• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,506 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Cadence walked out of her bedroom while making some last minute fixes to her mane and crown, she turned and noticed Twilight’s door was open.

“Is Twilight still asleep?” She thought, usually Twilight was the first pony up in the mornings besides Celestia. Cadence walked over and gently knocked on the door,

“Twilight? Are you up? I was wondering if you wanted to go and try to talk to Sunset now?” she called out, Cadence slowly opened the door and looked inside the room. She could see Twilight sleeping in her bed, Sunset lying on a makeshift bed made of pillows and blankets on the floor her saddle bag against the wall.

“Why is Sunset here? Did she and Twilight make up?” Cadence wondered. Sunset let out a small yawn and stretched her legs rolling onto her stomach, she looked up and saw Cadence standing in the doorway and slowly her eyes widened, her face turning pale.

“...Twi? I need some help right now...Twilight?! Wake up!” she muttered, Twilight rolled over and pulled her pillow over her head and groaned.

“Five more minutes...” Cadence and Sunset stood silent looking at one another before Sunset’s horn began to glow and she forcibly pulled Twilight, her blankets, and her pillow off her bed.

“TWILIGHT!” she shouted, Twilight kicked and squirmed in a panic and shouted back,

“Alright Alright! I’m awake!!! Put me down already!!!” Sunset dropped Twilight without a second thought onto her bed, her blankets and pillows covering her up. Twilight pulled her blankets off and turned to Sunset and asked,

“What’s so important that you needed to wake me up like that?” She looked up and saw Cadence standing in the doorway as well,

“Oh...yeah, that is a big deal.” Twilight responded. Twilight sprang out of her bed and stood between Cadence and Sunset,

“Okay, Cadence, I know what Mom said about Sunset being banned from the castle and all but I can explain all of this.” Twilight said, Cadence stood and listened as Twilight and Sunset explained the events of the previous night and the mirror. Twilight expected Cadence to react badly, instead Cadence smiled and hugged Twilight.

“You did it Twilight! You saved your friendship!” she announced with a smile, Sunset walked up nervously to Cadence,

“There’s one more thing we could use your help with though...”

Celestia was setting the dining room table for breakfast as usual, when Twilight spoke up from behind.

“Um...Mom? Can I talk to you for a moment?” she asked, Celestia continued to set the table without turning to face Twilight.

“Of course Twilight, you know I’m always happy to listen to any one of you.” she said with a smile.

“Ok, but...try to keep an open mind alright?” Twilight added nervously. Celestia chuckled and turned asking,

“Why would you think I’d need to...” Celestia paused when she saw Cadence and Twilight sitting in front of her with nervous smiles on both their faces, Sunset trying her best to hide behind Twilight. Celestia’s smile quickly faded,

“Why are you here Sunset Shimmer? I specifically remember banning you from the castle yesterday.” she said angrily. Cadence stepped forward and reminded Celestia,

“Auntie, remember? Open mind.” Celestia looked back at Twilight still smiling, she took a deep calming breath and sat down.

“Very well, I will listen to what you have to say. But don’t expect to change my mind so easily.” she warned. Twilight looked back at Sunset,

“Go on, Cadence and I are right here with you.” Sunset slowly and nervously walked up to Celestia, she was having trouble looking her in the eye. She could tell she was still furious about what she did,

“Well?” Celestia asked. Sunset sat down her head still hung in shame,

“I’m...I’m sorry Princess...” she said, Celestia’s expression turned to one of surprise at Sunset’s words.

“I said some horrible things yesterday, I abused the privileges you gave me, and was selfish, inconsiderate and probably a lot of other words I can’t really think of right this minute.” Sunset continued. A stern look came across Celestia’s face,

“You’ll understand if I’m a bit skeptical Sunset, I’m wondering where this sudden change of heart came from? And overnight at that?” Celestia asked, Sunset finally looked up at the princess and explained.

“It...it took a really good friend to remind me of what I still had. So, I’m trying to make up for what I’ve done.” Celestia looked at Twilight still smiling as she looked at Sunset for a moment then back at her.

“I see, well Sunset. I suppose you can be allowed to enter the castle again to visit your friend at least.” Sunset looked up at Celestia and walked over and hugged her.

