• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,456 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Fun with a mix of ChAOs

“Spike! How could you do something this reckless? Discord cannot be trusted.” Celestia said to Spike, the rest of his family stood around him, Discord a short distance away watching with a smile.

“Auntie try not be too hard on him, Spike was only trying to help out right?” Cadence asked as she looked at Spike. He nodded in agreement,

“I thought it could work, I mean we turned Aunt Luna back from a bad pony right? Whose to say that we can’t make Discord into a friend?” Spike replied. Celestia stood annoyed that Spike was right,

“Tia, I hate to admit it...but this might actually be the best way. You said it yourself, we can’t use the elements this time and we can’t beat Discord in a head on fight without leveling half of Canterlot in the process.” Luna said as she placed her hoof on her sisters shoulder.

“I say we give Spike a chance, I’ll stay with him just to make sure Discord doesn’t hurt him. In the meantime you and Twilight can try to find a backup plan in case this doesn’t work. Okay Princess?” Shining said as he stood beside Spike.

Celestia let out an annoyed and almost defeated sigh as she finally agreed, “Very well...Luna? Can you take Cadence and make sure the guards know whats happening? I know Discord is still going to use his magic someway to make things more difficult in Canerlot and want every pony to at least be aware of whats happening.” Celestia asked, Luna nodded in agreement and left with Cadence watching Discord as she did.

Twilight walked over and hugged Spike tight and said, “Good luck Spike, I know you can do this.” Spike and Shining approached Discord who was floating in the air waiting with a smile,

“So? I take it every thing is in order now?” he asked, Spike nodded. Discord instantly sprang to his feet with excitement, “Oh this is going to be so much fun, after all once I win the bet I’ll get to have all of Canterlot to make into my own personal land of Chaos.” Discord continued as he eagerly rubbed his hands together,

Spike smiled back confidently though and quickly replied. “Your assuming that I won’t win the bet though and believe me, I have quite a few ideas of how to get you see that being friends with me is better than just being the bad guy.” Spike said.

“Well then, I supposed we should get started then.” Discord replied.

With a snap of his fingers Discord, Spike, and Shining appeared in the center of the town square in Canterlot. “So? What’s first on the agenda my good dragon? I’m sure its something absolutely riveting.” Discord teased,

Spike stood thinking nervously for a moment trying to think of an idea before Shining took notice. “You do have a plan right?” Shining whispered to Spike,

after a moment Spike suddenly spoke up. “Oh! I know! How about we get some donuts? Can’t start a friendship on an empty stomach, am I right?” he said,

Discord only seemed annoyed though. “I supposed so, by all means lead the way.” he said after a bored sigh. A few minutes late the three stood in Joe’s doughnut shop, a plate full of doughnuts sitting in the center of the table.

“See? If we end up friends we can hangout here all the time and you can eat all the doughnuts you want!” Spike said as he and Shining ate a few from the plate.

Discord sat annoyed picking up one of the doughnuts from the plate, “This is isn’t very exciting, where’s the fun in your food just sitting still?” he asked, Spike and Shining looked at each other nervous. “Oh! I know a way to make things more interesting.” Discord said with a smile, he held up his hand and snapped his fingers a flash of his magic engulfing the restaurant interior for a second. Suddenly all the doughnuts in the shop grew tiny arms and legs, the holes turning into little toothless mouths. Immediately the shop turned into a madhouse as every pony began to panic and scream as the doughnuts began to run around the shop making a mess of everything.

“Now this is more like it, now the doughnuts have a fighting chance!” Discord said with a smile. Spike and Shining quickly sprang from their seats and began to race around the shop trying to get everything under control, some of the restaurant patrons standing atop the tables to try and avoid the now rampaging baked goods others fleeing in fear entirely. Shining rushed from place to place crushing doughnuts beneath his hooves as he went, Spike trying his best to pick up the doughnuts and hold them in place. A few began to harmlessly bite and hold onto him and Shining as they ran around. Eventually Spike got angry and begin to just eat the doughnuts biting him one after another. Almost an hour passed and finally all the doughnuts had been either crushed or eaten, Spike lay on his back staring at the ceiling his stomach bulging from overeating, Shining slumped against a table exhausted his hooves covered in icing and sprinkles from the doughnuts.

Discord was floating above the mess sitting in a lawn chair, a pair binoculars in hand and a small plate of normal doughnuts next to him. “Well, I don’t know about the two of you but I had an absolutely wonderful time. We should really do this again some time.” he teased, Shining and Spike both lifted their heads glaring angrily at him. “What? I didn’t break any of the rules, you’re not telling me that your going to throw in the towel already are you?” Discord asked.

Spike groaned and slowly stood to his feet, “No...I...urp, I’ve got a few more ideas left...” he answered.

Discord appeared between the two in a flash picking them both up and hugging them with excitement, “Oh goodie, I can’t wait to see what kind of fun the three of us get to have next.” he said with a smile.

With a snap of his fingers Discord moved the three to their next destination, “So what’s next? I’m sure you have something absolutely thrilling I’m sure.” Discord said sarcastically.

