• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XX: Memories of the Martyr

Chapter XX: Memories of the Martyr

Chapter 19 Recap: Amidst the tensions of the alicorn's suspected ascension, Captain Dash has instead chosen to take matters into her own hooves, even at the very cost of her own team. As Minuette and her allies have managed to make it out of Canterlot City, Twinkleshine has strangely instead, chosen to stay behind. Though her reasons are unspecified, time is still short, as Nightmare Guards from the Princess' castle have already begun to make their way up the mountain to ensure that whatever remains of Canterlot is properly secured, and anything out of the ordinary is dealt with efficiently. But even so, Captain Dash has other plans.

Alicorn, it's over for me regardless of the outcome. But even so, I will push myself towards any limit to protect what you aim to erase. Do you know how that feels? I assume you must have some sort of idea if what you accomplished is true. Only a pony who knows the feeling could possibly change this world. Only a pony who has lived through it can understand how to stop it. So how come no matter how I look at it, you don't feel authentic? That naive nature you had is a delusion I've grown to despise. You remind me of a time I buried away long ago. A time I'd rather believe was just a decent dream. Why do I feel that way? Why do I feel you know everything, yet nothing at all?

Over the years I've become numb to the idea anypony like you could ever warrant change. But you make me question myself Alicorn, you've made me question everything. The night is coming to an end yet so quickly has destiny played into your hooves. Why is that?

Captain Dash burst into the throne room of Nightmare Moon's familiar castle, non-hesitant, and ignorant of the consequences. "Princess! Please, a word! I promise I will make this right! I'll figure out a way!" She was desperate, with a hoof placed over her breastplate.

There was an immediate tension in the room as sitting upon her throne absently, with her head lowered and submerged in shadow, Nightmare Moon's piercing gaze locked discerningly onto the pegasus. She stared deep into Captain Dash's eyes passively. "Dash..."

Soon, four other guards rushed in after Captain Dash as one stated urgently, "C-Captain please! The Princess requested to be alone!"

But Princess Nightmare Moon gave a casual wave of her hoof. "Leave us." She sunk deeper into her throne, "It is fine."

The guards all appeared quite reluctant to accept the Princess' answer, but also would never deny her. So they turned away, proceeding back out the throne room as Captain Dash remained standing, breathing heavily in sign that she'd rushed here, against resistance.

There was a pale moonlight cast between them, cascading from a grand window behind the Princess.

After a brief silence, Princess Nightmare Moon spoke, her voice echoing throughout the entirety of the room. "So, here we are."

Captain Dash knelt swiftly now, closing her eyes, showing both her obedience and loyalty. "All I need is another chance Princess."

Princess Nightmare Moon looked plainly down at the pegasus for a moment, before smirking with a chide chuckle. "You never fail to amuse me Dash. But you have no need to prove your worth to me, actually, I'd say this newfound sense of urgency is what worries me."

Captain Dash rose, stomping a hoof. "But we need to be urgent Princess! We need to protect you! This alicorn she-"

Princess Nightmare Moon interrupted her hastily. "And I agree with you Captain. But then again, that is predictable, is it not? Time and again, I knew what threats I'd have to deal with before they'd even arrived. Such is the advantage of timeless memories, it seems many of my sister's old foes never stray too far from home. It was only a matter of prioritizing them delicately. But this child, this alicorn." Princess Nightmare Moon squinted, "She is different. Such a naive innocence, amidst all the aspects of our world. Is it not strange?"

Captain Dash was now quiet as she gritted her teeth, showing a deep dissenting anger at the mention of the Alicorn's nature.

Princess Nightmare Moon smirked again, before resting a hoof upon her cheek. "My initial thoughts were much like yours. I aimed to tear Equestria apart vehemently, but have since decided to play a much more different game. I realize you have a strong passion for my views Captain Dash, which makes me trust in your company immensely but in order to succeed here, I have to play by a new set of rules. I must portray a role, yet become something else. It is quite fun, the thought. But it seems I may have certain complications, Captain Dash."

Captain Dash eyed Princess Nightmare Moon wearily, before hastily avoiding eye contact with her by glancing to the lower left.

The Princess sighed with disappointment before becoming straight faced. "The game I play is far more dangerous my dear Captain. It requires patience, and observation. Manipulation at the highest point. There are certain pieces I must find to guarantee my success, and disappointingly, pieces I must choose to sacrifice. But my power is absolute, and everything shall come full circle, if I am wise. Sadly," suddenly the Princess disappeared in a veil of shadow before reappearing in front of the pegasus, a lingering purple mist hung around her, as she used a hoof to tilt Captain Dash's head up towards her. "All of this is beyond you Captain Dash. You are far too brash to succeed here."

Captain Dash immediately clung to the Princess, eyeing her in actual plea. "Princess, I would never fail you again! Please..."

Princess Nightmare Moon looked down at her blankly. "You still do not understand Dash, even now. The very reason I sought you out in the first place, that very potential you possess," she paused briefly as she seemed a bit paranoid of her, "Is what I now question."

Captain Dash was silent again, as she looked up at the Princess, confused. She felt she'd been in this position before.

Princess Nightmare Moon continued. "Don't mistake me, your loyalty is impressive. But, there are things I must consider. Now-"

Suddenly the throne room doors creaked open, which caused Captain Dash to glance back.

Standing in the doorway as a single figure in the exposed light, was Lady Rarity, who bared a far more neutral expression.

Captain Dash squinted at the mare in the distance, not only filled with further confusion but slight frustration.

Princess Nightmare Moon finished. "If you'd excuse us. I have other private matters I must discuss."

