• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,425 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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First Date

Shining rushed down the stairs eagerly, he made his way to the courtyard of the castle and found Cadence waiting patiently dressed in a yellow dress her mane braided up.

“Sorry for the wait, had a little more trouble with the tie then I was expecting.” he said, Cadence smiled and replied.

“You didn’t need really need it, but I appreciate the thought at least.” The two walked into the city the sun shining down on them,

“So what do you have planned first?” Cadence asked, Shining smiled and answered,

“Dinner reservations at Zesty Gourmand’s own restaurant.”

“Oooh, how’d you manage that one? Its not exactly cheap getting reservations there.” Cadence teased. Shining scratched the back of his head nervously in response,

“You’re right, its really not...I used a lot my saved up bits just to get the table...”

They made their way to the restaurant, Shining naturally held the door open for Cadence, she smiled as she walked in and waited for to him as he walked up to the waiter at the counter. Shining confidently walked up and said,

“Reservation for two, under Shining Armor.” The waiter silently looked over his books and after a moment found the name,

“Right this way please.” he said as he guided them to their table. The two sat down, another waiter approaching shortly after and giving them a small basket of bread and a glass of water each.

“I’m kinda surprised Shiny, I didn’t expect you to go this far just for our first date.” Cadence said.

“Well, I wanted it to be memorable you know? I mean, who knows how we’ll look back on this a few years from now right?” he said. Shining looked down at the table and noticed the large assortment of silver ware lying in front of him. Cadence noticed the growing nervousness in his face,

“You don’t know how to use silverware in high society do you?” she teased. Shining tried to come up with an answer that would be convincing, but he couldn’t think of anything that Cadence would believe. Cadence giggled and leaned close to Shining and whispered,

“Just start from the outside and try not to be obvious about it.” Shining nodded. A voice called out to Cadence suddenly,

“Princess Cadence?” Cadence’s smile quickly disappeared and she slumped forward putting her hoof to her face,

“Oh no...not now...” she groaned. Shining looked behind her to see a well dressed Unicorn approach them,

“Cousin, it has been far too long.” he said as he walked up beside the table. Cadence took a deep breath and sat up a forced smile on her face.

“Blueblood, how nice to see you.” she said gritting her teeth as she smiled back.

“You as well, I believe the last time we saw one another was at the last Galloping Gala event. Such a lovely evening, don’t you agree?” he asked, Cadence continued to give a forced smile nodding to his words. Shining could tell she was annoyed and spoke up,

“Ahem, if you don’t mind. Cadence and I are here together, kind sir.” Blueblood looked at Shining his eyes looking him over judging and inspecting his appearance.

“Odd that would bring one of your attendants with you Cousin.” he said,

“Attendants?!”, Shining thought.

“But I suppose you can’t be expected to do any heavy lifting or other menial tasks yourself. So I completely understand.” Shining was getting angry quick, he could see why Cadence was annoyed now.

“Actually, I just remembered that there was something I needed to take care of. So if you’ll excuse us, we really need to be going right Shining?” Cadence asked. Shining nodded in agreement and muttered,

“Oh absolutely, we have to go now before its too late.” Blueblood spoke again,

“Oh I understand Cousin, do say hello to Aunt Celestia for me when you see her.” Cadence and Shining quickly stood up and began to walk to the door in a rush,

“Oh but of course, I’ll be sure to do just that. Goodbye!” she said as they walked away. The two left the restaurant and stood outside the front door,

“Ugh...” Cadence groaned,

“Of all the times I had to run into him...” Shining sighed and asked,

“HE’S related to Princess Celestia?” Cadence took a deep breath and explained how Blueblood’s parents were friends of Celestia’s and he was only really a nephew in name, no real blood connection and he wasn’t adopted like she was. The two stood silent for a moment before Shining asked,

“So what now? Dinner just got ruined...” Cadence gasped just realizing what they’d done,

“Oh no, Shiny I’m so sorry...you spent so much money on all this and I just...” he shook his head and smiled,

“It’s ok, this place was too rich for my tastes anyway. You wanna try for something cheaper maybe?” Cadence smiled and thought for a moment,

“Well, there’s always Cinnamon Chai’s right?”

The two pony’s sat out front of Cinnamon Chai’s tea shop, each eating a small cake each while drinking tea.

