• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XVII: The Last Goodnight

Chapter XVII: The Last Goodnight

Chapter 16 Recap: Despite Minuette's efforts and an intense gridlock between both the Nightmare Guard and Celestial Defenders, Princess Nightmare Moon has made certain the domination of her foes will be absolute, no matter the sacrifices that may occur as a result. As the feud for Canterlot's freedom reaches its closing act, defeat seems all but certain for those who oppose the princess, as a grand spell of unknown proportions is unleashed upon the denizens of the city. Yet despite the odds being stacked against those who choose to resist, destiny often times can be unpredictable. Perhaps, even through the use of the most troubling individuals.

Lieutenant Dust commented absently, "That should be more than enough time, get him out of there."

The brief shattering of ice echoed across the North District of Canterlot.

It was cold, far colder than Tantabus was used to. His body felt alien and unfamiliar, weak and disheveled. The affects of the ice magic had actually taken a toll on him, and he could feel it fully. As he laid on the ground, he looked up towards the sky past the barrier, uncertain of what to think or say. He was done, long before he'd ever accomplished anything. But why did they let him out of that cold prison he was stuck in? What did it truly matter anyhow? He'd gotten too cocky, hadn't he? Regret, immediately began to creep in.

A sad look overcame Tantabus as he looked up at the stars, lost in remembrance. Princess Cadence, I failed...

Within the memory, Princess Cadence peered down at him gently. They were sitting at his bedside within his chambers, as the colt played his little hoof held device, not paying much attention to the princess' presence, though he did welcome it. Princess Cadence slowly wrapped a hoof around the colt, as she watched him play his game. "Tanta, next time I come back I'll bring you a new game to play okay?"

Tantabus glanced over and up at Princess Cadence before closing his eyes and nodding with a smile. "Yes Princess!"

Princess Cadence watched him for some time, as he continued playing his game, and after a few seconds, a sad glint appeared in her eyes as she looked down. She placed a hoof over her belly, still bearing that same look, as it intensified somewhat, and she was silent.

"Princess, can I ask something, um, important?" Tantabus lowered his gaming device and mimicked her expression.

Surprise overcame Princess Cadence as she looked back over to him. "Of course Tanta, you can ask me anything."

A look of guilt overcame Tantabus, as if he were reluctant to say anything. He seemed tired, "Why are my games different?"

Princess Cadence raised a brow, not quite getting what he was asking.

Tantabus continued, "Everypony is always happy in them. And everything is bright, and perfect. Is it all a lie?"

That saddened look came over Princess Cadence again as she pulled Tantabus a little closer, before using her magic to softly seize hold of his gaming device, holding it up in front of him casually. "But you're forgetting a crucial point Tanta. What about the beginning?"

Tantabus leaned forward slightly, skeptically looking up at Princess Cadence. "The beginning?"

Princess Cadence chuckled, looking up in thought as she eyed the gaming device. "In the beginning, sometimes, things need to change before good things can happen. Every story needs its heroes to get the pieces moving, and some stories have many heroes of different shapes and sizes who all come at varying different times." She smiled down at him. "Those few individuals help usher in that change. The worlds you've seen in your games aren't a lie Tanta. We're just not at that part of the story yet, that's all. We're still waiting."

Tantabus looked down again with a frown. "Then, then who're the heroes of our story Princess?"

Princess Cadence turned onto her side, laying on it and getting to eye level with Tantabus before propping him on the muzzle. She smirked softly with an earnest expression. "That is still yet to be decided. We've got a long way to go Tanta, anything can happen."

Tantabus' expression lit up as he rose to all fours happily, filled with excitement. "T-Then! Can I be a hero!?"

Princess Cadence flinched, as she glanced to her lower right hesitantly in worry. It was only then she caught on to exactly how dire this entire conversation was, and she was thankful she did so. "Tanta, do you feel the need to be a hero? Are you unhappy right now?"

Tantabus blinked, standing there blankly for a second before lowering his head again in a saddened manner.

This caused Princess Cadence too, to feel quite ashamed due to asking him the question. But she needed to know his response.

Tantabus spoke softly. "I've seen the ponies dreams Princess Cadence. They're all so mean, unhappy, scary."

Princess Cadence's eyes widened as she continued to listen, shocked a bit by his response. But she didn't say why.

Tantabus placed a hoof over his chest. "This world is nasty, i-it's not like my games. Momma's world, it's, I, I want to be go-"

Princess Cadence immediately embraced the colt in a hug, comforting him as she cut him off. "Shhhhh, shhhh. Tanta Tanta Tanta, you don't need to worry about any of that okay? Don't ever worry about such things. Leave that to the adults you hear?" She kept him in her embrace but leaned back to get a good look at him as she spoke to him. "It's taking a long time, but it won't last forever okay? I promise, things will change." She regarded him with a caring affectionate smile, "I've been talking with your Mother and they will, I promise."

Tantabus continued looking up at her attentively, before his expression distorted into one of deep worry and confusion.

Princess Cadence's eyes were now filled with tears as she bit her lower lip, in a pained manner. Obviously she was attempting to hold the tears back, to hold back the angst she felt due to Tantabus' simple question. "So don't you ever, ever, go around saying things like that okay? Keep those thoughts buried away, deep deep inside yourself, got it? I need you to tell me you understand. You understand, don't you?"

