• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,459 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Nightmare Rarity

Every pony in the House of Sun sat around the table in the castle study, Rarity in a chair shaking and barely holding onto a cup of coffee. Twilight sat next to her a hoof on her shoulder trying to reassure her,

“So that’s what happened sister, I’m afraid things will only get worse from here unless we do something soon.” Luna finished explaining to the others.

“But what is this thing anyway? And why did it choose Rarity of every pony?” Cadence asked.

Luna sat silent for a moment, “I’m afraid I don’t have a good answer Cadence, all I know about this creature is that he’s made of an ancient magic that could very well precede Starswirl himself. The fact he’s able to effect the dream realm to the same degree as me is also concerning. If allowed to take control of your friend, who knows what kind of damage it could unleash onto Canterlot, let alone all of Equestria.” she said.

Celestia stood next to Luna and asked, “So what is the plan then sister? Do you have a way to defeat this creature? We certainly can’t allow it to take control of Rarity.” Luna looked around the room at Spike and the other ponies watching and waiting for her response.

“With Ms. Rarity’s permission, I’ll have all of us enter the dream realm and confront the creature. Once there we simply battle and contain the beast hopefully destroying it in the process. Make no mistake, this won’t be an easy battle. He already knows were coming to fight him and will likely be prepared for a long and lengthy battle.” Luna answered.

Shining put his hoof around Cadence and smiled confidently, “With all of us and Mom helping I’m sure we could stop this thing.” he said.

Celestia and Luna looked at one another nervously, “I’m afraid I won’t be able to help Shining, my magic is different from Luna’s and I won’t be much use in the dream realm. That’s why I’ll have to stay out here and make sure that nothing goes wrong. The worst case scenario, I’ll be the last thing to keep this creature from attacking Canterlot.” Celestia said. The room suddenly had an uneasy silence to it, but then Twilight spoke up to help build every ponies confidence.

“It’s okay, as long as all of us are together there’s no way we can fail. We’ve defeated Discord and saved Aunt Luna before, I know we can handle this!” Twilight looked back to Rarity still sitting nervously, “Are you okay with this Rarity? If you aren’t comfortable with this we can find another way.” Twilight asked.

Rarity shook her head and took a sip from her coffee, “No darling, I understand completely why this has to be done. This is far more important than just me, your family has to keep Equestria safe at any costs.” Rarity replied. Twilight smiled and looked at Luna and Celestia,

“Very well, I’ll get the necessary preparations done and we’ll meet in the eastern guest rooms this evening to begin.” Luna said, and after a moment the group dispersed to get ready for the plan.

The evening had come at long last, Celestia finished setting the sun and Luna raising the moon. They all stood in the guest room where Luna had told them meet, a group of beds circled the perimeter of the room. Rarity lay in one of the beds in her nightgown clutching the blanket, Twilight stood next to her.

“Don’t worry about Sweetie Belle, I’ve got my friend Moondancer watching her while we do this.” Twilight explained. Rarity nodded and looked to Luna who stood in the center of the room next to Sunset,

“Are we ready for this? It’s going to get a lot worse from here.” Sunset said. Luna nodded and gave every pony their instructions, each pony lying in a bed and laid down to sleep. As expected Rarity was the first to fall asleep, the others shortly following after. Luna levitated into the air and focused her magic white ribbons of magic extended from her horn and connected to each pony in the room linking them all in the dream realm as Luna had planned. She looked down at Celestia watching,

“Good luck Sister, I know you can do this.” Celestia said. Luna smiled back at her Celestia and then shut her eyes and disappeared entering the dream realm.

Rarity found herself back in her boutique at first everything seemed normal, but then as she went to reach for her supplies voices began to echo throughout the shop.

“No one wants your dresses.”

“Your work is pathetic.”

“You call this fashion?!” the voices chanted, Rarity closed her eyes and covered her ears trying to drown them out like she did every night. She was always a generous pony, and the idea of hearing all this was maddening to her. She opened her eyes and the boutique slowly turned dark, the lights fading, and the shop violently changing shape becoming distorted, the dresses and clothes she had on display aging and becoming horrifying to look at.

“No! Please, stop this...I don’t want this to happen again...” Rarity cried, behind her the shadowy stallion emerged from the darkness.

