• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,924 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter VIII: Echoes of Canterlot

Chapter VIII: Echoes of Canterlot

Previous Chapter Recap: The realms of magic are both unpredictable and dangerous. Yet Twilight Sparkle realizes that in order to uncover the mysteries behind overcoming Princess Nightmare Moon, she must first uncover the mysteries surrounding herself. Canterlot will never drift too far from her mind or thoughts, what'd happened, and what is currently happening now. What does it all mean, and what is the purpose behind the strange dreams she often finds herself in? As the Nightmare Guard prepare to restore order amidst an Equestria in turmoil, so too must she take a leap of faith. A leap into the forbidden unknown.

"Do you think it's true... the rumors about the alicorn?" Inquired the voice of a timid mare.

Three nightmare guards all trotted along a long dirt road at the outskirts of Everfree. Ponyville could be seen behind them in the lengthy distance, currently a mere speck. They were on patrol, two pegasus mares and an earth pony stallion. One of the mares bearing a grey coat and bright orange mane glanced back towards the more timid guard. "The alicorn? That's just some stupid rumor the Princess put out there to keep us sharp." That guard peered ahead again, "Nopony out there has the capability to stand against the Princess." She closed her eyes, "And nopony ever will. Her accomplishments have proven that she's beyond the reach of any pony."

The more timid guard clutched her lance, frightened. "What happens if we run into the alicorn out here?"

Immediate annoyance caused the opposing mare's brow to twitch. She led the way, and just as swiftly came to a halt. Holding a lance as well she turned with a grit in her teeth, hastily pointing it towards the distant mountain of Canterlot City. "Do you see that!?" The mountain itself was wrapped in dark clouds, while violet thunder rang like an ominous echo even from their position. The vast structures of Canterlot were enclosed in a pale pink bubble, while the mountain's side appeared shattered like fragile glass leaving behind only an unsightly crater. "Do you see the once proud city of Canterlot now entrapped like a mere glass display?"

The more timid guard eyed the mountain then, clutching her lance still as she seemed uncertain.

The other mare continued, "That is the Princess' power. Not some alicorn! In less than a few hours the Princess has already taken control of the city again. If anything, it was probably just some mishap on the magic that she doesn't want to admit. So stop being such a little filly and pull yourself together! There is no alicorn! It's just some stupid rumor!" She groaned, facing ahead again. "Now let's get this stupid patrol over with. I'm hungry."

The more timid mare continued to eye the distant city of Canterlot a few seconds longer, before she peered ahead at her companion once more, whom now had her lance resting atop her shoulder as she trotted. The timid guard hugged her lance tighter to her chest, gulping. Whereas the stallion followed behind, remaining silent. As they continued to trot down this dirt path, she eyed down reluctantly. "T-The Princess sure is strong, isn't she?" She paused, "Y-You're right, there is no alicorn. I'm sorry, I... I guess I just think too much."

The leading mare looked towards the pale yellow clouds casually as she trotted. "Don't sweat it. Too many ponies get caught up in the drama, they just want something to talk about." She also paused, "The Princess controls practically all regions of Equestria, her reach is only gaining traction. The Changeling War, The Sub-Species Rebellion, The Northern Border, soon even the dragons." She scoffed, "And we're supposed to believe some random alicorn threatens her rule? Yeah right, just to scare us straight. I guess for good reason."

The stallion finally spoke up, his voice being deeper and more stern. "And what reason is that?"

The leading mare's nose wrinkled as she looked up even higher towards the sky, confidently and filled with passion. "Too many of us guards have grown complacent. We've grown up in an era of strength and just because things have been peaceful recently, we think it's okay to just not aspire to anything anymore. Captain Dash would be ashamed!" She growled with a huff, "Just think how many pegasus don't even pursue a weather stone of their own. It's one of the greatest honors of being a pegasus in the Nightmare Guard." She sighed, "I'll get mine soon enough. Unlike many others, I still aspire to be great someday. One of the chosen!"

The more timid mare came to a halt again. "But, i-is peace through strength everything?"

The leading mare glanced back at her with a cocked brow. "What're you going on about now?"

The more timid mare frowned, bearing a contemplative stare. "I remember growing up, t-there used to be lots of other creatures who visited Equestria, and also came from other towns. Now there's none, because they all were locked away to keep us safe. I remember ponies finding their purpose through their cutie marks, now we all contribute to the war effort. Our cutie marks are just hobbies. Things were scarier back then but for some reason..." a certain haze came to her. "I feel like I was happier back then, even though I'm no longer scared."

