• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,457 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Welcome to Ponyville

Spike and Sweetie Belle walked ahead of all the others, Sweetie was more excited than usual.

“Are we sure it was okay to leave Auntie and Luna back with the balloon?” Cadence asked.

“Well, we needed some pony to watch our stuff while we went to look for help. Plus, they both admitted it might cause a lot of commotion if they just came walking into a random town we happen to come across.” Sunset replied. Shining and Twilight walked behind the others, as they walked Twilight would stretch her wings and look them over periodically.

“You thinking about what Sunset said? About never using them?” Shining asked her.

Twilight nodded before folding them at her sides, “A little bit, yeah. Maybe I’ll try learning how to use them once we get to the resort. I mean, what’s the worse that could happen right?” she replied.

“Hey! Keep up you two! Were almost there, I can see the front gates from here!” Sweetie shouted happily. Sweetie and Spike rushed ahead finally reaching the gates to Apple Acres, Spike looked around for a moment at the seemingly normal Farm and nearby apple orchard.

“So who lives here Sweetie? Are they your family? Or friends maybe?” he asked.

“This is where Applebloom and her family live, we went to Ms. Cheerliee’s school together before I moved to Canterlot with...well, you know.” Sweetie replied. Twilight and the others caught up and a moment later a voice called out to them.

“Sweetie Belle? Is that you?” they all turned to see an orange mare in an old brown hat puling a wagon full of barrels overflowing with different colored apples. Sweetie sprung up with excitement and rushed over to hug the older mare,

“Applejack! Its so great to see you! Is Applebloom home?” Sweetie asked. Applejack smiled and gently hugged Sweetie Belle back,

“I’m glad to see you too Sugarcube...um, your sister isn’t with you is she?” Sweetie Belle took a step back and shook her head,

“Rarity couldn’t make it, she had something work related keeping her in Canterlot. So, she let us bring Sweetie Belle along with us.” Sunset explained as she walked over and sat next to Sweetie Belle. Applejack looked up and took a moment to look at the ponies and dragon traveling with Sweetie Belle.

“Hey, do I know y’all from somewhere? I feel like Ah’ve seen ya before.” she asked. Cadence and Twilight giggled at one another confusing Applejack, but then Sweetie was quick to give introductions.

“This is the House of Sun, Applejack! Well, most of them anyway. Princess Celestia and Princess Luna stayed behind to watch our stuff.” Applejack’s eyes widened in shock when she looked back up at every pony in front of her she almost panicked and then made a quick respectful bow.

“Ah’m sorry your majesties!!! Ah didn’t know, please forgive me fer bein so formal!” she blurted out.

“Oh no, its fine really. We’re not used to being treated like royalty.” Twilight said helping Applejack stand back up,

“In fact, we kind of prefer it that way.” Cadence added.

“Well, if y’all insist I suppose I could be a bit less formal. So, what brings you all the way out here exactly?” Applejack asked.

“We’re on vacation but our Hot-Air balloon sprung a small leak, we had to set down to ask for help fixing it. Sweetie Belle seemed like she knew a few ponies in town so we decided to stop to ask for help.” Sunset explained to Applejack. The country mare undid the harness from the wagon she was pulling and with a smile answered,

“Well, shoot. Ah think I might know just the pony to help y’all out. If’n ya want I can take the rest of y’all into town to get anything else you might be needin.” A moment later Applejack turned and walked a short distance yelling to a large red stallion in the distance who seemed to be flirting with a pink maned mare with a reddish purple coat.

“Big Macintosh! Get yer flank over here! And bring your toolbox! I got something for y’all to do!” she shouted, the stallion looked at the mare standing on the over the side of the fence from him and quickly nuzzled her before turning to Applejack and replying with a simple.

“Eeyup” Big Mac grabbed a nearby toolbox and then trot over to the ponies waiting for him, when he reached them he came to a dead stop recognizing the royal family quicker than Applejack did. He raised his hoof pointing at them trying to contemplate what was going on,

“Ah’ll explain it to y’all later, just go with them and help get their balloon fixed up. They’re trying to enjoy their vacation.” Applejack said,

Big Mac nodded and once again simply saying. “Ee...Eeyup...” Cadence and Shining waved and guided Big Mac back to the balloon while Sweetie and Spike trotted over to the mare that Big Mac had been talking to,
“Ms. Cheerilee!! Hi! Its me, Sweetie Belle!” Sweetie shouted. Cheerilee paused and looked back to see Spike and Sweetie approach, she knelt down and hugged the little filly once she was close enough.