Have I become blind to something everypony else sees? Some hidden element that guarantees your success?

It was my understanding of your world Princess that allowed me to succeed time and again, why do you question it now?

The room was dark, not purposely so, as sitting in a single chair was a sky blue filly with a rainbow mane. There was a pure contrast in the world outside this room. A single window gave view of the sky, which was bright, blue, and gorgeous. Like a sealed cage, this room was a prison from that world. It was a place where others chose to bury terrible memories. Never before did the filly expect to find herself in a place such as this nor did she know what it was at the time, but regardless, she was here now. She sat patiently, twiddling her hooves with an innocent look as she seemed a bit nervous. She softly bit her lower lip, still not understanding the purpose behind why she was here, she rather wanted to go outside to play. She huffed softly, "Ugh. What's taking so long?" She now rested her cheek on one hoof, bored.

But it was not long after until a faint noise broke the mood which she despised. A single door on the opposing side from the lone window, soon creaked open. One could see that the room lead out into a plain hallway, and standing outside the door at the side was a stallion adorned in golden armor with a sun emblem embedded onto the breastplate. But standing in the center of the doorway was a mare, her expression hesitant and frightened. Yet she attempted to appear brave, at least, that's how one could interpret it. Her coat was a bright pale yellow while the shade of her mane could be depicted closely to a rose. She also wore thick framed glasses, turquoise in color. She had a one strapped purse she kept secure with one hoof, as she slowly took a few simple trots forward. "Rainbow, w-we need to talk okay?"

The filly's eyes went wide with instant recognition. "Mrs. Shy? What're you doing here?"

Mrs. Shy kept silent and nervous, before lowering her head with an exponentially solemn look. She muttered, "I can't do this."

But the stallion standing at her side gave her a stern look. "They both entrusted you to this task Ma'am. I'm sorry, I would deliver the news myself but I can't dishonor their request. They were noble volunteers against the changelings. This is the least we could do."

Mrs. Shy quickly glanced over at him in question. "What of the rest of her family? Are they alright?"

The guard shook his head reluctantly. "I apologize Ma'am. I cannot openly discuss those details, that is not my assignment."

Mrs. Shy exhaled as she closed her eyes. "I ... I understand." With that she proceeded further into the room.

The stallion nodded to her before reaching out a hoof to shut the door afterwords, with a few parting words. "Good luck Ma'am."

After he'd left, Mrs. Shy proceeded up towards the filly and simply stared at her for a long while, gathering herself.

Rainbow Dash tilted her head to the right as she raised a brow at the mare. "H-Hey Mrs. Shy ... you're scaring me, jeez."

But Mrs. Shy's lip quivered as she only embraced the filly in a tight hug, and still remained silent, not saying a word.

Though it was a mere gesture, Rainbow Dash felt a shift in understanding upon receiving it. She felt the mood change.

Mrs. Shy rested a hoof on the back of the filly's head, before closing her own eyes and stating simply. "I'm sorry."

Rainbow Dash was confused, and still didn't know how to interpret all this. But slowly, dread kept creeping on in.

What Mrs. Shy said next was mute, but paramount. Yet Rainbow Dash still found herself, in dead silence.

The world before that is hazy to me. Perhaps, it's for the better. Looking back, I welcomed the silence. It spoke louder than words.

I'd been so blind before. I hadn't taken notice of how quickly the world around me had already changed. In a way, my parents gifted me with something that only became necessary with the coming years. Clarity. Like some, I had gotten used to the pain of loss by then. But even with a head start, I still hadn't become certain of myself. A flaw that dragged me down constantly, despite my other advantages.

The once filly, now a young teenage mare, sat upon a cloud overlooking a far more militarized cloud city. Her rainbow mane had only gotten longer, as she had it fastened into a pony tail which reached to her actual one. A grand walled domain is what the city had become, shielded and protected by Princess Celestia's guards. But the mare didn't seem struck by the sight, or detached from it in anyway. This was the normality now. Even a city in the sky with all its freedom, was uncertain about the world within which it resided. The young pegasus tore away pieces of the cloud she was sitting upon, tossing them off the edge and watching them fall casually. Her flank was blank, and she was still no guard. That, or she lacked any armor depicting her as one. She stared ahead tiredly, lost in a deep array of thoughts.

In my own self pity, I'd take out my anger on those who'd taken advantage of that flaw. To their own displeasure.

"Hey, Loser Dash! Is that you!?" A young stallion's voice chimed in with devious glee. "It's been so long."

Rainbow Dash turned her gaze slowly towards the left, at another distant cloud afar. The duo who stood upon it she recognized, but much to her surprise, the joy in which she felt in seeing them hadn't registered on her face as of yet. "Ah, it's you two. It's been awhile."

It was two stallions, one brown, the other caramel. Their manes opposed their coat colors in a complimentary manner.

Rainbow Dash rose as she continued to look at them. "When I heard you both moved away, I never expected to see you back here."

One of the stallions cocked his head back. "Aaaaw disappointed? Well don't worry, we plan to make it just like old times."

The other stallion chimed in. "Hey hey, look she still doesn't even have her cutie mark yet. So the rumors were true."

But Rainbow Dash ran a hoof through her bangs with an anticipated smirk. "Actually, to tell you both the truth."

Both stallions raised a brow at her as she paused mid sentence. One questioned her, "What're you blabbering on about?"

That smirk turned into a more sinister grin as she glared at them while doing so. "I couldn't be any happier you decided to visit."

