• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,459 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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“I see...so that’s what happened...” Celestia said, the entire House of Sun sat in the study. Twilight and Sunset having just finished explaining what had happened with Rarity a short while ago.

“Is there anyway that we could find her maybe? Track down Nightmare before he does anything dangerous? I hate knowing one of my friends is missing like this.” Twilight asked. Luna shook her head though,

“I’m sorry Twilight, we’d at least have to know where to start looking before we attempted to locate your friend Rarity. Nightmare could’ve taken her anywhere in Equestria or beyond our lands borders for all we know.” Luna explained.

A hush fell over the room for a moment before Spike spoke up, “What about Sweetie Belle? What’s gonna happen to her?” Celestia walked over and put her hoof on Spike’s shoulder,

“I’ll send word to her parents in Ponyville, I’m afraid she’ll have to go back home until this is over Spike.” Celestia replied. Spike was devastated by this being Celestia’s answer, he and Sweetie had grown really close and he didn’t want to see her leave even if he understood why.

“Okay...can, I be there when you tell her though?” he asked, Celestia nodded in agreement of course.

“Well, Sunset and I are gonna try and figure out a way to find Nightmare. Maybe there’s something in the restricted section that will give us a clue as to where he went.” Twilight said, Sunset nodded in agreement. A moment later every pony left the room to go about their day, Celestia and Spike walking together as they all left.

"Does...Does Sweetie Belle really have to go back to Ponyville? I mean, I know Rarity was taking care of her but..." Spike asked as they walked. Celestia looked to see Spike was having trouble looking at her as he asked.

"I'm sorry Spike, I know you two have grown quite close and I wish it didn't have to be this way. But Sweetie Belle has family besides Rarity, and its best that she be with them right now. She needs all the love she can get to help her get through what's happening right now." Celestia explained.

"I know, but I really don't like it...Would it really be so wrong for her to stay though? I'd visit her every day, I'd keep her happy, she wouldn't be lonely I promise." Spike said.

Celestia stopped walking and looked down at Spike with a smile, "I know you'd do everything to keep her happy Spike, but that's not the real problem here. Sweetie's still a foal, she can't take care of herself on her own just yet that's why she was staying with Rarity in the first place. That's why she needs to go back home, her parents need to take care of her since her sister can't." Spike looked at the ground upset, he didn't like what his mother was telling him but he also knew she was right. The two started walking and finally reached the guest room where Sweetie Belle was at.

Spike and Celestia entered the guest room where Sweetie was at, she sat on the edge of the bed facing away from them. Her face was a mess she had obviously been crying for some time, Celestia sat next to her and picked up a tissue from a nearby box and wiped Sweetie’s face cleaning her up. Spike sat opposite of Celestia and held her hoof trying to cheer her up.

“I’m so sorry this had to happen to you Sweetie Belle. If there was something I could do to fix this I would do it in a heartbeat, you know that right?” Celestia asked, Sweetie gave a silent nod.

“I’m going to write to your parents later and have them come get you to take you back to Ponyville alright?” Celestia continued, Sweetie lifted her head up and instantly replied to Celestia.

“NO!” This surprised her and Spike to hear her suddenly say this, “I don’t wanna go back home! I want to be here when Rarity gets back! She’s my sister! She’s gonna come home!” she shouted at Celestia.

“Sweetie Belle, I promise we’ll do everything we can to get Rarity back, but you can’t stay at her home by yourself either you’re just a foal right now. Who would take care of you?” Celestia replied,

Sweetie stood up and faced Celestia still talking to her. “Then I’ll stay here! At the castle with Twilight and Cadence...and Spike too! They can take care of me until Rarity comes back!” Celestia was a little surprised by Sweetie’s determination to stay and wait for Rarity but she also knew that she had to send her home to her parents.

“Sweetie Belle, its not that simple, and you can't just...” Celestia tried to explain but Sweetie interrupted her again her face showing she was trying not to cry again now.

