• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter VIII: Montage of Reason

Chapter VIII: Montage of Reason

Chapter 7 Recap: The Celestial Defenders, a discrete group of staunch supporters of Princess Celestia, have revealed themselves to the public after years of silence. Now Minuette their leader, takes a stand against the Nightmare Guard in the hopes of giving her allies a chance to escape in the ensuing chaos, and before the lockdown can progress any further. However ignorant to the method that would be used to ensure nopony left the city, Minuette questions the validity of her decision and whether or not it was the right one. Meanwhile, Corporal Cloudchaser and Specialist Flitters have made their way off to retrieve Captain Dash not far off.

The voices were like faint echoes in Dash's mind, as she looked towards the night sky, now filled with consistent splashes of gray. The clouds looked like some disoriented mess, although of course that's not what was important to the pegasus at all. She sat on her knees, leaned back as she let her forehooves hang lifelessly at her side, simply looking towards those clouds in silence. She could hear Twilight Velvet calling out to her in the background, but ignored it. All she wanted to do right now was remain lost in her thoughts, searching for some form of direction. Why was she even here? Why did things only progressively get worse? Did she do something wrong? Was this karma or some form of divine punishment? Captain Dash thought back to Princess Nightmare Moon, her beloved ruler, her queen.

Within the fraction of a memory, Captain Dash saw Nightmare Moon upon the throne, slumped down in disappointment. Everything was shaky, as an image went in and out of focus constantly in her mind. But that mere image of the princess was enough for her, as words the princess had uttered at the time drove Dash even further. She recalled a defeated voice, and harsh shattering words. Within the memory Nightmare Moon's ethereal mane hung over the side of her head, as she gave a tired, black, penetrating stare towards the pegasus who was knelt before her. Her muzzle moved, but the words were not caught up with the scene. All of this, is beyond you, Captain Dash.

Captain Dash snapped back to the present, as she was hit by a sudden wave of denial, followed by revitalized determination. She slammed her hoof upon the ground ferociously, even growling beneath her breath as she glared menacingly ahead. She was utterly focused now, whereas Nightlight who was still on the ground nearby skittered back even further, not failing to notice the pegasus' shift in demeanor. No, she thought! She would prove to the princess this wasn't beyond her! Not the alicorn! Not Tantabus! Not some prophecy! She would prove to her princess that she's just as capable and useful as she was before! Let life throw whatever nonsense it had at her! She would crush each and every obstacle that got in her way until she dealt with the alicorn menace, and ensured Princess Nightmare Moon peace of mind!

Captain Dash rose then, as she let off a deep exhale before breathing in, as if taking in all the world at once. As she focused back on the present, the chaos all came together, and everything fell into sync, into place, she'd found herself again. Even now, as Twilight Velvet screamed at the back of her, as she focused on the unicorn's voice she could tell it'd gotten significantly closer. Her rage dissipated, and everything was normal again. Captain Dash looked to the clouds, focusing on them with a look of peace. I will not fail you, Princess.

"Captain Dash!" Twilight Velvet called out again desperately, as she stood only a few feet behind the pegasus.

Captain Dash glanced back at the unicorn, still with a patient expression as she stood, but said nothing.

Twilight Velvet continued again, hesitating some as she was actually startled by the fact she finally got the Captain's attention. She placed a hoof over her chest, before refocusing on the conversation. "F-Finally! What's the matter with you? A-Are you alright!?" She made her way up to the pegasus, looking her over and patting her down, before backing up again. "What is with that colt, or better yet, what's with the both of you!? I thought you were allies, so what exactly is going on here!? Do we now have something else to worry about!?"

Captain Dash closed her eyes, and spoke clearly and distinctly as she lowered her head some. "Tantabus is a sign of the Princess' desperation, the mere fact he was here shows how distraught she is. It's not surprising he got fed up with the idea of dictating an operation such as this to begin with." She opened her eyes some, looking back towards the pavement. "What he does from here on out, anypony could guess. But I don't have time to worry about him, he'll get what's coming to him for abandoning his post in due time, that I can assure." She turned to face Twilight Velvet more directly, before tossing a glance at Nightlight as well, who was still on the ground, before addressing the both of them. "For now, we completely lock down this city. I'm not taking anymore chances. We'll retrieve your daughter as well."

Twilight Velvet shook her head worriedly, as she seemed confused. "L-Lockdown the city? As if it isn't already locked down enough as is? What're you talking about Captain Dash? What is it you plan on doing exactly that hasn't already been done!? Is there no end to this!?"

Captain Dash went back to all fours, as she began to trot off in the direction towards the train station. "I'll be hosting this operation."

"Captain Dash!" Another familiar, but unexpected voice chimed in.

