• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,458 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Vacation Away!

It was just after lunch time and every pony sat around the dining room table, Luna was still a little drowsy and drinking some tea to help her wake up from her night of dream walking.

“So what was it that you and Sunset wanted to talk to us about Twilight? You sure seemed excited about it.” Celestia asked. Twilight smiled and looked at Sunset before they handed a small vacation brochure over to the two princesses. Celestia held it up to read it, Luna leaning over to see,

“Costa Del Bronco, luxury vacation resort?” Celestia read aloud. Twilight sat up from her chair an eager smile on her face,

“That’s right! Sunset came up with the idea that we could all go on a vacation together! Just a whole week of us relaxing and no worries about Canterlot! What do you think?” she asked with a smile. Celestia looked at Luna but turned back to them with a somber expression,

“Twilight I appreciate that you and Sunset think this would be a good idea for all of us, but Luna and I have an entire country to run. We can’t just drop what we’re doing to go on vacation half way across Equestria for a week.” Celestia and Luna sat quiet expecting a sad reaction from Twilight and Sunset instead the two smiled and looked back.

“We’d knew you’d say something like that, that’s why we spent the last few days organizing and calling in a few favors to make this work.” Sunset said, Celestia and Luna looked back surprised.

“Wait, what?” Celsetia stuttered,

“We’ve talked to Kibitz, General Ironheart, Fancypants, and Fleur. All you’ll have to do while on vacation is raise the sun and moon each day.” Twilight explained.

“Wait, that only covers Celestia’s duties, I still have all my responsibilities to tend to as well.” Luna added.

Sunset was quick to counter though, “Actually, I’ve had Fleur set up bouquets of lavender around Canterlot as well as hand out a few buffalo dream catchers across Canterlot, it won’t stop bad dreams completely but it should keep things to a minimum while your on vacation. So we’ve got you covered too.” Celestia looked at the brochure in front of her and then Luna she was trying to explain why they couldn’t do this, something they might have overlooked but she knew Twilight too well. Twilight had everything covered and with Sunset’s help this vacation was going to happen regardless of their opinion.

“Come on Auntie, its only for a week. That’s a whole week you get to spend with us just having fun!” Cadence asked. Celestia bit her lip in frustration, but then she finally sighed and agreed.

“Alright, since you all insist. But if any emergencies pop up I need to get back to work understood?” Every pony at the table excitedly cheered hearing Celestia agree to go on a vacation with her family, Twilight and Sunset sprang out of their seats with bright smiles.

“I’ll go get our travel arrangements set!” Twilight said,

“And I will go make sure every pony knows what to do while were gone! Every pony else start packing!!!” Sunset replied. Every pony but Celestia and Luna soon left the dining room leaving the two sisters alone, Celestia let out a soft sigh but then she smiled.

“You know, it’s not a terrible idea Tia. We haven’t had a chance to relax in centuries. This could be fun.” Luna said, Celestia looked at her baby sister and she nodded in agreement.

The next morning everything was all set for the Princesses to take their much needed vacation, Celestia and Luna walked out to the rear courtyard wear their family was waiting as well as Sweetie Belle.

“Look it! Here they come!” Sweetie announced. They all turned to look and see Celestia and Luna approaching, they weren’t wearing their regalia as usual, their tails and manes braided up, as well as wearing colorful floral pattern shirts.

Sunset snickered at the sight of the two of them and asked, “Where did you get those shirts from?” Luna smiled at the question while Celestia rolled her eyes,

“It was Luna’s idea. She thought we should look the part since were going on vacation...” Celestia answered.

“And the giant camping backpacks?” Shining asked.

Luna nudged Celestia and answered, “They were Tia’s idea. She felt this was better than lugging around a dozen suitcases full of our things.”

Every pony let out a laugh at the moment, when they settled down Celestia looked around and asked. “So...how are we going to get there? Its a long trip to Costa Del Bronco isn’t it?” Twilight and Sunset took a step back each and held up their front hooves presenting the hot air balloon behind them. Celestia and Luna both looked up surprised by this,

“Oh, well...that’s unexpected. Why a hot air balloon though?” Luna asked.

