• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,457 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Bad Dreams

Twilight and Spike walked through Canterlot, Twilight carrying a few rolls of fabric with her magic.

“So Rarity asked you to get this fabric for her?” Spike asked,

Twilight nodded and smiled back. “That’s right, it’s silk from Saddle-Arabia. Rarity was having trouble getting it on her own so I pulled a few strings and got what she wanted. I hope she can make some good clothes for her shop with it. But how come your coming along on this Spike? Hoping to see Sweetie Belle maybe?” Twilight teased. Spike sneered and looked away from Twilight,

“I was gonna invite her to join us on game night is all...now that we’ve got Cadence and Discord playing I thought maybe it’d be nice to have another player is all.” he answered. Twilight giggled at Spike’s obvious crush on the little filly which Spike angrily snapped at Twilight not to tease him. Twilight and Spike finally reached Rarity’s shop, Spike opened the door for Twilight and as the two entered they were greeted by Sweetie Belle now wearing a blue dress for her uniform.

“Spike! Twilight! It so good to see you.” Sweetie walked over and hugged Twilight then Spike, but then giving Spike a quick kiss on the cheek after.

“Is Rarity around Sweetie? I’ve got some of the fabrics she asked for.” Twilight asked, Sweetie nodded explaining Rarity was in her studio in the back of the boutique.

Spike stood next to Sweetie alone in the room now, “So, uh...Sweetie. I was wondering. Did you maybe want to come to our game night later this week? You know, if you’re not busy that is.” he asked.

“Game night?” Sweetie asked as she looked back at Spike while setting up one of Rarity’s displays.

Spike walked over a smile on his face, “Yeah, Shining, Cadence, Discord, and I get together every week and play Ogres and Oubliettes. I thought maybe you’d want to join us, I promise it’ll be fun.”

Sweetie stopped to think for a moment then smiled turning to face Spike. “Sure, I’d like to come. But I don’t know how to play really. You think that’ll be ok?” she said.

Spike got excited hearing Sweetie say yes, “Oh don’t worry, we can show you as we play. Plus Cadence and Shining will help out too. You’re gonna have so much fun I promise!” Spike replied.

Twilight walked into the back of the boutique to find Rarity slumped across her desk asleep, her mane and tail a little messy which was unusual for Rarity, Twilight thought. She walked over and gently nudged her trying to wake her, “Rarity? Is this a bad time?” she asked.

Rarity sprang to life bags under her eyes and clear signs she was tired. She turned to face Twilight and then sighed with relief at the sight of her. “Oh, Twilight darling...it’s only you.” she said before letting out a deep yawn.

“Wow...are you okay? I don’t think I’ve ever seen you look a complete mess before.” Twilight asked,

Rarity picked up a nearby brush and tried to fix her mane, “Yes well...I’ve been having trouble sleeping these past few days is all. Bad dreams and such, I’m sure you know how it is Twilight.” she answered. “Although it has been taking its toll and making getting any real work around the boutique done a challenge I will say that.”

Twilight handed Rarity the spools of fabric she had brought which Rarity took with an eager smile. “Well, I could talk to my Aunt Luna for you. She’s in charge of making sure ponies have good dreams, I’ll ask her to take a look at yours tonight.” Twilight said.

Rarity set the fabric down with the rest of the spools she had letting out another soft yawn as she did. “Oh I’d really appreciate that Twilight, I hate having to bother a pony such as yourself with something like this. But it is starting to get a little exhausting.”

Twilight smiled back and turned to leave, “Well, I’ll let you get back to work then Rarity. But if you need any help don’t be afraid to ask, I’ll understand if you need an extra set of hooves hear and there.” Twilight said as she walked back to the front of the shop. Spike was still talking to Sweetie trying to explain to her how gaming night was.

He looked up and saw Twilight ready to leave, “I’ll see you later then, right Sweetie?” he asked a bright smile on his face. Sweetie nodded and gave Spike another quick kiss on the cheek saying goodbye. Twilight and Spike walked out of the shop and Twilight looked at Spike with a smile,

“You two are really getting close Spike, is she your girlfriend yet? Twilight teased.

Spike looked back at her an annoyed scowl on his face, “I don’t need you to teasing me about this too! I get enough of that from Cadence you know.” he snapped. Twilight laughed as the two walked back towards the castle.

