• Published 5th Oct 2019
  • 15,459 Views, 701 Comments

House of Sun - Riossumari

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Midnight's End

Rarity watched Spike floating helplessly in the air a black aura wrapped around him squeezing him tight, Midnight Sparkle standing a few steps away with a smile on her face.

“Honestly, why do they even keep you around? Take away the fire and you’ve got nothing left...” she taunted. Then she glanced to the side and Spike was launched across the room landing close to Cadence, the sound of him sliding across the floor making a loud screeching noise against the tile. Midnight turned her attention back to Rarity now trembling in fear, as she took a step towards her, Rarity took a step back. Midnight grinned and then in sudden cloud of shadow and smoke disappeared. Rarity looked around in a panic and then she felt her leaning behind her, whispering to her in a sinister tone.

“You weren’t planning on leaving were you?” Midnight asked. Rarity turned and immediately raised a barrier around herself the fear in her eyes was more than apparent now, she wasn’t an alicorn, she barely knew any combat magic at that, and now she was alone facing this monster that was once her friend. Midnight looked at Rarity’s barrier and chuckled with a single stomp of her hoof dark magic rushed outward shattering Rarity’s barrier like it was nothing. Rarity was frozen with fear now as Midnight approached her again, she leaned in close and smiled at her.

“You know there was a reason I had chosen you first...” Midnight said, she slowly began to walk in a circle around Rarity who watched her every step.

“You had grace, elegance, a fairly considerable amount of magic for an ordinary unicorn, plus you were close to the royal family...” Midnight paused for a moment standing behind Rarity.

“And then there’s that flank...” She said with a smile before smacking Rarity across her flank, Rarity moved away turning and facing her both front hooves on her thigh, now a little sore from Midnight’s slap.

“And you should know you don’t have to die alongside the rest of these fools, as I said before. You are gorgeous, and I am going to need a queen. What do you say? Anything in all of Equestria could be yours, bits, jewelry, the finest clothes...of course if being queen is too much, you could settle for concubine.” Midnight said with a smile. Rarity’s expression immediately turned to anger and she stood up and slapped her across the face. Midnight was naturally unfazed by her slap, Rarity now held her hoof having hit her too hard.

“Oh, now that’s what I like to see. I love when they play hard to get...” she laughed. Then she was suddenly rammed from the side knocking her across the throne room and away from Rarity, she slid to a stop and looked back to see Celestia standing next to Rarity. Her regalia in pieces, covered in injuries that were bleeding, her left wing dangling at her side clearly broken now, but more than that a look of sheer defiance on her face.

“You will NOT harm any pony that lives within my kingdom. Do you hear me?!” she shouted. Midnight rolled her eyes, Celestia’s defiance was more a nuisance than anything now.

“I cannot believe, you’re still willing to fight at this point...I’ve proven over and over how much stronger I am than all of you, and yet you keep getting back up. Still, it does make me wonder. What if I had chosen you a thousand years ago instead of Luna? What would we have called ourselves? Sunseeker? Dawnkiller? No...I think, Daybreaker would’ve been a good choice. But it doesn’t matter now, I have Twilight and there’s little you can all do stop me.” Midnight gloated she went to approach Celestia but then felt a weight on one of her hooves she looked down to see Shining Armor holding her leg tight. His face was bloodied and swollen, one eye shut tight from his injuries, despite this he still clung to Midnight’s leg.

“Oh for the love of...now you’re going to start this again?” she groaned.

“TWILIGHT!!!” Shining shouted, “If you don’t start fighting back right now! I swear! I’ll never let you have the Sibling Supreme Crown ever again! Now get out here baby sister!!!” Midnight looked at Shining confused then back to Celestia,

“Sibling supreme? Crown? Wow...what thrilling lives you must all live here at the palace...” she said. “Back to business though...” Midnight went to step towards Celestia but then she stopped suddenly, her eyes widened in shock and she looked back at Shining.

“What the? Why is my body getting stiff? I can barely move...” she thought. Celestia watched Midnight closely as she took notice of the surprise in her face, then she saw Twilight’s cutie mark begin to to flash. At first it was slow, but then it got faster Celestia then saw Shining’s mark and it began to flash too in perfect sync with Twilight’s. Celestia gasped realizing what might be happening,

“Twilight...” she whispered. Midnight tried to move, tried to get Shining to let go of her but couldn’t and in anger snapped at him.

“Get off of me you idiot! She can’t hear you!!! She can’t hear any of you!!” Then midnight shook as Spike suddenly hugged her opposite of Shining, the second he grabbed her the green scales along his back started to flash same as their cutie marks.

