• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,424 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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A New day

Two whole days had passed since the Summer Sun festival, word had spread quickly about the attack on the castle and Nightmare Moon’s involvement as well as the return of Princess Celestia’s sister, Luna. Despite her efforts rumors quickly rose of Luna’s connection to Nightmare Moon and some ponies had become worried about whether Luna had truly returned to normal. The House of Sun did its best to quell the unease of the people, but with no direct contact from Princess Luna herself it was not an easy task and some remained doubtful. Despite this Celestia would do all that she could to make sure that her sister would be accepted and treated as her equal, refusing to let the mistakes of her past repeat themselves.

Twilight stood in the hall outside her bedroom looking at the door to one of the spare rooms. Luna didn’t have a proper bedroom just yet so she had to use one the rooms near Twilight and the others for the moment. She stepped towards the door and raised her hoof to knock, but stepped back when she heard the sound of Cadence emerging from her room. She walked up to Twilight and stood beside her,

“Is she still sleeping?” she asked. Twilight nodded,

“Yeah, Mom said changing back took a lot out of her. Plus there was the fight, I guess its only natural that she’d need a lot of sleep.” Cadence made a grumpy face as she looked at the door,

“I guess you want to talk to her too?” Twilight asked. Cadence nodded,

“Of course I do, she’s Auntie’s sister. I want to get to know her like any pony...plus, think of the stories she has about the two of them growing up! I bet she has a lot of embarrassing stories about Auntie too!” Cadence said with a smile. Twilight rolled her eyes and started to walk to the dining hall for breakfast Cadence following her,

“That’s what you want to know? Really? Embarrassing stories about Mom?” she asked. Cadence playfully nudged Twilight and replied,

“Don’t act like your not curious too Twilight. I bet you’ve got more questions for her than any of us.” Twilight looked away, she wasn’t about to admit Cadence was right. The two of them entered the dining room to find Celestia and Shining already there, Celestia sat drinking her tea while Shining ate his breakfast.

“Good morning.” Celestia greeted them as they entered, they naturally greeted her back as they took their seats. Cadence sat next to Shining and leaned over giving him a quick kiss on the side of his head which made him smile back. A few minutes later Spike entered the room and sat down next to Twilight to eat,

“So is Aunt Luna ok? I haven’t seen her leave her room at all.” Twilight asked, Celestia smiled back and answered.

“She’s fine Twilight, she was up last night before I raised the sun. I promise once she’s better we’ll all sit down and talk together. But you have to understand she lost a lot of her magic when she changed back. It’ll take time before she’s back to full strength, her mane hasn’t even returned to normal yet.” Cadence paused from eating and looked over,

“She has an ethereal mane like yours? Wait, am I going to have an ethereal mane one day?” Cadence asked as she looked at her mane. Celestia giggled at Cadence’s excitement,

“One day Cadence, but for now be proud of what you have. There’s no shame in having a mane as beautiful as yours or Twilight’s.” They all ate breakfast for a moment before Twilight spoke up,

“So what’s every pony up to today?” she asked. Shining spoke first,

“I gotta get back to the barracks, two days for recovery got me falling behind. Plus, we got a few new recruits in today and I need to put them through the wringer.” Spike ate a mouthful of pancakes and said with a smile,

“I was gonna go down to the game store today, the new Ogres and Oubliettes figures came out today! I need to get them before next game night.” Shining leaned forward in his seat and asked,

“4.5 edition?” Spike nodded giving a confident grin and pointing back at Shining.

“You know it.” Cadence giggled and asked,

“Can I come along Spike? I don’t really have anything else to do today, and it’s been a while since I just got to walk around the city.” Spike nodded, he’d always liked having company when he was out.

“And what about you Twilight? Are you doing anything?” Celestia asked, Twilight thought for a moment.

“I was thinking about going to Moondancer’s and seeing about helping her reschedule her party. We kinda had to cancel it before because of things...” she said. Celestia smiled and stood up from her chair,

“Well, I hope you all have fun then. I’ll be here at the castle in case any of you should need me.” she replied.

