• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter VI: Reflection Eternal

Chapter VI: Reflection Eternal

Previous Chapter Recap: The world runs on a system regardless of her feelings, this is the truth Lady Rarity learned long ago. As two cogs detrimental to preserving Equestria's way of life reveal themselves upon its surface, Lady Rarity ignores their presence for reasons she realizes are far more important than her. The world still runs its course, and she must do her best to ensure the smoothest possible outcome. That is her destined route. But how can she convince these ponies of their grave mistake before it's too late?

What did the future hold for Twilight Sparkle? How would it end? Well frankly, she didn't quite care.

At least ... not at this point in time. For all she knew, everything would remain the same.

Twilight trotted casually down the streets of Canterlot, eyes fastened on the pages of a book she had elevated in front of her. Dawned in a plain black hoody with Smarty Pants around her neck, it'd just been another night at Joe's Donuts. Another rolling night where she played her part to the system, regardless of what it meant. Twilight already knew what she wanted from life, yet already convinced herself she could never acquire it.

Chariot carts filled with ponies coursed gradually down the cobble stoned streets, while street lamps of various colors only barely regarded her features. Twilight was a nopony lost in a bubble of individuals who cared not for what losers achieved or acquired. Afterall in Equestria ... unless you were an alicorn or tied to some greater destiny, the peak was out of reach. Never having acquired her Cutie Mark and failing to get into Princess Celestia's school were stains that convinced her of her status. Stains she couldn't wash from her mind no matter how hard she tried. Yet even then she ran from the truth, she ignored her mother's pleas and brother's wishes, and still stayed the course she failed to achieve. Why? How can one convince themselves of failure, yet deny it all at the same time? As Twilight Sparkle trotted, her thoughts scattered and frustration filled her. With a blatant squint, she realized this as she shut that book tight and eyed the path ahead on the way to her apartment. Best not to think about this right now. "Wonder what we should do Smarty Pants. Any ideas?"

Smarty Pants remained around her neck and said absolutely nothing.

Twilight smiled, "Yeah, guess some sleep would be nice." But as they trotted, Twilight eventually came to a stop in front one of the smaller bookstores. Something from the corner of her eye drew her attention, and with her nose so deep in books practically all the time, she sometimes felt she had a sixth sense when it came to noticing them. A large grandiose window had some new arrivals on display, and a certain individual on the cover of one of these books caused her to peer and stare for longer than usual. A flamboyant blue mare in both a cape and pointed hat, the official publication of her adventures. Twilight stared at the displayed cover blankly, as the mare upon the cover seemingly stared right back at her. Twilight took it all in, the mare's snide smirk, full range of confidence, and dramatically overblown pose. After a long silence, Twilight eventually followed up with a quiet mutter, sating her odd curiosity for this mare. "I guess it wouldn't hurt to check it out."

When Twilight made her way inside, she bowed her head at the front door. "Um ... I'll be taking a look around." She eyed the ground wearily, uncertain of her wording. It's best to announce my presence, first time here afterall.

The clerk at the front counter shrugged at her without care. "Doooo keep me informed."

Twilight immediately turned then, hurrying herself to the new arrivals as she wished to immerse herself in something, anything to ease her sudden anxiety. She wondered if she'd made herself look stupid. Best not to think about it. She shoved the book she was already carrying into her hoodie pouch, as she stopped in front of the aisle with multiple copies of this new series. Twilight's horn ignited softly with magic as she hovered it in front of herself, once again eyeing it blankly. She took some suspecting glances around, ensuring nopony else was eyeing her, though ultimately why would they care? There was one other mare, gorgeous as was expected of a Canterlot pony. Her black mane was smooth like silk, glistening in the soft yellow lighting of the bookstore. Her clothes, plain yet firm and snug on her slender frame, while her coat was a soft shade of sapphire. Her eyes were a bright gold. Twilight eventually looked away, she'd probably be offended somepony so plain and disheveled was eyeing her. Twilight turned to the first page of the book then. "Well then, let's see here."

The more she read the more Twilight began to understand what interested her about this mare, this ... Trixie. She was confident. Certain of herself. In this current installment, she actively sought out the most challenging and difficult feats to conquer. To think she had no fear facing the likes of dragons, or dueling war veterans was beyond something Twilight could grasp. Her flamboyance was justified, and her smug personality even more so. Yet the further Twilight dove into the tale of this mystical mare the more her heart ached with jealousy. Trixie was everything she desired to be. She mastered her magical capabilities, was absolutely at ease with herself and the world around her. This was the key Twilight was missing, confidence. In hindsight it seemed so simple, just stop caring about what others think and do whatever she wanted. So how come failure made it so difficult? The whole point was not to care. The more she read the more anxious she felt. She wanted so much to be like this mare. How could she herself reach that peak of self love? How could she reach this mindset?

Then not far from her came a gentle slam, the closing of a book. Followed up by a deep sigh.

Twilight was knocked out of her immersed trance as she glanced to her right in surprise.

Standing there with a dissatisfied expression was the beautiful mare Twilight had noticed. She seemed bored, and wholly disappointed. The mare uttered, "What a terrible protagonist. Is this really the new best-seller?"

Twilight was shocked. She didn't like it? It was almost instinctual for her to say something then. "You dislike it?"

This of course caught the mare's attention as she glanced absently to her left at Twilight. "Eh?" The two stared at one another for a good few seconds, before the mare rubbed at the back of her neck in contemplation. She then held the book again and peered at the cover as she spoke. "This Trixie, both the author and protagonist. She's talented sure, but you can tell she's extremely selfish. Everything she does is simply to justify her own self-worth. Not out of compassion, not because she has some sort of code, she is all about reputation. Guess it goes to show what's popular these days." The mare shrugged, "Complete rubbish honestly. So yes I dislike it."

Twilight squinted, somewhat offended. "I-I must disagree. Even if that's how you see Trixie, perhaps that isn't the point of this story. It's hard to deny that she's an inspirational figurehead going even off only her feats." Twilight looked back down at the page she was on now with wide eyes and an observant expression. "This can inspire less capable ponies to improve themselves. I think that's also important to consider for the readers."