As night crept in hours later, only the pitiful wailing of a pony could be heard upon the clouds. Bruised and beaten, Rainbow held one of the stallions off the edge of a cloud as his friend, only laid unconscious nearby. "Are you serious? What kind of display was that?" She scoffed, obviously bitter despite being absolutely fine herself. "What if I were a changeling? I thought you two had spunk!? Really!?"

The caramel stallion trembled in her grip as he attempted to speak, but found his lip quivering far too much. "I'm - I'm sorry!"

Rainbow only sighed as she looked at him impatiently. "That doesn't answer my question. It's not that hard. So unless you'd like me to snap your other wing and toss you down below," she peered into his eyes in a bored manner. "I'd suggest you take this more seriously."

The stallion had been reduced to the state of a whimpering colt. He looked upon the mare not only as a superior, but something he didn't understand. Equestria wasn't built on such cruelty. Times were changing but, this was a level far beyond his understanding. It was something he had no awareness of. His fear defined him in this moment, and it was something he couldn't understand. "D-Dash, please!" Tears inevitably swelled in the stallion's eyes as his trembling worsened. "I-I'm so so sorry! I'm scared, I want to go home, p-please."

As Rainbow Dash kept him suspended over the edge of the cloud, she only sighed with disappointment. "Ugh." She lifted him back up before tossing him aside with ease, running a hoof through her mane afterwords. She continued to have that same expression as she watched him pitifully scramble towards his friend to check up on him. Dash gave them a cold stare, before turning with a stride and facing back towards the city. "Ponies like you are the reason we can't defend ourselves. Equestria is changing, it's time you stopped living in the past." She closed her eyes with a sigh. "I'm disappointed. I thought even I could maybe relate to you two, but I couldn't have been more wrong." Rainbow spread her wings, before taking flight and descending back down towards the city. "What a bore you both ended up as."

At this point in my life, I already understood Equestria had gone through a sudden shift. Something set it off, what I don't know. Maybe you'd have the answer Alicorn? Would you be able to tell me, what actions lead us ponies down a path of endless consequence? Well, I caught up with the world regardless, I knew I wouldn't get left behind again. But it was the rest of the world that was dragging me down with it. How does a single pony bring everypony else up to speed? They all still lived in their safe little bubbles, and I didn't know how to make any sort of impact whatsoever. I had no answers, and nothing but pent up anger. Tell me Alicorn, does the simple notion of friendship make up for the sacrifices we had to endure? You and your friends? What a joke. What about our current path was so great and amazing?

I needed answers to these questions, and there was only one pony I could think of who'd have them.

Laughter, that's all Rainbow Dash heard as the following morning she trotted down the steps of the home in which she resided, leading down into the dining room area. Despite the supposed enthusiasm in the air, her demeanor depicted the complete opposite. She was tired based on her both sluggish, and unmotivated movements. But she pressed on regardless, through this sugary love laced atmosphere. Once she reached the dining room herself, she paused and took a second to regard everypony present. "Good morning Mom, Sis, Dad, Bro."

Sitting at a table were four figures, both Mrs. Shy and her husband, Mr. Shy, whose colors opposed her's with a distinct turquoise and pink mane. As well as both a young mare and stallion who each shared similar traits with both parents. The mare had a pale yellow coat while also bearing her father's light pink mane, whereas the stallion had his father's coat colors, while his mane mimicked his mother's coat. They all regarded Rainbow Dash with pleased smiles, still emitting that positive vibe. The young mare spoke first, "Oh, why good morning Rainbow. It looks as if you didn't have too good of a sleep last night? Are you okay?" Her voice was both soft and caring. "Want to talk?"

But Rainbow Dash only gave her a light wave of her hoof. "Don't try to read into anything that isn't there Fluttershy." She proceeded to the table to sit before exhaling with a patient look. "I just ended up staying out too late practicing my moves is all. Nothing more."

Mrs. Shy looked worriedly at Rainbow Dash then. "Sweetie, have you considered what I said? There are other options."

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes as she reached for a stack of plates upon the table, almost instinctively knowing where they were showing she had been through this ritualistic setup many times before. She huffed, "Yes Mom, and I told you not to worry alright." She looked to Mrs. Shy seriously. "This has nothing to do with them. I want to fight for something I believe in, and that's protecting you all."

Mrs. Shy frowned before using a fork to lightly poke at her morning salad. "But must it be the Guard? That's so dangerous."

Rainbow Dash began taking salad and putting it on her plate from a large bowl. "Well the world's a dangerous place Mom."

Fluttershy glanced at Rainbow Dash in conflict before raising her head confidently. "The world is only as dangerous as we make it out to be. There's empathy in every creature, no matter how big or how small. Fighting will only add to our problems, not fix them."

Mrs. Shy glanced back and forth between the two then, worriedly. "Why can't you two ever agree with one another?"

Both Fluttershy and Rainbow Dash stared at each other passively with subtle glares, creating an undeniable tension.

Rainbow Dash now used a fork to pick at her salad, "Tell that to the changelings, and see what happens." She then took a bite.

Fluttershy opened her muzzle, about to offer a rebuttal before she caught eye contact with both their parents.

Both Mr and Mrs. Shy shook their heads at Fluttershy, angry at the mere fact she even considered a rebuttal.

Fluttershy caught onto what they were saying and sat back in her seat and smiled, changing the topic. "You're right Sister, not everypony can be convinced. But I still believe there's room for healthy consensus between our kinds. So, any other plans you have?"

Rainbow Dash poured herself a glass of water from a pitcher on the table, still acting casually. "I'm visiting the Princess today."

There was a long pause between the rest of the four, only to eventually shout out in sync, "Visiting the Princess!?"

The young stallion at the table raised a hoof to his head in a baffled gesture. "Would've been nice to mention earlier, you think!?"