A few minutes later Twilight was walking through the castle after helping clean the dining room. She had her saddle bag on her back and was looking over one of her books thinking about the last few days. She paused and looked out the window to her side, she could see the destroyed throne room from where she was and the workers repairing the damage. Below the gardens were in no better condition, statues destroyed and most of the hedge maze had been burned to ash. Twilight couldn’t help but feel a little responsible for the damage, it was her plan that got Nightmare Moon outside so she could help Celestia. She went to walk again when she paused and looked outside again, there strolling through the garden was Luna. She was by herself with none of her regalia, the gardeners and workers were keeping their distance from her as expected. Twilight smiled with excitement at the sight of Luna though,

“She’s awake! I gotta talk to her before Cadence does!” Twilight shouted as she rushed to the gardens excitedly. Twilight finally made it outside and looked around the gardens, she walked around and eventually found Luna on the far side of the garden sitting in front of one of the destroyed statues. Twilight eagerly walked up to her, once she got closer though she noticed the sad look on Luna’s face as she looked at the remains of the statue. Twilight was a little hesitant to talk to her now, she wondered if being Nightmare Moon was still bothering her. She turned to leave when she heard Luna speak,

“Oh...um Twilight? Right?” She turned to see Luna looking back at her. She smiled and walked up to Luna,

“Yes, it’s Twilight, Twilight Sparkle.” she replied. Luna looked at her with a smile and straightened her posture,

“We are pleased to meet you, and we would like to apologize for our behavior before. Being Nightmare Moon was...inexcusable.” she said. Twilight sat down next to her,

“It’s okay, you really don’t need to apologize. But I was wondering though...Is it ok if maybe we could talk for a while?”

Cadence and Spike walked through the city together, Spike was talking the entire time about the figures and 4.5 edition of Ogres and Oubliettes while showing Cadence the magazine in his hands.

“You and Shining have been playing that game for years now, is it really that fun?” she asked. Spike rolled his eyes,

“Of course it is, you should give it a try some day. I’m sure Shiny wouldn’t mind you joining in one game night once in a while.” he replied. Cadence smiled and looked away,

“I think I’ll pass, besides game night is your and Shining’s thing. I don’t want to be a third wheel if I can help it.” Spike shrugged his shoulders,

“Your loss, you honestly don’t know what...” suddenly a small white unicorn crashed into Spike the box she was carrying spilling everywhere. Cadence stood surprised for a moment before Spike and the Unicorn both stood up, she gasped quickly and started to pick the box and its contents.

“I’m sorry, I was in a hurry to get back to my sisters shop and I wasn’t looking. It was an accident honest!” she said. Spike stood up and started to help, he looked at her mane and tail, it was a cute shade of pink with a single purple highlight and curly all over.

“Its ok, I wasn’t really paying attention either.” he said as he placed some of the things back in the box. She looked up and smiled at Spike,

“Thanks, I really appreciate the…” her gaze turned to Cadence and she sat down gasping in shock.

“You’re Princess Cadence! Oh my stars! You’re actually her!!!” she said, hooves pressed against her cheeks. Cadence smiled back,

“That’s right, and what’s your name?” she asked. The small unicorn smiled back with a newfound excitement,

“I’m Sweetie Belle! I came to Canterlot to help my sister! She just moved here this morning.” she said as she stood up. Cadence’s horn glowed its usual blue as she picked up the rest of Sweetie’s things and placed them back in their box. She looked over the contents and asked,

“Is your sister a tailor? I’m noticing a lot of fabric and thread.” Sweetie nodded excitedly,

“Yeah, she is! She makes the best clothes in Equestria! She’s taught me a few things, but I’m not as good as her though.” Sweetie couldn’t take her eyes off Cadence, Spike looked at the two and spoke up again.

“Well, I’m Spike. Nice to meet you Sweetie!” She looked at Spike and gasped again,

“You are Spike!!! I’m meeting two ponies from the House of Sun my first day in Canterlot!” she shouted. Spike looked at Cadence with a sly smile,

“Well, do you want some help getting back?” he asked as he lifted her box. Sweetie began to panic a little,

“No, no, that’s okay! I can do it, honest!” she said.

“Well, I am gentledrake. So I plan on carrying this for you.” Sweetie smiled and hopped in place happily,

“So which way to your sisters shop Sweetie?” Cadence asked. Sweetie pointed in the direction and eagerly led them to the shop, after a few minutes of walking they finally made it to their destination. Cadence looked up to read the shop sign,

“Canterlot Carousel, that’s a cute name.” she looked to see a closed sign hanging on the door.