The mare blinked a few times at Twilight, confused. "Is that really how you see it?"

Twilight flinched, panicking mentally as she felt caught off guard. She muttered, "U-Um ... yes, I think so?"

The mare glanced back down at the book questioningly. "I guess that's fair. You see, I've seen my fair share of celebrities and famous ponies. At times there are some I meet where you can feel their passion, their hunger for change in the way they express themselves. Their actions, words, and demeanor all have a sort of aura if that makes sense." She paused, "This Trixie isn't much different. She has a drive and motivation, but as mentioned I doubt she cares much about giving you inspiration. She throws herself at the impossible with such confidence and certainty. Almost like she's riding a wave, and she already knows how this is going to end. I find her both dangerously arrogant, and strangely desperate for one of her caliber. I feel her feats are only meant to wow the audience and draw in their worship, not inspire them. But hey, I didn't read the whole thing."

Twilight raised a brow at the mare, confused now herself. "Desperate? That seems like an odd conclusion."

The mare shrugged again, "Which is why I said strangely first." She placed the book back on the shelf. "It's weird, based on what I read. She does have a wide range of powerful magic, but so desperate to show it off, like some sort of child with a new toy. Regardless, the story itself I can't force myself to care about if its got such a unlikable protagonist." She glanced over at Twilight with a plain smile, "But hey, glad that you enjoy it."

Twilight flushed red as she glanced away. "Thank you, I'm very appreciative of your approval of my opinion."

The mare began casually trotting past Twilight as she whistled absently. However, the moment she crossed her backside, she eyed Smarty Pants with a sudden and amused smirk. She continued on past the aisle and towards the front door, observing Twilight again in silence. "So are you one of those less capable ponies?"

Twilight flinched again, as her expression sunk and she glanced over at the mare in embarrassment.

The mare's gaze turned towards Twilight's blank flank momentarily, before she opened the door to the book store and called out casually to her. "Well if so, I doubt you'll find what you're looking for in that book." Her eyes widened somewhat as she saw Twilight was already a quarter of the way through. Jeez, she reads fast. She continued, "At least for me, true inspiration hits when you least expect it. Like a flicker of a moment, spurred by experience. We all have them," she paused, "Just like I'm sure Trixie has her's. But most of the time ... we keep those moments to ourselves. Don't mold yourself off somepony else." She tossed Twilight a wave, "You're your own work of art, and that can't be forced or rushed." She smiled, "Later." And with that, she left the store.

Twilight watched her depart as she passed by the large window. Just like that, this mare was in and out of her life, didn't even get her name. Twilight glanced back down at Trixie's book before shutting it. She had a contemplative look momentarily, but eventually took it and made her way over to the counter for a purchase. Back in with the motions ... but even if the moment was brief and more of a character critique, she found herself smiling. A successful social encounter! R-Right? Perhaps she totally missed the point, but she felt happy.

The front counter clerk uttered with little to no enthusiasm. "Thanks, doooo come again."

Twilight nodded to him, "I do believe I'll be making a return to this location in the foreseeable future."

The front counter clerk eyed her with a few tired blinks, not even responding.

Twilight smiled widely. "I'll be departing now, thank you for your much appreciated assistance." With that she closed her eyes and turned towards the door in stride with some pep to her step and sudden enthusiasm. Instinctively she used magic to open the door as she trotted back out into the midnight but lamp lit streets of Canterlot City. She hung a left down the sidewalk, back in route towards her apartment. Even if they disagreed about Trixie, she'd remember those mare's words. It wasn't often she felt so good after a social encounter.

Seconds passed after Twilight departed, only for another mare to soon make her way into the store.

The front store clerk nodded to the new customer, "Welcome. Dooooo stay awhile."

The new mare pushed up her glasses. She had a butter colored coat, with a crimson mane and pale purple streaks. Her eyes were also purple, in similarity to those streaks. It was none other than the infamous outcast herself, Moondancer, once the student of Princess Celestia. She uttered, "Thanks." She made a hard right, casually glancing about the books down the aisle, soon eventually stopping in front of Trixie's new novel. She peered at it with a stern yet blank expression, before soon continuing on with a mutter. "Hah ...what a joke."

A new arrival? What made her so special? That is what one pony thought.

Back within the present, the scorching sun beat down upon the face of a pony who looked far too exhausted to care. She was adorned in typical plated Nightmare Guard armor, which stood out horribly well when in combination with her coat and mane colors. She was a bright pink with a neon green mane, while her eyes were just as green if but a slightly darker shade. Her Cutie Mark? A couple of daisies. As was her name ... Daisy. Plain, typical, boring. That's what she thought. So how did she end up in this position? As a Nightmare Guard, with a special talent for gardening. It made no sense. Daisy was figuratively submerged within a pool of self pity currently. She kept herself leaned back at a table outside a cafe in Ponyville, not far from the town library.

As Daisy kept her eyes on the sky, she reflected also on why she was here in the first place.

Captain Jack stood in front of the mare in a pleading manner. Called towards the Ponyville Day Spa, Daisy wasn't too sure what this all could possibly entail. "Now Private Daisy, Private Caramel. I know it's a lot ta ask considering you're both off duty on the day cycle and I'll answer all yer questions later. But fer now, I've got another meeting ta attend to and could really use this favor. After that, I gotta check in back at the castle and more than likely Captain Dash will be looking ta rip my head off. So I want ya'll ta keep an eye on a new recruit for me, okay? She's not difficult, just a little bit different. Think ya two can handle it? I promise I'll repay ya."

Immediately a stallion accompanying Daisy raised his hoof to salute. It was a bright and shiny day! He was a successful recruit himself of the Nightmare Guard, and got assigned to the best position there is! Under Captain Jack, a beacon of positive energy and brightness in an often dark world. He smirked, wide and happily. "But of course Captain! We'd be honored to guard your new recruit! Even on our off-duty cycle! We need not an hour of rest while committing ourselves to a task you've assigned us! I'm thankful for the opportunity!"