“Thank you so much for giving me a chance, and I’m so sorry about yesterday. I don’t know how many times I’ll have to apologize for that, but I’ll do it as many times as I have to.” Sunset said. Celestia leaned forward hugging Sunset back and replied,

“You only needed to say it once.” Cadence danced in place happily, excited to see Sunset and Celestia make amends she turned and hugged Twilight lifting her off the ground as she did.

“Um...did we miss something?” they all turned to see Shining and Spike standing in the doorway confused.

A while later breakfast was over and Twilight and Celestia and Twilight sat by themselves in the dining room, Twilight began to clear the table as Celestia drank the last of her morning tea.

“So...I have a question, about that mirror.” Twilight asked. She turned to see Celestia giving her an annoyed glare,

“No, no, no, its not about the mirror itself! I promise!” Twilight explained. Celestia relaxed and took another sip of her tea,

“Very well, what is it you wanted to know Twilight?” she asked. Twilight walked over and sat down next to her.

“Well, when Sunset looked in the mirror she said she saw herself as an Alicorn. But, when I did I saw all of you. My family I mean.” Twilight said giving Celestia a warm smile,

“It did? Well Twilight it seems as though your family is meant to have an important role in your future then.” Celestia replied drinking her tea again.

“I think so too, but...its just there was a pony there I didn’t recognize, another alicorn, she had black regalia like yours, and...” Celestia gasped at Twilight’s words and dropped her cup shattering it on the ground.

“Oh my gosh, are you ok?” Twilight asked, Celestia took a step back.

“Oh, how clumsy of me…I'm sorry Twilight.” Celestia stuttered,

“Its ok, I’ll go get something to clean this up right away.” Twilight reassured her while running out of the room. Celestia walked over and leaned against the table a cold sweat building across her face,

“Why? Why in the world would the mirror show Twilight her?!” she thought, the summer solstice was less than a week away she thought. She’d made as many preparations as she could think of, but what if she was wrong now? What if she was meant to win? Twilight came back in with a trash can and a rag,

“I’m sorry, you didn’t hurt yourself did you?” Twilight asked as she started to clean up the broken cup and spilled tea.

“No, no of course not Twilight.” Celestia replied, Twilight looked up at Celestia and could see the worry on her face.

“Umm, if you don’t want to talk about it right now. I can just do some research or something. I understand if this something upsetting.” Twilight said.

“I’m sorry Twilight, I really think it might be better that way.” Celestia replied, Twilight finished cleaning the mess and left.

“All right, but I’ll be sure to bring you anything I come across. And I’ll ask before going into the restricted section, I don’t think I need anything from there. But, I just want you to know is all.” Twilight said, Celestia didn’t answer though, she stood silently looking out the window at the sky. Twilight left the room worried that she’d just upset her mother somehow.

Twilight sat at Cinnamon Chai’s cafe with her friends, she and Sunset explained what had happened the last few days as well as Celestia’s reaction to her vision from the mirror.

“Wow, I didn’t think anything could unnerve Princess Celestia.” Wallflower said. Moondancer picked up the red book and looked it over,

“It all started with this book?” she asked. Sunset nodded,

“Twilight thinks there might be another Alicorn out there no pony knows about, and based on how Princess Celestia’s been acting about it...I think, maybe this Alicorn might not be as benevolent as her or Cadence.” Twilight looked a little sad and spoke up,

“Well if she is...then I want to help however I can. My mom shouldn’t have to bear this burden all on her own. I’ll research and find out as much as I can about this. Then maybe, we can stop anything bad from happening before it starts.” Moondancer set down the book and said,

“I’ll help, it sounds like your gonna need it.” Every pony looked at her surprised,

“But what about your party? Isn’t it in a few days?” Juniper asked, Moondancer rolled her eyes.

“My party can wait, this sounds important. Like, fate of all Equestria in the balance important!” she said. Twilight smiled and gathered up her things,

“All right then Moondancer, lets get back to the castle and see what we can dig up.” Moondancer hopped down from her seat and eagerly followed Twilight as the two rushed back to the castle.

Author's Note:

Finally the start of the Nightmare Moon arc, gonna try and get updates posted as soon as possible but I started another fic and its a little distracting writing two at the same time. This will still be my main focus though so don't worry about updates stopping anytime soon. Like usual, hope you enjoyed and leave some comments!

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