• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,424 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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The Forgotten Castle

Twilight and Sunset followed the others closely staying on the trail Applejack had told them about, Everfree Forest wasn’t a safe place and traversing it always required a degree of caution.

“Look! There it is!” Spike shouted, the group finally reached the clearing and to Twilight and Sunset’s surprise there stood the ruins of a large castle. Every pony came to a slow stop to look in awe, Twilight studying every inch she could until she noticed the insignia of the Sun and Moon above the entrance.

“Wow...what is this place?” Twilight asked.

“The Castle of the Two sisters, this is where Luna and I used to live before Canterlot.” Celestia said as she and Luna came into view at the doorway. Twilight and the others walked inside following closely,

“This has been here the whole time? How come you never said anything before? I can’t imagine how much history this place has within these walls.” Twilight said. When she looked at Celestia though she noticed the sad look on her face,

“I stopped living here after Luna...well...after Nightmare Moon appeared the first time.” Celestia answered. Twilight walked up and put her hoof on her mother’s shoulder,

“I’m sorry, I didn’t know. But you don’t have to talk about it anymore, I understand.” Twilight said.

The group split into two Twilght, AppleJack, and Shining going with Celestia while Spike and Sunset followed Luna. Sunset couldn’t help but notice the smile on Luna’s face as they walked through the old halls of the castle.

“So what’s got you so excited?” Sunset asked, Luna paused and looked back at the two before reaching over pushing a hidden switch on the wall revealing a trap door.

“I used to have so much in this castle as a filly, Celestia and I made sure there was always something to do. We were still adjusting to being the rulers of Equestria and our free time together was almost as important as ruling the nation.” Luna said. Luna stepped into the hidden doorway and hopped onto the slide on the other side gliding down to the next room, Spike eagerly followed after Luna, Sunset showing a small bit hesitation and went down the slide last. When the three reached the end of the slide another hidden door opened depositing them in a long hallway. Luna happily giggled and danced in place a little,

“Oh this is so much fun being back here, I still remember where all the passages and fun parts are all at!” Luna exclaimed,

“You two made your castle into a fun house? I can’t begin to describe how unlike a princess that is.” Sunset snickered.

“Well Tia and I were still pretty young when we moved here, I’d like to think that was a big influence on our design choices.” Luna said as she walked down the hall, but then she came to a sudden stop at an empty room. The happy look on her face turning sad all of a sudden, Sunset and Spike approached cautiously and looked inside the room. The roof and ceiling was completely blown out, the furniture in disarray, and in the middle of the room two cracks with hoof prints at the center of a crescent moon insignia on the floor. Sunset put her hoof Luna’s shoulder and looked at her.

“Oh wow...this, this is where it happened...isn’t it?” Sunset asked.

Luna nodded, “Yes...I...I was so angry at Celestia that day...I just...I just wanted her to leave me alone...but then…” Luna whimpered. A single tear started to form in her eye but then Spike leaned over and hugged her tight, Luna looked down at Spike and saw the smile on his face and she cheered up right away.

“Thank you Spike, I really shouldn’t think like that anymore. I’ve made mistakes, but every pony does that. I’m not that mare anymore, and my past is not today. Don’t ever forget that Sunset, and you too Spike. Every pony has the potential to change and be better tomorrow than they were yesterday.” Luna said.

Twilight’s group had found their way to the old library in the castle Applejack and Shining were looking out at the forest through one of the broken windows. Celestia sat and watched as Twilight went from bookshelf to bookshelf in the library making notes excitedly.

“I can’t believe you just left all these here, there’s so much history and magical lore in these old books.! I won’t be able to get all this done just today, I’ll have to come back and sort and categorize them all. Then I’ll take the ones with high value back to Canterlot and file the others at the Ponyville library! There’s so much to do in this one room alone!!!” Twilight squealed with excitement. Celestia giggled at the sight of her daughter having such a fun time, then she scratched her chin for a moment and trot over to a nearby wall flipping a switch to reveal a single book on a pedestal.

“What’s that one? Its not a spell tome written by Starswirl the bearded or something is it?” Twilight asked, Celestia walked over and set the book down in front of her daughter, Shining walked over to see what it was as well. Twilight began to flip through the pages reading and after a short while realized it was a journal written by Celestia and Luna.

“Oh wow, you two kept a journal together! I can’t believe it.” Twilight said.

“Luna and I lived in a small farming village before this, it was a big adjustment and she thought we should keep a journal to remind us of all the fun times we were going to have here. And I must admit, those days were some of the most fun I’ve had. The two of us playing in our spare time, using the slides and hidden passages to duck out of studying with our teacher. Playing jokes on the guards by sending them somewhere in the castle and then getting there before them using those passages, I remember the confused looks on their faces always made Luna laugh.” Celestia said with a smile. Twilight flipped through a few more of the pages in the journal but then Shining nudged his sister.