The leading mare's nose wrinkled in disgust at her companion. "I guess you're conveniently forgetting everything that scared you too huh? Maybe you also remember Princess Celestia, leading through friendship, love, and grace? So much good that did her. The Changelings made us into their playthings, ponynapped us, used us to their hearts content only to throw us away as dried husks! You remember that? Perhaps you also remember when all those other 'races' rebelled against the Princess for merely protecting us? They deserved to be locked away! Maybe you can also remember that us serving our purpose in the Princess' armies keeps us ready to fight. If we can't fight, we won't have any lives to do our hobbies! To earn our cutie marks with!"

The timid mare flinched, as she clutched her lance tighter. "Y-You know what my cutie mark is?"

The leading mare glared at her then retracted her head some. "No, what?"

The timid mare closed her eyes and smiled warmly, "It's for knitting. I love to make sweaters."

The leading mare scoffed, facing ahead again as she kicked the dirt angrily.

The more timid mare flinched again as she remained silent.

The leading mare glared back at her, "Let's see how long knitting keeps you alive in a world without the Princess. Weren't you the one who said you were afraid of the alicorn? It's cause of that ignorant naivety."

The more timid mare frowned at the dirt again, "I... I just wish the Princess could give the world of friendship another chance maybe. Mistakes happen, but maybe, we can do it right this time. I was just thinking, what happens if maybe the alicorn was a nice pony." She paused, lowering her head. "Maybe she just felt trapped in peaceful slavery. M-Maybe if she could've talked to Princess Cadance, things would be a lot better too."

The leading mare growled and turned, snapping at her companion and charging her before hastily being held back by their stallion companion. Yet despite this she roared, "Peaceful slavery!? Is that what you call it!? That peaceful slavery is what protected me from the Changelings! If Equestria ran on friendship! Then it wouldn't have caused that friendship to make us lose so much! If friendship is what gets me killed, then I want none!"

The timid mare teared up as she trembled, clutching her lance to her chest. "I-I'm sorry... I'm sorry."

The leading mare huffed, flaring her nostrils as she trotted forward again. "You better be, now let's hurry this up!" Ahead she could see some established watchtowers. "Let's grab a report from that outpost ahead."

The stallion looked to the timid guard with a saddened frown, feeling bad for her, before trotting ahead as well.

The more timid mare looked down guiltily towards the ground again as she trotted.

Past that nightmare armor, that knitting cutie mark could be seen, plain as day.

"Stop dodging the question, 'Purple Smart'! Who named you that!?" Daisy stood before Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle, or Purple Smart looked to Daisy worriedly. "Well that's one of many names I had."

Daisy snarled as her nose wrinkled and she huffed, about to charge Twilight.

Caramel hurriedly grabbed onto Daisy, holding her back with a grunt. Whereas Big Mac though he wore a more simple expression, also assisted in holding back Daisy. Caramel spoke, "D-Daisy! What's up with you?"

Daisy glared at Caramel. "Nothing! I'm just asking her some questions is all!"

Caramel looked to her with deep concern. "Well maybe do it more nicely?"

Daisy put on a fake smile and rolled her eyes and raised the pitch of her voice. "Oooooh! Like thiiiis!? Like a good little pony? Miss Purple Smart, can I ask you a question pretty pleeeease?" She tilted her head to the right, "Blank Flank, total nerd, such simple grace it's disgusting, not to include the most unimaginative name I've ever heard. With all due respect, how can somepony be so basic? That's right... there's no way! Something is off!"

Caramel gasped as he glared at Daisy only slightly. "D-Daisy! What the hay!"

Daisy hissed at Caramel, "I know you're just hungry for-" She'd smash a hoof to his groin. "Purpleberries!"

Twilight would eye Caramel with deep concern then. "Purpleberries?"

Caramel shrieked as he'd fallen to the floor and let off hushed whimpers.

As the commotion commenced towards the center of the living room, almost fatefully, the front door swung open as standing in the open doorway was a figure all four individuals recognized. She already wore a deepened glare with a commanding presence, as if making her status immediately known. That orange coat and blonde mane glistened with the exposed light as she inquired, "What in the hay, is going on here?"

All pain suddenly disappeared from Caramel as both him and Daisy reacted in sync, suddenly standing at attention while stiff as statues. They peered ahead, in position. They each let off, "Nothing Ma'am!"

