• Published 18th Dec 2015
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The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XI: The Warden's Mark

Chapter XI: The Warden's Mark

Previous Chapter Recap: Princess Nightmare's Moon's grip upon Equestria is absolute. But it was not always such a way, for even Lady Rarity recalls darker times in the Princess' reign. The world of today is one built not only through hardship... but generosity. Yet now ponies have emerged to drive back the progress that has been made. Amidst her troubles trying to contain the chaos, Lady Rarity has felt her own walls closing in. How much more can she give? Who are these ponies who only aim to dismantle the beauty she has crafted? The gift she has given? Regardless... they will learn, one does not take to such acts kindly.

Sister... is this the world I have wrought? The image of Princess Celestia appeared in her mind.

The sapphire mare sat huddled upon a concrete edge, above the cascading falls of Ponyville Dam. The facility ran within, she found was deserted, perhaps an irresponsible complacency but in this case... a much-appreciated one. Both her forehooves wrapped around her bent rear hooves in a casual manner.

Is this where it has all led? All my foolish decisions for this... false beauty? Princess Celestia's image smiled.

She despised it. The calming sounds of the flowing water. The gentle breeze. The warmth of the setting sun, unnaturally locked in place from these altered days. It was only a cruel display of power and pitiful compensation for its true beauty. Tears welled as she eyed the orange-lit horizon. No... She frowned.

"Luna?" Princess Celestia's image inquired in curiosity, "You know you can always talk to me."

Not even in a thousand years, would I ever accept such an insulting world.

Slowly she rose as she spoke out towards the distance. "Someday soon, I will welcome you home proper."

Deep within the Dam's maintenance facility, Luna trotted still with her hood raised, cloaked in shadow. Only soft subtle rays of sunlight managed to leak in, from windows at the opposing side of the facility, away from the main body of water. Even from within, the sounds of the cascading falls could be heard. It was accompanied by the rattling pipes which stretched across every corner from within, intertwining and inevitably leading to various water sources throughout Ponyville. Luna trekked across one of the steel bridges, that much like the pipes, intersected and were spread at about every level from within the facility. She trotted to an open area.

It was a steel platform, one of the rarer more open spaces from within. Arcane powered contraptions were nestled in the far corners of the platform, giving it some sense of purpose and history. However, Luna paid little attention to them. Her expression was intently focused, zoned in on her cause. Her horn came to a soft subtle glow, emitting a delicate blue light. Soon enough, a series of consecutive blue spheres sparked from her horn, all going off on their own and eventually surrounding her. Moments later, they all had become stationary.

Luna casually trotted, inspecting each sphere in a nonchalant manner. She took hold of one, peering into it with half-closed eyes. At this point, she used telekinetic magic to lower her hood. She looked into the sphere for a long while, saying nothing. Within her reflected gaze, it could be seen scenes played out within the sphere. Fragments of memories that belonged to other ponies. As she saw a heartwarming scene of a filly with a lance, play out before her within this particular sphere, she began to tremble with subtle rage. No... they are better off without these. Such a world is not worth preserving. She flicked her hoof upward, as the sphere dissipated and returned to her horn. She trotted to another. All memories associated with Nightmare Moon must be sealed away. They serve no purpose and only aim to spread her influence. It is a sacrifice worth making. They can build new lives.

She continued with the motions, going from sphere to sphere and simply... inspecting them. All such things are associated with the dream, thankfully despite my current circumstances, I am still connected to it. But I still need more, I've no doubt Nightmare Moon has allowed her perverse use of my magic to become widespread. Even so, any progress is still progress. She flicked another sphere back to her horn. Then when I am ready, I shall vanquish her from existence and rectify the wrongs I have committed. No essence of nightmare, shall remain. She frowned.

Familiar words echoed in her mind. A violet essence emitting them. It seems our little warden has perished.

Luna drifted back to memories of her own, losing sight of how ancient they were. She herself forgot how long she'd been attached to the setting of her recent life for what felt like forever. She recalled aimlessly drifting, trotting through the endless desolate realm with an eternal night sky, with only a brown ragged cover she found to give her any sense of familiarity in terms of clothing. As much as it pained her to acknowledge the reality of this place, she could not deny she knew what it was. The realm of the dream... or nightmare now.