“Come on Twilight!! Get out here! We’re right here waiting!!” Spike shouted, Midnight grit her teeth trying to move away she didn’t understand what was happening now. They’d made contact with her all throughout this fight, why was it doing this to her now she thought. Then she felt a weight across her back a pair of pink hooves wrapping around her neck,

“Twilight! We’re right here! You can do it! I know you can!!!” Cadence shouted, Celestia rushed to her family in haste Midnight saw her approach and shouted back.

“Get away from me! All of you!!!” Celestia reached them and hugged Midnight tightly, Spike’s scales and all their cutie marks now glowing a bright white color rather than flashing.

“Twilight you can do this! You can beat him!! Now fight! Fight with every ounce of strength you have!” Celestia added. Midnight could feel her grip on Twilight’s body slipping now, it wasn’t them doing this. It had to be Twilight, this required correction immediately she thought.

Nightmare appeared in the dark domain with a thunderous boom, furious at what was happening back in the throne room. He looked ahead and there he saw Twilight sitting eyes closed, perfectly still meditating a white glow all around her. Floating around her moving in a perfect circle was the cutie marks of her family save for Luna’s and a set of scales like Spike’s all glowing as well.

“What do you think you’re doing?! You think you can beat me!? That you can break free of my control!?” He shouted as he stomped towards her, Twilight opened her eyes and looked back at him with no fear in her gaze.

“Yes...you controlled aunt Luna for all those years because you allowed her to think she was in control. That Nightmare Moon was her doing, and that’s where your strength came from. You made the mistake of allowing me to watch though. And now that I know my family is by my side, you have no power over me anymore.” Twilight answered. The shadows that held Twilight in place for so long now began to burn and disappear, Nightmare’s face turned to one of fury at the sight of this.

“FINE! Let’s see how you enjoy being a mindless husk for the next few centuries then!!” he shouted as he unleashed a barrage of dark magics and shadows at Twilight. The two opposing magics collided with one another, Twilight’s face tensed up from the strain her magic being pushed back slowly.

“You’re weak Twilight! You’re nothing! Celestia chose you as a student out of pity and deep down you know that! Sunset was always your better! You were only ever there to push her to be better! And every pony knows it!!” he shouted to her. Twilight grit her teeth and tried to focus her magic to push back against his, but his rage gave him so much strength now she was slowly losing.

“It’s not enough...I need more...I need more help!” Twilight thought. Then she felt a presence behind her, a soothing calm that embraced her like a warm hug that was all too familiar to her.

“I’m right here Twilight...and now, you have all of us here to help you.” a voice whispered to her gently. Twilight’s eyes opened and she smiled saying,

“Aunt Luna...” The dark magics slowly engulfing Twilight suddenly shattered his attacks now being pushed back to where he could see Twilight again.

“What?! How?” he shouted and then he saw another cutie appear behind her, Luna’s cutie mark. The light of Twilight’s magic grew even stronger despite Nightmare’s best efforts he was now being quickly overwhelmed. The light soon reached him and began to burn away at his body, what’s more he knew this power he had felt before, a thousand years ago as Nightmare Moon. He screamed in pain as the magic slowly began to destroy him

“That’s...not possible!! They aren’t here!! If they were in the castle, I’d have shattered them!!!” The Ele...” then in a burst of white light Nightmare disappeared his screams of agony being drowned out by Twilight’s magic.

Back in the throne Twilight’s family stood hugging Midnight tightly, she was screaming in pain now, her body burning up. Then dark magics poured out of her at a rapid rate as they did Twilight slowly returned to her normal size, color, and appearance until at long last she was back to normal. A minute or so passed and Spike was the first to look and see,

“Twilight!!!” he shouted. The others looked up and saw but instead of letting her go they only hugged her tighter. Twilight was slow to speak up though,

“I’m...I’m so...so sorry...I, I didn’t mean for this to happen...I just wanted to help...I swear. I was only trying to save Rarity!” she sobbed. Celestia looked up at Twilight and wiped her eyes,

“Its okay Twilight...its over now, we can talk about it later. But right now just let us all have this...” she said. Then a hoarse coughing and wheezing interrupted them, they all turned and to their shock there was Nightmare. But he was different now, much different, his size was the same as Twilight’s his body withered and malnourished looking, black smoke leaking from his body. He struggled just to stand as he glared back at the House of Sun between coughs he muttered,

“How?...How did...how did you do that?! The elements...you shouldn’t have been able...to use them...if they weren’t here...” Celestia’s eyes widened in surprise of Nightmare’s words, she glanced at Twilight surprised. Twilight’s face turned to one of anger as she marched towards Nightmare, who tried to move away, he stumbled and limped at a slow pace though.