Twilight remained seated, as she glanced back to get a good look at Applejack.

Captain Jack gave Twilight a stern look of skepticism, before looking to Daisy. "Doesn't seem like nothing."

Daisy cringed, frowning only a second afterwords as she reluctantly eyed to the lower right. "A-Apologies Ma'am. I, well, I was giving Purple Smart some tough love seeing as she's you're newest recruit and well erhm..." she sighed, "I guess I've been getting carried away. It won't happen again, I promise you this."

Captain Jack stood there as she now had a blank look, bursting into laughter almost immediately and stomping one hoof to contain herself. "Wait wait wait a darn second! What did ya say just now? Purple...Smart?" She turned her gaze towards Big Mac who was more towards the kitchen. "Big Mac, they serious right now?"

Big Mac nodded simply as he was wiping down one of the counters. "Yup!"

Both Caramel and Daisy appeared confused before Daisy squinted with suspicion at Twilight again.

Captain Jack continued to laugh, before she wiped a tear from her eye. "Hooey, now that's somethin. Well I thank ya two for your patience with... Purple Smart." Her tone suddenly became more earnest, as she closed her eyes and bowed her head respectfully to the two. "I also want to thank you both for doing as I asked."

That voice depiction again, just like at the salon. Twilight continued to eye Captain Jack in a curious manner.

Yet both Daisy and Caramel appeared familiar with it, almost pleased by it. Their demeanors became more at ease and calmed, as Daisy spoke first, mimicking Captain Jack's gesture and uttering. "It is of no issue Ma'am."

Caramel echoed her sentiments. "Agreed, we are grateful to be of use to you Ma'am."

Applejack nodded to the both of them. "Now go home and rest, the sunset cycle will reset here shortly, meaning more hours of blistering sunlight. You two have done enough trotting as is, you are dismissed."

Both Daisy and Caramel's expressions brightened in excitement as they cheered.

Daisy was absolutely filled with glee, "Thank you ma'am! Thank you thank you!"

Caramel reared his front hooves up and forward in a gleeful gesture. "Best Captain ever!"

For now at least, it appeared those simple orders were enough to dissipate the angst between both Twilight Sparkle and Daisy. The mare was more than ready to go about her day, under the Captain's command no less! She merrily hummed her way with a rhymical trot towards the front door, eyes closed and all. Once arriving there, she turned with a wide smile. "Well then I'll be taking my leave for now Captain!" Despite this however she ensured to give Caramel a stern yet subtle glare. Her tone, unchanged. "You're coming... right Caramel?"

Caramel was just as bright and happy, before blinking a few times and then looking down towards Twilight, and soon back to the Captain. "O-Oh yeah Daisy but uh... hey Captain," he tilted his head to the right slightly. "Might Purple be able to come with us? I mean, she's new and all and if we're officially off duty now then maybe?"

Daisy rolled her eyes and then saluted once more, this time a bit more sloppily. "Well uh yeah would you look at the time? Totally forgot about my... plants! Gardening is my hobby you know! Best get out of here asap!" She spoke hastily then, "Thanks Captain, see you, bye!" And leaving nothing but a cloud of kicked up dust in her wake, she burst from her position, now only a mere speck hurriedly sprinting away from the mansion.

Captain Jack didn't pay her too much mind, she knew Daisy enjoyed her free time when she got it. She looked back to Caramel, then to Twilight, then back to Caramel with a guilty smile. "Ah do forgive me Private Caramel. Private Purple, well you see... she's going to be very busy for the next few cycles but I promise you'll be seeing her around." She closed her eyes and snickered, "After all, she is our newest recruit. She'll have much to learn."

Caramel saluted, paying it no fuss. "O-Okay, sure thing Captain!" He bowed his head and made his way towards the door. He'd glance back at Twilight again, giving her a warm smile. "See you around Purple, um... if I don't see you later, make sure not to be a stranger before work! I know some ponies who'd love to meet you."

Twilight Sparkle wasn't quite sure how to regard the reception. It was all still so foreign to her, abnormally so. Almost to the point where she couldn't have a reaction, but nor could she deny the warmness it brought to her heart. She nodded to Caramel simply, uttering. "If that is the best proceeded course then, of course." She'd close her eyes, and then make an awkwardly wide smile and keep it in place until Caramel would accept it.