Captain Jack snickered as she rubbed at the back of her neck. "Aw shucks, yer embarrassing me Private."

Private Daisy felt the cringe coming on as she looked towards Private Caramel. A plainly handsome stallion, with his boring caramel coat as his name suggested, along with that oak brown mane which was near always neatly combed. He was a nice enough fellow ... but an idiot. An optimistic, forgetful, happy go lucky idiot. An honor to serve off-duty? This was terrible! But of course Daisy simply rode the wave of others around her. She wanted to do some gardening, but now she couldn't since she'd been so hastily requested. Captain Jack's connections were beyond troublesome, considering she knew nearly anypony and everypony around. Enough influence to never be questioned, yet enough to question anypony else. In actuality, Daisy found the captain pretty mysterious. She always seemed so attached to everything, yet nothing at all. In the end she put on a smile and also saluted, "Agreed Captain Jack! What pain is there in a few extra hours?" Somepony kill me.

Captain Jack enthusiastically cheered. "That's great! Thank ya'll so much for this. I'll make it up with dinner later, my place my treat of course." She winked at them, before glancing around at multiple other passing guards whom simply went about their duties, before lowering her voice some. "For now she's still getting her mane cut. I already let her know I got another meeting I have ta attend to and I'd have liked for her to go straight back to my place." Then Captain Jack sighed as she glanced to her lower left with a pinch of frustration. "But as said she's different, and quite adamant about visiting the library. A harmless enough request, but what with everypony being up in hooves about this whole alicorn business ... with her, it becomes a bit more complicated." She smiled at the two, "I just want ya'll to tail her for now. Physically guarding her would makes things a bit more suspicious. If any of the other guards happen to approach her regardless, then ya'll can just direct them to me and I'll deal with em. So ya'll two are just my backups. Keep her out of trouble alright?"

Yes, simple enough orders Daisy thought. Even after Captain Jack left to go to see whomever she was meeting with, this put the mare at least a little more at ease. Surveillance on a new recruit? Wasn't the preferred way she'd spend her day but still easy enough. So she stood silently across an open cobble stoned road, alongside Private Caramel, just eyeing the Day Spa with little to no interest. Let the minutes flow and time would fly.

Private Caramel took admiration in the world around him. Always so chipper. He smirked, looking to the passing citizens and sunny skies in the background. Even all the children adorned in their dresses and suits they needed to wear for school. Seeing so many out caused him to wonder if they were on lunch currently. Either or, he was at peace. "Wonder who the new recruit is, the Captain seems to find her important huh?"

Daisy remained standing in position, both absently and casually. "You're probably overthinking it."

Private Caramel glanced up towards the sky. "Mmmmm ... maybe. It probably has to do with this whole alicorn business, and the Lockdowns. I'm just hoping I don't get deployed anywhere away from here. I love Ponyville."

Daisy glanced over at Caramel with a cocked brow. "Did Captain Jack ever say what the new recruit looks like?"

Private Caramel's eyes widened, as he raised a hoof to his muzzle. "Actually no, she didn't. She forgot and was hurrying off then, but she did mention to just look at her flank. That we couldn't possibly miss it?"

Daisy only looked more confused as she eyed him with a squint. "What?" What's that even mean?

Private Caramel blushed deeply as he shrugged. "H-Hey! She said it not me!"

Then came the gentle slam of the Day Spa door from across the street, drawing their attention.

Miss Aloe poked her head out of the Day Spa door, waving. "Come again dear! Zank you for your business!" She paused momentarily before uttering with a cupped muzzle, "And tell Lady Applejack to come again as well!"

As both Private Caramel and Daisy looked at one another, they slowly turned their gazes towards the front.

Standing by her lonesome was a purple unicorn, with a piece of paper elevated in front of her.

Shock steadily overcame both Private Caramel and Daisy the longer they stood in position. A ... unicorn?

Twilight cocked her head to the right as she sighed briefly. "Pretty hasty instructions."

The two eyed one another, exclaiming their surprise to each other instantaneously. "A unicorn!?"

Twilight kept a stilled and plain look upon her. Cool and collected from others' perspectives. She muttered absently to herself while some passing citizens looked at her, trying not to eye her too much. "Hm, seven kilometers based off a linear path. A couple of turns here and there but in reality it's still just primarily east from here." She paused, looking off into the distance of the direction she wished to go. "Ponyville ... sure is big."

Both Private Caramel and Daisy remained baffled as they watched Twilight with doe eyed expressions.

And so Twilight turned with plain stride as she closed her eyes temporarily, before then looking firmly off towards the distance of her final destination. "Okay, let's see." She huffed softly as she bit the tip of her tongue.

Private Caramel was having difficulty finding words, before eventually excitement overcame him. "A unicorn! Haha, Daisy, isn't this great!? This is the first unicorn we've ever got assigned to our squadron. Usually they're all assigned to the more in depth fields or combat ready positions. Her magic will be a ton of help in the kitchen! Don't you think so!?" He looked to her, "I'm so pumped! Hahaha! Wonder what her special talent is!"

Private Daisy was having a stream of thoughts but currently she only uttered one. "She's a blank flank."

Private Caramel, amidst his excitement, cocked a brow at her. "Huh? Blank flank?"

Private Daisy uttered again as she looked up at him. "Yes! A blank flank! First time I've ever seen an adult one." Daisy looked back to Twilight as she began trembling, before appearing frustrated. S-She's a pretty unicorn too! Why is somepony like her on our squadron? Did Captain Jack really find somepony like her necessary? Ugh!

Private Caramel began stretching his hooves. "Wow, what a surprising turnout! I can't wait to find out why!"

Private Daisy scoffed as she glanced away grumpily. "Ugh ... speak for yourself. We have no need for some random unicorn on our squadron! We've been doing fine in the kitchen all by ourselves. Now we're out here spending our free time off filly sitting a unicorn of all things? I'm sure she's old enough to take care of herself. This is just annoying." She looked down towards the ground, "I just wanna go home even more now."

Twilight nodded, "Okay. Honed, now ... jump." And just like that, she disappeared with a poof.