Tantabus glanced to the lower right, uncertain of why Princess Cadence was so sad. "I, I understand."

Princess Cadence held him tight yet again. "Good! So don't go worrying about what the ponies dream, how the world is, or anything like that okay?" She paused, closing her eyes and smiling, comforted now by his response. "I'll be your hero. You just need to give me time. Can you do that for me?" She ran a hoof down his ethereal mane. "Give me more time? And someday, I'll take you to meet so many other special ponies I know will love you. You'll leave this castle, and get to play as long as you want outside. Isn't that worth waiting for, Tanta? "

Tantabus closed his eyes halfway again, pleased with the thought as he let off a simple, "Mhm, okay..."

Princess Cadence nodded as she still embraced him. "So, listen to your Mother, and never tell her what you told me. Okay? Wait for me, and until then, keep her happy. As happy as you possibly can. Keep your thoughts hidden, but your love earnest, Tanta."

Tantabus smiled, nodding again to Princess Cadence. "Okay. I'll wait for you Princess Cadence. I'll wait as long as I have to."

Princess Cadence tightened her hold on the colt, naturally, worriedly. "Good, good. That's very good, Tanta."

The two remained there in silence, still stuck in that embrace willingly, for as long as they needed to be.

How could he forget such simple instructions? He'd gotten careless, and it was too late now. But never before had he been presented such an opportunity, given so much magical potential, he just had to jump at the chance. At least, that's what he told himself. Tantabus continued looking up, dwelling on why he made such a decision. But also why it had to be this way, why he couldn't just change things to his liking. Then he was hit with an instant reminder, as he laid on the ground, pale and frail, he saw the ponies all surrounding him through his peripheral vision. They watched him with cautious eyes, still so protective of one another. He eyed them, in deep wonder. Was this the change Princess Cadence was talking about? He felt it was, except, unexpectedly, he thought he'd be a part of it. Yet he was outside it.

"You still don't get it huh? Well I guess it's understandable, seeing as you've been cooped up all this time Tanta."

Tantabus' gaze then carried on over to Lieutenant Dust, who watched him from a short distance away.

Lieutenant Dust had her hooves crossed, as she was leaned against a lamp post. She too looked over at the gathered citizens, some who were looking over their loved ones to ensure they were alright, even the Celestial Defenders who looked each other over. Lieutenant Dust commented absently, "You see, in Equestria a certain magic comes from working together. Even the princess sees it, it's why she has us. You're nothing alone, no matter how much magic you have, no matter how much greater you are. If you're alone, you might as well be powerless." She looked back down at him, "Those with friends, those with a sense of teamwork, who understand the importance of such connection with other ponies, they'll always have something you don't have." She paused briefly, "Somepony they can count on."

Tantabus looked at her, actually enlightened, though he didn't mean to. But it all felt so clear. His tired gaze carried downward towards the group of citizens, of ponies who bested him, curiously. He looked at them in wonder. Despite all his magical potential, they had something he never had and at this point never would, experience. They understood this magical power, the worth of relying on one another, whereas all he understood was the value of magical prowess, of doing the best you could, alone. They understood the worth of many, whereas all he thought about were the strengths of one. He neglected the importance of friendship, and even now, it all seemed stupid. He squinted, in frustration. It was all still stupid to him, the idea of ponies becoming better together. To him, he couldn't erase what he'd already seen, that they were liars, filled with their own selfish dreams. But he could at least acknowledge the idea, and realize his mother had acknowledged it too, what with all the allies she had and kept close to her. Only now was it clear, that he lacked anything truly required to succeed in changing this world. He was too selfish, self-absorbed, and ignorant of what friendship meant, but, perhaps, it wasn't too late.

There was an ominous sense of quiet. Lieutenant Dust didn't like it, despite the situation being calm and collected. She watched Tanta for some time, particularly the cuff around his neck and his now sunken frail body. It trembled, yet for some reason, Tanta didn't notice. Was he so unfamiliar with that deprived state, he didn't realize how severe the effects were? Were the remnants of the ice magic combined with the cuffs having too much of an affect? Not that it really mattered, Tanta was a traitor. But still, the cuffs seemed more strong than usual. Lieutenant Dust began striding over towards him. I better get him ready for transport back at base. He doesn't look too go-

But suddenly interrupting, was the orange stallion again. "Step aside Nightmare Guard, we're going to be taking him."

Lieutenant Dust's eyes widened as she immediately turned away from Tanta, back around to find that facing her now were the three Celestial Defenders, fairly seriously. A smirk graced her features as she looked fairly amused, and slightly nervous. "Is that right?"

The orange stallion, with both Flake, and his third companion standing at each of his sides, remained steadfast. "That's right."

Lieutenant Dust's gaze drifted around as she noticed even the citizens were beginning to gather behind their cause.

As the citizens started standing behind them as well, the orange stallion didn't let up. "This event more than proves how incapable both the princess and the nightmare guard are of truly protecting us. What with the princess' own offspring causing such destruction in one of our most renown cities, I think everypony here is in agreement that whatever he knows, is best in our hooves, and no longer in yours."

Lieutenant Dust glanced back nervously at Tantabus who still laid upon the ground, observing the situation tiredly, blankly.

Night Light glanced back and forth between both Lieutenant Dust and the Celestial Defenders, worriedly.