Rainbow Dash glanced over at him with a sly smile. "I saw no need to mention it, unless prompted."

Mrs. Shy shook her head in confusion. "R-Rainbow, how did you manage to get an audience with the Princess?"

Mr. Shy followed up on her question. "It takes most ponies years to even manage to get an appointment!"

Rainbow Dash closed her eyes again and took a bite from her salad. "I know. That's why I waited a couple."

Fluttershy raised a brow at Rainbow Dash as she blinked a few times. "Uh, waited a couple of what?"

Rainbow Dash smirked and crossed her forehooves. "Years. I submitted my request a couple of years ago!"

They were all silent again, naturally expressing their disbelief as they looked at her, each with dropped jaws.

Later into the day, now knowing Rainbow Dash's unexpected plans, each of her family members all stood to see her off.

Mrs. Shy in particular, showed far more worry than the others. "Be careful while flying Sweetie. You remember where Canterlot is?"

Rainbow Dash smirked at the older mare. "Yes Mom. I've been expecting this for years, I think I'd know how to get there."

Mrs. Shy sighed as she embraced the pegasus fondly in a hug. "I know I know. I just want to make sure is all Honey."

Mr. Shy soon approached. "Rainbow, I know it's none of our business and I don't want to pry but, is an audience really necessary?"

Rainbow glanced over at her father with an absent look. "Yes Dad. There are some things only the Princess would know."

The younger stallion raised a brow at her, also curious. "Like what? How she combs her mane in the morning?"

Rainbow smacked him upside the head without even needing to see where he was. "Very funny. Not."

Mr. Shy just continued, nodding to Rainbow worriedly. "Well, I'm sure you've thought this through. Just, mind your manners okay?"

Rainbow gave them another smile, this time being more soft and affectionate. "I will, thanks. I love you all." She guiltily looked towards the ground with a slight frown. "I'm sorry I didn't mention it to you guys, or place in any invitations for you. This is just something I have to do on my own." She looked to both Mr. and Mrs. Shy with a now serious gaze. "I promise this isn't some little field trip for me."

Mrs. Shy cut in again, standing beside her husband. "Oh we know Sweetie, and we'll support you in the end no matter what you ultimately decide. We're here for you, and even if this audience with the Princess doesn't go as planned, we'll still be here."

Rainbow Dash smiled fondly at the three of them again, before glancing towards the background at Fluttershy. "See you soon, Sis."

Fluttershy smiled back at Rainbow Dash before nodding and closing her eyes. "Have fun, and don't cause too much trouble."

Rainbow Dash smirked at her before spreading her wings and turning towards the open sky, "You too, Ms. Future Counselor." After that she strode forward and dived off the cloud their home rested on, before soaring up and over them, appearing in the far off distance.

Why did I even think to waste my time back then? What was the point? Maybe deep down, I did hope I was wrong.

Soaring the open skies often gave Rainbow peace of mind. It was therapeutic, being within something so vast, yet entirely alone. There was a certain peace she couldn't find in anything else. At times she believed perhaps she misjudged her passion, after all, she was still a blank flank after all these years. Maybe she was destined for something else outside the guard. But, her beliefs were deeply rooted, and she couldn't escape the thoughts calling out to her. No, there was no other option for her. This was all she could do, it's what she had to do.

Or maybe, she couldn't convince herself otherwise. Perhaps the greatest obstacle in finding her destiny, was her stubbornness.

Either way, she pressed on, casually soaring the clouds towards her destination. Along the way, amidst the open sky she ended up catching sight of a lone pegasus stationary upon the cloud, with a tub of ice cream strapped to her chest and a belt of cones. Rainbow cocked a brow at the pegasus, not wanting to feel distracted but inevitably being drawn in by her undeniable curiosity. She briefly switched directions and made her way towards the lone pegasus, touching down upon the cloud and tilting her head at her. "Um, what're you doing?"

The pegasus, whom was a mare, immediately opened her tub of icecream and grabbed a cone, preparing one for Rainbow Dash. "Hi there friend! I'm Skyscoop the Frosty, would you like a taste!? I've got lots of flavors!" She was all smiles, bright and happy. Her mane was short and curled, sky blue and gold in color, while her coat was brown like caramel. Her eyes were also a vibrant golden yellow.

But Rainbow Dash glanced around, before staring back at her plainly. "Uh, sure. But firstly, could you answer my question?" There was now nothing but the sounds of sweeping winds blowing all around them. "Pretty odd place to hold a business, don't you think?"

The pegasus mare chuckled, spreading her hooves gleefully. "What do you mean!? This place is perfect!"

Rainbow Dash still kept her brow cocked, looking around at the vast empty sky between them. "Oooookay. Sure."

Skyscoop the Frosty smiled wide. "It seems recently the Princess has upped the patrols here! It's just a slow day is all!"

Rainbow Dash raised her lower lip a little with a squint. "Upped the patrols? What? Why would she do that?"

Skyscoop began tossing the cone back and forth between hooves masterfully. "Look down below! Can't ya see it?"

Rainbow Dash now turned, squinting still and glancing back and forth at the world below them. She attempted to search for anything in particular that stood out, and while she did see Canterlot City not too far off in the distance, she still couldn't pinpoint anything out of the ordinary that would draw the attention of more guards nonetheless. So she shook her head, slightly frustrated. "What am I looking for?"

The pegasus mare made her way up beside Rainbow, poking her head out in the same manner which she did, before pointing her cone straight down towards something, "There!", and inevitably, causing the scoops of ice-cream to fall out. "Aaaaaw." She whimpered.