“She’s my sister! I hate that she’s not here right now! Don’t you understand how much that hurts Princess?” Celestia went silent when she heard Sweetie’s words, she immediately thought of Luna, Nightmare Moon, and the thousand years that she was gone. Celestia bit her lip realizing how much Sweetie loved her sister, and sending her home like this would be so wrong now she thought. Celestia reached over and hugged Sweetie Belle tight,

“Oh Sweetie...I do actually, I really do understand, more than you could possibly know. I lost Luna for so long, and it ate away at me for centuries. I'm sorry for not realizing that sooner...you can stay here. Right in this room, I’ll take care of you until Rarity comes home I promise.” she said. Spike stood up a smile on his face,

“Really? Sweetie can stay here in the castle?” he asked, Celestia nodded.

“Yes Spike, I know its going to be hard for a while Sweetie, but we'll make this right somehow...I’ll send a message to your parents first chance alright?” Sweetie hugged Celestia back smiling as she did,

“Thank you so much Princess, I promise I won’t get into any trouble! I mean it. I'll be on my best behavior like Rarity always tells me!” Celestia gently let go of Sweetie and stepped off the bed, she looked at Spike and Sweetie with a smile,

“I know you won’t, but I am glad that you made a promise to behave. Spike would mind helping me send that letter? Your dragon fire makes for a faster delivery than simply mailing it.” she asked, Spike eagerly nodded and climbed down off the bed and followed Celestia as she left the room.

Elsewhere in a flash of shadow Rarity fell to the ground exhausted, she struggled to stand a bead of sweat running down her face.

“Curse you Twilight!! I’m nowhere near as strong as I was when I first possessed this one!! I’ll be lucky if I’m even at half my full strength like this! It’s all because of those stupid elements of harmony!!! I’ll find them, I’ll smash them to pieces, and I’ll search every corner of Equestria for whatever dark powers I can use to have my revenge!!!” she shouted. Nightmare began to walk into the forest ahead of her when suddenly she heard a boom like thunder and turned to see a large yellow portal open in the air. A huge looming dark figure emerged revealing itself as a large blue ram who stood taller than her. She stood staring back unsure what to think of this new creature before her.

“Who are you?” she snapped, he simply chuckled and answered with a grin.

“I am Grogar...one who would have your allegiance...” Nightmare’s eyes widened in shock,

“THE Grogar? I...I thought you were dead?! Died battling Starswirl and the pillars after your bell was stolen from you?!” he stuttered. Grogar snorted at his words almost unimpressed,

“I allowed them to believe I was beaten, I spent the next few centuries resting and recovering my full strength waiting for an opportunity to rise again. Waiting to rebuild my empire, but in my absence the world has gained powerful forces that would oppose me. That is why I now require allies...” he said.

Nightmare could easily tell where Grogar was going with this conversation, she turned to face him and asked. “So you want me? And what exactly would I get out of allying with you?” Grogar took step towards Nightmare who leaned back a little afraid.

Grogar then smiled and simply said one word. “Revenge...” Grogar then turned and walked towards the portal still open behind him, “Whether you wish to join is entirely up to you, but know that Twilight and the House of Sun are now actively hunting for you. How long do you suppose you will last on your own? Your power is diminished and you have no allies to call upon...the choice is yours to make of course.” Grogar entered the portal and vanished from sight, Nightmare stood looking at the portal her thoughts racing about what Grogar had just told her. He was absolutely right though, he was weakened now, no allies, and no place to hide from his enemies. But Grogar was powerful and had remained hidden for centuries and if there was even a slight chance he could help him get revenge then why not take it? Nightmare raised his head and followed through the portal, the magic making it close with another thunderous boom behind him.

Author's Note:

:pinkiehappy: Sry this took so long and that it was a little on the short side compared to the last few chapters. It honestly felt alot longer when I was writing it, anyway this was a nice chapter to help ease things down after the last few intense chapters. Hope everyone likes it, I'll try and get the next update up soon. I'm thinking the next chapter will be Spike finally inviting Sweetie to Ogres and Oubliettes with them :unsuresweetie: , that I want to do a few chapters with Discord again. Anyways you know the drill, give me some comments and maybe a like or two.:twilightsmile:

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