• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter III: Beyond the Reign

Chapter III: Beyond the Reign

Chapter 2 Recap: Something big is coming. As per the words of Lieutenant Dust, subordinate of the renown Captain Dash, something that may affect the entirety of Equestria. What this could mean this early on, could be anypony's guess. Though it is something Moondancer has taken note of, while Twilight Sparkle has proceeded to remain indifferent. A choice the pair may soon come to regret. As the two proceed to carry on casually with other concerns, greater forces have already begun to turn their gears.

Dark and leering. Submerged in darkness and shadow, despite the vacancy of the owner, it remained.

A lone pegasus mare was knelt before the throne of Nightmare Moon, as despite the throne itself being empty, that was all she could think to describe how it made her feel, the ominous presence it gave off despite the princess herself not being there, sent chills down her spine. The throne room was vast, possessing an infinite moonlit glow and blue sapphire haze which seemed to be embedded into the very walls. It was spotless, every surface and piece of furniture having been dusted numerous times, with various tapestries hung and draped to show the many chapters of Nightmare Moon's brief rule. The pegasus took a moment to glance around at each of them in plain curiosity. She was sky blue in color, while donned in the Nightmare Guard armor of a darker shade. Her mane was cut into the fashion of a militaristic mohawk, and consisted of all various colors of the rainbow. While her eyes were a cranberry color, which seemed to stand out against the moonlight glow. The pegasus remained patiently knelt, supposedly waiting for the princess in her silence.

Making their way into the throne room however, was another mare. She was a unicorn, gorgeous and possessing a hint of royalty. Her violet mane was fastened into a bun as was her tail, and she wore more professional attire, which looked as if it were tailored specifically for her. She trotted with an obvious sense of class, while her natural white coat shone in the moonlight, her cutie mark itself seemed to glisten along with it, it being an assortment of three perfect diamonds. The unicorn's deep passive gaze was all penetrating, and she tossed casual glances around the throne room as if inspecting it, making sure everything was in tip top shape. However, as she eventually made her way before the throne, she couldn't help but notice the knelt pegasus nearby. "What, are you doing?" She inquired.

The pegasus rose, as she looked seriously at the unicorn. "I've come to see the princess!"

The unicorn remained atop the steps leading up to the throne, as if she herself were a powerful figure in her own right. She squinted at the pegasus, in utter impatience. "Well the princess is not present at the moment Captain Dash, perhaps you should use your eyes."

The pegasus, revealed as Captain Dash, frowned as her nose wrinkled in annoyance. "Well, where has she gone then Rarity?"

And the unicorn, now revealed as one known only as Rarity, flinched. "I do not recall ever having to answer to you. The princess's business is her own. But if you truly must know, she has gone off to inspect the conditions of the dragons. Ever since your little mishap with those two foreigners, she has been quite on edge. I am certain she would prefer not to see you if at all possible."

Captain Dash flinched herself, as if struck by the unicorn's words. She grumbled beneath her breath as she peered intensely at her with a deep and passive annoyance. "You weren't there. You don't have any idea what it was like! So don't you dare look down on me!"

Rarity scoffed, as she scowled lightly at the captain, in slight amusement. "Bah! Trust me, it is far too late for that darling."

Captain Dash snarled fiercely at the unicorn, her anger becoming more apparent with every smug word that left Rarity's muzzle. She pressed closer towards the throne, tossing her helmet aside. "You believe I'm not fit for duty!? Is that it!? Then why don't you just say it then!? Admit it so I can prove you wrong!" She began climbing the steps up towards the throne. "Come on, say something!"

Rarity's expression worsened, as she looked more disgusted with Captain Dash with every trot she took. "What do you think you're doing? You dare conduct yourself in such a manner here? Show some class Dash, lest you want to look like an even bigger fool."

Captain Dash eventually reached the unicorn, as she pressed her nose against hers, glaring intensely at her. "Scared?"

Rarity gave the pegasus a troubled glare of her own, as she promptly shoved her away. "Back away from me!" She began patting herself off as if she'd been dirtied by Dash's touch. "To be frank, there is only one I fear and it certainly isn't you, Captain Dash."

Captain Dash growled still at the unicorn. "Well soon it's gonna be, if you keep insulting my capability to protect the princess!"