Rainbow Dash blinked a few times, looking in the general direction she pointed and seeing a tiny pony village. "That village?"

Skyscoop looked to her with hurried nods. "Yeah! That's Ponyville!" She cupped her muzzle, "Rumor has it, that place is important."

Rainbow Dash raised a brow at her yet again. "Important how? It's just some local pony village."

Skyscoop shrugged. "I don't know! It's a rumor, I told you. But Princess Celestia has been keeping lots of guards there as of late!"

Rainbow Dash appeared skeptical, before shaking her head. "Well whatever, if you say so." Her eyes widened as she raised a hoof to her forehead. "Crud, I gotta go! T-Thanks for the um, talk. Good luck with the business," she muttered before spreading her wings and lowering her frame to fly off, "Even though it's pretty chilly up here." She then flew off, racing towards Canterlot not far off in the distance.

As she departed, Skyscoop called out to her desperately. "Hey! You forgot to buy this ice-cream!" She blinked a few times before glancing back at the cone to which she was reminded how it fell off the cloud earlier. "O-Oh yeah .... right." She frowned with a sigh.

Canterlot, even though Rainbow Dash had no particular care for this magic themed society, she couldn't deny it often awed her nonetheless. She touched down not far from the castle, being in a general shopping district. Surrounding her, ponies of all shapes and sizes trotted, even other races. This angered Rainbow passively, but she was used to burying away that anger by now. Tch. How can you all be so carefree, knowing that the threat of invasion could happen at any moment? She squinted at a few of the ponies trotting and conversing, going into numerous shops. Even now, I'm sure some of you aren't even one of us. Just some enemy in disguise. How complacent we all are. She shook her head with a sigh and proceeded on towards the castle. Well, no time to dawdle. I can't keep the Princess waiting now, can I.

Minutes later, she was already ascending the steps towards the castle, Rainbow Dash was greeted by a blockage of two guards.

The two celestial guards looked down at her with little emotion. "Ma'am, if you could state your business."

Rainbow Dash looked up at them seriously. "I'm here to see the Princess, I have a scheduled audience with her today."

One of the guards pulled out a smaller scroll, briefly glancing over it. "Ms. Rainbow Dash I presume?"

Rainbow rolled her eyes with a light groan and then raised a brow at that particular guard. "Gee, you think?"

Without another word, the stood guards stepped aside and nodded to her in sync. "You may proceed."

As Rainbow Dash proceeded down the walkway towards the guest entrance of the castle, she couldn't help but notice how despite there being a heavy guard presence, there were very few citizens attempting to see the Princess. Were things truly this organized? But as she proceeded through a pair of smaller doors, she was then greeted by an answer. A unicorn, or more specifically, the Princess' student.

A younger Moondancer stood in a large empty hallway, purposely closed off from the main grand entrance. "Hello there, I'm happy to see you followed your invitational instructions to the letter. Too often have we had ponies who felt they had the right to abruptly use the grand entrance and demand to see the Princess without an appointment." She closed her eyes and bowed her head, "Thank you for being civil, and showing your respect in arriving through the proper channels. It takes long, but it is necessary should the Princess be expected to rule Equestria in a fairly manageable way." With that Moondancer raised her head and adjusted her glasses, "Shall we be off then?"

Rainbow Dash had to take a second to gather herself. "I never expected the Princess' student would personally escort me." She reacted then with a slightly crooked frown. "Unless, this is outside the norm and you're here for another reason. Could that be it?"

Moondancer lowered her head again, closing her eyes. "How insightful of you Ms. Dash. You are correct, I do not normally escort the Princess' guests, only ones I feel the need to ... go over some things with beforehoof. I'm sure you understand the necessities."

Rainbow exhaled with a soft sigh, before rubbing the back of her neck. "Heck, least you're honest."

Moondancer smiled at her again while adjusting her glasses. "Shall we?" She raised a hoof in the form of a courteous gesture.

As the two trotted down a near endless hall in the castle, adorned with beautiful paintings, there was a mutual silence between them for some time. Though eventually, Moondancer promptly began going into what it was that they needed to discuss. "I make it a habit of reading over the Princess' guest list before she officially sees them. And I couldn't help look into your background before hoof." She looked down towards the carpet with half closed eyes as they trotted. "It was strange to me, since it's not often a sole filly would submit an actual correctly formatted request let alone have the knowledge to do so. We've had things like this happen before but all such cases were either fairly recent, or simply cute lighthearted attempts at meeting the Princess, which is fine. But you not only had the insight to do this years ago, but did it completely alone. And it was only a matter of time after looking into your history I found the tragedy which you hide."

Rainbow Dash's face darkened as she lowered her head and was gravely silent, and gave hint of deep irritation.

Moondancer made her way ahead of Rainbow Dash before blocking her just before the throne room. "Of course the Princess would never deny you an audience. Seeing as you were one of the many affected by the changeling attacks. But even so, I must confirm whether or not you're here to punish the Princess for something that was beyond her control. I am not here to judge you, and say you are wrong for being angry with her, if that's why you are here. But I must ask you consider looking at this from her perspective, before blaming her."

Rainbow Dash glared at Moondancer then. "I didn't come here for a lecture from you. I came to see the Princess."

Moondancer frowned at her, nodding reluctantly. "I understand, and you will see her. But, these are just my parting words to you." She looked towards the ground in a saddened manner. "Don't weigh everything on the outcome of this meeting. Because the results may surprise you more than you expect." With that she stepped aside, motioning the pegasus towards the door. "Peace, starts with you."

Rainbow Dash stared plainly at her before proceeding forward, past Moondancer and opening the door, then making her way inside.

