• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,457 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Preparing for the Gala

“The Galloping Gala?” Celestia asked, the House of Sun sat all gathered around the dining table, Sunset sat next to Twilight, Kibitz next to Celestia handing her papers as they talked.

“Yeah, we thought it’d be a good way to help every pony see that Aunt Luna’s changed.” Cadence said with a smile.

“We’ve already got everything figured out, Cadence will set up the Gala herself, I’m going to write a speech for Aunt Luna for when she introduces herself to every pony, Sunset’s going to get Wallflower to bring a few journalists from her job at the newspaper, and Shining’s going to make sure everything's safe and secure!” Twilight explained,

Spike looked around and asked. “What about me?”

Cadence smiled and said, “You can help me with the preparations, or help Sunset. There’s plenty to do.” They all looked back at Celestia and Luna sitting on the end of the table, Celestia seemed to like the idea but Luna had an uneasy look on her face.

“I...I don’t know, last time I tried to talking to other ponies it didn’t go so well.” she said, Celestia put her hoof on Luna’s back and reassured her.

“I promise it’ll be alright Luna, we’ll all be right there with you the whole time. Just trust us to make this better.” Luna smiled at Celestia and looked around the table at the rest of her family, they all looked back at her smiling eager to help.

“Okay...If you think this can work, then I’m willing to try at least.” she said. Celestia sat up with a smile,

“Excellent, then I expect every pony to do their jobs to their absoute best. We have to make sure this goes perfect, Kibitz, would mind sending out the invitations? I hate to have to add more work to your schedule, but this is important.” Kibitz smiled and took a polite bow,

“Of course your majesty, I understand completely. I will complete this task with great haste as always. Shall I give extra invitations for your family in case there is any pony they wish to invite?” he said. Celestia looked across the table,

“I don’t see why not. After all the more ponies who show up for the gala the better.” Celestia added, a moment later they all left to complete their tasks, Cadence, Spike, and Twilight walked together.

“This is so exciting, I usually hate going to the Gala. But this year is so different!” Cadence said with a smile,

“I know! I gotta get over to the library and start combing through the restricted section for anything about Aunt Luna, I have to make sure the speech I write for her is perfect!” Twilight added. Cadence suddenly gasped coming to a dead stop in the hall,

“What’re we going to wear though?” she asked, Twilight looked at Spike the two of them confused.

“Well, we could always call the royal tailor and have them make something new for us.” she replied. Cadence shook her head a serious look on her face,

“Twilight, this is going to be Aunt Luna’s big moment. We have to look our absolute best for this! And I’m not so sure the royal tailor is up to the task, we may have to find some other pony to help.” Cadence added,

“Well, where could we go? I don’t know many other places in Canterlot we could go for dresses.” Twilight said, Spike cleared his throat getting both their attention. He stood smiling a confident look on his face,

“I just happen to have the perfect idea where to go.”

Spike eagerly walked ahead of Twilight and Cadence, finally stopping as they reached a shop in downtown Canterlot. Twilight looked up at the sign,

“Canterlot Carousel? I’ve never heard of this place, did they just open?” she asked. Cadence gave a sly smile to Spike, he blushed a little and cleared his throat before explaining.

“I, uh...heard from a friend. The shop just opened today, plus I’m told the owner is really good at this. So I figured we could help out a local business while also getting the clothes you need.” Cadence leaned towards Spike and asked,

“Is that the only reason you brought us here?” she teased, Spike pointed at Cadence giving her a serious glare. Cadence giggled and stood up, Twilight looked back at the two of them confused she wondered what the two of them were keeping from her. They three entered the shop, a small bell ringing above the door as they walked in, they looked around and didn’t any one in the store though. All the displays were set up, racks of dresses and clothes were everywhere, a small table with a tea set and snacks as well. Twilight began to look through all the dresses on display,

“Oooh, these are actually really nice.” she said. Cadence began to look through the dresses with her,

“Wow, these are gorgeous.” Cadence said as she looked at the displays by the window. Spike stood with his arms crossed a smile on his face, suddenly he was hugged from behind.

“Spike! I’m so glad to see you!” he looked to see Sweetie standing behind him, wearing a vest and tie, a smile on her face.

“Sweetie! I thought you had to go back home today? I mean... I’m still glad to see you and all.” he said his face blushing.

“Nope, my sister said I was such a big help setting things up that she wanted me to stay and help run her shop! I’m staying in Canterlot!” she announced before dancing in place happily. Twilight and Cadence watched the two talking, how much they liked each other was more than obvious. Twilight looked at Cadence who watched with a smile,

“How long has this been going on?” she whispered to Cadence. She looked at Twilight,

“Shh, don’t ruin this Twilight.” she whispered back. After a moment Spike looked over at Cadence and Twilight,

“Oh right, uh, Sweetie. We came by cause I was hoping maybe your sister could help my sister and Cadence with some dresses.” he said as he pointed to the two of them, Sweetie looked over and gasped in shock.

“Princess Cadence! And Princess Twilight too!” she shouted, Twilight rolled her eyes and explained.