“Well were taking three princesses, four alicorns, a dragon, and three unicorns on vacation. This felt like a nice subtle way to move without drawing attention. Plus it’ll give us time to talk while we travel.” Twilight explained. Celestia almost looked a little disappointed but Luna quickly changed the mood walking over and hopping into the basket beneath the balloon.

“I like it! It’s quiet and relaxing, which is exactly what I need on this vacation.” she said with a smile. Celestia walked over and set her things down in the basket before climbing in herself.

“Well, I suppose well have more exiting things to do once were there. So this should work for now I guess.” Celestia said. Every pony climbed into the basket, Shining helping Sweetie and Spike since they smaller and then finally decided to take flight and start their vacation. The balloon lifted into the air and soon they were high above Canterlot, Sweetie and Spike looked over the edge of the balloon looking down at the city as the moved.

“Wow, look how high up we are right now!” Sweetie announced, Twilight looked over the edge a little and got a little nervous before stepping back and sitting between Cadence and Celestia.

“Yeah, were...really high up. Wow, I forgot we’d be this high.” she said, Sweetie turned and looked at Twilight confused.

“You haven’t flown this high up before Twilight?” she asked, Twilight shook her head no her face blushing a little bit.

“Wait, Twi...you haven’t tried flying yet? You’ve had your wings for weeks now!” Sunset declared. Twilight covered her head embarrassed, Cadence putting her hoof on Twilight’s back to make her feel better.

“I just started to accept that I have them okay! That’s why I haven’t tried flying with them yet...” she replied. Every pony got quiet for a moment before Cadence spoke up,

“That’s okay Twilight, once your ready Auntie and I can show how to fly. It’s not as hard as most ponies think it is.” Cadence said, Twilight looked up and smiled back at Cadence happy to see she was willing to help her still. The next few hours every pony sat around talking and enjoying themselves, Spike and Sweetie sat next to Luna an open Ogres and Oubliettes book between them Luna taking an interest in the game. Shining, Celestia, and Twilight were playing cards while Sunset took a nap. Cadence was reading a romance novel but lifted her head up when she noticed something was amiss,

“Are we getting lower?” she asked. Every pony looked up and Twilight looked over the edge confirming they were losing altitude for some reason.

“That’s odd, we didn’t let any air out of the balloon.” she replied.

“One second, I’ll take a quick look.” Celestia said with a quick flap of her wings she flew a circle around the balloon and inspected it before coming back to hover next to the basket.

“Its got a small leak on the side, it won’t be crashing any time soon. But we won’t make it to our destination unless we land and patch it up first.” Celestia explained. Twilight nodded and they gently set the balloon down on the ground, every pony hopped out of the balloon and Twilight looked up at it trying to figure out what to do next.

“Maybe, there’s a town close by...with a repair pony that can help us.” Twilight whispered. Sweetie looked around eventually seeing the nearby road, she looked both directions and then at the sign in the middle of the street. A moment later her face lit up with excitement, Spike and Sunset walked over and Spike asked.

“What’s the matter Sweetie?” Sweetie Belle eagerly hugged Spike tight and pointed up to the street sign with a bright smile.

“I know where we are!!!” she shouted, Sunset and Spike looked up at the sign. The old wooden sign pointing to the right and reading “Apple Acres”.

Author's Note:

Newest update done, its a small chapter I know. But its mostly to get things started before the next chapter.:pinkiehappy: Wanted to keep things quiet for the first few chapters of the vacation arc, that way when things get exciting it'll make for a good read. I did have trouble thinking how to approach this chapter but going back and reading some older comments did help give me a good idea where to go with it.:raritywink: So thanks for everyone who's been making comments since I started all this. Anyways, hope you enjoy the newest update. I'll try and update my other stories in the next day or two but no guarantees with how my schedule looks.:yay:

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