Suddenly, groups of citizens began spouting off one after the other. "He needs to be punished truly for his crimes!"

"How can we expect the princess to carry out that punishment!? For all we know, this could've been part of her plan!"

"That monster put my children in danger! I want full consolation for his actions!"

"We can't trust the Nightmare Guard to truly stand up for us! Not after what happened tonight!"

Lieutenant Dust sighed heavily as she glanced around at the scene. How typical, even the selfish ponies of Canterlot could stand up for themselves once threatened. Who would've thought?

The orange stallion smirked at Lieutenant Dust. "It's only reasonable. But you did help us, so we'd prefer you not to get in the way."

Lieutenant Dust lowered her head a bit, as her face darkened and she frowned. "Haha, is that so? You lot are kinda funny."

Night Light observed silently, caught off guard by the tension but still remaining attentive.

Lieutenant Dust sighed, as she used her wing to pick up her lance. "But Tantabus will be punished as the Princess sees fit."

Night Light flinched, as he looked over and down at Tantabus, then back to Lieutenant Dust.

Suddenly both the crowd of gathered citizens and Celestial Defenders began making their way forward, before the orange stallion proclaimed firmly. "This'll be considered a great victory in our plight to stop the princess! She'll know that we won't be pushed around!"

Lieutenant Dust spread her forehooves in an amused manner. "Is that how it's gonna be!? Well you still gotta go through me!"

But just as the tension continued to rise between both the Celestial Defenders and Lieutenant Dust, Night Light snatched up Tantabus swiftly, and only charged further back into the North District, sending everypony watching into both confusion, and utter shock.

Lieutenant Dust gritted her teeth as she glanced back, turning swiftly. "W-What're you doing!?"

Even Tantabus was thrown for a loop, as he was carried by Night Light. He had a tired expression, and still shivered, but was still aware of his surroundings. What's he doing? Tantabus closed his eyes, trying to take in the comforting warmth. You're so stupid, Mister.

The orange stallion of the Celestial Defenders swiped a hoof. "Don't let them get away! Flake, grab them!"

The ice blue unicorn gritted her chops as she immediately responded and her horn glowed. "On it!"

But almost immediately intervening, getting in her way with a kick to the face was Lieutenant Dust, sending her flying back.

The orange stallion flinched, backing up some. "Y-You, you're letting them get away!"

Lieutenant Dust chuckled as she blocked the path of the three defenders. "Well in the end, I guess if I have to decide between you guys taking him and him, I'd rather it be a citizen I fully know and recognize." She pointed her lance at them, "If you catch my drift."

The orange stallion gritted his teeth now in frustration, before he glanced back at some of the citizens.

Many of the citizens now on their side charged forward, past Lieutenant Dust to aim in capturing Tantabus.

Lieutenant Dust ignored them, for she knew she couldn't concentrate on such a large group at once. But as long as she kept the ice blue unicorn at bay, and her two companions, she felt comfortable in the idea of letting them go. She was concentrated, yet again.

Flake rose to all fours, rubbing her cheek with a hoof as she rejoined her two companions with a disgruntled huff.

The orange stallion sighed, looking to Lieutenant Dust with annoyance. "I guess in the end, all the princess' pawns will need to go."

Lieutenant Dust smirked yet again, leaning her head back a little. "I agree, but which princess are we talking here?"

The four now stood alone in the road, looking at one another in a long moment of silence.

Eventually, as the cold winds blew for a few seconds more, Lieutenant Dust pressed forward, charging the three alone.

As they still retreated, Night Light took a second to pause as he turned into an alleyway, lowering Tantabus onto the ground.

Tantabus rested against a wall, simply eyeing Night Light with half-closed eyes. "Why Mister?"

Night Light was busy catching his breath, head lowered and wheezing, as he raised a brow at Tantabus. "Eh?"

Tantabus, now paler than before looked down with a frown. "Why did you help me?"

Night Light looked up, needing to think about it himself actually, before he eventually looked over at Tantabus with a caring and understanding expression. "I'm not sure actually. I just didn't enjoy seeing how they talked about treating you. Afterall, you're still just a kid. A pretty mean and devious one, but still a kid regardless. I don't excuse your actions, but... it all just sounded like more of the same. So I trusted my gut, maybe... that'd make you change?" He made his way closer to Tantabus, leaning down and looking at the cuffs around his neck seriously. This thing, whatever it is or made of, it's sucking him dry. Whatever magic it has bound to it is too intense, even for him. Night Light squinted worriedly at it. And it's feeding constantly from the reaction, I, I don't think I can get it off. I need the key.

Tantabus suddenly spoke then, placing a hoof upon Night Light's chest. "Mister, please go."

Night Light's eyes widened, as he looked at Tantabus, thrown off. "Huh? What're you talking about? I'm not just going to-"

Tantabus spoke wheezily. "You ponies are so dumb Mister. Nothing can stop Momma. But, I guess, you all earned the right to try." He let his hoof drop, deprived of magic as he looked at Night Light seriously with now sunken eyes. "So go, find your special pony."

Night Light now found himself listening closely to what Tantabus had to say. "Special pony?"

Tantabus looked back down blankly yet again, tiredly. "Earlier Mister, you said you were looking for somepony. I don't think I ever saw a pony with no mark but, I didn't hurt anypony but the guard ponies. The other weak ponies, they ran into the big castle over there."

