I was the Nightmare Moon arc. Even went and rewatched the G4 movie so I could get a better idea of how to write Edge Pony and Grubber. :yay: Well hope everyone enjoyed their Christmas as much as I did, and here's to a great new year for everyone! :pinkiehappy:

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