• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,504 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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The Prince Dethroned

Twilight walked alongside Applejack, Shining and Cadence following close behind. Applejack was positively glowing with joy right now happy that Twilight was able to help them out with everything that was happening.

“Thanks again Twilight, I can’t begin to tell y’all how much you’ve helped out every pony in town. I do wish we could’ve come up with a way that wouldn’t have made Blueblood into an enemy, but you can’t always have everything I suppose.” AJ said.

“I’m sure Blueblood just needs some time to cool down and then he’ll be fine. Give him a week or so and he’ll probably find a new business venture somewhere else.” Twilight replied. As the group trot through town, Twilight paused when she heard some pony shout her name from a distance. Before she could turn to see who it was a pink blur zipped past every pony tackling Twilight and rolling into a big hug.

“TWILIGHT!!! I didn’t know you were back! I almost missed you because I was visiting my sisters out of town!” the pink pony squeaked. Twilight took a moment to get her bearings back but then saw who was hugging her.

“Oh, Pinkie Pie! I was wondering where you were hiding, I figured you would’ve been at the center of everything that was going on in town.” Twilight said as she hugged Pinkie back. Twilight’s words caught Pinkie’s attention and she looked around at all the ponies around her,

“Did I miss something? You didn’t throw a party without me, did you? You can’t have a Ponyville party without the premiere party pony, which is me!” Pinkie said.

“No, Pinkie. We didn’t have any parties while y’all were gone, y’see what happened was…” Applejack started to explain but then was quickly cut off by Pinkie.

“Tell me later! Right now we need to throw Twilight that party I promised her the next time she visited! Every pony meet at Sugarcube Corner in ten minutes!!!” Pinkie then sprang into the air and darted off almost like she were a pegasus in flight. Every pony else stood silent and puzzled for a moment though,

“Ten minutes? There’s no way she could be ready that quick...right?” Cadence asked.

“Y’all don’t know Pinkie Pie very well then. Why don’t ya head on over to Sugarcube Corner and see if she needs any help, I’ll go back home and get the rest of yer family and mine so we can celebrate proper.” Applejack answered. They all nodded in agreement and split off, Applejack heading back to Apple Acres, the others to Sugarcube Corner.

As the group approached Sugarcube Corner nothing seemed out of place, the exterior was the same, the front door shut, and no real indication that Pinkie was even there they thought. Twilight, Shining, and Cadence stood looking around for a moment wondering what to do.

“Umm, are we sure she’s even here? Maybe she’s still getting party supplies?” Cadence asked. Twilight was just as clueless as Cadence but approached the front door knocking on it to get whoever might be insides attention. A second later the click and turn of the doorknob was followed by a sudden explosion of balloons and confetti pouring outside. They stood dumbfounded, covered in confetti as they looked inside to see the building had been completely set up for a full size party. Pinkie suddenly slid up to the front door to greet her friends with her usual smile.

“Hi Twilight, Shining, and Cadence! Welcome to the party! I just got everything finished!” Pinkie announced, she darted from pony to pony putting party hats on each one of them as well as putting a party blower in Shining’s mouth. Pinkie was quick to usher them inside to see the party she had at the ready. Twilight couldn’t begin figure out how Pinkie had gotten such a big party for them set up in such a small amount of time, they agreed to this only a few minutes ago! Pinkie excitedly hopped from place to place,

“Come on in and get your fill every pony! There’s cake, candy, cups, drinks, and cupcakes! Now let’s have fun already!” Pinkie shouted.

“Oh, are we early? We just got the invite a few minutes ago.” a voice said from behind. Twilight turned to see Lofty, Holiday, and Scootaloo all waiting at the front door. Scootaloo wasted no time and dashed inside to the snacks to get her fill. Pinkie slid over and hugged both the mares pulling them close.

“You’re just in time! Now let’s have some fun!” Pinkie shouted. Over the next few minutes more ponies from in town started to show up, Mayor Mare, Fluttershy, Mr and Mrs Cake, and some ponies Twilight and the others hadn’t quite met yet. The party was finally in full swing and every pony was having fun together,

“I wonder what’s taking Auntie and the others so long? You don’t think they didn’t want to come to the party do you Twilight?” Cadence asked.

Twilight took another sip from the drink she had before answering Cadence, “Of course not, knowing them they’re probably walking here with Applejack and her family rather than flying. To be honest, I’d probably have done the same thing.” The celebration was suddenly interrupted though by the sudden loud sound of a crash outside, Twilight and the others rushed to the front door and opened it to see what was happening outside. The town was suddenly in chaos, a small fire seen in the distance and ponies screaming and running away in a panic.

"What the?..."Shining said.

Twilight turned to every pony at the party and said, "Every pony stay here and be safe, we'll go see what's going on!"

Twilight raced to the source of the crash sound, Shining and Cadence close behind her. Soon they began to hear more sounds of panicked screams and more bangs and crashes. Finally they reached the fountain in the center of town and saw Blueblood levitating above it a sinister red magic aura around him as he launched magic blasts at the buildings around him gloating out loud.

“Dirty pony peasants! If I won’t let me have what I want, then I shall take it by force! Ha ha ha ha!”