Private Caramel's eyes went wide. "D-Daisy."

Daisy glanced over and up at him again. "What?"

The stallion nudged her absently as he continued to eye across the street.

Some citizens also continued to observe where Twilight once stood, curious about her.

Daisy then immediately caught onto the fact Twilight was gone. She shrieked, as she raised her forehooves to her mane and groaned. "Ah! Cactus spines!" She glared over at Caramel, "She teleported! Roof roof roof!"

Private Caramel looked at her, feeding off her emotions, well more so her panic. "What roof!?"

Private Daisy gripped his cheeks, standing on her hind legs. "Any roof you idiot!" She shook her head, "Ah ... here!" She turned and immediately planted herself against the concrete wall of the closest building. An antique shop in specific. She motioned Private Caramel over as she rubbed some sweat from her forehead due to the heat. "Give me a nice buck up, then I can catch sight of her. Hurry! She might teleport again for all we know!"

Private Caramel nodded as he hurried on over and lifted her atop his shoulders. "Okay, I'm going to give you a slight boost then buck you up even higher in that moment, so steel your rear okay!? I don't want to hurt you."

Private Daisy glared down at him, snarling. "Or instead how about you just get down on your face, and we match our rear hooves together and you push?" She snapped at him, "I ain't going to steel anything, moron!"

Private Caramel lowered his face towards the pavement, as through steady maneuvering the two managed to match their rear hooves together. "Alright alright, was just a suggestion. Okay, you ready?" He raised a brow.

Private Daisy postured herself with a smirk as she looked upwards. "Yeah! Let's do this!"

Then immediately, Private Caramel rose up and went back to all fours, causing Daisy to slip and fall face first onto the pavement as he gasped. "Wait! Daisy! This is pointless, we already know where she's going!"

As she laid there flat on the pavement, Daisy groaned. "Oh ... we do don't we. That's good..."

Private Caramel nodded in reassurrance and determination. "Yes, the library! Duh! Even if she teleports, we still know where she's heading off to. Doesn't matter if she has a little headstart if she's still there anyhow."

As Daisy continued to lay there, she could only grumble in misery. Please ... let this duty be over soon.

Through the blistering heat, both Daisy and Caramel traversed the long paved paths of Ponyville. Through steep inclines, and pony packed slopes and shopping districts, they made the journey in their snug plated armor. As sweat poured down her face Daisy continued to contemplate the reasoning as to why they had to do this for some spoiled unicorn. Spoiled was all she could think of when she saw that new recruit. She was beautiful, unique for her blank flank, and seemed down to earth and completely comfortable with herself. In a way it hurt Daisy ... she thought this squadron was for those who weren't that special. She even cringed at the fact she considered that about herself. Lack of confidence much? Well, for her she couldn't have been wrong.

These dire thoughts mocked and choked Daisy's mind all the way through to the library. But after a good while of trekking, she had enough room to contemplate this decision by Captain Jack more fairly. Plus a dinner to look forward to later, quality wasn't her forte when it came to her own cooking, so she'd take it. Captain Jack made the best pies. At least, out of all those she's tried. Now here she was, relaxed sitting at a nice table outside a cafe, while Caramel checked out the library for the new recruit. She had to at least try to be more fair.

This shade from the cafe shadowing them sure helped with those attempts.

And eventually, Private Caramel returned in good grace, followed by a smirk as he wiped some sweat from his forehead. "Yep, all accounted for." He fell back into the opposing seat across from Daisy with a soft exhale.

Daisy kept her head leaned back as she peered up towards the sky. "What's she doing in there?"

Private Caramel shrugged absently as he remained seated. "Nothing really ... scouring through books."

Daisy yawned as she raised a hoof to her muzzle, "Seems harmless enough." She paused momentarily, "Hey Caramel. Why do you think Captain Jack brought this unicorn on board all of a sudden ... actually, now that I really think about it where did she come from? I've never seen her around. You think she's from another squadron at a more distant division?" She squinted, "I mean, it's so random. We were doing just fine with us."

Private Caramel planted a hoof against his cheek sluggishly, eyeing his companion with slight confusion. "I don't see the harm in it. She's probably just from a division not near ours, plus any extra help is just that, help. I'm pretty excited!" He closed his eyes and smiled wide at her. "Plus the Captain is probably going to explain it to us later." He crossed his hooves over one another. "Some change is always fun, regardless of the outcome."

Daisy fell silent for a moment, looking towards a fluffy white cloud. "I guess ... that's true in some ways."

Yet even so, Daisy was troubled. This new recruit did bring change, but oddly enough ... it made her uncomfortable.

Wide eyes and a focused smile remained locked on Twinkleshine. A silence echoing onward.

Both Lady Rarity and Twinkleshine remained situated in this dungeon room. Lady Rarity having pulled a chair of her own from the corner table. They just stared at one another in silence, with no dire escalation as of yet.

Twinkleshine's patience was wearing thin however. "So get on with it. What're you waiting for?"

Lady Rarity continued to smile, patiently. "And what is it you believe I'll be doing darling?"

Twinkleshine rolled her eyes, "Oh I don't know, bashing my face in? Poking at my broken horn? Tickling me to death?" She then turned a fierce glare upon Rarity. "I could easily think of a hundred different things some sicko that works for the Princess would enjoy inflicting upon anypony who dares goes against her rule."

Lady Rarity closed her eyes, sighing some. "I'm regretful you see things that way. I don't ever enjoy when complications arise, but I've grown accustomed to dealing with them. They are expected these days. But you're mistaken in my preferred manner of resolving such situations. You see I am a civilized Lady, and as such I would prefer to take the much more sane route." She smiled back at Twinkleshine, "You're a fighter, are you not dear Twinkleshine? With individuals such as yourself, I realize there's usually only one answer that suffices."

Twinkleshine squinted at her. "What're you getting at?"

Lady Rarity tilted her head to the right curiously. "How did you manage to escape the barrier's magic?"

Twinkleshine's eyes then went wide, before she huffed and smirked. "Bit too much caffeine."