Moondancer remained outside for a moment longer, looking towards where Dash once stood, before heading back down the hall.

Once inside, Rainbow Dash found she was indeed in the large throne room, unlike anything she'd ever seen. Vast and beautiful, she took a second to glance around, noticing just how massive it was. Beautiful stained glass windows all decorated the lengthy walls which made up each side, and she'd only just noticed she came in through a side door even though she'd already been told about it before. She had to glance to her left to see the throne, only a small speck compared to the spaciousness of the room itself. Rainbow could hardly believe she was actually here, as she was silent and still gathering her thoughts. Eventually she took a few casual trots forward, hesitant to speak first.

"Rainbow Dash, I've been waiting for you. I'm pleased to make your acquaintance after all this time."

It came out of nowhere, and it was undeniable who it was, the voice had such grace and soothing elegance. Dash, unexpectedly found herself trembling as she stood there. She instinctively turned, giving the individual a wide eyed stare. "So, it's really you then."

Standing there, not far off was Princess Celestia. Bags underlined her eyes, and she appeared quite different from how most pictures depicted her. Her mane didn't flow as graciously as many once said, and she seemed fairly tired and worn. "Yes ... Yes it is."

But this moment was nothing like she expected either. It was fairly ... normal? Awkward, to say the least. Rainbow Dash expected herself to feel she were in the presence of a god, but all she felt emitting from the Princess was one who wasn't special in any way. She couldn't explain the feeling, nor did she wish to put much thought into why it was there. All they did was stand there and stare at one another for awhile, inevitably Dash eventually chalked it up to her own demeanor and just went along with it. This meeting that was meant to be, but not as paramount as she made it out to be from initial impressions. Rainbow Dash tried to be direct, but even she had her limitations, the nervousness in her voice showed and she hated it, but she continued regardless. "Princess Celestia, do you realize why I'm here?"

Princess Celestia nodded simply. "You've come searching for answers. I only hope they are satisfying enough to hear."

There was another moment of silence, the sun piercing through the stained glass windows creating a subtle yellow hue.

Rainbow Dash now became serious. "I've waited years for this ... you know that? It's a shame I even had to come at all."

Princess Celestia said nothing, and only stared down at the pegasus. She gave her the respect of her silence.

Rainbow Dash looked down at the ground, showing signs of inner conflict. "You know, most would think I came here to go on a tirade about the family I lost. It may surprise you, but I'd like to focus on the present, not the past." She closed her eyes, "And now that I've finally seen you face to face. I feel that I can come to an understanding about what's really happening here." She looked back up towards Princess Celestia seriously. "Why haven't you stopped the changelings yet Princess Celestia? Why're you so afraid to stoop to their level?"

Princess Celestia's eyes widened as she continued to look down silently at Rainbow Dash, slight shock written all over her.

Rainbow Dash continued sternly. "I've already accepted what happened to my birth family, but what I can't accept is you needlessly letting it continue when it can be stopped. Even though I was young, I know deep down, Equestria is not the same as it was before."

A look of subtle trauma began to show on Princess Celestia's features, as her shock only grew of Rainbow Dash's insight.

Rainbow Dash then swiped a hoof. "Why is it you allow ponies to get hurt!? Why do you preserve this idea we still live in this sweet delicate little world where we can be complacent!?" She stood straight, before pausing briefly. "What is it you're hiding from us?"

Princess Celestia lowered her head, as her ever flowing mane slowed itself, causing bangs to subtly cover her eyes. "It seems-"

Rainbow Dash raised a brow at Princess Celestia, noticing she hesitated in finishing, as she stood there patiently.

But what Princess Celestia did finish with, only left Rainbow more puzzled. "I failed you as well Rainbow Dash. I'm sorry."

Rainbow Dash's eyes widened as she was left stunned, still with confusion. "Wait, what did you just say?"

Princess Celestia lacked any definite emotion. "Would you believe me if I told you, that at a time destiny once spoke to me? That at a time, it was once no different from any guiding mentor? Would you believe that even I, your Princess, did not have all the answers?"

Rainbow Dash still couldn't pinpoint where this was going, leaving her feeling paranoid. Princess Celestia only got stranger.

Princess Celestia raised her head halfway, glancing towards one of the stained glass windows. It depicted a single line, or perhaps a string, separated at the middle. "That one day, my bond with destiny had been severed? It no longer spoke to me like it used to. Before, the answers were as clear as the sunlit sky, but now ... everything is a haze. Would you believe me if I told you?" She looked back down towards the marble flooring. "Never before had I realized just how dependent I was. How completely and utterly defined by destiny I was. But it is ponies such as yourself who remind me, just how powerless I really am." She frowned, "Equestria has changed Rainbow Dash, in that regard you are correct." She soon looked to the mare, still tiredly. "But what has changed it, has nothing to do with the changelings. But I do know whomever is responsible, has charted us on a different course. One of catastrophic consequences. Who you are now, this change in yourself, in the world you have realized." She squinted, "It is not who you are, it is a symptom of something that has affected you. None of it is real."

The color sunk from Rainbow's face as she just stood there, shaking her head. "W-What? What in the hay are you saying?"

Princess Celestia now stood straight, as she possessed a looming questioning gaze, looking down upon Rainbow Dash. "Would these answers suffice? Or I imagine, you're simply left with more questions." She paused briefly yet again, "This is how I too have lived Rainbow Dash. Spending my years, desperate to find a way to return things to how they were. But even time, has become a convoluted mess. Each and every decision I make, another that could possibly lead us further down this path. It tugs at me day and night, my failures. The idea you, my dear subjects, suffer because of something, or somepony, I failed to notice. That is the thread we've found ourselves upon, and the temptation calls to me. But can't you understand Rainbow Dash, what it means for me if I were to express my displeasure with what has happened?" Her eyes were now empty, as if she were in a cold trance. "Can't you see why I must place a limitation on myself always?"