“You have no say...this is what you are now. You tell every pony you left Ponyville for a fresh start, but I know the truth. You ran away, scared that no pony appreciated your work, that no pony liked what you had to offer, but who can blame you? Such a small insignificant town like that, your generosity was wasted on them.” he whispered to her. Rarity clutched her ears tighter, unbeknownst to Rarity her coat and hair began to change again. “Accept my gifts, and every pony will come to worship you for what you have to offer...” he continued to say. Rarity shook her head in denial, but slowly she was succumbing to the creatures powers. Then a magic blast shot across the room and struck him knocking him away from Rarity.

The shadow looked up and saw Luna and her family ready to fight, “Foul beast! This ends tonight! You will take no ponies this day, I swear it!” Luna shouted as they all rushed to Rarity’s aid. Twilight stood next to Rarity firing blasts of magic at the Shadow stallion, while the others charged in. Cadence and Luna flew above blasting the beast from behind, Sunset and Shining stood below with Spike adding their magic to Spike’s flames. Twilight looked back and saw Rarity slowly changing back to normal same as last night. She smiled and thought this could work, they could save Rarity at this rate! The House of Sun continued to bombard the beast, smoke and shadow pouring from his body, he screamed in pain as the combined magics tore away at his body. At long last the creature finally exploded into a cloud of dark smoke his scream echoing and then slowly fading.

Every pony stopped and smiled, “We did it! We beat him, I knew we could do it.” Sunset announced. Luna looked around nervously though the boutique was still distorted though she thought. If they had truly beaten the beast then why hadn’t everything changed back to Rarity’s normal dream? Before Luna could speak up though a sinister laughter echoed throughout the room,

“You fools...this is exactly what I wanted, whilst you paid attention to an imitation I got exactly what I needed.” Twilight gasped and turned to see darkness and shadow pour out of Rarity, Twilight tried to cast a spell to counter but it was no use. Rarity’s body slowly grew to match Celestia’s height, her mane and tail growing in length a white highlight in both, her coat a jet black, and lastly her cutie mark changing to match her new form. Then she turned to face the others her eyes now an emerald green shade.

“I have what I wanted...” she said. Luna and the others rushed to attack, but then with a quick spell shadows emerged from the ground and quickly immobilized them all. Twilight was pulled back held to the ground on her back beside Sunset,

“Rarity! Fight this! You know what he said isn’t true! Every pony loves you for your generosity!” Twilight shouted.

Rarity laughed though, “She can’t hear you anymore Twilight Sparkle...I was content with letting my last host believe she was in control, but now...her mind is just noise, a minor distraction at best.” she said as she stood looking down at the others.

“First host? Foul creature! What other pony have you done this too! Answer me!” Luna shouted, Rarity smiled and walked over to Luna she leaned in close and whispered.

“You really don’t remember? A thousand years ago...your precious meteor shower festival...they gave it to your sister instead...” Luna’s face turned pale as she looked in shock.

“No...that...that can’t be...” she said, Twilight looked at Luna then Rarity.

“What? Who was it?” she asked. Rarity then stood upright smiling,

“It...was you...all these years...I thought it was my own jealously of Tia, but...you did it. You changed me into Nightmare Moon...all those ponies I hurt, the things I said to my sister...it was because of you!” Luna said.

Rarity laughed holding her hoof to her mouth in mocking way, “Oh Luna, I didn’t do anything but give you the power and attention you craved. Every action, every word, every spell, you did it all yourself. As I said before, you were fully in control of what you were doing the entire time...Its a shame you rejected me though...” Rarity explained her gaze then turning to Cadence, her eyes shifting to a look of anger. “Really? A princess of love? I’d never thought it possible to tell the truth, such a selfless emotion it is, how could any creature possibly embody it after all?” Rarity said as she slowly approached Cadence, Shining struggled to try and get free to protect Cadence. Finally stopping in front of Cadence, Rarity glared down at the pink Alicorn. “I have a grudge to satisfy firstly, the things I could’ve accomplished with Luna as my host.” she said, dark magics began to flow from Rarity’s horn as she prepared to attack. Twilight and the others watched trying to break free,

“If only I had better magic, I wish I was a wizard like Starswirl!” Twilight thought wishing with every ounce of her body. Then in a sudden burst of light Twilight broke free, the light fading to reveal her now dressed like Starswirl. Without a second thought she turned and blasted Rarity as she looked back knocking her away from her family. Rarity recovered quickly though and began to battle Twilight, Luna gasped in the sudden realization of what Twilight had done.

“Listen every pony! This is the dream realm, whatever you will, it becomes reality! Do the same as Twilight, become what you want and fight back!” Luna shouted to the others.