Night Light's eyes widened. T-Twilight? He suddenly turned his gaze upward, towards the silhouette of Canterlot Castle.

Tantabus continued, eyeing the ground. "She might be there Mister. But you need to go now."

Night Light rose, glaring down at him in frustration. "What do you think I am kid!? I'm an adult! I won't just leave you to-"

Tantabus snapped immediately! "Stop that! That's what I hate about you stupid ponies!"

Night Light flinched, falling silent somewhat as he looked at Tantabus still in contemplation.

Tantabus shivered still, as he frowned. "I just don't get it. Why you do that, act so nice and loving. I've seen how you really are, what you really care for. Deep down you're all selfish, but at the same time, you're not." Tantabus seemed lost, as he looked forward. "You all have ponies you truly care for, but still you'll pretend to be nice, or do stuff for others because you feel you have to. You don't know me Mister, I hurt you and put your special ponies in danger. But still you say and do all these stupid things. Just, do what you want Mister, I don't care." Tantabus paused, "Momma and I, are different. We come from a very scary place. Monsters are always selfish. I see you stupid ponies as weak liars, only telling lies to stay safe, or get what you want. But that's not true is it?" He was still peering ahead, speaking absently. "Maybe Mister, I just wanted to be like ponies." He paused, thinking everything he'd experienced so far. "To not be selfish."

Tantabus thought back to Princess Cadence's kind smile, watching over him selflessly. "To care, naturally."

He thought back to an image of Captain Dash, who stood guard beside his mother, Nightmare Moon. "To protect, willingly."

Then to an image of Princess Cadence looking earnestly, lovingly at a large white armored stallion with a sapphire mane, filled with joy. While he looked up to his mother, whom found the sight quite amusing and disgusting. "For somepony to see me as that special pony."

Night Light frowned at him. "Even if you say these things, it doesn't mean I'll suddenly just up and change my mind. I won't do it."

Tantabus lowered his head a little as his face darkened. "Momma's guards are everywhere Mister, they don't like me, and if they see you with me anymore then you'll be putting all your special ponies in danger. Do you want that? To lose all of them, for a stranger?"

Night Light flinched yet again as he backed away from the colt, looking down at him questioningly.

Tantabus glanced over and up at him with a smile. "Really do what will make you happy, Mister. Don't lose your special ponies."

Night Light gritted his teeth, looking over the pale sunken form of Tantabus with deep conflict. "But, how will you defend yourself?"

Tantabus rolled his eyes before giving Night Light a stern look. "I'm not compleeeetely useless now, ya know?"

Night Light laughed a bit, "I know I know it's just..." He frowned, "If I go, I need to know you can at least get away."

Tantabus' horn started to glow faintly, sparking in and out of light as he exhaled tiredly. "There, can you go now?"

There was a drawn on silence between them in that alleyway, as Tantabus just looked sternly up at Night Light as the stallion looked down at the colt in both pity, and regret. He muttered, "Thank you. I promise, once I find my daughter, I'll, I'll try to come back for you!" With that Night Light turned away, swiftly porting up to a nearby rooftop as he raced for the castle in the distance, aiming to find that special pony.

Tantabus actually smiled then, his usually tired expression now far more distinct. Thank you, Mister.

It was only moments later, that another anonymous pony entered the alleyway before shouting for help. "Here! I found him!"

The sound of surging ponies only followed, as the anonymous stallion suddenly charged for the vulnerable colt.

Tantabus didn't react as he squinted in concentration and with a sudden poof, he was gone in a vale of distorted purple smoke.

Tantabus reappeared on the roof, standing on all fours before instantly buckling to his belly with a gasping wheeze.

Not long after, more ponies appeared on the rooftops, unicorns and pegasus in particular.

They surrounded the colt as one stated, "Where's your friend!? Well it doesn't matter. We've got you cornered now."

Another of the ponies chimed in. "You'll pay for putting all our loved ones in danger! You think you'll just get a free pass!?"

Tantabus glanced around at all of them seriously, as his horn started to shimmer just a bit more.

But as he was surrounded, suddenly a crackling sound echoed across the entirety of the city.

The citizens surrounding Tantabus all shuddered and paused, before turning around to witness whatever was happening.

Tantabus raised his head in shock as he witnessed what was happening as well.

The spheres around the city all became corrupt, and filled with an expansive form of Nightmare Magic. Magic Tantabus recognized.

Tantabus' expression saddened. But, Momma isn't here. Yet somepony activated her magical spell?

The spheres all began to glow brightly, signaling that they were about to release whatever spell was being activated.

Tantabus suddenly recalled Lieutenant Dust speaking to him, as they combated with one another earlier.

Lieutenant Dust tilted her head back and sighed again. "Did you really think the princess would rely solely on you?" She glanced back down while her head was still tilted back, looking at Tantabus. "You aren't the only pony who's got a knack for dream magic Tanta."

Tantabus looked down in both shock, hurt, and painful realization of his status as his mother's child. So, s-she, she wasn't lying.

Meanwhile, as Lieutenant Dust currently combated with the Celestial Defenders, all four of them paused at the sight of the spheres.

Lieutenant Dust immediately was overcome with shock, as she took a few trots back. This is that spell. But Princess, we're still here!