Rarity's eyes widened as she glanced back to the pegasus in annoyance. "Are you threatening me?" Her horn started to glow.

Captain Dash burst into laughter. "Bahahaha! And what if I was!? You're just some tailor, not a soldier Rarity!" She gradually smirked at the unicorn as she still possessed a hint of anger, accompanied with anticipation. "Unless you wanted to prove me wrong?"

Rarity's glare fastened on the pegasus further, as many of the tapestries in the background became enveloped in her magical aura. She placed a hoof on her chest in offense. "I am the one who decorated the throne room. I am the one who the princess chose to personally accommodate her castle. I am the one who ensures this place remains neatly intact. And you believe you can come in here and threaten me!?" Rarity lowered her head. "Who do you think you are?" While the throne's shadow discretely crept closer towards her.

Captain Dash smirked and spread her wings. "Thaaaaat's it." But she didn't notice the shadows, creeping ever closer towards Rarity.

"Now that's enough you two!"

Rarity and Captain Dash paused with brow raises, before in unison, they both looked back towards the castle entrance.

There trotting up towards the throne was yet another mare. She bore a pale orange coat and a long, bushy, yellow mane. Her eyes were bright green, as fresh as grass, while she sported three apples as her cutie mark. She wore a look of confusion yet annoyance with the two ponies who stood before the throne. And much like Captain Dash, she wore Nightmare Guard armor. However, unlike the pegasus, her two back hooves were completely encased in a particular armor as well, sheets of gray metal. She stopped before the steps of the throne, and merely glared up at them, demanding an explanation. "What in the hay is going on here? Are ya'll crazy, doin this in the castle?"

Captain Dash scowled at the new pony before turning around completely and heading down the steps. "Tch!"

Rarity closed her eyes and began patting herself off again, before the throne's shadow receded back to its original position. "Hmph!"

Captain Dash continued trotting, all the way down to ground level again, before making her way past the orange mare.

The orange mare's gaze followed Dash all the way, before she had to turn around to see her leaving. "Dash! Now wait a minute!"

Rarity remained standing at the top before the throne, now looking down impatiently at the orange mare. "Please do ensure that rabid dog minds her manners the next time she decides to trot into this castle. I will not be so lenient next time around." With that the unicorn turned around herself, returning to her business, as she began ensuring the tapestries and furniture were still in tip top shape as usual.

The orange mare glanced back at Rarity only for a moment in suspicion, before continuing on out the castle after Captain Dash.

As the orange mare made it outside, it was obvious that the castle was now fortified like a military facility. Surrounding the perimeter, in the open fields near the castle, groups of Nightmare Guards trained with various weapons. Some were using swords, others were using axes, while majority were using lances and other various forms of polearms. Large orbs of light encased in magic, surrounded the castle as well, acting as forms of spotlights in the darkness. There were now well constructed checkpoints and gates of pony architecture, further off in the distance, particularly closer towards the dirt pathways which lead up to the castle on its numerous sides. Even traders were present, consisting of all shapes and sizes, as well as ages, eager to make bits off the Nightmare Guards, and other workers in the castle who might need resources in order to keep up with the princess's standards. However, this was all common information now, unless an onlooker were a new citizen, they should have already been familiar with this setup. The orange mare kept her eyes on Captain Dash, who was trotting further and further away. She wore an annoyed expression as she began speeding up her pace. "Dash! Hold on a second will ya!?"

But Captain Dash kept ignoring the orange mare's plea, as she trotted for one of the checkpoints near the forest path.

Realizing that she was just going to keep getting ignored, the orange mare shook her head before hurrying her trot into a light sprint and cutting Captain Dash off, getting in front of her before placing a hoof against the pegasus' chest. "Will ya just stop already!?"

Captain Dash's nose wrinkled in annoyance with the mare. "What do you want Captain Jack!? Can't you see I'm busy!?"

The orange mare, otherwise known as Captain Jack, sighed with a frown. "What's wrong with you? And I told you ta call me AJ."

Captain Dash frowned right back, as she glanced to her right, trying to hide her obvious frustration. "Fine, AJ, and don't bother. Nothing's wrong with me! So why don't you go mind your own business with your own squadron already!?" She huffed.