“Sorry you had to spend more money today, Shiny. I know it wasn’t exactly what you planned.” she said. Shining took a sip from his drink and set the cup down,

“Yeah, it could’ve gone better back there. But if it meant getting away from that guy then I’m okay with it as long as you are.” he reassured Cadence. She smiled back and took a few more bites from her cake. Shining finished his tea and Cadence asked,

“So? What’s next on the big agenda?” Shining gave a big smile and pulled two tickets from his shirt pocket,

“Well its not exactly a theater performance like I promised, but I thought you’d might enjoy it.” he said. Cadence looked at the tickets and read what they said aloud,

“The Wondrous and Enigmatic Jack Pot, magic show. OH! That does sound like fun actually!” Shining smiled eagerly,

“Really? I was kinda worried you’d hate it.” he said. The two finished their tea and cake and quickly set off for the park where the show was being held.

Cadence and Shining arrived at the park, a small area had been blocked off where the show was being held. Shining approached the ticket vendor and gave him the tickets receiving two ticket stubs in return. Cadence followed her date through the seats, she was surprised to see he had gotten them front row tickets. Cadence sat down and smiled as Shining sat next to her, she looked beside to see an older yellow mare sit one seat away from her along with a small blue pony with a white mane sitting next to Cadence. The little mare was about Twilight’s age she thought, and wore an over sized purple cape with stars printed all across and seemed really excited for the show to start. A hush went over the audience as a booming voice began to narrate,

“Mare’s and Gentlecolts, prepare yourselves for the mysterious, the thrilling, the mind bending illusions, of the Wondrous and Enigmatic Jack Pot!” and in a cloud of gray smoke a blue Stallion appeared on stage. He wore a lavish purple suit and top hat with a regal pearl white cape draped across his back. The audience cheered at his arrival as he took a polite bow,

“Thank you, thank you all from coming today. Now prepare yourselves as I show you illusions and magical feats the likes of which you have never seen!” he announced as he pulled a bouquet of flowers from his sleeve. Shining and Cadence watched as the show went on, the magician performing a variety of magic tricks wowing the audience the entire time. Cadence giggling as she would see the blue foal beside her becoming more excited than most of the audience by Jacks Pot’s performance. The show had finally reached its end and Jack turned to the audience as a large box with a question mark printed on it was brought on stage,

“Now! For my final illusion this evening, I will need a volunteer from the audience.” he shouted. The young foal beside Cadence immediately jumped to her back hooves and began to frantically wave her hoof in the air almost desperate to the get magicians attention. He stood on the edge of the stage looking around for a moment before looking down at the front row, he gave a warm smile and pointed to the little mare sitting next to Cadence.

“How about you little mare? Would you mind coming up to the stage?” he asked. In an outburst of excitement she leaped out of her seat and rushed to the stage, she rushed over and stopped beside Jack bouncing in place. Some of the audience laughed at her enthusiasm,

“Now then mare’s and gentlecolt’s, pay close attention to what happens next.” he spoke up. He set his top hat down on the floor and opened the box guiding the small pony into it.

“Now don’t you go anywhere.” he said, she nodded in excitement as he closed the box. He turned back to audience throwing his cape over his shoulder,

“And now behold my greatest of tricks!” he announced, and with a quick tap on the box it instantly fell apart the pony inside nowhere to be seen. Cadence gasped in awe, Shining smiling at how invested she was in the show. Jack began to walk about the stage asking the audience playfully where the young pony could have disappeared to.

“Perhaps to another place in the city? Maybe another world? Or perhaps...” he quickly picked his top hat off the floor as a cloud of smoke erupted from beneath it slowly revealing the young pony.

“Right here!” he shouted, the entire audience erupted in applause.

The show was over and Shining and Cadence walked away from the show towards the bridge overlooking the pond in the park.

“That was so exciting, next time we should bring Twily and Spike! I bet they’d love it!” she said. They sat down by the edge of the pond and looked at the evening sun,

“Only one thing left to do now.” Shining said.

“Oh? And that is?” Cadence asked playfully,

“Watch the sunset together, then maybe just watch some stars.” he said. Cadence leaned up against Shining and looked up at the sky, she could feel how warm he was, his breathing, even hear his heartbeat, she didn’t want this moment to end she thought.

“Cadence? What are the chances of seeing you here as well?” Cadence’s mood was instantly ruined, she knew who’s voice that was and grumbled.

“Are you kidding me!?” She and Shining turned to see Blueblood walking down the bridge next to them.