Accept it he did, he brightened some. "Yes! Awesome! Well, see you around then!" With this Private Caramel also turned towards the outside facing Ponyville again. He looked past the front gates of the mansion, and beyond which would lead down a small cobblestoned hill heading further into the gorgeous town. The varying colors and bordering view of Everfree brought him ease. It always did. However his eyes widened a bit as he glanced back at Captain Jack, "Oh Captain! Another thing!" He rubbed at the back of his neck nervously.

Captain Jack blinked a few times, looking back to him. "Hm?"

He continued to rub at the back of his neck. "Uh no mean to butt, but we still having dinner here later?"

Captain Jack's eyes widened as she gasped, "Ah shucks!" Her old voice returned. "I did mention free dinner ta yall didn't I? Well shoot, if you're willing ta grab Daisy and she wants ta come back then o'course Imma whip something up for the two of ya! Just come knockin and I'll be here! Let's say-" she bit the tip of her tongue softly and glanced up, before looking back to Caramel with. "An hour before the next cycle begins? How about it?"

Private Caramel saluted before smirking. "Yes Ma'am! I'll ensure to grab Daisy!"

Captain Jack nodded to Caramel with a smirk. "Alrighty then, ya go and do that."

Private Caramel nodded to her one last time, eyed Twilight Sparkle hesitantly then before tossing her a wave, then hurrying on off towards the gate himself back towards the depths of Ponyville.

Captain Jack smiled at him as he departed, before shutting the door afterwords. As she did so, she raised her head and exhaled, "Hooooeeeey, what a day, what a day." She glanced around the living room, seeing everything was still spiffy and clean before uttering, "Thanks for keeping everything clean Big Mac."

Big Mac continued to cloth down some of the other pieces of furniture. "Yup!"

Captain Jack took a moment to hop on over to the couch and lay there for a second, rear legs crossed and forehooves laid back as she leaned her head back and eyed the ceiling in silence. "Whew... just wanna sit."

Twilight remained sitting there herself, eyeing Applejack curiously. So, this was a Captain of the guard.

After a minute or so, Captain Jack spoke casually, still eyeing the ceiling as she smiled. "Private Purple huh?" She couldn't help but let off subtle giggles as she closed her eyes, speaking softly. "Ya sure are something."

Twilight blushed as she eyed the floor in a blank manner. "W-Well the credit isn't all mine. It is some ponies I knew." Her eyes closed halfway as she reflected back on the imagery of the three mares who'd often visited Joe's Diner. "They weren't the kindest all the time but... Purple Smart is one of the earlier nicknames."

Captain Jack now wore a stern look, as she continued to eye the ceiling. "So it was like that huh?"

Twilight rubbed at the back of her neck. "I know, but is it still weird to be grateful?"

Captain Jack hopped from the couch then and stretched her rear hooves back. She bent her spine inward before yawning and rolling a shoulder. "Yeah, it is! But ya know what?" She approached Twilight and then bopped her noggin. "I appreciate that weirdness. Ya got a special charm Tw-... I mean, Private Purple. Never lose it." Her dialect changed again as she rubbed the top of Twilight's head in an almost motherly manner. "Especially not in this world. Keep that faith, it is a rare gift." She trotted further towards the back of the living room, near a doorspace which lead either upstairs or down another hall. She'd glance back at Twilight then, "But also a dangerous one. You've got a lot to learn about the outside Private, this isn't Canterlot anymore. From here on out," She squinted, "We're trotting on thin ice." She nudged her head to signify to follow.

Twilight nodded, rising now to all four hooves as she trotted on over to her. Once there, the two began to trot down that opposing hall deeper towards the back of the mansion. Twilight seemed a bit skeptical, and unsure.

Captain Jack tossed a hoof wave back. "Keep holding down the fort Big Mac!"

Big Mac nodded once again as he wiped down the counters. "Yup!"

Captain Jack and Twilight both sat out back now. The backyard had a gorgeous redwood patio connected to the mansion itself, complete with a stoned border but Captain Jack preferred being out on the grass. She had a world of luxury, yet for her, she was finding the true luxury came from the things one couldn't buy. As she sat leaned back on a bed of grass eyeing the orange-lit sky, her eyes saddened. It'd taken her time to realize that.

Twilight Sparkle remained silent. She seemed to be lost in thought as well.

Captain Jack spoke soon. "Twilight... I know why ya chose the name ya did. An alias is smart for now." She leaned forward, more enthusiastically. "Private Purple, this whole thing is getting more silly by the second."