Rainbow Dash now began to tremble as she backed away a bit. What's with this tension?

Princess Celestia took a sluggish trot forward, as she stated firmly. "Equestria would be nothing more than a barren wasteland."

A chill ran down the pegasus' spine as she froze with fear. Unable to say anything, she just stood there, still as a statue.

Princess Celestia stopped directly in front of Rainbow Dash, looking down at her. This heavy atmosphere, made Rainbow Dash feel as if the weight of the sea hung over her. She felt like an insignificant ant in the presence of a dragon, and she couldn't explain it. Princess Celestia's expression was one of subtle buried rage, "Which is why-" and suddenly that atmosphere dissipated in a near instant, as the tired yet more caring demeanor returned to the Princess. "I will continue to do my best, to remain true to what I have always known, even if the very fabric of Equestria itself turns against me. If I fail, I fail, and all that happens I shall take responsibility for." She frowned at Rainbow Dash, unable to look her in the eyes any longer. "I know this is not what you wanted to hear Rainbow Dash, and I'm sorry. But I cannot risk crossing the line you wish me to, even at the detriment of my own subjects." She closed her eyes, "I must stay true, to what I stand for."

Rainbow Dash was still petrified by the unexplained feeling she'd gotten, so she remained silent.

Princess Celestia approached the young mare and embraced her in a hug. "And for that, I am sorry. I always will be."

I'd associated it all with weakness. At the time I was afraid, but as the years drew on I only grew more firm in my beliefs.

And there were memories not even Captain Dash would tread back to, as a series of pictures streamed through her mind. Different settings in each frame of snow, lush green, and fire. Images of her trekking through the frozen wastes alongside Lieutenant Dust and Fleetfoot, lead by a fiery maned mare. Images of her standing alongside a magical barrier, fortified by a massive wall as they peered down into a heart of endless shadow and despair. Such moments flew by in her mind, as she inevitably arrived at the end of a series of chaotic flashes, of cities burning and cloud homes falling out of the sky. She saw herself attending yet another funeral, adorned in black as she stood in the rain. And finally, she saw herself trotting away from her Sister, who sobbed uncontrollably as she clutched the motionless body of a smaller changeling. Yet in this final scene, Captain Dash had no care whatsoever, as she herself was bathed in green, surrounded by flames.

Within the scene Fluttershy shouted words to her as she trotted away, words that were silent and mute in her memories.

Needless to say, after reflecting on all that's happened. I know I was right. You're just another obstacle Alicorn. A test.

Captain Dash was now in the present again as she swung her lance, sending her massive cloud crashing into the mountain overlooking Canterlot. Her world was slowed, as she watched the mass boulders avalanche out the side, and descend straight towards the city below. As she stood in the sky on the precipice of twilight, she looked down at the sight of the beautiful mystical city, knowing after all this, she'd likely never see it again. The sky was vast and her domain, and here she was free to watch herself sink further into an abyss of no return. As she clutched the cloud lance, and stood upon the clouds, she herself felt disgusted with the feeling of playing a god, a Princess who cast her judgement upon her subjects. "So I will stoop even as low as Tantabus has Alicorn, to put a stop to you once and for all."

As the rocks still descended down upon the city, not one had reached the surface yet. But they were closing in rapidly.

Captain Dash closed her eyes with a blank expression. "I will do what even the Princess cannot. I won't let you change Equestria."

But as the crumbling mountain descended upon Canterlot; Fleetfoot, Cloudchaser, and even Marble all were now petrified with panic. It was over, and there was nothing any of them could do to stop such a colossal disaster from occurring. Fleetfoot and Marble looked at one another, before each nodding with frowns. Whereas Cloudchaser looked down at her precious sister, smiling at her softly before running a hoof through her bangs, and not taking her eyes off her for a second longer. As the shadows of the crumbling mountain loomed ever closer, they all fell into silence, and aimed to achieve a last moment's peace. But Twilight Sparkle kept her head lowered, even amidst this sudden chaos, as almost immediately the mass pieces of mountain all froze, entrapped in violet telekinetic magic. All was silent.

The three once again looked up, unable to express any sense of belief. Before Fleetfoot looked back to Twilight Sparkle.

Twilight Sparkle raised her head and looked up towards the now stationary mountain slabs which hung over them. "I get it now." She spoke in a cold and insightful manner. "Why I can't run away anymore." And near instantly, those slabs of massive rock all shot back upwards, more particularly towards the open sky, near effortlessly. "Bullies will do as much as they can get away with, no matter how much you plead with them." She glanced over at Fleetfoot, as she frowned. "I won't stop until they understand, we won't get bullied anymore." She spread her wings as she focused seriously upon a particular position in the sky. "Please get my Mom, and Moondancer out of the city."

Fleetfoot shook her head. "Twilight Sparkle, wait!" But Twilight shot straight up towards the sky herself afterwords, sending Fleetfoot stumbling back with a gust of wind. The mare shielded her eyes, before looking back up. "Do you even understand what you are!?"

