• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,425 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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The Great and Powerful!!!

Deep within the southern corner of Equestria was the island domain of the Storm King, storm clouds surrounded the little island nation. Steel airships patrolling over the cities and along the borders of the islands, no creature entered or left this domain without the Storm King’s knowledge. Deep within his fortress securely nestled in the middle of his kingdom he sat within his throne room. Guards lined the halls always on alert, his subordinate Grubber stood before him with a checklist explaining how his men were still unable to find the pirates who had stolen from him a few days prior. Then a boom almost as loud as thunder echoed throughout the throne room a large portal opening in the center as a large blue ram emerged from it an angry scowl on his face. The guards quickly surrounded him weapons poised to attack, he looked around and then spoke to the Storm King.

“Get them away from me...you know what will happen otherwise.” Grogar said.

A second passed and the Storm King stood up from his throne and shouted to every creature within, “Get out, all of you.” The guards and Grubber looked at him confused, he rose his staff and cracked it against the floor lightning arcing off in all directions as he shouted again, “I said NOW!” the Storm King repeated. The guards and Grubber quickly fled the room leaving only Grogar and the Storm King left.

Grogar approached the Storm King and spoke up, “Discord was a failure...” The Storm King smiled and then laughed at him,

“Oh? Your magic not up to dispelling his petrification ya old goat?” he snickered. Then he found himself thrown across the room slamming into his throne almost knocking it over from sheer force. He clutched his chest and coughed the wind knocked out of him from the hit, he turned his attention back to Grogar who stood glaring back, horns glowing a dark yellow shade.

“Do not underestimate my power...ever. I could easily march into Canterlot and destroy Celestia even without my bell.” he warned the Storm King.

“Then why haven’t you done it?” the King asked, gritting his teeth angrily.

Grogar approached him and explained, “Celestia has powerful allies, and with her sister now at her side as well as her family I would be a fool to do such a thing now. And whether she realizes it or not, there are the elements of harmony that they possess...” The Storm King sat upright in his throne and scratched his chin wondering why Grogar would come all the way out here instead of summoning him like usual.

“So what happened with Discord? I thought he was supposed to be our Ace in the hole?” he asked, Grogar grit his teeth in anger.

“I have underestimated Celestia’s family it would seem, even after releasing him they managed to turn him to their side using the idea of Friendship...” Grogar said he turned to face the Storm King. “I am here now to tell you that I will be searching for new allies elsewhere, in the meantime I want you to continue to build your armies. I don’t care what it takes, have them ready when I call for you...or else.” Grogar’s horns glowed again with magic another portal opening behind him with a loud boom, he turned and disappeared into the portal leaving the Storm King to himself.

Twilight, Sunset, Shining Armor walked through Canterlot streets carrying a few boxes of Sunset’s things to the castle.

“I can’t believe Aunt Luna adopted you! Were not just friends anymore, now were cousins! It almost doesn’t feel real, right?” Twilight said with a smile.

Sunset smiled back and answered, “I was just as surprised as every pony else was, but I’m not complaining either. Now I get to be a part of the elite House of Moon.” Sunset walked with her head high, a smug grin on her face.

Twilight looked at Shining who smiled back she turned to Sunset and asked, “Don’t you mean House of Sun? Or at the least House of Sun and Moon?”

Sunset continued to grin and simply replied with a bit of sass in her voice, “Nope.” After a moment the three all laughed together as they continued to walk down the street they took notice of a small crowd gathered around poorly assembling wooden stage.

“What’s going on over there? Shining asked, Twilight and Sunset had no idea and approached. A voice soon erupted over the crowd announcing,

“Behold Mares and Gentlecolts at the wonders of the Great and Powerful Trixie!” and in a cloud of smoke a blue unicorn appeared. Despite her entrance though the cape and hat she wore were tattered and dirty,

“The Great and Powerful Trixie? I’ve never heard of her before.” Sunset said looking at Twilight confused, they looked at Shining who was scratching his chin thinking.

“I think I’ve seen her before, but where was it?” he asked. The three turned their attention back to the stage and watched as Trixie began her magic show, despite her efforts though her all her tricks either didn’t work or were lack luster at best eventually earning her an angry audience. A few ponies began to leave grumbling and arguing about how the poor quality of her Trixie’s show,

“Wait, the Great and Powerful Trixie hasn’t finished her show yet! I have last trick if you just wait!” she begged, she threw down a smoke bomb which sadly was just a dud and only bounced off the stage floor without going off. Finally the last of the crowd had left leaving only Twilight and the others. Trixie sat on the edge of the stage a defeated look on her face, Twilight walked up Sunset and Shining following her.

“Umm...I liked your show. Are you doing another any time soon? Twilight asked, Trixie took her hat off and groaned.

“You don’t have to lie...my show’s not what it used to be I know it.” she said. Sunset walked up next to Trixie and sat down,

“Why is that? This doesn’t seem like your first attempt, did something happen? She asked. Trixie lifted her head up and groaned again,

“My caravan got destroyed a few weeks back, most of my best tricks and supplies were in it. I’ve been struggling to get by ever since.” she replied.