“Well, I’m not actually a princess. I’m just Princess Celestia’s adopted daughter is all, its a common mistake most ponies make.” Sweetie was overjoyed to see such famous ponies and instantly ran towards the back of the shop shouting,

“RARITY! We’ve got customers! And you won’t believe me when I tell you who they are!” She looked back at the three and began hopping in place her smile bigger than ever, Rarity emerged from the back wearing a pair of reading glasses, a tape measure around her neck, and a small red ball with sewing needles sticking out of it attached to her leg.

“Sweetie Belle, what have I told you about shouting? You’re going to scare the customers away with such misbehavior.” she said, she looked up and saw Twilight and Cadence and immediately gasped in shock.

“OH MY STARS!!!” she quickly threw her glasses and other supplies in the room behind her and touched up her mane.

“Princess Cadence, and Twilight in my shop on opening day! Oh, your majesty’s I cannot say how honored I am.” she said walking up to them.

”Hi, its nice to meet you. Twilight and I were hoping maybe you could make some dresses for us for the upcoming Galloping Gala, It’s going to be a big night and we want to look our best.” Rarity gasped covering her mouth as she did,

“And you came to me? Oh, I cannot began to express my gratitude. Sweetie, hurry and go get my things! I have to get started on this right away!” she said, Sweetie smiled and ran into the back returning with tape measure, notepad, and quill. Rarity instantly began taking Cadence’s measurements writing them as she went,

“So what exactly is it that your wanting Princess Cadence? I assure you I’ll do everything I can to meet yours and Princess Twilight’s expectations.” she asked,

“Actually I’m not a...” Twilight started to explain, Cadence interrupted though.

“Well, this year’s gala is a bit of a special event you see. So Twilight and I wanted something different, were not looking to be the center of attention but we still need to look our best.” she said, Rarity paused and smiled,

“Oh, I completely understand Darling. After all, it would be absolutely rude to look better then the Princess Celestia, especially since she’s the hostess after all.” Rarity finished Cadence’s measurements and started on Twilight’s,

“I’m thinking we need to a nice bright shade of green for you Princess Cadence and for Princess Twilight I’m thinking a darker shade of blue, to help bring out the color of your coat.” Rarity said, Twilight rolled her eyes.

“I’m actually not a Princess, and you don’t have to be so formal with us really. Just call me Twilight.” she replied, Rarity gasped.

“Oh no, no, no, no, I simply couldn’t darling. You’re a prestigious member of the House of Sun, that’d be far too formal since we just met.” Cadence laughed,

“It’s ok Rarity really, and you can just call me Cadence. I insist.” Rarity smiled putting her hoof on her chest,

“Oh such kind words, I can clearly see why every pony adores your family so much. I promise, I’ll put everything I can into making these dresses the best they can be, you have my word.” Rarity said, Twilight looked over and noticed Spike and Sweetie talking, she smiled and thought for a moment before turning to Rarity.

“Well, you know. I have an extra invitation to the Gala, maybe you could bring your sister and meet the rest of our family?” Twilight asked, pulling a small envelope out of her saddlebag. Rarity stared in awe as Twilight handed her the invitation, Rarity was speechless but her face quickly turned to a smile.

“Princ...I mean, Twilight, thank you so much darling. I don’t know what to say, when I moved to Canterlot and never would’ve imagined this to happen at all.” Cadence stepped towards Rarity and Twilight and asked,

“Why move to Canterlot?” Rarity sat down taking her glasses off,

“Well, I certainly didn’t find anything wrong with Ponyville. It is my hometown after all and even I feel a little homesick now and again. But I did find myself in a bit of a creative slump you see, I’m not really sure how to explain it...but, it just felt like Ponyville was missing something, or maybe someone recently. So I decided to sell my old shop and pack up my things, a fresh start if you will. A small town mare trying to make a big name for herself in the big city.” she explained.

“I can understand that, though I imagine it must be hard trying to get your shop off the ground from scratch.” Twilight said. Rarity nodded in agreement,

“Yes, it has been...a bit taxing trying to get customers, oh but its only my first day. Plus, I’m sure once every pony finds out some of my first customers were members of the House of Sun I’m sure business will simply boom.” Rarity finished getting Twilight’s measurements, Cadence and Twilight paid and left the shop saying goodbye to Sweetie and Rarity.

“Well, that was fun. I hope we get to get see more of her.” Cadence said with a smile,

“Maybe we should come back again after the gala, I’m sure Spike wouldn’t mind.” Twilight teased, Spike looked at Twilight annoyed.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about, and even if I did. It’s none of you business.” he said walking ahead of them with a smile. Cadence whispered to Twilight,

“They are so cute together, aren’t they?” the two giggled as they walked back to the castle.

Author's Note:

Another slow chapter to help set things up, also a good way to finally get Rarity and Twilight into the same room. :raritywink: Next chapter should be the big night, Luna's time to shine at the Galloping Gala! :twilightsmile: As usual, I'll try and get the next update out as soon as I can. So in the meantime just enjoy this chapter and maybe read some of my other works (even if this is my main focus.) Anyway leave some comments and hope you enjoyed the update! :pinkiesmile:

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