Captain Dash remained in the clouds as she witnessed the impossible spectacle, of the very avalanche itself rise up against her. She watched with wide eyes as she couldn't even react to the ridiculous happening with thoughts, due to the sheer impossibility of it. As she remained there, standing, it was only a matter of seconds before she noticed even the momentum that sent the massive sea of stone upwards was beyond anything she'd ever seen. She actually found herself needing to dodge. Captain Dash leaped from cloud to cloud, as each one she stood upon was sent dissipating in an instant as large slabs of mountain shot through it. She leaped upward, climbing upon higher clouds, whatever adjustment she needed to make to simply not get smashed by her own aftermath. She paced heavily, reacting simply off natural instinct to survive, having no time to even assess what was happening. Upon her current cloud, she went into a spinning motion to give herself enough momentum to dodge a boulder the size of herself which shot through her position, before she dived to her left and caught onto another cloud as another boulder completed decimated the one she'd just been upon. The sea of stone was unending, as she gritted her teeth and needed time to catch her breath. How!? How is this even a thing!? What sort of ridiculous magic is this!? Why why why!?

Captain Dash looked below, seeing as even shattering the mountain had failed. She shook her head as she squinted, seeing a small pony shaped object ascending rapidly towards her. "I see you." She pointed her lance down towards the object swiftly in her rage, "Time magic! Alicorn magic! I'm still here! You hear me!? No matter what you throw at me you dunce, you won't stop the Princess and you won't stop me!" She was now going on a belligerent tirade as she snarled, spitting as she spoke. "So come on! Show me why you're so special! Let me finally see your face and put this all to rest! I've been fighting for this world since you were a filly! What do you know about it loser!?" Suddenly clouds blocked the path which the smaller pony shaped figure ascended, but Captain Dash raised a brow as she found as the object drew closer and closer, it still was abnormally small, until a grim realization hit her and she leaped back in order to dodge what was coming.

Shooting through the cloud she was upon, was just a small pony doll, outlined with large telekinetic magic, thick and violet.

Captain Dash looked up at it, both brows raised as she just stared at it for some time. "Is that .... a doll?" And as she looked at the doll, a bright violet light became more vibrant towards her right, as did the sound of what could be related to rushing water. She glanced to her right, only to see a magical beam surging towards her, and in order to react, she tried raising her lance in which the cloud she stood upon, manifested a magic riddled cloud barrier, and she was still overwhelmed by the surge of magic which coursed through her. Afterwords Captain Dash only stood there, sizzling again as her armor cracked, and fell off. She wheezed, yet still stood, remaining on her rear hooves. As she trembled, she looked towards her right now that the path was clear, and saw what she'd been searching so long for in the distance.

Standing, facing her upon a cloud in the distance was a winged purple unicorn. Focused, and cold in demeanor.

Twilight Sparkle's eyes were still encircled by strange blue flame, as from her perception, Captain Dash radiated a deep purple color, an aura which surrounded her entirely. Twilight Sparkle found she didn't understand, but could relate it to the danger the pegasus posed.

Captain Dash was still lost in the memories, as she stood there, eyeing the alicorn and trying to remain on both hooves. She immediately swiped the lance as the surrounding clouds they stood upon all came together, creating a massive platform for her to stand upon. Captain Dash was still being plagued by the memory of her sister, Fluttershy, shouting at her amidst the sight of a burning corridor.

Within the memory, she appeared present age as she trotted away from her sister without a care. But paused, as parting words came.

Fluttershy held the limp body of a smaller changeling, as she trembled. She wore what appeared to be a once white lab coat, now decked in green as she also wore thick black framed glasses. Her mane a ponytail. "One day, you'll run into a reflection of yourself Sister."

Captain Dash glanced back in the memory, cold and uncaring as she was covered in green muck, and raised a brow at Fluttershy.

Fluttershy continued, as she clutched the changeling. "One day, you will see why this isn't the way. You will run into somepony as determined to hate as you do, and you will wonder why you can't stop them. You will sit there and wonder why, even though the answer is so obvious." She looked to Dash, her face flushed with tears as she shook her head, shouting towards her. "That being hurtful and unkind only breeds more of it! It'll never stop, and someday you'll find somepony who has more of it than you do!" Fluttershy clutched the changeling's head as she rubbed her cheek against it. "I lost just as much as you. But how can we be so different? How do you not get it?"

Now known as Captain Dash, even at this time, smirked at Fluttershy. "Because I follow the thread." She closed her eyes and continued trotting off. "If you want to risk even more, then be my guest. But I'm done, with ... or without you. Goodbye Fluttershy."

Captain Dash still wheezed, now bare and exposed, without her armor to protect her. She continued to watch the alicorn, whose face was foreign to her. Her wings were black, and strange flames encircled her eyes. Her mane was disheveled and ruffled. And most importantly, her eyes were unkind, and showed no sympathy for her. Captain Dash felt the cold lingering stare within them, and she didn't understand. This wasn't the naive alicorn she'd met that night, this was somepony else, somepony different. "You're not the alicorn."

Twilight Sparkle didn't care for what idle conversation she tried to make. "And I don't care, Captain Dash." So it was Captain Dash, one of the Big Three. This strange magic, I can feel her frustration, there is no harmony, no balance. What does it all mean? She squinted. To think reading those comics would actually mean something. I know if I want to make sure Moondancer and the others can run away, I have to do my best to see to it that a pony like her doesn't do anything else. Twilight glanced down at her own hoof, in fair curiosity. W-Why do I feel like I have access to so much magic? Is it because of that colt earlier? She paused. And why do I feel more certain, than scared?

Captain Dash only continued, as she was still catching her breath. "Who're you?" None of this makes sense.

Twilight Sparkle blinked a few times before looking back at Captain Dash, seriously. "A pony who's tired of failing."

Captain Dash thought back to her sister Fluttershy's words. She remembered, and she understood. "I see..."

So this is what you meant Princess Celestia? That alicorn I met ... she was already on a completely different thread.

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