The Celestial Defenders all looked upon the corrupted spheres from a distance in confusion, and slight dismay.

The orange stallion didn't fail to notice Lieutenant Dust's expression as he questioned her worriedly. "H-Hey, what's going on?"

Lieutenant Dust glanced over at the stallion with a frown and grave silence. She closed her eyes, before spreading her wings.

The orange stallion snapped at her then. "Hey! Tell us what's going on!"

Lieutenant Dust's brows furrowed as she stated firmly. "The end of this charade." With that, she shot straight upwards.

The orange stallion watched her depart, still in shock, as a grim realization also overcame him. He immediately looked to his companions, and particularly Flake. "Flake, you need to use the sealing spell on yourself! Now, before it's too late. You still have time!"

Flake looked to both of them, shaking her head. "But, I don't have enough energy to cast it on you two!"

The orange stallion, as well as the second stallion, each shook their heads and smiled at her.

Flake's eyes widened as she then stomped a hoof. "No! W-We're companions! Friends! I won't just abandon you like that!"

The orange stallion sighed as he glanced back over the spheres, then back to the unicorn. "What other choice do you have? Somepony needs to tell Equestria what happened here. Whatever spell this is, whatever it does, somepony needs to see past it."

Flake frowned as she trembled, looking down in a frightened manner and unable to respond.

The orange stallion, as well as the second stallion each placed a hoof on her shoulder as he commented. "You've gotta be that pony."

And after a moment of silence, Flake looked to them in determination, and nodded in response.

Even towards the area between the East and South District, Captain Dash and Corporal Cloudchaser watched as the spheres were all activating themselves. Captain Dash's expression was darkened, as her body was still lightly charred, and her wing even disheveled as she leaned on her lance for support. She said nothing as the city began to tremble lightly from the spell's momentum. "Cloudchaser."

Cloudchaser was distracted, filled utterly with despair as she shook her head. "Why? W-Why Princess?"

Captain Dash snapped, furiously, obviously having little to no patience for distractions. "Cloudchaser!"

Cloudchaser flinched as she, as well as the other guards present, all turned towards Captain Dash. "C-Captain?"

Captain Dash kept her serious gaze forward, before spreading one wing. "Shoot for the clouds. Once the spell activates, it'll send an instantaneous wave across the entire city from each sphere. To do this, the spell cannot hold both the barrier and create this expansive wave of magic which'll result here in a few seconds, do you understand? That means, we'll only have a moment, which is more than enough time." Her gaze then carried on over to each of them. "Afterwords, we go and find that alicorn." She paused, "No more distractions."

All was silent, and there was an abnormally awkward tension in the air. As Corporal Cloudchaser looked at Captain Dash, it was hard to hide her shock and disbelief. Captain? E-Even after all this, even during this moment. The alicorn is all that matters to you?

Suddenly, a bright white light expanded as the spheres each let off a cataclysmic yet melodic boom. Expanding across the area.

Captain Dash didn't seem phased in the slightest despite her disheveled wing, as she shouted in command. "Now!"

With that, their entire group shot for the sky, straight upward towards the ceiling of the barrier, kicking back dust and debris.

In Canterlot Castle, Joe from Joe's Diner, along with his family and a large group of North District civilians all cowered in the Grand Galloping Gala area in the darkness of the castle. Joe rubbed his daughter's head with a worried frown, silent and in thought.

Suddenly poofing past the castle doors was Night Light, as he didn't hesitate to shout. "Get down everypony!"

Joe and the other citizens, despite being confused, all obeyed the command inherently, as they all began to lower themselves.

The castle doors then began to shudder and tremble, as Night Light backed away from the doors while watching them.

As the castle doors continued to shake violently, all the citizens watched them with fear, uncertain of what'd happen.

Night Light continued to watch the doors as his expression sunk, in a heart struck manner. Darling....

The doors continued to shake, and many were all but certain they wouldn't hold and the magic would soon pour in.

Night Light closed his eyes and lowered his head, bracing for impact. I'm so so sorry.

And the spell released itself across the entirety of the city with a deafening sound, only to soon be followed by mute silence.

Minutes which felt like hours had passed. And after the spell had cleared, all was deathly silent.

Tantabus was now alone in the streets of the North District, swaying sluggishly with pitifully slow trots forward as cold winds blew through the air. His eyes were still sunken, his purple coat giving off a pale whitish shade, and his tired expression only made it more apparent how each trot he took became harder and harder to manage. The colt, despite pushing himself forward, did not stop thinking to himself. In this short, yet infinite night, he felt so much had changed, yet, still remained the same. The barrier which surrounded the city was gone, but that didn't matter anymore, at least, not to him. He continued to trot, as if making his way towards an unknown destination. Raspy breaths escaped him. I told all you stupid ponies she was too strong, that only I could make a difference. I told you all, didn't I?

The sky was exposed, and the stars laid overhead as thick gray clouds were spread out in a beautifully complex manner. And Tantabus, knowing he was inherently resistant to the effects of such magic, trotted alone, as he knew he wouldn't have fallen asleep.

Tantabus continued in his pitiful sluggish trot. But this dumb magic you ponies have. It's special, isn't it Princess Cadence? You have it too don't you? Will it make this world bright, like you said? I guess, I'd, I-I'd, at least, like to see, t-to see that. To be a part of that.