Twilight seemed reflective as she eyed the grass beneath them. "Applejack?"

Captain Jack's eyes widened at her in curiosity.

There was a slight pause between them.

Within Twilight's mind flashed swift imagery of the longest night of her life. Canterlot, every detail, every surreal action that'd taken place was like a picture book. Her mother gone in a split second, Moondancer in and out of her life, Captain Dash the legendary mare herself above the clouds. Twilight uttered softly, "Am I crazy?"

Captain Jack smiled at her eventually, warmly. "Yes Twilight Sparkle." She would see the uneasy nature the mare had, before tilting her head up to look her in the eyes. "But from the darn near commotion ya lot caused in Canterlot, sounds like we have a whole lot of crazy in this world. Crazy we need." She'd wrap both forehooves around one of Twilight's, "We need you Twilight Sparkle. All of us, together... need each other."

Twilight looked to Applejack, that confidence becoming more reaffirmed. "Right."

Captain Jack then shoved Twilight almost playfully. "Alrighty then! Now on ta business!"

Twilight fell back with a yelp, laying now back flat on the bed of grass. That didn't feel like business.

Captain Jack leaned forward as she rested a bent hoof on her crossed rear legs. "A lot of it. Twilight..." Her demeanor became wholly serious. "You of all ponies should know... this is no game. Keeping our spirits up is important, but our safety even more so. I've seen lots of ponies punished for treason in my time. It's never pretty." She paused, "Betray my trust or my family, then we've got a problem. The best way we can do right by our cause is doing right by one another. Which begs another question Twi... just how much do you know?"

Twilight leaned up then as she tilted her head at Applejack curiously. "Know?"

Captain Jack continued. "About the Nightmare Guard."

Twilight's eyes widened as she placed a hoof beneath her chin and looked down inquisitively. "Ah y-yes. For starters I know the ranking structure which I studied many years ago as a filly. For those in the lowest echelon, there are the privates, then the corporals, specialists, chiefs, legionnaires, legionnaire second and first class." She squinted, focusing as if prying deep into her memory. "The higher echelon, are the lancers, lieutenants, captains, commanders, then high commanders." She nodded and looked up back towards Captain Jack.

Captain Jack nodded simply, and wore no expression as she was leaned forward casually. Her eyes were half-closed as though she was impressed with Twilight's knowledge, still was looking for key information. She gave her a stern stare, inquiring further. "And what else?" Her demeanor had changed then, becoming more serious.

Twilight flinched, as her posture hardened and she thought further. "Um." She thought of anything she could that was out of the ordinary, perhaps abnormal. Then after a brief moment, she recalled a pivotal memory.

(The purple colt from back then, sitting idly in the black void as he commented. "You ponies lost.")

Twilight's eyes became wide as she dwelled on that memory. Yes, the answers there still eluded her.

Captain Jack paid close attention to her expression, and actually showed a hint of surprise herself when it was apparent that even Twilight had seen something abnormal. She expected ranking to be the peak of her knowledge but whatever else she'd witnessed certainly left its mark. Now worriedly, Captain Jack pressed on. "Whatever you might have witnessed Twilight, perhaps like me... you know there are ponies out there whom go beyond the mere rank and structure of the Nightmare Guard. In recent times, I have dwelled on three ponies who come to mind that I would like you to avoid interacting with should you come across them for now."

Twilight looked to Applejack now in silence and concern as her brows rose, listening intently.

Captain Jack continued, a serious gaze upon her. "The first, Lady Rarity."

Twilight squinted a little. "O-Okay..." Lady Rarity was also the name the spa owner mentioned. Twilight felt a hint of familiarity with it, perhaps she'd heard it at times in articles as well? Yet still, despite that hint of familiarity, when she really thought deeply about it, Lady Rarity was still a name shrouded in mystery.

Captain Jack continued, "The second is Tanta Dreamweaver."

Twilight looked overtaken with shock. She trembled subtly, reflecting once again on a past memory.

(Four nightmare guards all wore smiles as they all spoke at once. Under the affect of the 'Want it Need it' spell from Moondancer. Trapped within a room in Canterlot as both Twilight and Moondancer pried them for information, they all exclaimed. "The one who has taken charge of this operation is none other than Prince Tanta Dreamweaver, supposed heir to the princess herself. The pony who would conduct the dream sweep on all of Canterlot.")