Shining finally spoke up, “Oh! That’s right, you were that unicorn in that small town. What was it called? Ponyville I think? It got attacked by an Ursa Minor, and the E.U.P. had to be called in to take care of it. Were lucky no ponies got seriously hurt during the whole thing.” Trixie sighed and fell onto her back,

“And its all because of my bragging it happened. I kept telling every pony how I had bested an Ursa Major, then a couple of dumb kids brought one back to town...I couldn’t exactly live up to my reputation then.” Trixie added. Sunset and Twilight looked at one another a little concerned,

“So what’re doing now? I mean besides your show obviously.” Sunset asked, Trixie still lying on her back groaned again.

“I’m trying to save up for another caravan and better supplies, but at this rate I’ll end working on a rock farm or something just to make ends meet.” she replied. After a brief pause Twilight began to think, Trixie didn’t seem like a bad pony to her just down on her luck was all.

“Well, we could help you with your next show if you want. I don’t know much about doing a magic show, but it might be a good start to helping you get back on your hooves right?” she asked. Trixie sat up and looked at Twilight and the others,

“Really? You’d help me? But I couldn’t give you anything back in return...” Trixie replied. Sunset and Twilight smiled looking at Shining before answering, “You don't need to worry about repaying us. For now let’s see what we can get done.” Twilight replied.

Twilight, Sunset, and Shining soon split up in order to get what they needed for Trixie’s next show. Sunset went to the theater and talked to Juniper first. After a brief conversation with her Uncle and a little convincing he agreed to let them use the theater for the night. Shining went back to the castle and told Cadence and Spike what was happening and the three decided to hang up fliers around Canterlot to help advertise for the show. Lastly, Twilight took Trixie to see Rarity who agreed to fix all the tears and worn out parts of her hat and cape.

Trixie sat with Twilight as Rarity worked on her clothes she looked over at Twilight and finally asked, “Why are you helping me? You barely know me Twilight...” Twilight looked at Trixie and simply smiled back,

“Should I not help? You look like you could use a friend right now Trixie. My mom always taught me its important to help those in need and I’m not about to go back on that now of course.” Twilight answered. Trixie wasn’t sure what to think of Twilight’s attitude but she also knew she was right and it was better than the alternative she thought. Rarity finally finished and presented Trixie’s cape and hat, now in pristine condition, Trixie put them on and stood in front of one of Rarity’s mirrors with a confident smile and announced.

“The Great and Powerful Trixie is finally ready!”

A few hours later and everything was all set, the theater was open and tickets being sold to any pony interested in Trixie’s show. Twilight and the others stood backstage with Trixie watching as the theater was slowly filling up. It wasn’t quite a full house like Trixie had hoped for but she eager to get back on stage all the same.

“Alright, everything’s all set, all you need to do is get out there and wow this audience Trixie. And don’t worry if anything goes wrong were all here to help out okay?” Twilight said with a smile.

Trixie threw her cape over her shoulder holding her head high with a smile and replied, “As if anything could go wrong for Trixie tonight, this is exactly the kind of crowd Trixie yearns for!” with a swing of her hoof she threw down a smoke bomb and disappeared reappearing on stage in another cloud of smoke from another smoke bomb.

“Wow, she really knows how to work the crowd doesn’t she?” Sunset asked, Trixie’s show went on for the next hour she performed trick after trick without fail the others only having to step out onto the stage to help when Trixie needed another prop for her magic show. Eventually the show had finally come to an end and the audience left the theater, Trixie was showing a new level of happiness that none of them had seen from her before. They all sat backstage celebrating the show’s success eating a few snacks and drinking cider,

“Congratulations on the great show Trixie, I’m glad everything went as planned this time.” Twilight said. Trixie took a sip of her drink and then stood tall showboating again,

“The Great and Powerful Trixie was never worried in the first place! She always brings in a crowd!” They all had a hearty laugh and Juniper walked up to Trixie with a smile carrying a small coin purse.

“Here you go Trixie, this is your cut from tonight’s show. Also, if your interested...my Uncle was wondering if you’d mind doing a few more shows throughout the week. He thinks it would be a good way to mix things up, of course he’ll pay you like tonight.” Juniper said. Trixie looked over the bits she’d been given, it wasn’t enough to afford a new caravan she thought but it was a good start.

Trixie lifted her head and said with a smile, “The Great and Powerful Trixie gladly accepts your generous offer! Trixie swears to bring a full house with tomorrow nights show.” Juniper smiled back excited to hear Trixie agree,

“That’s great! I’ll go tell my Uncle right now, we’ll figure out a good time to get everything set up and talk to you.” she replied before trotting off. Trixie turned and sat down and took her hat off,

“Acutally, I need to really thank all of you for helping me...you didn’t owe me anything and had no reason to help me at that. I just want to say how much that really means to me right now. So, thank you...” Trixie said with a smile.

Twilight smiled and walked over to Trixie putting her leg around her and replying, “Oh come on Trixie, were friends now right? That’s what friends do, they help each other out.” Trixie got her confident smile again and put her hat back on saying,

“The Great and Powerful Trixie deserves nothing less than the Greatest and Powerfulest friends that Equestria has to offer!”

Author's Note:

Once again, I'm sorry for the long delay. I've been distracted by a multitude of things the last week or so and meant to get this up much sooner. :pinkiesad2:
Silver lining though I got to deliver a chapter that focused on Equestria's greatest and most powerful unicorn. Coming up with what to Trixie if Twilight never went to Ponyville was a little bit difficult but I like to think I gave it a good and accurate way for it all to happen.:trixieshiftright:
Anyways, next chapter is when the Nightmare Force arc begins. Expect some focus on Twilight and Luna as they try to resolve the situation that's been given to them.

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