Captain Dash flinched, making a twisted frown as she raised both brows ahead at the two unexpected figures who'd suddenly came by. Before her was Corporal Cloudchaser and Specialist Flitters. "Flitters? Cloudchaser? What're you two doing here? What's going on?"

Both pegasi took a moment to catch their breath, with their heads lowered as they wheezed some. Specialist Flitters, eager to report the news took it upon herself to near immediately reply to Dash, informing her. "T-Traitors! Traitors have emerged in the city!"

Captain Dash's expression sunk, turning gravely serious. "Traitors!?" But she didn't look surprised either, as she actually took a second to glance back at Twilight Velvet, almost in confirming that the doubts she spoke of about the plan, were just debunked.

Though Twilight Velvet was shocked to hear traitors had emerged in the city, she still gave Dash a questioning expression afterwords. Even if that's what her troops reported, Twilight Velvet wasn't so quick to believe it was as clear a picture as they made it seem.

Captain Dash looked back to Specialist Flitters. "Who are they?"

Specialist Flitters, and now even Corporal Cloudchaser stood more straight. They nodded to her in sync, as Flitters continued. "They call themselves the Celestial Defenders!" She placed a hoof beneath her chin in amusement at the name they'd chosen. "Obvious supporters of Princess Celestia!" Then looked back to Dash to address her promptly. "They plan to take the station, and make an escape from the city! Ever since hearing a dream sweep would be taking place, they must've assumed they'd be caught in the end anyway Captain Dash!"

Captain Dash sighed heavily in disappointment as she appeared defeated for a split second. "Would've...."

Specialist Flitters raised a brow at Captain Dash, confused by what she was implying. Though as she thought about it and glanced around, an even more dire realization hit her as she looked worriedly to the captain. "C-Captain Dash? The Tantabus, where has it go-"

But Captain Dash cut her off swiftly, continuing while trotting past the two. "Gone, and there's nothing we can do about it right now. But with him gone, it also means we lost our chance to do the dream sweep, at least until support can send somepony else to do it."

Specialist Flitters and Corporal Cloudchaser looked to one another for a moment, confused absolutely by the fact Tantabus was just gone according to Captain Dash. But they assumed there was a backstory, though of course for now even they realized now was not the best time to hear it in full detail, so they took her word for it. Cloudchaser however leaned forward a bit, wanting to inquire some more information that troubled her. "W-Wait, um Captain, there's even more ponies who can do the dream sweep besides him? W-Who?"

Captain Dash sighed gravely, as she looked exhausted from the mere thought of it. "Yes, there is. And she won't be happy." But Captain Dash turned to face them again, nodding to them, and even acknowledging Twilight Velvet, and Nightlight, who by this point managed to make his way up and beside his wife, patting himself off. "But we'll cross that bridge when we get there. She wouldn't want me relaying that information so openly, nor do I want her to know just yet that Tantabus managed to escape." Dash paused, becoming more direct. "For now, we raise the barrier and cease all manner of escape from the city. It'll take these traitors an ample amount of time to figure out how to bring it down, more than enough to stomp them out fully." She paused, "And how're the citizens doing? They alright?"

Specialist Flitters nodded. "Yes, b-but Captain, the longer we talk here the greater chance there is of Lieutenant Dust being hurt."

Captain Dash scoffed, as she began trotting casually towards the station again. Despite the fact they were away from the action, in some deserted neighborhood of the city, she didn't seem worried as she glanced back at them. "Try not to worry about her too much."

While Specialist Flitters and Corporal Cloudchaser glanced at one another again in response, a bit skeptical.

The scene had remained stagnant at the train station, as Minuette stood before Lieutenant Dust confidently.

At this point, the Nightmare Guard and Celestial Defenders had branched off from one another, as the Nightmare Guard stood off towards the far left end of the station and the Celestial Defenders stood off towards the far right. Lieutenant Dust used her wings to casually toss a lance back and forth from opposing ends over her back, in a masterful manner. She smirked towards the designated leader of the group as she cocked a brow at her. "I have to say, you guys must be real goofballs to have come out so openly to us. Stupid, stupid move."

Minuette remained silent, trying to keep cool as she just continued to smirk at Lieutenant Dust, besides sweating some. Through her peripheral vision she could see that Lemon Hearts who was also nearby, was gravely nervous based on her current demeanor.

Lieutenant Dust continued, trotting forward towards Minuette as she did so. "I mean, what can you all do? Isn't it pretty selfish to try to escape, knowing you'll be leaving all your friends behind? You probably should have thought this through a bit more, leader."

Minuette leaned forward a bit as she chuckled, giving Dust a determined glare. "H-Hey give me some credit. You almost make me sound like one of you guys." She took a moment to breath in, as she glanced around at her fellows. "Now guys! Toss up your signals!"