Here she was a shell of her former self, trotting down endless paths for years on end. Where she was going was unclear, the darkness often warped and became thicker at abnormally random rates, but her destination didn't matter. Her goals were clear... to help preserve any wandering ponies she found, much like herself. Even if its current state was unfamiliar to her, she understood the state of dreams better than anypony. She'd survive.

As Luna trotted upon a barely visible path, outside that path was pure black. It was almost frightening even to her, how uncertain she was of what lurked in the dark. She felt as if she trotted one mere step off the path she'd disappear, fall, or perhaps fade forever. Whose to say she wouldn't? But she kept her cool. Her tired... calm, collected, cool. For what choice did she have? She owed too much to this world, to allow herself a moment's rest. Yet even as she trotted, hope waned. Every waking moment here drew on and on, and it all felt so hollow, yet vast. But the idea any of her subjects also were trapped here was too unbearable to ignore.

"Potions, check. Weapons, check. Scrolls, check." Another voice chimed in, almost merrily.

Luna came to a halt. Ahead upon the path she was on, fading into view along with a blue flaming torch to guide the way, was a small ruined castle. It was halfway submerged into the gray dirt surface but was still inhabitable. Blue light emitted from within as well, as she heard subtle yet merry humming within. A hallucination? Possibly... but still she trotted forward cautiously, continuing on inside; herself, to investigate the source.

Within it was as she expected, barren and ruinous, with concrete strewn about the place accompanied by a half-missing ceiling which led towards the second level. However, her primary focus was also here... the source of the noise she heard. Not far off from the entrance was what looked like a purple... filly? Her eyes widened, almost in shock. The filly completely ignored her presence but then again she hadn't made herself known yet and was standing behind her. This filly's eyes shined with a vibrant pink, and she also wore... armor?

The filly continued to hum as she inspected her things, eyes wide and observant upon the floor.

Luna pressed forward slowly, trying not to startle the child. She noticed the filly's flowing starry mane, the prestige of her armor which was a sparkling polished violet with tracings of gold throughout. Her cape was also spotless, clean, and intricately designed. Yet it troubled her how swords were laid out in front of the child, along with a crossbow and daggers? Often times children dreamt of innocent things. This scene... was far from it.

The filly spoke then, still inspecting her weapons. "So how're you feeling? Mad? Bad? Rad?"

Luna raised a brow and tilted her head to the right. "Huh?"

The filly glanced back. "Oh I knew you were there the whole time. So which is it?"

Luna appeared perplexed... and just pressed forward casually a bit further. "Child, are you not frightened of this place? This is no time for casual conversation. Tell me what ale's you, and perhaps we can bring you enough comfort to help summon the door that'll lead you from this terrible realm. Now, come to me, let us-"

First, a snicker escaped the filly, and then abrupt wild laughter. She began rolling around holding her ribs, soon enough laying on her back and flailing about. "D-Did you just say talk about it!? Really? You're funny! That's the funniest thing I've ever heard ever! What sort of pony talks about those things! Uh, none! That's who!"

Luna flinched as she eyed the child, now even more confused. "W-Wha? Who're you to make such claims?"

Next the filly rolled back onto all fours before eyeing Luna in suspicion. "And who're you to question me?"

Luna frowned down at the filly. "Let us not be hasty child. I... I only wish to help you with your troubles."

The filly glared up at her before shrugging. "Well fine. But if you want to help then you can do that by picking up a weapon over there, or whatever you'd like." She turned around with a prance, then went on to inspect her weapons further. "It's not in a pony to face their fears, let alone talk about them. That's why they come here."

Luna was beginning to let her personal emotions stir her. She glared now at the filly. "That is simply not true. Ponies do have it within themselves to face their fears. They only need guidance and patience to do so."

The filly rolled her eyes and was looking over a sword. "If they need guidance then obviously it's not within them. It falls on the shoulder of somepony else to make them feel better." She glanced back before making a grand gesture with one hoof, "And obviously if this place is like this! Then I'd say the majority of ponies would rather ignore their fears than face them! Bury bury bury! That's all they do! Then they whine about having nightmares." She huffed then paused, now picking up a scroll and looking it over. "In other words, I'm right."

Luna eyed the filly casually, almost with a subtle and saddened understanding. "Child, there is much about ponies you do not understand. It is within them, the guidance is to help them bring out that understanding of themselves. It is not selfish to ask for help, it is a mutual relationship to help somepony face their fears."