Spike smiled and said with a grin, “That’s why were here at the park! There’s plenty to do here, we could go fishing, fly kites, play catch...” Spike stopped mid sentence though when he heard the sound of Discord snapping his fingers. He and Shining looked at Discord nervously as he stood smiling back at them,

“Um...what did you do just now?” Shining asked, Discord gasped obviously faking being surprised by his question.

“What? Can’t a Draconeqous snap his fingers for no reason without being suspected of something foul? Honestly I don’t think that’s the kind of trust a friends would show one another.” Discord replied. Spike nervously began to walk through the park Discord and Shining following as he finished explaining to Discord all the things there was to do. Shining paused when he felt something wet drop on his head, he rubbed his mane and noticed a small brown droplet. He sniffed it and recognized it smelled like chocolate milk, he wondered where it came from when he noticed another droplet land on his back then slowly turn into a full downpour.

“What? What’s happening now?” Spike shouted as the skies suddenly turned cloudy and began to rain chocolate milk all over the park.

Discord appeared between Spike and Shining holding an umbrella wearing a heavy raincoat and hat with a smile. “Well, would you look at that? Seems as though its cloudy with a chance of Chocolate milk today! Wouldn’t you agree?” he joked as he held up a small glass watching fill it to the brim before handing it to Spike.

Spike took the glass and glared back angrily shouting, “Discord! What about the rules?!” Discord crossed his arms and looked at Spike annoyed,

“As I recall you said I couldn’t change everything as much as I did at the palace, and clearly all I’ve done was replace the rain in these clouds with something more fun is all. No point getting mad at me when I’ve done nothing wrong.” he explained. Spike’s face started to turn red, he knew Discord was doing this on purpose, trying to get him to give up but Spike simply took a deep breath and relaxed.

“Alright fine, I’ve got one idea that can’t fail. Since you decided to make it to where we can’t have any fun outside I know something we can do indoors that’ll be loads of fun.” Spike said confidently,

Discord slithered up beside Spike a smile on his. “Oh really? Well my good dragon, you have my attention. What’s this secret weapon you’ve had in store all this time?”

Spike and Shining entered the castle study smiling, Discord following behind a curious grin on his face. The three approached the table in the center of the room, across the table were different snacks and drinks, a large grid game mat, some dice, and an assortment of figurines.

“Ta-da!” Spike announced as he and Shining took their seats, “This is the greatest game in all of Equestria! Ogres and Oubliettes! Shiny and I have been playing since we were kids, I’m a level 14 dragon wizard, and Shining is a level 16 Unicorn barbarian. So? What do you want to play as Discord? A bard? Thief? Cleric?” Spike asked eagerly,

Discord stood arms crossed clearly not amused. “This was your big surprise?” he shouted annoyed,

“Oh come on Discord, you won’t know if you like it unless you give it a try first.” Shining said gathering the papers for his character.

Discord sat in the chair across from Spike, “Oh fine, let’s see how this goes then.” he muttered before snapping his fingers and making a tiny figurine of himself dressed as an archer appear in his hand.

“Wow, an archer huh? We could really use one to balance out the party.” Spike said as he handed Discord a character sheet, “Now the party enters the old dungeon, the relic needed to stop the vile Squizard’s plans lies within the deepest floor of the dungeon. Time is running out and soon the Squizard’s forces will catch up to you all to try and stop you.” Spike narrated. Discord leaned back in his chair letting out an annoyed groan, Shining and Spike looked at one another a little bothered by Discord’s behavior but Spike was determined to achieve his goal.

“Is there anything you want to do? Check for traps or something?” Spike asked, Discord picked up the rule book and flipped through the pages.

“Here, I want to cast this spell.” Discord said as he pointed to a page in the book,

“You don’t have the magic aptitude to cast spells though, are you sure you want to try?” Spike said smiling as he did. Discord set the book down on the table and crossed his arms annoyed, his stance and the look on his face being an obvious yes. Spike picked a few dice and rolled them onto to the table, he picked up the rule book and looked through before snickering and explaining to Discord.

“You fail to cast the spell, your characters hair turns fluffy and bright pink as a result.” Spike said, he and Shining now laughing from the result. Discord was getting annoyed and finally stood up from his chair.

“Oh for Scorpan’s sake...This is what you call fun?! If you really want to play then let’s do things the right way shall we?” Discord groaned, and with a snap of his fingers Spike and Shining suddenly found themselves standing in what appeared to be a life size cardboard and paper dungeon from their game. The two now dressed as their in game characters as well, Spike and Shining looked at each other nervously. Discord was nowhere to be found but his voice soon echoed throughout the area,

“Well now, let’s see how much fun the two of you have can have when you’re doing all the real adventuring...shall we?”

Author's Note:

Sorry this one took so long, I've been busy and/or distracted the last few days. Plus I got some bad writer's block mid chapter which didn't help. :pinkiesad2: But I finally got around to getting it posted. I'll try and get the next update out as soon as I can but no guarantee on an exact date like always.:twilightsmile:

Lastly I want to thanks to all you guys and gals who have been leaving comments and giving me likes. Just know I do enjoy reading the comments regularly and I appreciate the continued support. So as long as I keep getting readers I'll be sure to keep writing more and more.:pinkiehappy:

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