With that the surrounding Celestial Defenders nodded to Minuette, as each and every one of them removed the sun shaped pendants which held their cloaks together. Afterwords they all imbued their pendants with their magic, before using telekinesis in sync to swiftly send them up high and into the air. Minuette made sure to unfasten her pendant last as she imbued it with her magic, a bright blue glow, which carried the pendant all the way up towards the clouds with the others. After a few brief seconds, all the pendants ignited like fireworks, letting off a vibrant yellow glow, which glistened like stars in the night sky, and was easily visible across the entirety of the city.

Lieutenant Dust, as well as the rest of her guard, actually looked taken aback by the sudden mechanic. Even Dust, who usually held her composure seemed troubled by it, as she gave Minuette an annoyed glare afterwords, not saying anything as she peered at her.

And as the entirety of the station, and likely, other populated areas of the city, were now temporarily cast in the yellow lighting, Minuette didn't hesitate to take the chance to address the citizens. She swiped a hoof, looking to them desperately. "C-Can't you guys see what it's come to!? What we're forced to do!? Princess Celestia would never have had us turn against each other like this! She loved us all, unlike Princess Nightmare Moon!" As she spoke, the citizens all looked at her in skepticism, as some looked troubled and even conflicted while awkward glances were constantly tossed back and forth. Minuette pressed on, as she looked towards the ground sadly. "E-Even me, I'm guilty of it too, I took Princess Celestia's love for granted. I never thought about how good we had it, until things had just gotten so so bad!" But she put on that determined expression once again, holding a hoof to her chest. "But that doesn't mean we can't return to the way things were! If we band together, we can take down the princess! We just have to have some hope, some faith, that we succeed!"

Lieutenant Dust rolled her eyes as she didn't interrupt Minuette, and then smirked, amused by her speech.

Lemon Hearts also appeared skeptical, as she worriedly glanced back and forth between the citizens and Minuette.

But still, Minuette pressed on passionately. "Please everypony! We need your help with this! With your assistance, they can't possibly control us if we make up the majority! We need to show the princess we don't take kindly to being stomped over by oppressors, and that unless change comes, we will continue to rebel and fight back against her now tyrannical rule!" Minuette exhaled, before taking in another deep breath as she closed her eyes a split second, before snapping them open and shooting a hoof towards the air. "Who's with me!?"

But Minuette's speech was followed by a grave silence, as her fellow citizens only continued to look silently up at her.

Minuette smiled nervously, uncertain what this reaction meant as she gave them curious stares, awaiting a response.

Soon however, a barrage of roars were let off from within the crowd, followed by a belligerent series of insults and desperate rants.


"You're gonna get us all killed!"

"We have no part in this!"

"It's all them! Please, please don't associate us with these traitors!"

"Filthy cowards!"

"Insults to the crown!"

And as the once solemn scene dissolved into one of hectic violence, Minuette slowly backed away as she appeared overwhelmed by it all. She shook her head, confused and taken aback by it. She gritted her teeth even, in disbelief and slight denial. "N-No, why? Why?"

And Lieutenant Dust burst into hectic laughter. "Ahahahahahaha! You moron! Did you seriously think that would work!?"

Minuette growled, immediately turning to face Lieutenant Dust in a swelling of rage.

Lieutenant Dust shrugged as she smirked, shrugging with both forehooves raised as she continued to toss her spear back and forth over her back. "Warn your friends all you like, but don't think just cause you give some dumb melodramatic speech, ponies are willing to rally towards your cause." She tilted her head back a little, smiling wide. "Let me let you in on a little secret, ponies are always gonna choose the path of least resistance. You think it's easier for them to risk themselves and join your cause, rather than remain in the princess' good standings, and wait for this whole thing to keel over? Don't make me laugh. You literally sounded like the biggest idiot just now."

Minuette trembled with rage, as she slowly looked defeated, and down towards the ground, saddened by Dust's claims.

As the roars of the defiant crowd continued, Lemon Hearts trotted over and shook Minuette. "M-Minuette!? What do we do!?"

Minuette blocked out all the roars of the crowd and used her telekinetic magic to tie a knot around her cloak, fastening it around her in that manner instead as she looked revitalized all over again, and just as determined. "What we planned to do from the get go Lemon Hearts! We're gonna take this station and get out of here!" She looked fairly serious, "Despite what they think, we know this city better than anypony, we lived here all our lives. The station isn't the only method of escape, as long as we have the open borders, there are plenty of other routes to choose from." She nodded, particularly to Dust. "Our other friends can still escape, and we can still beat you, pegasus!"

And with that final comment, Dust's brow twitched in particular as she laughed again. "Hahaha! You trying to imply something?"

But Minuette raised a brow, looking legitimately confused as she didn't have any idea what Dust was talking about.

The rest of the Celestial Defenders readied themselves in offensive positions, facing the Nightmare Guard.