Ponies all laid on the ground around him, some with wide open eyes as if lost in an infinite daze. While others, slept soundly.

Tantabus continued to trot, pushing himself to reach a certain goal as he raised a hoof to touch the collar around his neck. Why am I doing this for these stupid ponies. Even though I don't like them, I still want to make a difference. Is, that strange, P-Princess Cadence?

The world was like the one he'd came from before, despite being a canvas of pure beauty, it felt black and empty, lonely.

Exhaustion, depression and desperation was inlaid on Tantabus' face as he continued to trot forward. I, I want to be good.

Within the scene of yet another memory, Tantabus stood inside the room where he was born, along with Nightmare Moon.

Nightmare Moon eyed him in an inspecting manner, looking down at him blankly. "Show me another."

Tantabus looked up at Princess Nightmare Moon with confidence and a smile. "Yes Princess Nightmare Moon!"

Standing outside their perimeter, against the walls were numerous guards. Captain Dash was among them, as she had her hooves crossed while eyeing the demonstration seriously. Her mane was fastened into a ponytail back then, as she seemed tired yet observant. Or perhaps, she simply had spent too much time guarding Nightmare Moon. Regardless, she said nothing as she watched from afar.

Lieutenant Dust was laying on her side, as she yawned and patted her muzzle while beside Captain Dash, watching tiredly.

Tantabus changed his form yet again, as he was now a large burly wolf. "Rawr! Fear me Mo- I mean, Princess Nightmare Moon!"

Nightmare Moon observed Tantabus' new form with surprise, before smiling, pleased. "Impressive, most impressive Tantabus."

Tantabus closed his eyes, raising his head in his wolf form still with confidence. "Hmhmmmm!"

But Nightmare Moon raised a hoof to her muzzle with deep concern as she looked down. "But it's still not enough."

Tantabus' eyes widened as he looked at his mother, confused about what she meant.

Princess Nightmare Moon remained in that state for a second longer, before looking at Tantabus neutrally with little to no expression. "Well, that's enough for one day Tantabus." She glanced to her right, towards the wall riddled with guards. "Lieutenant Dash."

Depicted as Lieutenant Dash at the time, she stomped her way forward with a salute. "Yes Princess?"

Princess Nightmare Moon looked down at her casually. "Escort Tantabus back to his chambers, and then call for Rarity for me."

Lieutenant Dash nodded with closed eyes, bowing her head in a respectful manner. "Of course Princess, I'll get right on it."

Suddenly however, Tantabus commented hesitantly. "M-Moth, erhm, P-Princess Nightmare Moon?"

Nightmare Moon looked back to Tantabus, now with a slight yet curious frown and raised brow. "Hm?"

Tantabus, still in his wolf form clasped both claws together hopefully. "Since I did good? You think we can explore outside today?"

There was a drawn on silence in the room, as Princess Nightmare Moon just looked up at him.

Eventually, a soft chuckle escaped the princess as she closed her eyes amused. Eventually, she opened them back up, eyeing up at Tantabus with a smirk. "Soon Tantabus soon, but I need you to stay inside a little longer. I shall get you a new toy to keep you occupied."

Tantabus immediately was overcome with disappointment, yet hopeful due to her answer as he nodded. "Y-Yes Ma'am..."

Lieutenant Dash nudged her head up at Tantabus casually. "Let's go kid."

Tantabus nodded to Lieutenant Dash, still in his wolf form as he began to trail behind her.

Princess Nightmare Moon waved a hoof at them as they departed, with a sly smile and half-closed eyes. "Do not fret Tantabus."

Tantabus glanced back at Princess Nightmare Moon yet again, curiously.

Nightmare Moon closed her eyes, smiling gently at him. "You will get all that you want and more, in due time."

What a stupid venture this was. It was all a waste of time, was all Tantabus could think. As he reflected on such memories, he still made his way through the now silent city. He was now within the East District, having made his way forward searchingly, desperately looking for somepony. But she was nowhere to be found. Tantabus eventually came upon a base, a makeshift one, but a base nonetheless. Ponies who were also caught in his mother's spell were still strewn about, now like rag dolls, lost in an infinite daze or sleep. As he trotted, he couldn't help but think of how short-lived this all was. He'd followed instructions for some time, but taking a chance at tackling this task alone is what costed him everything. But it didn't matter did it? His mother knew he could still be replaced, which made him feel like a prototype, and a stupid one at that. But he didn't try to think about that, overall, this was all said and done. But he still had a goal to accomplish.

Hopelessly, within this makeshift base Tantabus crumbled onto his belly again. Wheezing and trying to catch his breath. He took a moment to gather himself, to listen to the cold winds for comfort. To break the deafening silence which surrounded him as well. And he pulled at his collar in both frustration and anger as he screamed. His scream was scratched, raspy, and caused his already lighter voice to appear more high pitched than usual. It was just an act of releasing his pent of frustration. Something, which strangely enough, made him feel better. He was tired, angry, frustrated. Was this truly how this story would end? Played out in such a pitiful and definite manner. No, he wouldn't allow it! Even if his mother was smarter than him, and laid waste to these stupid ponies! He wouldn't allow it, he couldn't.