AJ wore a humored smile as she gave Dash a tired look at the same time. "Ya always trying ta play tough, but it's plain as day based on the look on your face. And my team's good, but what about yours? I haven't seen them around at all for the last few days."

Captain Dash sighed and rubbed at the back of her mane. "I sent them on a personal task. I would've gone with em, but I wanted the chance to speak with the princess. I had no idea that she was heading off to the land of dragons." She frowned further.

AJ shrugged as she made her way beside Captain Dash. "Well o'course she did. What with the dragon and what was it, an actual alicorn? She is all in her bunches bout who they might be. Rumor has it the alicorn might've been a foreigner, seeing as she was with a dragon. What sort of pony hangs out with dragons? Which leads me to why I was looking for you in the first place." She smiled.

Captain Dash regarded AJ with a raised brow. "What?"

The two began trotting casually now towards the checkpoint, together. AJ continued with what she was saying. "The Lockdown is happening pretty soon here. I wanted to know if ya knew all the locations around Equestria it's gonna be happening at?"

Captain Dash gave AJ a tired glare. "Weren't you at the briefing?"

AJ chuckled lightly before rubbing at the back of her mane again in embarressment. "Naw, I thought I told ya, I'm no combat pony. I'm primary culinary services. I make apple products, not war. I was busy teaching my squadron how ta cook around that time."

Captain Dash couldn't help but smirk as she peered towards the sky. "Hah, that's funny. You're a famous cook, but also a part of The Big Three just like me." Her expression saddened as she lowered her head and gazed towards the dirt. "Exactly like me...."

AJ paused as she made her way in front of Captain Dash again. "See, that there, what is that?"

Captain Dash flinched as she pulled her head back some. "W-What?!"

AJ continued persistently with a hoof point. "That right there! Don't think I didn't notice!" She frowned worriedly. "Ya been really offset lately Dash, and you're the only one who pretends not to notice. You're depressed about something, and I want ta know what."

Dash's gaze turned back towards the ground in hesitation and passive frustration, as she remained silent.

The two stood together, alone in the middle of the dirt path now some ways away from the castle, and near the checkpoint.

AJ kept her persistent gaze locked onto her. "Dash, there ain't no running away from this. Tell me what's the matter."

Dash gave AJ a suspicious glare as she still looked hesitant, and slightly afraid. "Why do you care?"

AJ sighed and rolled her eyes, before placing a hoof over her chest. "Maybe not all of us in the Nightmare Guard have to be as stern and stubborn as the princess wants us ta be. Ya really wanna know why I'm part of The Big Three, Captain Dash? Because other ponies like me. I happen ta have a talent for cookin, bucking things, and I got a good reputation. That's all there is to it honestly. I'm just a down ta earth pony. I know your reputation as the big bad captain means a lot ta ya, but even you need ta know when ta reach out ta others for help, especially your companions. Now why don't ya tell me what's wrong? I have a knack for smoothin things out." She smiled softly.

Captain Dash's gaze drifted back to the ground momentarily, before shifting to the left and right nervously. She grumbled, gritting her teeth a bit as she still looked extremely hesitant. When suddenly her eyes widened and she glared straight at AJ in frustration. "Fine then! I'll tell you what's wrong! I'm the big screwup!" She placed a hoof on her chest as if she were making a declaration. "Ever since that dragon and that alicorn came here, the princess has questioned my abilities! W-Which she has every right to but, but still! I HAVE to prove to her that I'm still as capable as I was before!" She huffed angrily as she bit her lower lip for but a moment. "She may be preoccupied with all this time magic stuff, but, I'll prove to her that I'm still the best of the best in the Nightmare Guard!" Rainbow peered at AJ with eagerness as she smirked gradually. "I'm going to find a way to beat that alicorn before she does. And when I do, I'll bring her back as my prisoner. Once the princess sees that, then she'll forgive me for screwing up, and everything will return back to normal!"

AJ's eyes were wide with surprise as she looked at Captain Dash in a perplexed manner. "Why're you so shaken up over somethin ya could never see comin? And it don't matter what she thinks, she'll get over it eventually. There's no reason ya have to be so loyal to her."