“Hey, do you think this all would be enough to help out every pony back in town? We’re still on tight schedule don’t forget.” he asked, Twilight paused to think for a moment but then quickly smiled.

“I need Spike, I have to send a letter or two to the right pony but I think I have a way to make this work!” she announced before springing to her hooves and rushing out of the room.

The next morning Blueblood walked towards the town his usual smug grin on his face, his guards following close by. The stallion was a little puzzled at how no pony in the town was trying to talk to him or harass him like the last few days he’d been here. When he reached the town hall he found Twilight, Cadence, and Shining all standing out front with Applejack and Filthy Rich.

To his surprise Twilight turned to greet him with a smile, “Oh Blueblood, I’m glad your here. We were just about to come get you as a matter of fact.” She said. Blueblood suspected the pony was up to something but he also was confident that there was nothing she could do to stop his purchase either.

“Oh is that so? Come to admit defeat humbly I presume? That’s awfully proper of you Twilight, now if you’ll excuse me I have to make sure the last of the paper work is all in order for my purchase.” Blueblood said. Blueblood was about halfway up the stairs when the doors to the town hall opened to reveal Mayor Mare and Fancy Pants talking to one another, this came as a genuine shock and he stopped dead in his tracks.

“Fancy Pants?! What, what’re you doing here?” Blueblood asked.

Fancy Pants turned to look at Blueblood but quickly replied, “Oh excuse Mayor, I’ll return in one moment. Blueblood, so good to see you again. I got a letter from Princess Twilight just last night, and must I say, I’m certainly glad she sent it when she did. Another few days and we might have lost an important piece of Equestrian history.” Blueblood looked at Twilight then back Fancy Pants a small bead of sweat building on the side of his head,

“What? What do you mean? There’s nothing like that in THIS town, if there was I’d, um, I’d have surely contacted you first.” Blueblood stuttered, he was lying through his teeth right now but also had to keep up appearances in front of a stallion as influential as Fancy Pants.

“Well as you know Blueblood, I am a valued member of the Equestrian historical preservation society, and maintaining the importance of our history takes top priority.” Fancy Pants explained as he approached, “And just yesterday Twilight was told by her mother, Princess Celestia herself, that their old castle resides not far from here. Right in the Everfree Forest in fact! Why, if they hadn’t spoken up your workers might have torn down the section of the Forest where it resides, can you imagine?” he explained. Blueblood began to sweat now putting on a nervous and false smile,

“Why...no, I actually had no idea such a thing was nearby. But…what exactly does this mean for my purchase of the land the nearby caves are on Fancy Pants?” Blueblood nervously asked. Fancy Pants’ horn glowed as he held up a small stack of papers for Blueblood to read,

“Well unfortunately I’m afraid the land and nearby area is under protection of the Historical Society now Blueblood. But don’t worry, I am aware of how many bits you’ve invested into this venture of yours and I will see to it every cent is returned to you in full.” he replied. Blueblood took the papers and began to read over them, Twilight and the others could see the restrained look of anger in his face as he read more.

“If you’ll excuse your highness's, Blueblood, and every pony else. I do have to get in touch with the rest of the Preservation Society and get to work cataloging all the paperwork for this right away.” Fancy Pants said before trotting off a smile on his face, Twilight, Cadence and Shining watched Blueblood as he finished reading over the paperwork his face almost turning red with rage before he finally looked up at them.

“This...I…how...you…” He grumbled before throwing the papers into the air. He looked up to see Twilight, Shining, looking back smiling, Cadence meanwhile looking more smug than the other two. Blueblood finally lost his temper and stormed off in a fury, his guards trotting after him to catch up.

Blueblood made his way back to his hotel room and slammed the door shut behind him in a fit of rage, he was absolutely livid right now. He was going to make a fortune off the caverns near Ponyville, it made the bits he invested into the deal look like pocket change and now he couldn’t do a thing about it. Blueblood walked over to the small table in the center of the room flipped it over in anger screaming profanities as he rampaged throughout his hotel. Then suddenly he came to a pause, taking notice of a small velvet box on the end table near the bed, a small note beneath it. Blueblood walked over and picked up the box while reading the note.

“I understand you’ve been having some trouble with the Royal family, hope this helps.

A Friend”

Blueblood opened the box and inside was a small gray amulet in the shape of an alicorn a red gem at the center. Blueblood could feel the raw magic stored inside the amulet and smiled at the sight of it.

“Well now, I suppose this could make today a bit better.” he laughed.

Author's Note:

New chapter finally up :yay:, and Blueblood put in his place again. Or has he?:duck: I'm sure you all will enjoy seeing Twilight and her family getting the better of Blueblood again, and I always enjoy making Fancy Pants look like a Gentlestallion. He always came off as one of the few nobles who didn't have his head up his ass. Be sure to leave a few likes and comments as always and take care.:twilightsmile:

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