“Sweetie Belle! It’s so good to see you again, how’s things in Canterlot? I heard you were living with your sister in the big city.” she asked. Sweetie hesitated for a moment but then nodded with a smile,

“Yeah...I’ve been living at her place, she said I was a big help when we were helping her move in and wanted me to stay to help her out more.” she replied. Cheerilee was happy to see her former student was doing so well,

“Well I’m certainly glad to hear your doing so well Sweetie Belle. Are you going to go visit Applebloom and Scootaloo while your in town? They’ll be absolutely thrilled to see you I’m sure.” she asked. Twilight, Sunset, and Applejack watched Spike and Sweetie talking to Cheerilee which made Sunset and Twilight happy to see her smiling so much.

“So do y’all need to get anything in town? I reckon I could still show ya around if you need some help.” Applejack asked.

“Well, now that you mention it. We could use a few snacks to make the trip better, right Twi?” Sunset said giving her friend a gentle nudge.

“Sure, I wouldn’t mind checking out the town for a little bit. It’ll be a nice breather before we start traveling again.” Twilight added.

A short while later Applejack guided them into Ponyville, as they walked Applejack pointed the different shops and what they had to offer. Twilight and Sunset looked around taking in the sights, Twilight noticed a few ponies watching her and Spike. She realized they must have recognized her but no pony was making the effort to approach them let alone talk.

“And over there is Sugarcube corner, its owned by the Cake’s. But its also the best place in town to get any baked goods y’all might need for yer trip. Over there is...” As Applejack talked she was suddenly cut off by a pink pony rushing over and hugging her with blinding speed, the force of her grabbing Applejack almost knocking her over.

“APPLEJACK!!! You have new friends! Introduce us!!!” the pink pony shouted happily. Twilight and Sunset stood surprised, Applejack tried to fix her hat and talk but the pink one refused to let her go.

“Sure thing...Pinkie...I just...need some...space.” Applejack pushed against Pinkie trying to get her to release her hug, when she finally got Pinkie to let go she composed herself and fixed her hat.

“Anywho, this here is Pinkie Pie. Pinkie, this is Twilight Sparkle, Sunset Shimmer, and Spike.” Applejack leaned over whispering the next part to Pinkie hoping not to draw attention. “They’re all three a part of the House of Sun from Canterlot, Twilight’s even Princess Celestia’s daughter!” Pinkie let out a loud gasp covering her mouth which turned into a massive smile, a second later she let out an almost deafening scream before hugging Sunset and Twilight.

“Oh my Stars! New friends! And your famous ponies at that!!!” Pinkie shouted.

“Well...its nice to meet you Pinkie Pie. I’m glad you think of us as friends even though we just met.” Twilight said.

Pinkie took a step back and then happily announced, “New friends means we need a party to celebrate!!! Come on AJ! Let’s have a party!” Pinkie announced as she threw streamers and confetti into the air seemingly from nowhere.

“NO! No, Pinkie, we’re not going to be staying long, we’re only going to be here until our balloon gets fixed. But we appreciate the thought.” Sunset said calming the pink one down.

“Awww...but you’ll come visit again right? And then we can have a big fancy party just for all of you right?” Pinkie asked. Twilight nodded and looked at Sunset who agreed with a smile,

“Yay!!! I gotta get back home and start planning out the party now! It’s gonna be so great!!” Pinkie shouted before turning and bunny hopping away from the others.

“Well...she’s, energetic.” Sunset said looking at Twilight then Applejack.

“Yeah, that’s our Pinkie Pie alright. She knows how to throw a fun party though that’s fer sure. Now, come on y’all. Let’s go get the rest of those things you wanted.” Applejack said as she turned to lead them into town. Sunset came to a stop though and started to look around for a moment.

“Sunset? What’s wrong?” Twilight asked.

She looked back at Applejack and Twilight and asked. “Where did Spike and Sweetie go?”

Sweetie and Spike rushed across Ponyville and into the fields just past the town to a small area littered with trees. Sweetie was more excited than before and constantly shouted for Spike to keep up. Spike did his best, but it wasn’t easy for a two legged dragon to keep pace with a four legged pony. Sweetie Belle led Spike to a tree house in the middle of the grove and the two rushed up to the door and Sweetie eagerly threw the door open and announced her presence.

“Scootaloo! Applebloom!! I’m back!!!”

Author's Note:

Well this chapter turned out longer than I was expecting it to be. :yay: Unfortunately I ran out of ideas pretty quick near the end there, but I'll try and get the next update going as soon as I can. :pinkiehappy: Hope everyone enjoyed this chapter too, as you got two Mane six ponies for the price of one this chapter. Also decided to throw in a few more Ponyville cameos while I was at it for good measure. Next chapter of course will have Scoots and Applebloom which should be interesting to write. :eeyup: In the meantime, hope you enjoyed the newest update. As per usual leave me some comments and a like or two. Take care Every creature!

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