• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,507 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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A Sweet way to Change...ling

Every changeling looked at Chrysalis as she stood in the entrance to the cavern,

“My Queen, Ocellus and Thorax were planning to betray you by releasing the House of Sun! Everyone here heard them say it.” the large changeling announced as he marched up to Chrysalis. She glared angrily at the two rebellious drones and began to march towards them,

“Is that so? Well done Pharynx...as for you two, have you anything to say about this mutiny? About betraying me and the hive?” she asked. Ocellus retreated a few steps taking cover behind Thorax who was visibly shaking in fear but stayed standing when Chrysalis approached.

“I...I...I think we need to change how things are in the hive. No one gets along and we constantly fight with each other.” he whimpered.

“You think we need to change? We’ve lived this way for decades Thorax! This is how we survived and you think that you’ll be able to change everything just because a little filly has given you an opinion? You? You’ve never had the back bone to do anything before, what can you do now?” she snapped. Thorax bit his lip but then after a moment he looked up and snapped back,

“I can change! I’ll make everything better like Sweetie Belle suggested! We won’t have to hide then and we’ll never have to worry about food or anything again!!!” Chrysalis stood upright a little surprised by his response, she wasn’t expecting Thorax to be this rebellious. Sweetie watched as Chrysalis and Thorax went back and forth and then turned her attention back to the cocoon Twilight was in she sneaked over and started to hit it with her hooves to try and make it crack open.

“What’re you doing!?” Chrysalis shouted, Sweetie turning to see her looking at her.

“Stop her at once you fools!! Don’t let her release a single pony!!!” The changelings behind Chrysalis all hissed and leapt into the air to charge at Sweetie, but to her surprise Thorax and a group of others leapt to her defense colliding with them and starting to fight them off. Sweetie fell to floor covering her head trying not to get dragged into the battle, the sound of changeling hooves above her caught her attention though and she saw a trio on the cocoon above her. She panicked thinking that she was caught but then one of the changelings spoke revealing to be Ocellus.

“Sweetie! Come on, help us get them out of here!” Ocellus shouted. Sweetie smiled and got back to her hooves, her horn glowing as she started to pull at the bottom of the cocoon while Ocellus and the other two changelings began gnawing at the sides. Chrysalis angry growled swatting aside the changelings who attempted to attack her, she turned her gaze back to Sweetie Belle and saw her trying to free Twilight.

“NO!! STOP HER!!!” she shouted again, a group of changelings flew past Chrysalis and charged at Sweetie Belle bearing their fangs. Thorax slid between them and Sweetie though and in a quick flash of magic turned into a massive bear swatting them aside.

“Traitor! All of you! Traitors! You’ll receive no mercy from me this day!!!” Chrysalis shouted as her horn glowed and she launched a burst of magic hitting Thorax and knocking him down his shapeshift canceling out as he hit the ground.

“Thorax!” Ocellus shouted as she flew to his side, Sweetie pulled as hard as she could and finally with a loud crack she finally popped open Twilight’s cocoon, the purple pony falling out and landing on top of her.

“Twilight...wake up! We need help!!” Sweetie shouted shaking her and trying to get out from under her. Sweetie Belle looked up and saw Chrysalis standing over her looking down angrily.

“You think you can turn my hive against me? Against Queen Chrysalis!!! Fool!” she shouted. Chrysalis raised her hoof and swung to strike Sweetie Belle the little filly closing her eyes and expecting the worst. But then a loud “ZAP” followed by Chrysalis screaming in pain caught her attention. Sweetie Belle looked over her shoulder when she heard the thud of Chrysalis landing behind, she looked back towards the entrance of the cave and there she Cadence a small trail of blue smoke coming off her horn, Ocellus next to her.

“Cadence!!" Sweetie shouted.

“Sorry about the scare, but her cocoon was alot thinner.” Ocellus shouted back. The sound of Chrysalis screaming quickly got both ponies attention though, as they looked to see her leap into the air and fire blasts of magic at Cadence who dodged her shots. Chrysalis charged at Cadence screaming in a fury, Cadence fired back a trio of magic blasts at Chrysalis which she dodged and closed the distance between them tackling Cadence into a wall.

“Was that your best?! What kind of Alicorn are you?! You can’t even aim straight!” she taunted, Chrysalis struck her across the face knocking her to the ground and then striking her again while she was on the ground.

“Cadence!!” Sweetie called out rushing over and angrily biting down on Chrysalis’ tail trying to pull her away, Chrysalis looked back at Sweetie Belle angry the little filly now on her last nerve. Her horn glowed and lifted Sweetie off the ground holding her upside down in front of her,

“You!! You caused all of this! You turned my hive against me!? I’ll kill you slowly for this!” she shouted. Chrysalis was about to strike Sweetie when she heard Cadence chuckle,

“What’s so funny? You’re hardly in the position to be laughing.” Chrysalis said looking at Cadence.

“Oh its funny that you thought I was aiming for you before…and you still haven’t noticed.” Cadence taunted. Chrysalis was confused by Cadence’s words,

“What’re you talking about?” she asked but then she answered by a familiar voice.

“I believe she meant us…” Chrysalis gasped in shock and turned to see Celestia and Luna standing with Thorax and Twilight their horns glowing as they were ready for a fight now.