Her shock only continued, as she thought back to the purple colt from her dreams. They were one in the same.

Captain Jack frowned herself, looking down towards the grass. "I have only heard of this pony in rumors passed around the guard. Despite my rank and renown Twilight... I'll be honest, I don't have much privelage. The citizens respect me, but many of the more deeply rooted guards don't. After all, I do not make a great effort to hide my disagreements with many of the Princess' methods. However, I learn things from time to time." She looked back to Twilight, "Tanta Dreamweaver is a name I've heard echo around the Princess' castle. A pony unseen and purposely hidden away doesn't sound good. I suggest if you run across this one, you try to blend in or be as complacent and agreeable as you can. It's better for us to be safe than sorry after all. Be cautious."

Twilight nodded again, "O-Okay." Lady Rarity and... She frowned. Tanta Dreamweaver.

Captain Jack exhaled, "And finally... the last is one I only just met. Diane, who is accompanied by none other than Trixie." She paused, "Though Trixie draws all the attention of course, Diane is the one I'm more worried about. Her rank and status is completely unknown to me, and well... her demeanor is just strange. She's an earth pony like me yet, it doesn't feel like it." She rubbed her chin with annoyance, "Regardless, point is, if you see her, try not to draw too much attention." She paused, and soon smiled. "Thankfully, you'll have time to get accustomed and blend in with the other guards. Hanging with me all the time, ya stand out too much."

Twilight retracted her head back some. "O-Other guards? Applejack! I-"

Captain Jack rose confidently, standing tall as she looked down at Twilight with a smirk. She then pointed a firm hoof at her, "Why of course... Private Purple. Ya didn't think you were gonna be my buddy buddy the whole time did ya? We may have a special relationship but you're gonna be no different from the other recruits at the same time!" She closed her eyes with a grin, "Private Purple, will knock ya down a few... necessary pegs."

Twilight gulped as she eyed Applejack nervously. You're one to talk.

Twilight thought however... But perhaps this will be safer for the time being. After all, we need more time.

As the nightmare guard trio arrived at the outpost, the leading mare's horror was only grimly apparent.

She muttered in a distraught tone. "W-What happened here?"

Such places were official sanctums of the Princess, with strict protection from the Nightmare Guard. Yet from building to building, and even upon the watchtower... laid only motionless ponies. They all stared emptily towards nothing with a dazed gaze, like mere corpses, while emitting a starry sapphire aura from their bodies.

The stallion went about the area, from guard to guard hastily, before taking the time to actually inspect one. He'd lowered his frame, this particular guard being leaned up against one of the outer walls of the barracks. She too emitted the starry sapphire aura, as her gaze was empty and thoughtless. Lost in some trance.

As the leading mare stood there at the center of the outpost in shock, another voice soon interjected.

One of the nearby guards at the outpost laying down muttered in a broken tone, "W-Where am I? Who am I?"

The leading mare flinched as she backed away from that guard and eyed her, still in shock and silence.

That affected mare reached out to her then, croaking. "Heeeeelp... me." She then fell into a trance once again.

A frightened shriek rang out from the timider of the three as she backed away shaking her head. "W-We never should've come here! It's the alicorn! She did this to them! She used some wicked dark magic!"

The leading mare snarled at her companion, snapping. "Get yourself together! We ain't like them yet!"

"Yet." came another voice, more distant than any other.

The leading mare flinched again as she peered ahead past the numerous guards that riddled the road between the buildings. Slowly an encroaching figure came upon them, casually. The mare was adorned in a dark hooded sweatshirt, her features masked by shadow yet her eyes glowed with a familiar cyan blue. The leading mare's expression twisted into one of dread, as she gritted her teeth and glanced back at her fellow pegasus. "Go!"

The timid guard nodded and turned hastily, not needing to be told twice as she spread her wings and prepared for flight. Yet in that moment she did so, a bright sapphire aura grabbed hold of her body. "Ugh!"

The leading mare's eyes widened further. Telekinesis... f-from this far? She stomped a hoof, "Break it!"

The timid mare writhed and panicked as she couldn't move, tearing up. "I-I can't...It's, t-too strong!"

The leading mare gritted her teeth further as she focused on the figure ahead. "Buckle!" She didn't regard their stallion companion, whom was already now on the move towards that hooded mare. The leading mare leaped into the air with a powerful wing flap before focusing her lance upon the culprit. She spread her wings again, before giving them yet another powerful flap to swiftly close the distance between her and her target, nosediving with her lance fastened straight on the attacker. You're going to have to choose either me or him!