Lady Rarity ignored her response, following up with another question. "How did you all best Captain Dash?"

Twinkleshine now wore a passive look. Her mind flashed to a single moment as she stood atop the rooftops of Canterlot, eyes poised towards the skies in awe. She saw a familiar and fiercely determined individual soar high above the clouds. Masses of debris entrapped by telekinetic magic. Twilight Sparkle, a black winged alicorn. To this memory she smiled, and closed her eyes as she spoke softly. "She bit off more than she could chew."

Lady Rarity now looked impassively towards the floor. "That sounds much like her." There was a long pause from her for some time, before she followed on again with a blank stare. "By chance, was it the alicorn?"

Twinkleshine didn't budge nor flinch. "Actually it was Joe from Joe's Donuts."

Lady Rarity chuckled softly, humoring her. "The point is, what you all accomplished that night is extraordinary. Unprecedented even. It is no doubt you're even more driven by your cause now that you've ... well, supposedly seen the impossible." She smiled softly, "I wish to do the same, by showing you personally how reckless this farce is. You believe the forces you bested is the spark of hope that'll stop the Princess? What you witnessed is but a fragment of the Princess' capabilities. I hope my display will inspire you to help save both you and your friends. Maybe, even the alicorn if you know her. Your information would be of utmost value to us all."

Twinkleshine glared at her further. "Keep dreaming psycho."

Lady Rarity stiffened her posture. "Exactly." And in a mere instant, black drowned out from Lady Rarity's horn, washing over her like water, only avoiding her eyes. The black embedded itself into her coat, as her mane became more flagrant and thick, while a ghostly white strip made itself known by spreading down all the way to the tip. A light blue aura emitted from her eyes, as darkness now crept throughout the entirety of the room.

Are you so inspired that you're willing to ignore the change it forces upon others? Lady Rarity inquired.

Private Daisy and Private Caramel continued to wait. Minutes passed ... and those minutes turned to hours.

Last she knew, they'd just been idly waiting by for the new recruit to emerge from library. But it was as if that unicorn had no problem with being nose deep in books for hours on end! Before she knew it, Daisy was in a deep sleep. Eventually as a dire amount of time passed, she slowly opened her eyes only to see Private Caramel also snoozing across from her. "Eh?" She leaned her head up, rubbing at the back of her neck with a groan. "Ugh ... Cactus spines." She closed her eyes as though it hadn't caught up with her yet, but she steadily realized their mistake. Gritting her teeth, the mare huffed before slamming both front hooves on the table!

Private Caramel immediately popped up as well, slobbering. "Eh! Who? What? W-What happened?"

Are you so eager to disrupt a working system that has kept Equestria balanced and stable? Lady Rarity persisted.

Both Private Caramel and Daisy were seen conversing with nearby citizens, particularly three teenage mares. Eventually the conversation coming to a halt as the mares directed them worriedly towards the castle. The two nodding to one another before hurrying off in that direction, obviously to reclaim the recruit they'd lost.

What drives you into failing to understand the consequences for your actions? Lady Rarity pleaded.

Twilight Sparkle stood within ranks still, a hurt yet tired look upon as her patience dwindled.

Trixie made her way through the rows of collected purple ponies, one by one. "Hm ... strange."

Twilight glanced over at Trixie without worry. For she knew what she was looking for. She's trying to find wounds, or signs of a scuffle. Afterall, the alicorn who went through what happened at Canterlot wouldn't come out unscathed. Though it should've been reassuring for Twilight, she only felt more troubled by her security. Yet here I am, untouched by all that occurred, despite the fall. What's happening to me? She looked down at her own hoof, even more distraught as her expression distorted into one of slight disgust. What sort of magic am I utilizing?

Trixie seemed amused as she trotted down Twilight's row casually. "Fine, fine, all fine. Trixie doesn't find any of them quite out of the ordinary. Nervousness in some yes ... but not near enough. Having been fired upon directly by me, there is no doubt that this alicorn culprit would at least show some sign of severe anxiety. Afterall, it is Trixie they are in the presence of." She chuckled softly as she made her way in stride down the row. "Yet all I have are ponies in awe." Which many were, Trixie had grown used to the stares of adoration and compliance that comes from being worshiped by lesser ponies. "At least ... the majority of what we have."

Twilight remained composed, though she knew now Trixie was only mere inches from her.

Trixie overlooked Twilight, a catty smirk upon her as she eyed the mare. "You, seem quite upset."

Many of the other mares and even the guards all looked upon the situation with uncertainty.

Yet even so, Twilight didn't budge nor seem to care. All she seemed to be dwelling on ... was herself.

Twinkleshine's eyes widened as she began to tremble, only slightly.

As Lady Rarity finished, her tone became more heavy and distant. "Welcome to part one, darling."

Twinkleshine glanced around as she noticed they were in a space now of infinite black. The walls couldn't be differentiated, and from her perspective it seemed as if all directions stretched infinitely into nothing. She remained fastened to the chair, as she gritted her teeth with an apparent nervousness. "What is this?"

Lady Rarity continued to sit politely. "This is the truth."

Twinkleshine continued to grit her teeth as she seemed on the verge of exploding into a incinerating ball of rage. She growled, "I'll destroy you. I'll demolish you. Let me out you coward!" She tried to writhe free from the binding of her chair as she huffed and snarled, "You think some more of that evil dream magic will scare me!?"

Lady Rarity chuckled again as she herself continued to sit. She closed her eyes again, "Well, I think you're ready for part two already." She looked at Twinkleshine with a slight sigh, "Now you're starting to understand things."

Twinkleshine leaned forward, snapping again. "Understand what!? You've changed nothing!"

Lady Rarity shrugged, "On the contrary, everything." And the moment she finished her sentence, the supposed infinite black shattered like glass as that infinite space filled itself with cracked mountainous landscapes surrounding them on all sides. Withered trees, a dry crusted dirt surface, and bubbling black lakes were not far off from their current position. As crashes of violet lightning echoed around them, Lady Rarity remained sitting. "Take it all in Twinkleshine, steadily. Overwhelm yourself with the knowledge of what you're now a part of."