But what else could he do? So many alternate paths were available to him just a little bit ago. But now they were all gone. All his power, all his confidence, and it got him nowhere. He was an idiot, an idiot who was now alone. What hope was there to make a difference in this world now? He was no hero, and once his mother found him, he'd be done. Tears were all but inevitable, as they rolled down his face and he struggled to catch his breath as the magical collar did not cease on his smaller body, draining him of all that he had. He felt hollow, and scared. But as he remained there, on his knees he caught something out of the corner of his eye. Another pony, laying on the ground, one who looked much like him. She was also caught in the everlasting dream, but what stood out to him was her flank. It was blank. She was holding onto the hoof of one other pony, the wife of Mister Night Light from earlier. This, no doubt, surprised him. His special pony...

Tantabus had to move with haste, time was of the essence and running short, and though he knew this, his quickest movement was still slow. He crawled towards the blank flank pony upon the ground sleeping, and looked over her, actually leaning his upper torso atop the side of her, needing something for a quick moment to lean against to catch his breath on. As he rested against her, he pushed his forehooves atop her and became straight faced, though still with those tired eyes. His muzzle hung open slightly as he got a good look at her face, and then just stared down at her blankly, not for any particular reason. But he felt himself getting lost in memory yet again. His horn started to glow, as did his and her body, she wasn't the one he was looking for but she'd have to do. There was no other choice in the matter. She was it. You'll have to be my special pony too...

Within the memory, Princess Cadence was standing at Tantabus' chamber room door, as he looked up at her.

Princess Cadence looked down at him worriedly, "Are, are you sure you'll be alright while I'm gone?"

Tantabus had his eyes closed as he smiled up at her. "Mhm! I'll be okay! But," he frowned, "I still don't get why you have to leave."

Princess Cadence smiled at Tantabus, lowering her frame a little to look at him. "I wouldn't do this if I didn't feel I had to Tanta, you know that. Sadly, I need some time to myself, for reasons I cannot specify as of yet. The Land of Dragons is a wonderful place, but also a land filled with great turmoil. It'll be nice to have allies there, and I'm sure sometime in the future, though that time is uncertain, that your mother will also certainly attempt to earn the favor of the dragons. I am going early in her stead, to prepare in a more diplomatic fashion. Besides," she glanced down at herself with an eager smile. "There's somepony very special, I'd like you to meet someday. Okay?"

Tantabus raised a brow at Princess Cadence as he didn't understand, still confused.

Princess Cadence grabbed his hoof, and placed it against her upper abdominal region. "It'll take some time for her to get here. But, like you, she'll be a part of the heroic story we talked about. But, I must protect her you see. Just like I must protect you by keeping you here, Tanta."

Tantabus looked up at Princess Cadence blankly, curiously. "Who is she, Princess Cadence?"

Princess Cadence rose again, shaking her head. "I cannot say for now. But like the other special ponies I'd like you to meet, I know you two will grow up together, as dear friends." Princess Cadence paused, looking down at him affectionately. "We're finally getting there Tanta, to the point of our story that I told you about." She closed her eyes, before embracing the colt in a one hoofed hug, pulling him close as she smiled. "Change is coming, and soon, I'll be able to become the hero you want me to be. I'll have enough confidence to change the world."

Tantabus was in awe, as eventually Princess Cadence backed away from him and only looked down at him, preparing to leave.

Princess Cadence smiled still, with sad yet hopeful eyes. "Take care of yourself Tanta, and goodbye for now."

Tantabus, though sad, was also hopeful for the story that would be told. He closed his eyes and muttered. "Goodbye, Princess."

Twilight Sparkle's eyes snapped open as she felt herself laying upon a cold surface. But, she wasn't somewhere she recognized. The world was pitch black, and she was upon a large body of water, yet she didn't sink. Panic immediately set in as she gasped, turning onto all fours and leaned up slightly while laying still upon the body of water. She saw her own reflection. "W-Wha? What is this? Where am I?"

"You're in the dream lady, but not for long." A sudden, light and anonymous voice responded. It was nearby.

Twilight Sparkle flinched, as she turned onto her back and scurried away, realizing the voice came from behind her.

There, sitting casually with half-closed eyes was a purple colt, who looked more like a skeleton than a colt at this point.

Twilight had to take a second, to gather herself from the shock of such an appearance before glancing around this pitch black world yet again. "W-Where are we? Who are you!? Where's my mom? Where's Moondancer! What happened to everypony!?" She demanded.

The purple colt commented absently. "They're also stuck in the dream. You ponies lost, Momma's magic was too strong."

Twilight's eyes widened before she shook her head. "No, n-no that can't be." She rose, swiping a hoof. "You're lying!"

The purple colt didn't comment as he only looked at Twilight tiredly, though fully patient with her reaction.

Twilight charged forward instantly, seizing the colt by his strange collar. "Lost!? Dream!? And your Mother!? You're just lying!

The purple colt looked up at Twilight, still absently. "My Momma is Princess Nightmare Moon. You ponies decided to wage a battle against her, and expectantly, she used her magic on you all and you lost. Now, you're all stuck in the dream with no way out. It's all over."

Twilight, too bewildered by all this to even really truly react anymore, simply let the colt slip from her hooves. She turned with a stride, soon sitting down and simply sobbing softly. She had no more stamina to take in all this. "Mom, M-Moondancer. I'm sorry, I'm so so sorry. I'm so useless, I couldn't even do anything. All my life, I sat around, wasting time, feeling sorry for myself. I-If only I realized it sooner." Twilight was now the pinnacle of regret, as she sat there, in empty darkness. Was this truly over? Was this really how it all ended?