However as the stallion encroached upon her swiftly as well, the hooded pony only casually pulled herself back a few inches to dodge him, then gliding her hoof along his ear. The stallion dropped to the ground immediately. Without a second thought, the hooded pony raised a hoof in preparation to catch the incoming pegasus.

Witnessing this, the leading mare diverged her course only slightly as she propelled herself into a desperate jerked turn right before reaching the hooded mare, slamming against the ground right at that pony's side and going into a roll. She kicked her rear hoof into the dirt to stop her momentum, lance still fixed in one hoof as she went into a backwards spinning motion now, swinging her lance around and up hoping to make contact.

Yet after that brief moment, she felt only as if she made contact with a steel wall. Her lance was caught in telekinetic magic, as the hooded pony's gaze was fastened on her already with ease and... disappointment.

The leading mare's demeanor sank as she trembled and felt stuck. S-So... strong. How?

The hooded pony dropped her hood then, revealing a mare whom was near identical to the Princess. A starry midnight mane, and night blue coat. Cyan eyes peered up towards the sunset sky. "To think... I would encounter so many ungrateful children in this short time." She squinted, reflecting on moments passed. Images in her mind, of being stuck in that dark desolate realm, the sphere of violet essence which gave her an opportunity to escape amidst that strange happening in both Canterlot and the realm she was trapped in. Yes, she was grateful for the opportunity but... no more games. She was here now. Her gaze became fixated on the distant trapped city of Canterlot, before returning to the guard with the lance. "Where is she hiding?"

The leading mare's nose scrunched as she was still desperate to get away but couldn't budge. "Err... what?"

The sapphire mare uttered, "The blank flank of Canterlot. Where?"

The leading mare huffed, "I... I don't know! Now let us go!"

The sapphire mare glanced casually ahead at the more timid mare then back towards the one who attacked her with the lance. "The world has changed so much. It is now riddled with children ungrateful for my sister's kindness, only the deluded facet of a cruel merciless world. I... will free you from this burden child." She slowly reached her hoof out towards the trapped mare with a stern pitied stare. "Be free of your corruption."

The leading mare now trembled further as she snarled. "D-Don't touch me! Stop!" Her eyes swelled with tears as that mare's hoof came closer and her expression distorted into one of horror, "Leave me alone!"

The stallion remained on the ground as he too was caught in an empty trance, no different from all the others.

The sapphire mare uttered quietly, "Shhhh... you will be free to rebuild your life from a fresh start. No more attachments to this deception you've been fooled into believing. One step at a time, Equestria will return to how it should be." With this she touched the mare's head at its side, a misty starry essence pouring into her.

The leading mare's eyes rolled back as she soon went into a trance, and once peering emptily ahead like all the other guards present, was released to fall onto the ground. And in similarity to them, she now said nothing.

Meanwhile still trapped, the more timid mare continued to tremble as she'd then been released. As if the encroaching mare already read her character, she did not run for she was too frightened. She remained clutching her lance, sitting upon the dirt road as tears streamed down her face and snot drizzled her nose. She sniffled, trying to regain her composure, but was too horrified after seeing her companions fall.

The sapphire mare strode up to her casually, eyeing down at her. There was but a moment of silence between them, before she lowered her frame and stared the timid guard straight in her eyes. She took a brief second to eye the symbol of the Nightmare Guard on her breastplate before looking back to her. "Are you ready child?"

The timid mare kept wheezing, sobbing as she had trouble finding words. "P-Please... I'm sorry. I, I, I-"

The sapphire mare stroked the side of her face. "Shhhh, be calm. I shall free you of these burdens."

The timid mare, knowing what was upon her couldn't help but ask. "Are you... the alicorn?"

The sapphire mare froze momentarily, eyes wide before she regarded the more timid guard with a smile. "Yes." Then her magic seeped into the mind of this guard as well, causing her eyes to roll back as she dropped to her side. The sapphire mare looked down at her with a now blank expression. It seems this is all I am capable of. My magic is not as potent as it should be, sensible considering the circumstances of my return. She looked off then towards the distant site of Ponyville and raised her hood once again as she began trotting. "I will fix Equestria, this I promise you sister." She paused, "First by correcting the mistake which is, that purple pony."

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