Twinkleshine now froze, as she steadily trembled and was silent. She glanced around, absently. "H-Huh?"

Lady Rarity tilted her head to the left, peering at the unicorn. "This is her reality. Darling, what you see now is the Princess' sheer influence. The very essence of nightmare in physical form. You, I, all that I've done ... is through her grace and power. This vast endless landscape we sit in, is a realm the Princess once called home. It is a raw source of her magic, and a mirrored Equestria in its own right. An eternal reflection of her infinite potential. Do you see now? It's endless. For as long as such bitter emotions fester in our world, it empowers her own, emotions that have run rampant long before her rise to power. Power that she can seep into our colorful world, and utilize fully. Even if through mere cracks, it is everywhere. There is no escaping it. It is impossible."

Twinkleshine continued to try and take it all in, when suddenly her chair shattered. She fell to all fours, before looking at her hooves almost to confirm she'd actually been freed. But the shock was still apparent as she continued glancing around again. "A-All this ... is the Princess' magic?" Though she couldn't possibly hide the fact this display wracked her nerves, it wasn't enough to demotivate her, not in the slightest. "Again, so what? What does it matter? The alicorn can find a way to stop this. We all can, there's always a way to fix things."

Lady Rarity began to chuckle as she looked down upon Twinkleshine from her position. "Don't you understand darling? You're so sweet ... so innocent. You believe you're fighting against the Princess, when in reality you're only just helping her. The alicorn and her friends? The Princess already knows her influence is not the same in that alicorn's world compared to the one you may have saw. Circumstances ... have already changed. Don't you get it yet?" Lady Rarity paused, smiling softly. "The more you fight, the stronger her magic becomes. Stop it."

Twinkleshine swiped a hoof while still on all fours, "If we overcame her spell! We can overcome this too!"

Lady Rarity tilted her head to the left now with a curious look again. "Overcame? You mean ... escaped?"

Twinkleshine's eyes widened as she flinched. She thought back to Lady Rarity's words from earlier.

(Lady Rarity questioning her within that black space. How did you manage to escape the barrier's magic?)

Lady Rarity folded her forehooves over her lap as she frowned softly at Twinkleshine. "You cannot hope to progress forward if all you do is run from the objective darling. The alicorn's arrival was a result of a mistake she made from her world, not ours. This is me being generous with information. You all are at an utter disadvantage as it stands, seeing as the Princess knows now how to prepare for the future. But what about all of you? What reliable method have you discovered to stop the Princess?" She squinted a bit, "Are you even aware of the sacrifices you'll have to make? The ponies that'd be lost because of your selfish rebellions?"

Twinkleshine began to tremble, as she was on the verge of desperation. Her frustration only growing as the seconds passed on. What did this monster know about anything? What did she understand? She played an active role in it all! "You have no right! No right to talk about lost lives! You sacrificed so many! Don't you dare talk as if we're the villains okay!?" Twinkleshine trembled as she shut her eyes tight, shouting more passionately at the mare. "It's not what we want! But we're prepared to do what we have to for a better more fair world!"

Lady Rarity closed her eyes absently. "Hm, I wonder if your fellow citizens of Canterlot knew that before you decided it'd be best to trap them here ... in this desolate and dangerous place. It truly is a shame, when you have a group that so passionately imposes their will upon those who could care less about what you believe."

Twinkleshine flinched again as she immediately snapped back. "What makes you any better!?"

Lady Rarity responded back simply. "Wealth, status, experience, power. Things you need to succeed."

Twinkleshine scoffed at her words, feeling baited with petty insults. "Hah!"

Lady Rarity continued now, still relaxed. "This place, they're all trapped here, suffering."

Twinkleshine began trembling again as her eyes were on the ground, her thoughts racing.

Lady Rarity peered off into the distance. "It's now my job to help them you know ... well since, due to the complications that have risen in Canterlot, we lost a very valuable member of our team. One who could ensure the safety of the citizens, but it seems he has rebelled against us. The childish antics of one who held too much responsibility to begin with. A result that perhaps could've been avoided, if you all stayed your hooves and allowed the system to run its course. You understand what happens to ponies who are trapped here don't you?" She closed her eyes and chuckled, "They are consumed by the remnant nightmares present here time and again, only to be reborn and become meals once more. The experience may not be permanent but the memories are. The trauma stays, the recollection of pain. It is a terrifying magic darling, a cruel unfair fate."

Twinkleshine then burst into hysterical laughter, eyes closed and howling in amusement.

Lady Rarity now flinched momentarily, as she then eyed the fellow mare with an irritated squint.

Twinkleshine uttered out confidently, "Just how scared of her are you? The alicorn?"

Lady Rarity's eyes widened, as she snapped at Twinkleshine. "Scared? Now is not the time for such-"

But Twinkleshine interrupted. "You've sat here babbling on about things we can't change. Trying so hard to convince me to give up on my friends because the Princess is so untouchable. This place ... this, truth. All it tells me is that's even more reason we have to stop all this. Your passionate pleas to get me to understand only tell me you're afraid." She smirked at the mare with anticipation. "Time is running out for the Princess' regime."

A long moment of silence drew on as Lady Rarity didn't say anything.

Then ... suddenly, the world around them vanished instantaneously, returning back to the dungeon room.

Twinkleshine found herself in her chair again, as she blinked a few times and looked around. "Huh?"

Lady Rarity looked to Twinkleshine with a hint of frustration, sadness ... but ultimately understanding. She sighed heavily, looking upon her sympathetically as if she were a child. "Of course I'm frightened you dolt. This alicorn terrifies me, but not for reasons you think. But fine, believe what you will for now, you have the right to time. I believe eventually you'll come to understand." She closed her eyes and rose from her seat, using magic to open the door. "I'll have you sent to more suitable quarters shortly." She smiled softly, "I'm patient."

Twinkleshine glared at her. "It's like you're just asking for me to escape. Your hospitality won't change a thing."