“You! You tried to control my friend! You turned my Aunt into a monster for a thousand years! You made me hurt MY FAMILY! How dare you!” Twilight shouted her horn glowing with magic as she continued to storm towards him. Nightmare glared back finally stopping his retreat,

“You should be thanking me! Because of me you know what kind of power you have now!” he coughed and wheezed again,

“Because of me you were greater than even Celestia!” Twilight’s anger didn’t vanish as she stormed towards him she only paused when a bright blue suddenly lit the throne room. Nightmare turned to look and he saw the light shining above the doorway and then finally Luna appeared landing on the floor with a feather touch. She looked ahead and saw the shape her family was in, she quickly surveyed the room and then saw Sunset nearby still unconscious. Luna’s face went from shocked to furious as she looked back at Nightmare.

“Monster!!! How dare you!” she shrieked, Luna marched towards him as well a fury on par with what she had as Nightmare Moon. Nightmare looked back and forth at Twilight then Luna, the fear growing in his face now.

“NO! I can’t die! I am the darkness of the dream realm! I am fear itself!!!” he shouted at the two mares. Luna glared and snapped back,

“No! You are nothing! And now we send you back to the oblivion from whence YOU CAME!!” With that Twilight and Luna’s horns both began to glow with magic and together the two blasted Nightmare from both sides his screams echoing throughout the throne room. Slowly his voice was finally drowned out and his body burned and crumbled to ash which vanished into the air. At long last, he was finally gone, Nightmare was dead. Luna quickly rushed to Sunset Shimmer and cradled her in her hooves.

“Sunset! Sunset! Wake up, wake up right now!” Luna said, a few seconds passed and Sunset slowly stared to open her eyes and looked up at Luna. A faint smile formed on her face, then she winced a little in pain before speaking up. “Hey...Mom...is it over? Oh man, I missed the end...Twi's never gonna let me live this down now...” she moaned, Luna looked at Sunset surprised then smiled back.

“Mom? Your really going to call me that already?” Luna asked, Sunset rested her head on Luna’s lap and closed her eyes smiling again.

“Oh come on...Twi gets to call Princess Celestia mom, but I gotta call you Princess Luna all the time? No fair...” Sunset groaned. Luna simply chuckled and nuzzled Sunset gently holding her softly against her lap. Twilight watched the two smiling happy to see Sunset was alright,

“Umm...Twilight? Why do you still have those?” Spike said, Twilight turned and looked at Spike and the others who were looking at her a little shocked. Twilight looked to see what Spike was talking about and she saw it, she still had wings! She was still an Alicorn! With everything that happened she hadn't noticed, but there they were and she could feel and move them just fine. Twilight started to hyperventilate she looked up at Celestia a look of panic growing in her eyes,

“Why? Why do I have wings?! No! No, no, no, no, NO!!” she shouted. Celestia walked over and put her hoof on Twilight’s shoulder,

“Twilight, its alright. Just stay calm, we’ll figure this out I promise.” Celestia said. Twilight shook her head though still panicking,

“NO! I don’t want these!!! Not like this!!! I didn’t earn these!!! I don’t deserve them!!!” she shouted back, Twilight stepped back from Celestia and gripped one of her wings with her hoof and started to violently tug at it,

“Twilight stop! It’s okay, listen to me!!” Celestia pleaded, Twilight wasn’t listening though and suddenly she bit down on the wing before suddenly ripping a few feathers clean off.

“Twilight!! Stop! You’ll hurt yourself!!” Celestia shouted, Twilight continued to try and pull her wing off though. Then Cadence rushed over and hugged her tight finally stopping her, Twilight tried to get Cadence to let go of her pushing and squirming but she refused to let go. Finally Twilight stopped fighting and started to cry pressing her face to Cadence’s chest.

“I...I...didn’t want to get them like this...I don’t deserve to be an alicorn!” she sobbed. Cadence held her tight though and after a moment she rested her cheek against Twilight’s head.

“It’s okay Twilight, every thing is going to be okay now...” Cadence whispered.

Author's Note:

:pinkiehappy: At long last Nightmare is defeated and Midnight Sparkle is gone. Hope everyone likes how that ended, my plan from the start was always Luna and Twilight would be the ones to destroy him. After all, they're the two he hurt the most.:twilightsmile:
Also had a lot of fun writing this chapter, actually had something different planned for Shining to threaten Twilight with originally. He WAS going to threaten to rearrange her books, but then I thought, no, its gotta be about that toy crown they love so much.:raritywink: Well next chapter should be the conclusion to the Nightmare Forces arc, unless I come up with more ideas. Hope you enjoyed the update, leave me some comments and maybe drop a like if you haven't already.

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