Twilight approached Blueblood and shouted to him, “Blueblood! What are you doing!? Stop this right now! You’re gonna hurt some pony!” Blueblood paused in his destruction and turned to face Twilight,

“You! Filthy peasant! I’ve had enough of you and family humiliating me!” Blueblood shouted as he turned to face the purple mare a second later his horn glowing and releasing a red magic blast at Twilight. The blast was blocked by a magic shield at the last moment, Twilight turning to see her brother standing behind her glaring at Blueblood.

“You think you can beat me? A filthy lowly pony like you!?” Blueblood shouted, the iris of his eyes changing to a blood red shade as the magic in his horn seemed to become more powerful and unstable. Cadence rushed at Blueblood from behind trying to grab him and end this, but found herself bouncing off a barrier around the stallion. Blueblood turned and saw her being knocked back, he then turned to face her and fired another magic blast Cadence barely had time to raise her own shield and was instead thrown through the wall of a nearby building.

“Cadence!” Shining shouted as he ran at Blueblood firing magic blasts at him, Shining’s attacks bounced off Blueblood’s shield to which he responded by casting a bundle of magic chains wrapping around Blueblood’s shield and slamming him to the ground. Dark magics poured out of the amulet around his neck though and with a sudden burst of magic Shining’s chains launched through the air and soon bound Shining Armor pinning him to the ground. Blueblood laughed maniacally and rose to the air again, firing another burst of magic at the now helpless Shining. Twilight teleported between them and quickly raised her barrier blocking his attack.

“Blueblood! I’m warning you! This is your last chance to stop all of this!” Twilight shouted. Her words only made Blueblood angrier, feeding the amulet around his necks power,

“Stop? I won’t stop until I have exactly what I want!” Blueblood shouted. Magic poured out of Blueblood’s horn random arcs of magic energy going everywhere as he launched another attack at Twilight, the little alicorn blocked his attack and fired her own back at him in vain. His barrier was too strong she thought, she was going to need more power or help to crack it. Blueblood launched another attack his magic now having no focus and going everywhere, Twilight blocked the blasts that came towards her and Shining but then she heard the sound of the Ponyville ponies screaming in fear. She looked around and saw Blueblood’s magic had no discrimination now, it was random and out of control. The stallion clearly had little to no knowledge of how to control his attacks now, Twilight knew she had to keep the town safe now and not just her brother. Focusing as much magic as she could Twilight cast a barrier stretching it as far she could to shield the town, Blueblood rose above the barrier but only laughed at Twilight’s attempts.

“You really think you can just shield the whole town!? The bigger your barrier the weaker it is peasant!” he taunted before unleashing another assault of magic blasts in every direction. Twilight grit her teeth trying to keep her barrier up, but Blueblood was so much more powerful right now. Twilight looked up to see her barrier beginning to give out, cracks slowly forming all across it. Then a barrier of green and blue energy suddenly formed beneath it adding on two more layers of protection for the town. Twilight looked about seeing Cadence having recovered and casting a shield of her own, looking over her shoulder she saw Sunset following her example. Then a booming Canterlot voice echoed throughout the town,

“THAT IS ENOUGH!!!” Before Blueblood could react dark blue and golden yellow beams of magic shot across the sky crashing into his barrier and knocking him across the town just shy of the outskirts. Blueblood spun in circles in the middle of the barrier disoriented, when he finally started to recover he saw a blue alicorn streak across the sky smashing through his barrier and slamming him into the ground with a thunderous BOOM! Blueblood was pinned beneath the blue hoof covers of the Moon Princess now, and before he could cast a spell Celestia landed beside her sister and quickly tore the amulet from around his neck. The red in Blueblood’s magic and eyes faded instantly and he soon realized how much trouble he was in,

“Wait, wait, wait, I can explain! This wasn’t my fault!!! I swear!” he begged. Celestia didn’t respond instead she stood glaring down at him with a rage in her eyes he’d never seen before.

“Answer me now Blueblood, where did you get this!? Who gave it to you?!” Celestia demanded.

Elsewhere...Grogar watched as Blueblood was defeated in battle, then in a cloud of shadows Nightmare appeared before him.

“I have it...although I don’t understand why you needed to give up such a powerful artifact just for a distraction. I could’ve used that amulet to easily recover most of my power, wouldn’t that have been more to our advantage?” she asked as she handed Grogar a book wrapped in old tattered cloth. The ram chuckled as he took the book and began to unwrap it,

“This artifact is far more valuable Nightmare, with it I can use its magics to help make monsters and creatures to aid in my future plans. As for the amulet it was a necessary sacrifice, having you go into the castle of Two Sisters as you are would’ve drawn the Princesses’ attention. Especially since they’re so adamant about rescuing your host.” he explained. Grogar finished unwrapping the book Nightmare found revealing an old spell tome made of stone with spikes on the cover.

“Ah yes, the Inspiration Manifestation...”

Author's Note:

:yay: New chapter finished, took me a while to get this done. I found myself getting back into Pokemon Shield and then Brilliant Pearl came out a few days ago which hasn't helped me focus on my stories. :twilightsheepish: But I managed to finally keep my Switch off long enough to get this done and hopefully everyone is pleased with how this all turned out. Next update will have the House of Sun finally making their way back to Canterlot and finally starting the "Storm King" arc. Which yes, that means everyone's favorite Edge Pony will get her time to shine. :pinkiehappy:

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