Lady Rarity glanced back at her absently. "That's a risk I'm willing to take, if it'll get you to understand ... dear Twinkleshine." Using telekinetic magic, she retrieved her top and fastened it back on masterfully without effort.

Twinkleshine cocked a brow at Lady Rarity, frowning some before looking away. "Pft!"

Lady Rarity gently closed the door behind her, as she casually trotted down the hall.

I won't harm you dear Twinkleshine. If I can convince one as stubborn as you freely, it'll all be worth it.

You'll come to understand the line that must be crossed to reach our precious Princess.

Twilight remained silent as she kept her gaze lowered momentarily. She couldn't pinpoint why exactly her mood felt so foul. But as Trixie stood here in front of her, awaiting some sort of reaction, she realized that perhaps it was due to the fact she'd been troubled by Trixie. This mare she looked up to so greatly, had witnessed what'd happened in Canterlot, yet still so diligently kept to her duties. Was it out of fear or pressure? Or did she really enjoy playing a part in all this? Twilight felt she didn't really have the effort to understand, but regardless, it hurt her. It upset her. Yet still, even so ... she slowly turned her gaze forward with gentle eyes, and not a sign of irritation, stating, "I'm fine, Ma'am." Yes, she had to be fine right now. As much as she wanted all the answers from Trixie at this moment, she realized that time would come. But what hurt most of all is that inspiration she thought she had, faded without a trace. Twilight hadn't even realized it until just this moment.

Trixie smiled back at her in an almost playfully snide manner. "Well, that's good to hear."

Twilight looked in Trixie's eyes, and they remained there staring at one another for a good few seconds. The day cycle was already nearly halfway through, resulting in a setting sun gracing both of their features as they stood before one another, not far from Nightmare Moon's castle. The more Twilight looked in the face of her supposed hero, the more another face couldn't escape her thoughts. Moondancer, was all that was there.

Trixie slowly trotted past Twilight, closing her eyes as she uttered sarcastically. "I was starting to get worried."

Despite coming to an understanding in that moment, Twilight still felt a slight sting in her chest.

Meanwhile, in the background standing alongside some guards. Diane eyed Twilight blankly, she kept her eyes fastened on the mare yet said nothing nor intervened. Instead, she smiled softly with a mutter. "She's good."

Even after their group had been dismissed, Twilight still felt her mood was shot. As she made her way farther from the castle grounds, she had her books all stacked neatly with telekinetic magic but didn't read a single one. She kept her gaze fastened on the dirt path before her. She was alone currently, trekking up a steep hill. In the background, one could see the mid-phase of the day cycle in all its beauty, a now setting sun. The warm light now radiated its grace by emitting a warm glow which bounced from leaf to leaf, shimmering off the trees of Everfree. Twilight took a moment to pause, and think to herself. To simply stand still, and look off towards that distance. She wanted a moment of silence, to consider her route from here. Where will this all lead?

"Alright, forget it with this tailing stuff! If the Captain wants to punish me then let her!"

Twilight's eyes widened as she blinked a few times. Before then looking further up the path.

Stomping towards her grumpily was a bright pink guard with ... a neon green curly mane?

The stallion accompanying her seemed awfully nervous. "W-Wait Daisy! Think about this!"

Twilight continued to look upon the mare. She was a bit confused, but far from frightened.

Private Daisy got in Twilight's face, pressing a hoof against her muzzle. "Private Daisy at your service, recruit! You know Captain Jack right? Good!" She glared back at Private Caramel, "See, easy as pie!" She then looked back to Twilight tiredly, "Listen, I have no idea why Captain Jack found it necessary to bring some pretty, sheltered, I'm-so-special unicorn like you on board and at this point, I don't really care. You got your books so you should be satisfied! So you're coming with us back to Captain Jack's place till she gets there! Got it!?"

Twilight's expression eased up more softly, though in an inspecting manner upon the mare. A-Ah ... Applejack's guards? So this is what was implied by 'tailing'. I guess she just wanted me to stay safe, it is a fair reaction.

Private Caramel cringed as he raised a hoof to his mane in worry.

But Twilight just reacted casually with half-closed eyes. "That sounds quite reasonable."

Private Daisy and Private Caramel each cocked a brow at Twilight, well ... due to her simplicity.

Twilight opened one of her books and trotted past the mare, reading absently. "I'll follow, Ma'am."

Private Daisy rubbed at the back of her mane, as she shrugged at Private Caramel. From there she hurried on past the both of them, putting on a confident posture as she lead them along the way to Captain Jack's.

Meanwhile Private Caramel didn't hesitate to rush beside Twilight. "H-Hey! New recruit, uh ... listen, if you don't mind can you tell the Captain you approached us first? Also, you seem pretty interesting, sorry we weren't there to help when you got dragged to the castle for an inspection. Are you from around here? What're your hobbies? Also ... uuuuh, are you going to the Midnight Moon Celebration Festival? You should! Our whole squad is going!" Private Caramel seemed to keep going on and on endlessly. Not that Twilight had any issue with it.

Twilight kept her mind at a steady calm. Well panicking won't solve anything. Beginning, middle, or end.

Lady Rarity was on the second level of the castle, also looking out towards the distant trees as well. She was completely silent, as she thought to herself, alone in private chambers. She reflected on once buried memories.

Princess .... you've entrusted me with your image. But will you let me go about it my way this time?

Her vision was fuzzy, not all there. She slowly opened her eyes, as the setting came into view. Stone plastered with black, stone floors, stone ceilings, chairs, everything. The entire place was covered in a squirming black substance, infinite and eternal. Screams slowly became more distinct, as the ringing in her ears quieted down.

Not as brash as Captain Dash. Not as meek as Captain Jack. A balance, to preserve what is meaningful.

Then just like like that, everything appeared. Clear as day, and the pieces all aligned. There stood Lady Rarity, but not herself. She was something else. Her eyes were wide as she stood at the center of a large stone room, once adorned with decorative furniture and gold shining bright. Surrounding her, griffons were stuck in the black substance, screaming and attempting to writhe themselves free as they squawked and cried. Lady Rarity's coat was as black as the substance itself, but her expression was one of shock and loss. What was all this? She looked down at her own hoof, unable to decipher what she needed to understand. How did this all happen?