Lieutenant Dust pressed forward, tossing her lance back and forth over her back still with her wings. "You unicorns think you always got the jump on us just cause of your magic? Well let me tell you something else, leader." She smirked, as she halted in her casual manner of tossing her spear back and forth, before flinging it up into the air and snatching it with a hoof. "As a member of the Nightmare Guard, it is paramount we know how to counteract magic as any race, it's mandatory in training. The princess saw to this, and she as always, looks into all possibilities with her training requirements." Lieutenant Dust looked to Minuette and her band of Celestial Defenders, just as eager. "If a pegasus can overcome the cast time of a unicorn's spell, and even use that speed to their advantage in the heat of a duel, then they can overcome anything. Speed is a natural asset to a pegasus, and it's something far more valuable than your magic." Lieutenant Dust took a moment to glance down at her lance again, before looking back towards Minuette. "Has it gotten through your thick skull yet?"

Minuette looked a bit nervous, as she muttered to her friends. "G-Guys, if things get too dangerous, I want you to run..."

Lieutenant Dust spread her hooves as she grinned. "Unless you have the proper training! It doesn't matter you dopes!" And almost hungrily, she spun the lance in both hooves as she pointed it at the group of rebels. "Nightmare Guard! Let's have us some fun!"

Minuette gulped as she flinched, and backed up some as her friends also steadied themselves in preparation.

But then, the entirety of the station was overcome with silence with a stern, vibrant commanding outcry. "DUST!"

Lieutenant Dust froze in her charging motion, eyes wide with surprise as she took a second to glance back.

Trotting up towards her from the far end of their side, was Captain Dash accompanied by the rest of their squad.

Even the crowd had fell silent, with the return of the familiar blue pegasus.

Minuette and her group of fellow defenders all acknowledged Dash with a hint of uncertainty, while some, slight fear.

Captain Dash strode down the platform, stopping beside Dust and the fellow Nightmare Guards. "You, Corporal Cloudchaser, and Specialist Flitters take these two down to find their kid, and find that alicorn, make it snappy. I'll deal with the traitors."

Minuette frowned sternly at Captain Dash, as she gulped a little, recalling the pegasus' renown military status.

Lieutenant Dust raised a brow at Dash in concern. "You sure you don't want us to stay behind and help out?" She glanced around even further, as she seemed only more confused before inquiring. "And where's the kid? Wasn't he with you last time I checked?"

Captain Dash didn't comment on the mention of Tantabus, as she only peered ahead towards the traitors.

Lieutenant Dust ran a hoof down her face with a sigh. "I see, well, if that's the way you want it." She smirked, nodding to her. "Then that's fine by me. I know you have some personal gripe with traitors and all." She turned to face the others, whom nodded back to her glad to see she was alright, as they gathered in a group to prepare to make their way off. Lieutenant Dust glanced back, "Have fun Captain."

Twilight Velvet remained silent, as she took a second to acknowledge these traitors, and even more so, with a sigh.

With that, Lieutenant Dust's group didn't take another second to dally any longer. They turned around, beginning to make their away from the station, leaving Captain Dash alone with the rest of the Nightmare Guard in that area. As there was an ominous silence.

Specialist Flitters glanced back at Captain Dash as they trotted off, noticing her determined expression. G-Goodluck, Captain.

Captain Dash was silent for a few seconds more, as she took a second to acknowledge the attentive eyes of the citizens, then looked up towards the sky to see the Celestial Defender's bright yellow light, acting as a signal as it hung high in the sky. She then glanced down in a bored manner at her hoof, as she broke the silence, beginning to speak. "To tell you guys the truth, I've waited a long time for this. The chance to stomp out traitors against the princess, who I knew were hiding until they felt their time was right. I don't blame you for trying."

Minuette gulped again, as she and the rest of her defenders still looked to Dash worriedly.

Captain Dash continued. "But you're outclassed here." As she stomped a hoof sternly. "Bring up the barrier!"

Minuette's eyes widened as she looked to Dash skeptically. W-What?

Almost naturally, much of the Nightmare Guard diverged from the group, as they made their way towards the orbs of light which acted as sirens. They turned them towards the sky, as the ones in this part of the city all met at a center point, high in the sky above even the defender's signals. Even more of the guards used their horns to let off a distinct melody, an alert to the rest of their fellow nightmare guards much in the manner of the Celestial Defenders. As they went about this procedure, soon enough to follow, even more siren lights around the the city began to focus on this center point, while suddenly draping over the city in the manner of a dome, would be a crimson barrier. Diverging from the center point the siren lights had gathered, it slowly wrapped itself around the city in a slow, foreboding manner.

Minuette rushed towards the edge of the platform, as she looked horrified by the prospect of it. Her eyes aimed towards the sky, as she lightly trembled with realization, watching as that red barrier slowly wrapped itself around the entirety of the city, and she despaired.

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