“Do you know when she’s going to open up shop?” Cadence asked. Sweetie thought for a moment and replied,

“In a few days I think, Rarity hasn’t really told me.” Spike set the box down and smiled,

“Well here you go, glad we could help out.” Sweetie smiled again.

“Thank you so much Spike!” she walked over and gave him a quick kiss on his cheek. She picked up the box and went into the shop saying goodbye as she did. Spike stood rubbing his cheek, a love struck look on his face.

“You’re welcome, Sweetie...Boy...I sure hope I get to see her again.” he said. Spike turned and looked at Cadence who stood smiling back at Spike.

“What?” he asked, Cadence didn’t answer she just kept smiling.

“What?!” Spike repeated, this time Cadence leaned a little closer but still smiling.

“Cadence!” Spiked shouted, immediately in response she began to dance in place.

“SPIKE!!! You’ve got a crush on her! Oh, wait until Twilight hears about this!” she gasped covering her mouth,

“Wait until I tell Auntie! It’s going to be so great!” Cadence turned and ran, Spike panicked and chased after her shouting.

“CADENCE!! NO!! Don’t tell Twilight or MOM! Cadence!!!”

Twilight sat next to Luna quietly, she wanted to talk to her but wasn’t sure what to ask. It didn’t help she had a million questions on her mind. She noticed Luna looking at the statue still,

“Is there something about the statue that’s bothering you?” Twilight asked. Luna looked at her and then back and asked,

“Didst thou know who this was a statute of?” Twilight nodded,

“I did, it was Snowdrop. A blind pegasus who created Equestria’s first snowflake over a thousand years ago. Can you believe she was still just a filly when she did it though?” Luna giggled,

“She was such a sweet child, truly one of the few who understood us. To think I wouldst destroy her monument so carelessly.” Luna said her smile fading, Twilight felt a little bad for bringing it up now.

“Did you know her?” she asked, Luna nodded.

“I’m sorry, we can talk about something else if you want to.” she said. Luna stood up,

“Twilight, wouldst thou mind if we walked. We wouldst like to see the rest of the castle gardens.” she asked Twilight smiled and walked with her.

“Umm, Twilight? When did my sister marry? Was her husband not in Canterlot when...I returned?” Luna asked, Twilight’s face blushed a little.

“Oh right...you’ve been sleeping the last few days. No, we’re adopted. Cadence too.” Twilight replied,

“Oh my apologies Twilight, we had assumed Celestia had found a husband in our absence. How did she come to adopt thee?” Luna asked.

“Well, my parents died in a train accident when I was foal. She and my parents knew each other pretty well since I was enrolled in her school back then. So, since we didn’t have any close relatives to take us in she decided to adopt the three of us. It’s been a little rough here and there, but I honestly can say I’m happy how things have turned out.” Twilight answered she looked to see Luna smiling, Twilight was glad to see her like this.

“Tis just like Tia...she’s always thinking of others first. She hath always given so much and never once does she ask for anything back. We are happy to see she hasn’t changed in the time we’ve been away.” Luna looked back to see Twilight trying not to laugh,

“Twilight? Is something the matter?” she asked.

“I’m sorry, it’s just I’ve never heard any pony speak in old ponish before. I’m really trying not to laugh.” Luna looked surprised,

“Tis not the way ponies speaketh now?” she asked. Twilight finally laughed,

“I’m sorry, I really mean it. But don’t worry, I know a pony or two who can help you readjust.” Twilight replied,

“We would be grateful for such aid Twilight.” Luna replied, the two suddenly came to a stop. Luna looked annoyed as she stared at the statue before them, Twilight looked up to see.

“Of all the things that we hath destroyed, Tis almost fitting this one would survive.” Luna said. Twilight frowned and answered with one word.


Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long, was working on my other fics (which didn't get as much attention as I liked) and work constantly wearing me out its been hard to write. But I'm finally back in shape, decided it was time for a few slow chapters to show Luna's readjustment.:raritywink:
Also threw a little bit of shipping, even though I said I wasn't going to. But oh well, I wanted to get Sweetie and Spike together a little at least. Also I decided to drop a hint in regards to one of the elements of harmony this chapter (expect more in the future!), let's see if you guys can figure out who and what.:pinkiehappy:
I'll try and get some new chapters done in the next day or two. But brainstorming may also take some time, so until then just try enjoy what I've got done so far. Leave me some comments!

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