"You monster!" A griffon guard screamed, elevated not far ahead of her and overhead. He held a curved blade in his talon, as a look of ferocity overwhelmed him. "You ponies are all rotten to the core!" He spread his wings before giving them a powerful flap in sync, charging her from his current position. "Rotten to the core!"

Lady Rarity trembled as she raised her forehooves in a frightened manner. "N-No ... I, I didn't-" she didn't have time to finish as she cowered, lowering her frame and covering her head. "Please! I'm sorry! I'm truly sorry!" But in the few seconds it took for the griffon to assault her, the echo of pierced armor rang out along with a squawking wail. Lady Rarity slowly opened her eyes and saw before her, the griffon guard now limp and motionless as it'd been pierced by the black substance. Like quicksand, his body began to sink within it, as his eyes gave a solemn soulless gaze. Lady Rarity's expression was now empty, she couldn't find words to say.

"My sweet precious ambassador. Are you alright? I was so worried." A voice of familiar grace rang out.

Lady Rarity continued to tremble, as the creaking of large stone doors behind her echoed. The luminescent brightness of the moonlight now poured into the room, becoming more apparent. She turned her head slowly, cautiously, as tears swelled in her eyes. There she saw a figure just as dark as her standing in the doorway, one she knew all too well at this point in her life. One whose presence only made her feel more conflicted.

With the dark blue starlit sky behind her, and rolling hills nestled in the distance ... stood Princess Nightmare Moon. As she stood there in the doorway, a look of amused adoration adorned her. Her smile was cheeky, her eyes squinted as she eyed Lady Rarity with a deep affection. "Rarity ... you look unwell. What's wrong? I came as fast as I could you know." She glanced around, eyes now wider than before. "But, it seems our guards were a little over dramatic. You didn't need my help at all." Hushed chuckles escaped her then as she began trotting further inside to approach the unicorn. "On the contrary, I'd say you're right in your element. Right with me."

Lady Rarity looked ahead again, still unable to shake her shock of the situation, and still trembling.

Princess Nightmare Moon soon stood right beside her, then wrapping a hoof gently around her as she lowered her head beside Lady Rarity's. "I always knew you had it in you." She pressed her cheek against the mare's, nuzzling her before planting a kiss on the side of her head. "It's alright now, so you can stop trembling. One of such class and sophistication should be more composed, no?" Princess Nightmare Moon peered out with a wide satisfied smile at the rest of the room. "Your gentle heart proved it can take on my influence, and use it when needed. You strive to do what's best so I know it hurts it ended up this way, and the griffons won't forget what happened here. But all that aside, you are exceptionally talented." She took a few trots forward, "And delectably driven to incorporate my desires with your world image. Such a cherished admiration for beauty." She glanced back at her again, nose wrinkling in a playful manner. "I knew I saw something special in you."

Lady Rarity began to tear up absently, as she lowered her head. "Princess ... I, this wasn't a part of my image."

Princess Nightmare Moon's eyes widened as she seemed curious for a split second ... surprised. But soon followed up with yet another smile, before turning with stride and approaching Lady Rarity. "My precious Rarity, your name echoes my adoration of your sentiments. You're so distraught we have strayed from the vision you desired, you believe in your quality and I would be unwise to question that. But this is a path you have adapted to time and again, I'm sure somehow ... you'll find a way. You always do." She tilted Lady Rarity's head up, peering into her eyes. "And just like before I know you will find a way to fix all this, for you are the glistening gem of this world. The beautiful fabric that has held it together. I know I can count on your craft."

Lady Rarity glanced to her lower right, looking away as she muttered. "Yes you can ... Princess."

Princess Nightmare Moon pulled her close, as she began using a hoof to stroke her mane. The two black figures standing out in the moonlight. "Good girl. I look forward to the finished product. As long as you never betray me, I promise all you hold dear will remain safe within my embrace. We still have much to do."

Two nightmare guards appeared in the doorway, one proclaiming, "Princess ... more griffons are on their way."

The second of the two nodded, "Griffon royal guards desperate to reach the throne room. What should we do?"

Princess Nightmare Moon continued to smile down at Lady Rarity who was held against her breastplate, she smirked before turning her gaze towards her guards. "Let them come. I've been craving a new sense of order."

It isn't ideal, but it can be worked with. I can achieve the perfect balance, if only you'd all let me. If only....

Lady Rarity sighed heavily as she hung her top over a nearby chair in these chambers. "I best go check on Sweetie Belle." She patted her cheeks with both forehooves, looking over herself in a mirror, then smiling.

Well, allow me to discard this black gem temporarily. Afterall, the Midnight Moon Celebration is soon.

Meanwhile, as many pondered what changes the future held for themselves. In a distant house in a more rural living area of Ponyville, a young slumbering creature rose with a yawn, stretching its furry arms upward. With long lashes and a fuzzy white snout, it was none other than a young diamond dog. Her room was garnished with high class furniture, even a large curtained bed all for herself. She currently wore a purely white dress, without a speck or stain upon it. Awakened by the creeping sunlight piercing through some velvet curtains, she blinked a few times, smiling gently to herself. "Ah, the day cycle has already arrived. How nice ... hehe."

She gently removed her covers from atop her lap before climbing out of bed, needing to hang over the edge to allow her pawed feet to touch the ground first. She pat her muzzle again, before making her way over to a dresser and reaching for a picture, to which she stared at fondly. "Good morning Mother. It's another quiet day on the surface here in the nice town of Ponyville. I hope you and the others are all doing okay as well!" She kissed the picture softly before setting it gently back upon the dresser. It was revealed to be a picture of a smiling pegasus mare in glasses and a buttoned white coat. Her mane was long, pink, and curled, while her coat was a pale yellow. Around her neck was a fastened butterfly pendant necklace, made entirely of silver.

The young diamond dog had an exact duplicate of the same necklace, to which she grabbed nearby off the same dresser. She fastened it around her neck delicately before giggling merrily. "Now, time for work!"

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