The purple colt commented. "Well um, now you can."

Twilight paused, her eyes widened as she glanced back at the colt once again.

The purple colt looked at her blankly, tiredly. "Do something, that is."

Twilight, after a moment of silence, turned to face him. "W-What? What do you mean?"

The colt also fell silent, as he looked to the surface of the water at his own reflection. His gaze was filled with disappointment. "You ponies are special. I see that now. Even if I still don't get it. You all are hopeful when you have each other. My magic is a waste on somepony like me." He squinted tiredly, "But you ponies can do something, with the right magic. You can change the world, and become heroes." He looked back to Twilight, "Momma, is afraid of such ponies. The ones brave enough to make a difference. I've seen it." He smiled, a little more hopeful than before. "So, even though you're not the one I wanted to give it to, I'm going to make you a hero. Okay Lady?"

Twilight looked at the colt, not really understanding anything he was saying. "But why? Why me?"

Tantabus lowered his gaze again and smiled to himself. He thought of Night Light. "A special pony."

Twilight raised a brow at the colt, perplexed by his answer.

Tantabus began to fade as he smiled at the unicorn. "Momma's magic is unique, but you should have some control yourself now. Use it well Lady."

Twilight looked at him desperately. "But, w-what about my friends!? My family!?"

Tantabus frowned, glancing to the lower left. "I'm sorry, you'll have to figure that out on your own. I don't have the answer for you and um," he paused, lowering his head and a hoof to his collar. "I don't have anything left to give. It's all up to you ponies now, Lady."

Twilight shook her head, as she frowned at him. "Why, why would you go against your own mother? It makes no sense."

Tantabus continued to fade, as he commented absently again. "Her story isn't the story I want to tell."

The world around them began to shimmer and fade as well, Twilight glanced around herself as she watched still in utter confusion. She looked back to the colt who faded and couldn't think of what else to say. She had no time to ask questions, or make sense of how or why any of this happened. So she only thought of what felt natural. "T-Thank you! Thank you so much! I, I won't forget this little guy!"

Tantabus' eyes widened as their world soon became white. He felt surprised. What a weirdo.

Twilight placed a hoof over her chest, more determined than ever before. "I won't waste this! I'll, I'll do my best with what I know! And I promise," A look of ferocity overcame her. "We'll find a way to stop the Princess! No matter what!"

And the world they were in finally ended, leaving Tantabus with one last comment. But now, I'm glad it was you.

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes, now back in this grim reality herself. She only laid there, on her side, once again gathering in everything that had just happened, and everything that was currently around her. She was still in Canterlot, laying upon the ground. Slowly, Twilight leaned up, her eyes wide with confusion as she glanced around like a lost child. Everything was so so quiet. And the colt, from whatever that was, was nowhere to be seen. Twilight blinked, glancing down as her pupils dilated at another sight. M-Mom? There, laying in front of her lost in the dream was her mother, Twilight Velvet. She turned her gaze up towards the rooftops, where she caught sight of Moondancer whom was halfway leaned over the building, lost in a seemingly permanent sleep. Moondancer? Twilight looked forward, out towards the vastness of the area they were in as she saw everypony upon the ground, victim to this frightening spell. Everypony?....

Tantabus now trekked, in an area unknown. How long it'd been since he conversed with Twilight was also unknown, but, it seemingly didn't matter. At least, not to him. He was outside the city, in a beautiful area of green forestry. Using the trees for balance, his breathing was hushed and transparent, while he leaned against them one by one while moving forward. He wasn't heading for anywhere in particular, and only took these moments to think to himself. Would that make a difference? Would his magic be of better use to these ordinary ponies? He had no idea, but he hoped, at least something would come of it. Tantabus soon came upon a large open area, one with a glistening lake at the center, surrounded by lush, large and healthy trees. He made his way towards the lake and crumbled to his belly once again, and with that he was spent. The last of his magic had already faded, and he felt like a battery moving off a fragment of power. Tantabus stared at his own reflection in the surface of the water for some time, as he raised a hoof to his own pale and sunken face. Ew....

But as he laid there, looking at himself upon the surface of the lake, his gaze turned upward tiredly and he saw the full moon. He thought of the pony whom his mother wanted him to find. I wonder what she was like. The moon was bright. This, Moondancer.

Soon a tiny rabbit emerged from some distant bushes, and it looked at Tantabus observantly, curiously with a head tilt.

Tantabus glanced on over at it, which caused his eyes to widen as he watched it, having never seen such a creature before.

The tiny rabbit hopped on over, still filled with innocent curiosity as it stood beside Tantabus, soon sniffing him.

Tantabus blinked, raising a hoof to touch it, and even pet it once before it hurriedly scurried off back into the forest for no particular reason. The colt looked confused by the feeling, as he looked down at his own hoof and then back down at the surface of the water. Maybe. Tantabus lowered his head onto the bed of grass and let that hoof slip into the water of the lake. Maybe, it wasn't so nasty afterall. Everything within his setting was serene, and all was silent, Tantabus felt he'd finally understood. He felt everything was at peace. Then... in what felt like an eternity, he finally fell asleep.

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