“Really? That’s how it works?” Sunset asked, she closed her eyes and started to focus. Then like Twilight a flash of light engulfed Sunset and she transformed into a tight blue costume with a red cape, her cutie mark on the chest. Sunset turned and suddenly flew without wings charging at Rarity who was distracted by Twilight and struck her in the face with her hoof knocking her back. “Woohoo! Super powers!” Sunset cheered. Shining, Spike, and Cadence watched for a moment in awe.

“Well, if they can do it. Why can’t we?” Shining said, the three focused and soon they all transformed as well, Spike into a taller more muscly Dragon, Cadence into full grown Alicorn with ethereal mane and white dress, and lastly Shining into his Ogres and Oubliettes character. Cadence and Spike rushed to aid Sunset and Twilight, as Rarity looked up she saw Spike bearing down on her and then engulf her in his flames. Rarity raised a barrier to block the attack but already taken damage, Shining rushed to Luna and drew his axe it glowed with a bright golden magic and he swiftly cut Luna free so she could join the battle. Rarity fired bursts of magic back at the House of Sun as they fought her, but the numbers were against her now. For every hit she gave to them they returned two more. Finally Luna and Twilight stepped forward casting a barrier around Rarity trapping her, Cadence then cast her love spell onto her next the barrier making it as strong as it was when they fought Nightmare Moon. Rarity screamed in agony as smoke and shadow began to pour off of her body. Slowly Rarity began to change back to her normal self, the nightmare stallion being pulled from her body by Cadence’s magic.

Finally when Rarity was free enough Twilight reached for her grabbing her hooves, “Rarity!! Come on! Grab on!” Twilight shouted. The two gripped one anothers hooves and Twilight began to pull her from the barrier. Just as Rarity seemed free the Nightmare Stallion erupted in a fit a rage,

“NOO!!!” he shrieked as he unleashed a massive burst of dark magic knocking every pony away from him, Twilight barely shielded herself in time. Dark shadows gripped Rarity and pulled her to the Nightmare, “I won’t be destroyed! If I die, then I’ll take this one with me!!” he shouted. Dark magics began to burn away at Rarity who screamed in pain,

Twilight rushed over and shouted. “Stop it! Leave my friend alone!” Nightmare paused for a moment still clutching Rarity close,

“And what will you do to stop me exactly?” he asked before he began to hurt Rarity again. Twilight watched in horror as he hurt her friend, she didn’t know what to do she had to save her friend.

Then Twilight did something crazy, “Take me instead!!” she shouted.

Rarity’s eyes opened wide in shock, “Twilight darling, no! You can’t!” she begged. The Nightmare quickly muffled Rarity silencing her,

“You? What makes you think I would do that?” he asked.

Twilight was focused on Rarity the entire time though, “I’m...I’m stronger than Rarity, I know more magic as well. Plus I’m Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter. I’m the better choice, right?” she pleaded.

“And how do I know you’re telling me the truth?” he asked.

Twilight stepped towards him, “Just take me and let Rarity go, then you’ll have a host almost as powerful as Princess Luna! I swear!” Twilight begged. The Nightmare Stallion gave a sinister grin and then finally spoke,

“Deal...” A massive swarm of shadows poured out from every direction and into Twilight, Luna and the others began to recover when they saw what was happening.

“Twilight!! NO!! Fight back!” Sunset shouted, but it was too late the Nightmare fully merged with Twilight her coat and mane turning a darker shade.

“Oh...the power...the untapped potential of this one...no wonder Celestia wanted her.” she said. Then dark magics even greater than Luna’s poured out of her, a blue mask of dark magic light appeared around her eyes, then to Luna’s shock Twilight sprouted a pair of wings! She looked exactly like an Alicorn now she thought.

Sunset rushed over and shouted to her friend, “Twilight!! Come back to us!!”

Twilight then slowly turned and smiled, “Sorry Sunset...Twilight Sparkle is gone, now there is only...Midnight Sparkle...”

Author's Note:

Okay confession time, I actually had this ready about a week ago and thought I'd posted it (Obviously not). So when I went to start brainstorming on the next chapter I noticed it wasn't posted and more less face palmed myself pretty hard. :pinkiesad2: Also the fact I've been sick the last week or so didn't exactly help things either. :pinkiesick: Not sure when i'll get the next update posted, but I will try and be quicker about it this time. Please be patient in the meantime, as I'm still not 100% just yet. :twilightsmile: Anyways, as usual give me some comments and/or likes and lets see where things go from there.

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