“You managed to beat the both of us before because you ambushed us, you won’t have that advantage now.” Luna added. Chrysalis dropped Sweetie Belle and turned to face Celestia and Luna, Cadence reaching her front hooves out and catching the filly before she hit the ground. Chrysalis leaped into the air again and fired a powerful magic blast at Luna and Celestia, Twilight took a step forward and quickly put up a barrier blocking the attack and then Luna and Celestia flew in separate directions and began battling Chrysalis and her loyal drones. Sweetie quickly hugged Cadence happy to see her unharmed,

“I’m sorry I left you Cadence! I had to help every pony! I was gonna come back, I promise.” she said. Cadence nuzzled her with a smile,

“Its okay Sweetie, were all here now. So let’s find a way to stop this!” she replied before standing. Thorax and Ocellus flew over to Cadence all the while the royal sisters battled an enraged Chrysalis.

“What’re we gonna do? She’s not gonna stop until some creature dies, and I don’t think we can talk her down.” Thorax asked, Cadence tried to think for a moment but then looked up when she felt something from Ocellus and Thorax.

“Hey wait a second, you two...I think I can.” she said as she closed her eyes and began to focus her magic on the two of them. Thorax and Ocellus began to glow faintly from Cadence’s magic, Sweetie looking at Cadence confused.

“What’re you doing?” she asked.

“There’s a spark of love in these two, they love their hive so much. But it just needs...a...small...push!” Cadence struggled to say as she focused her magic and then in a flash of light Thorax and Ocellus both suddenly transformed, every creature in the cavern came to a stop as they saw Thorax and Ocellus’ new forms. Thorax now had a green body with large orange horns and wings, Ocellus a shade of baby blue and red wings. Chrysalis angrily shouted at Cadence at the sight of this,

“What did you do!? Answer me!” Cadence stood with a triumphant smirk and answered,

“Princess of Love, remember? I just made what was already there, better. Now its up to them to share it with every creature here who wants it.” Thorax and Ocellus both began to glow and one by one every changeling who sided with them began to change to match their new forms, Chrysalis watched in shock as her loyal drones numbers began to diminish one by one. She screamed in defiance and charged at Cadence again but was quickly cut off by Celestia and Luna both shooting her out of the air. Chrysalis landed with a hard crash, but recovered quickly she looked to see that more than half of her hive had changed now and some were still changing.

“NO!!! To me my loyal drones!! NOW!!!” she shrieked, the changelings loyal to Chrysalis quickly swarmed around her and in a flash of her green magics Chrysalis quickly teleported them all away. The cavern now had at least fifty changelings all in new friendlier forms standing around, they looked at one another smiling and talking about their new appearances. Celestia and Luna quickly freed the remainder of their family, while a Cadence walked up to Thorax.

“So, what’re you gonna do now?” she asked. Thorax looked at all the changelings who were looking at him he scratched the back of his head unsure.

“I don’t know...but I guess maybe we should start by letting all the ponies out of here and apologizing.” he said. Cadence gave him playful nudge and walked past him while saying,

“That’s a good start, but don’t stop there.” Cadence walked over to Shining and as he started to come to and gave him a big warm hug, kissing him on the cheek as she did.

In a flash of magic Chrysalis appeared back in her hive miles away, her drones alongside her. She fell to ground exhausted the teleports distance having left her feeling a little drained. The changelings closest to her tried to help her up but she hissed and snapped at them all for approaching her. She looked at the few still loyal to her, a mere handful compared to the army she once had. In a fit of rage she stomped the ground cracking the floor she stood on screaming in a mad fury. Then she heard the sound of hoof steps approaching she turned and saw a large figure approaching her from the shadows.

“You...this is all your fault! You sent me there! You cost me my hive!!!” she screamed, finally coming into view was none other than Grogar.

“I merely gave you information, what you chose to do with it was completely up to you. By all rights your plan should have succeeded, but you treat your minions with too little respect.” he gloated.

“You knew this was going to happen, didn’t you!? Why bother telling me where the Royal family was going to be in the first place?! What game are you planning at?!” Chrysalis shouted again, marching up to Grogar her anger now at its boiling point. Grogar wasn’t intimidated in the least however as he looked down at Chrysalis.

“Because now you see the strength of your enemy...and now you will be desperate, for numbers, allies, and for power. When the time comes, I’ll offer you the revenge you seek. Until then try not to challenge Celestia or her family again…” he said with a tone of superiority then turned opening a portal to leave.

“What?! You think I’ll just let you leave like that?! After what you cost me?” Chrysalis shouted, she launched a burst of magic at Grogar from behind but her blast missed by a second as Grogar disappeared into the portal it closing a moment later with a loud boom. Chrysalis stood furious before turning to the changelings she still had left,

“Search the hive at once!!! Find anyone who’s still here and bring them at once!!!” she shouted, her drones quickly scattered to search as instructed Chrysalis marching over and sitting on her throne. She swore to herself that she would have her revenge, on Thorax, Ocellus, and Sweetie Belle...

Author's Note:

:yay:Phew, been doing alot of writing this week. But when inspiration strikes, it strikes. And I decided to take advantage of it and update my fics. Hope everyone likes how I decided to end this one, with Chryssi out of the way the House of Sun finish their vacation in the next few breather chapters I have planned. Anyway, drop some likes and maybe leave a comment or two! :trollestia:

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