The filly groaned as she snapped back. "Well then they should ask then!" She showed frustration as she looked down at her own two hooves in annoyance. "But no they'd rather pretend everything is fine and dandy when it isn't! But maybe..." she sighed and looked down, appearing defeated and lost. "They just want to be bad too. I can't blame them, it's easier that way." She huffed and sulked some, before squinting a little. "At this point, it doesn't even matter. There are too many ponies plagued by their nightmares, it'd take a miracle to bring them all together." She reached for a helmet and placed it on her head. "Everypony is a liar, nopony likes the truth."

Luna frowned, "There was such a time when majority of the ponies were at peace. But this world has changed."

The filly sheathed some of her weapons and pocketed her scrolls. "Even if that's true, I love this place at least." The filly smiled wide to herself before making way for the exit of the castle. "Well, let's go then Lady."

Luna watched her depart in disappointment. As they made it back out onto the trail, she couldn't accept the idea a filly would love such a horrific place. "How... how could you associate this place with love?"

The filly paused, and then glanced back at her before committing to another grand hoof gesture. "Because even if it's wrong, it's real." She paused with a smile, looking out. "Your lies come to life in this place." She now appeared fairly skeptical as she glanced back at Luna. "You're pretty calm too, the calmest pony I've seen here. Most ponies fear this place more than anything, but admittedly Momma has let this place fall into ruin too." She rolled her eyes, then focused again. "Even Momma has things she fears here. She'd never say it though."

Luna's brows rose skeptically. "Well yes... mothers are allowed to fear things too."

The filly shrugged absently. "Sure-" she kept trotting, "But try the Princess of Equestria."

There was a long drawn silence between both the two of them as the filly kept trotting, but Luna froze.

She remained in place as her gaze only grew wider. "...What?"

The filly continued, glancing back with an amused smirk. "Ah right, allow me to introduce myself."

Luna continued to stand as she eyed this filly still in blatant shock from her position.

The filly turned again upon the path, continuing as she placed a hoof upon her chest. "I am Tanta Dreamweaver, son of Princess Nightmare Moon. It's very nice to meet you." He smiled, "Now, your turn?"

Luna's face flushed red as she flinched. S-Son!? But it was not due to her blatant misunderstanding of the foal's appearance but more so the fact her body had been used to... she couldn't even finish the train of thought. Only embarrassment, confusion, and anger took her over. "She... conceived a child?" She snapped, "A child!"

Tanta's expression immediately became one of confusion as he curled a hoof in some. "Huh?"

Luna pressed forward almost immediately then, still fuming red as she huffed. "Who!? Who is the father!? How did it happen! What was the intent!? How long ago!? I demand to know these things! Tell me this instant!"

Tanta shoved the cloaked mare as he frowned with unease. "Whoa! Calm down... weirdo." He continued to eye her skeptically as he patted himself off a few times, actually taking just a couple of cautious trots back. "I've met some of Momma's fan ponies before but none quite like you. That's creepy on a whole other level." He sat and held out a bored hoof slightly, "Now to entertain your antics... no papa. I was made through Momma's magic, not through some weird pony love spell." He had to squint at her for a moment, "Got it?" Then he continued, "I was made to help clean this place." He huffed, "The last one I don't really know. I'm not allowed to leave the castle, so it's hard to tell time." He eyed her in a bored manner, "Also why am I talking so much? It's not fair."

Luna's heightened emotional state gradually dissipated as she took in deep and steady breaths. She smiled softly to herself, "Ah good." Yet she too was surprised by how... normal, this conversation seemed to be going. She looked to the colt skeptically herself now then too. "Why are you talking so much? Has she not told you of the danger of speaking to strangers?" She paused, "And this is no such place to send a child. Yet here you are."

Tanta looked up at Luna wide-eyed as he rubbed at the back of his neck. "Momma isn't really... easy to talk with. I don't talk to much ponies from my room so it's nice I guess." He looked down towards the path, purposely avoiding eye contact. "Most ponies here are scared of everything and don't want to talk, or they panic. They don't know how to use the magic of this place." He adjusted his armor some, "So I deal with all their bad feelings when they come here. It's one of the only ways to bring them peace and stuff." He shrugged absently before looking back up at Luna. "You're the calmest pony I've talked to in a long long time here. Are you sure you're having nightmares?" He tilted his head to the right at her, curiously now. "You seem okay."