Twilight lay in bed dreaming peacefully, in her dreams she stood on a stage adorned in sagely robes an audience consisting of her friends, family, and all of Equestria’s most elite unicorn mages. The audience applauded as she stood smiling, a unicorn approaching and placing a medal around her neck.

“Twilight Sparkle, it is my honor as head of the Equestria Bureau of Magical Research and defense to award this medal for learning all the magic in Equestria. As well as categorizing every book in the world into a single gigantic library. We now hereby dub you the Arch mage, Unicorn Supreme Magistrate of all of Canterlot.” He said, Twilight stood smiling basking in the audiences applause. As she stood watching every pony applaud her an older gray Stallion in blue, star covered robs approached her.

“Twilight Sparkle, I, Starswirl the bearded congratulate you on such a monumental achievement, and would like you to have my hat.” Starswirl said as he lifted his hat and placed it on Twilight’s head. She grinned with excitement, flowers and confetti falling from above lights shining on her.

Suddenly a portal opened up behind her, she turned to see Luna emerging a panicked look on her face. “Twilight!” she said.

Twilight turned to face her, “Oh Aunt Luna, um...I’m not really sure this counts as a bad dream. But it is a little embarrassing though.” Twilight replied, before she could say anything more Luna rushed up to her and grabbed her shoulders looking her in the eye.

“Twilight! There’s no time to explain! Your friend Rarity, she’s in grave danger! I need you to come with me at once!” Luna said before pulling Twilight through the portal behind the two of them. As the two mares emerged through the portal it closed behind them, Twilight looked around and saw they were standing in a dark and distorted version of Rarity’s boutique, torn and tattered dresses hanging everywhere and scattered across the floor, voices echoing from a distance whispering harsh words about the poor quality of Rarity’s work.

“What? What’s happening here?” Twilight asked,

Luna began to rush ahead calling out to Twilight as she did. “Twilight, there’s no time! I need your help now!” Twilight didn’t ask questions, the thought of her friend in danger was all the motivation she needed. The two reached what was supposed to be the entrance of the store and finally saw Rarity. Twilight slid to a stop gasping as a massive stallion made of smoke and shadow stood over Rarity who lay on the floor crying. Dark shadows poured from Rarity’s body like smoke,

“Rarity!” Twilight called out to her but Rarity didn’t respond.

The massive shadowy beast looking at Twilight and Luna and snarled, “Your’e too late...soon I will escape this place! And your friend will be the means by which I leave!” Twilight watched as the shadows began to pour into Rarity, her coat slowly turning a jet black color, her mane becoming longer.

“No fiend! You will not take this pony for yourself!” Luna shouted as she and Twilight unleashed bursts of magic from their horns striking the creature and pushing him back. Twilight watched as they pressed their attack and saw Rarity slowly reverting to normal.

“It’s working! Keep attacking!” Twilight shouted.

The shadow growled and shouted in rage, “NO! You will not deny me my new vessel fools!!!” And in a massive stomp the entire shop shook. Shattering and crumbling into nothing, Luna instinctively used her magics to grab Rarity and Twilight and levitate them to safety. Then in a bright flash, Twilight woke up in her bed. She sat up and looked around, she turned to the window and saw the morning sun shining through the curtains. Twilight sprang to her hooves and rushed to find Luna, racing to Luna’s room she found her aunt just outside her bedroom an exhausted look on her face.

“Aunt Luna! Are you ok?” Twilight asked.

Luna smiled and replied, “Yes Twilight, I’m alright. Thank you for helping, I couldn’t have done it on my own.” Twilight sat down and sighed with relief,

“Well, I’m glad we were able to save Rarity. Who knows what that monster could’ve done if we hadn’t stopped him.” Twilight said,

Luna shook her head though and said. “No Twilight...we didn’t destroy the creature...I’m afraid he’s still in your friends mind, and next time he’ll be better prepared for the both of us...”

Author's Note:

Next chapter is here, ugh... I'm taking way too long with these updates, especially since it usually only takes a day or two to write them. I'll try and get the next update up faster as I have a good idea of where this arc is going.:twilightsheepish: Of course that's also assuming I don't just default to playing my Switch like I have the last few days. (Again, sry. I try to update as fast as I can.):pinkiesad2: Well anyway, give me some likes and leave me some comments. Thanks again for reading my story and liking my work. :yay:

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