“To think you’d be out in the park, I myself come through here to get home every night.” he said as he approached. Shining had enough and decided to speak up this time.

“Yes, she’s here, with me! On a Date! That you are interrupting, AGAIN!” Blueblood stood silent before suddenly laughing aloud,

“With you? Oh please, as if someone as elegant as my cousin would date such a lowly common pony like you.” he said while poking Shining in the chest.

“Well she is, and who’re you calling common?” Shining snapped back. Blueblood rolled his eyes in an obnoxious manner,

“Why you of course, you’re certainly no upper class Stallion. Not like myself of course.” Shining stood up and faced towards Blueblood,

“Well, you must not be keeping up on current events then. Because Princess Celestia, adopted me, my Sister, and baby brother recently. Which technically makes me more upper class than you.” he shouted as he poked Blueblood back. Blueblood’s face turned to an angry expression,

“Well I suppose Aunt Celestia needed to perform a charity case at some point.” he replied.

“Charity Case?!” Shining snapped back,

“Oh, was that too complex for you? You see sometimes the nobility has to appease the lesser pony’s by making them believe their important some way or another. I’m sure that’s all your ‘adoption’ was really.” Blueblood answered. Shining had finally lost his temper and shouted,

“You take that back! Right now! Apologize!” Blueblood leaned back as Shining got into his face,

“Apologize for the truth? Really, you are simpleton too it would seem.” Blueblood gloated. Shining lunged forward tackling Blueblood and began to wrestle with him in dirt, all the while demanding he apologize. The two continued to fight exchanging blows and rolling around, Blueblood managed to get his rear hooves into Shining’s stomach and push him back and into the pond. Shining splashed into the water emerging a moment later coughing and choking on the water he’d swallowed, he looked back at Blueblood who stood on the shore watching Shining marched towards him angrily when suddenly Cadence stepped between the two.

“ENOUGH!!!” she shouted at Blueblood,

“You have ruined my date night!” she screamed at Blueblood, he backed away as Cadence stomped towards him,

“Cousin? What do you mean I...” he stuttered, but Cadence quickly interrupted.

“You pompous, arrogant, snot! This was our first date! We were supposed to have fun! But instead you showed up, and treated Shining like a joke! And I’ve had it! So you’re going to leave us alone right now, or I’m going to shove my hoof so far up your flank pony’s will mistake you for my new hoof puppet!!! NOW LEAVE US ALONE!!!!” Cadence stood silent her breathing heavy, the fear in Blueblood’s face was more than apparent.

“Well, of course, Princess...I’ll leave right away since you asked.” he stuttered. Blueblood quickly turned and fled, Shining watched a little nervous himself, he didn’t know Cadence could get this angry. Cadence stood upright putting her hoof to her chest and slowly exhaling as she moved her hoof away. She turned to face Shining who was still sitting in the pond, an awestruck look on his face. Cadence blushed a little thinking about her outburst just now,

“Uhh...sorry about that. I guess I lost my temper.” she said. Shining sat silent and whispered,

“That was hot...” Cadence looked up and asked if he had said something,

“Uhh, that was...NOT a problem. I mean, he kinda had it coming right?” he quickly answered. Cadence walked up to the edge of the water, she and Shining looked up to see the night sky was already out.

“Aww man, that idiot...we missed the sunset, and I’m soaking wet to boot...” he groaned. Cadence looked back at Shining, he smiled back at her. She grinned and took one flap of her wings and jumped into the air and dove into the pond behind him with a loud

“Wheee!!!” She popped out from under the water and walked up to Shining,

“Now were both wet!” she said, they laughed together and Cadence leaned against Shining looking at the full moon.

“You know, there is one thing left for us to do...” he said, Cadence turned and asked,

“What’s that?” Shining quickly leaned forward and kissed Cadence, she was surprised, but then she closed her eyes and decided to enjoy the moment. Shining pulled away and looked at Cadence the two pressing their foreheads together their horns crossing.

“So…does this mean were dating now?” she teased,

“Do you need another kiss to find out?” he asked. Cadence smiled and whispered in his ear,


Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long to write, long story short. My job has been exhausting these last couple days and I haven't had time to write. I'll try and get the next few chapters done soon as I can. Also hope everyone enjoyed the little cameo I threw in there from Equestria's greatest and most powerful Unicorn. Also quick forewarning next chapter there will be a time skip, want to get Spike more involved in the story and can't really do that with him being a baby and all. Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story and leave me some comments!

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