Luna frowned down at him, realizing revealing her true nature would only complicate things. Yet still... she felt troubled, that this was the result of her actions. This manifestation of magic played the role which should be played by a Princess? Such a thing... how was it even possible? What tools did this creation possess that would allow it to traverse the darkness which surrounded them? Such a feat seemed... unfathomably impossible.

And suddenly, an abhorrently tortured cry rang out in the distant darkness. A screechingly agonizing wail.

Luna flinched, immediately turning towards the direction of the noise, eyeing the outside path in sudden caution. Yet her gaze diverted slowly back towards the colt as she noticed he hadn't even budged an inch.

Tanta only continued to smile towards the darkness. "Another pony has created another nightmare. The further you go the darker it gets, and only the most troubled ponies lurk in the darkest places. Do you see it now Lady?" He glanced back over at her with a deviously amused smirk. "The light that pierces the darkness... is beyond our reach. This is the truth of this place, Momma's influence is widespread. Her world is absolute."

Luna's gaze widened as she looked back out beyond the path. She understood now... that after all these years, Nightmare Moon had desired the dream to become an impenetrable black. The light of harmony had dissipated and been consumed. But what sort of guiding light could pierce this darkness? As she listened to the sounds of wailing nightmares beyond what she could see, her heart stirred. What answers lurked in the dark?

As her focus returned to the present. Now is not the time to dwell on those experiences. Luna returned yet another essence of memory to her horn with the flick of her hoof. She kept that frown, as if it were engrained onto her features. "My connection to the elements may be gone. But my connection to the dream is far from over." She glared absently ahead, "I cannot allow my magic to dwell in the horn of that blank flank, nor will I entertain any possible antics of a pony with such potential." She turned then, taking possession of another sphere. "I must ensure she plays no part in what is to come. I will erase all that she understands about this world." The sphere dissipated into her horn. "Then I will put her into a peaceful slumber until the time is right."

She glanced upward then. I will not risk the possibility of another Nightmare Moon, no matter what.

Captain Jack looked to Twilight in curiosity. "Ya sure you're ready for this... Twilight?"

Twilight gulped, with a nervous chuckle. "It's just like school right? N-Not like I had any trouble with that."

They stood at the outer perimeter of Ponyville, upon a path that would lead through the field past Nightmare Moon's castle, and even further... towards the Nightmare Guard grounds where Twilight would go. Many ponies, pretty much all nightmare guards, seemed to be pouring around the open fields conducting business on caravans and inspecting any pony who desired full access into Ponyville. Despite Captain Jack being who she was, it seemed that business still conducted itself, which she preferred. She enjoyed the peaceful calm.

Captain Jack smirked again. "Not exactly like school, but that's good ta hear. Should make for an easy tran-"

But Twilight interrupted, speaking primarily to herself. "Well aside from never finding my mark."

Captain Jack blinked a few times and glanced over. "Say what now?"

Twilight continued, gulping. "Or never fitting in with all the other students."

Captain Jack raised a brow at Twilight... just remaining silent now.

Twilight chuckled nervously. "Or perhaaaps uh, risking making myself look like a fool but instead of getting rejected this time everything comes crashing down and I put a disruption on your life and everypony else's life while never finding the answers we need and then getting punished by the Princess." She exhaled and took in a deep breath for reassurrance, "Hohoo, got this. Um, certainly. Remember your books." She slapped herself with a hoof and shook her head, snarling before trotting ahead. "Focus. Focus!" She smiled wide, "Okay."

Captain Jack reached out to Twilight, "Hey... Twi-, Private. Hold on a second!"

Twilight came to a screeching halt before glancing back with a head tilt. "Yes Captain?"

Captain Jack frowned at her again, worriedly as her brows furrowed. "Ya sure you can do this?"

Twilight paused... soon having only a blank expression. She smiled softly, followed by a nod. "Yes."

Captain Jack sighed and tipped her hat downward. "Well, let's mosey on then." She made her way up to Twilight's side as the two took a moment to regard one another in brief silence, before trotting on further down the path towards the black gates which lead to the guards' grounds. It'd all come full circle for Twilight.

Twilight wondered absently as she trotted. Hm... what would you think of all this Shining? Eventually her gaze became saddened as she glanced down towards the dirt, troubled. Are you okay... Shining? Still, she pressed on.

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