Captain Dash glared fiercely at AJ in an angered manner, speaking in a cold tone. "For that comment, I should have you thrown in the dungeons...." But she turned around and sighed, trotting a few feet in the opposing direction before lowering her head.

AJ didn't seem to be frightened by the threat however, and continued giving Dash that estranged look. "Tell her whatever ya want, but I doubt you'd do that. I know it Captain Dash, deep down inside you're not as bad as everypony else says, and you're not a monster."

Captain Dash's expression saddened at that word. But her anger returned as she thought back to what AJ was implying, and looked back at her. "And neither is she! Some ponies say the princess is this monster when it isn't even true! None of them know a thing about her, yet they pretend to! She has every right to be angry at me! So I HAVE to prove myself to her no matter what!" She scowled.

AJ's expression sunk some as she seemed conflicted. "I'm not saying she's a total monster. All I'm sayin is ever since she took over, things in Equestria have changed drastically. Most of the time, not for the better. I spent most of my life down in Manehattan, growing up, struggling ta learn about myself, but overall life wasn't too bad. But when Nightmare Moon took over, it wasn't long till my family told me the farm wasn't going swell. The constant cold had changed their lives dramatically. It's why I joined the guard, it's why we also convinced the princess ta raise the sun, even if for a short time. I had ta provide for my family, and I'm not the only one. There's plenty o'ponies around Equestria, whose lives were dramatically affected by Princess Nightmare Moon's rule. I know things change but," she glanced to the lower right skeptically, "If Princess Celestia were still around, then none of this would've happened. There wouldn't be tensions between the other races and ponies, nights wouldn't be longer than the day, life would've been better." She frowned, unsure about how she felt.

Captain Dash snapped back quick. "Speak for yourself!"

AJ's eyes widened in surprise as she gave Dash a troubled stare from her position.

Captain Dash now looked towards the sky stubbornly. "It's nice life was all well and good for you under Celestia's rule." She lowered her head with a saddened expression. "But I've had to prove myself time and again, I had to show ponies that it didn't matter if I was a blank flank. But they didn't care, they judged me anyway. Even in the flight schools, I was the constant laughing stock of the class, and nopony ever took me seriously." She smiled, almost in a nostalgic manner. "But not the princess. She didn't care, not one bit." She turned around to face AJ again. "All that mattered to her if I was good enough to protect her, my actions proved I was the best, not the mark on my flank! And that's what she saw me for! She saw me for who I was, not some mark that should've defined me!" She stomped a hoof.

AJ raised a hoof to her head in confusion as she had to take a moment. "Wait wait wait,....You're a blank flank?"

Captain Dash's eyes snapped wide as she flushed red, before growling fiercely at AJ and stomping past her.

AJ turned to follow after her. "W-Wait! It's, it's not like that matters or anythin! I'm just sayin, I had no idea! I-"

But Captain Dash turned, swiping an angry hoof at the earth pony. "And you know what, Captain Jack!? That's not all! You think Princess Celestia was so high and mighty!? Then why did she let other races put ponies in danger!? Dragon attacks! Diamond Dog ponynappings! ...Changelings. So many things were putting ponies in danger and nothing was done about it! But not with Princess Nightmare Moon! She put them in their place! Ponies are now safer than they've ever been! The border is secure! Our military power is stronger than ever before! And it's all because Princess Nightmare Moon isn't afraid to take action! Princess Celestia? She let others trot all over us! But in Princess Nightmare Moon's world, there are consequences! Actions, speak louder than words!" She pressed closer towards her.

AJ leaned forward as she shook her head, desperate to explain to the pegasus. "B-But, that's not what we ponies are about!"

Captain Dash scowled yet again. "As I said before," she turned around again, "Speak for yourself."

"Now what is the meaning of this!? Trixie demands an explanation!"

Captain Dash and AJ paused yet again, as they peered back towards the checkpoint. There standing in the way of the newly crowned apprentice of Nightmare Moon, were two nameless guards. They had their lances crossed, stopping her from entering.

Captain Dash cringed as she broke off into a sprint towards the checkpoint. "Shoot!"

AJ just sighed, and continued following after her.

After arriving at the checkpoint, both Captain Dash and AJ stood a few feet behind the guards. They could see the guards wore no expressions, and were simply doing their duty in blocking outsiders without proper identification, or a pass to move on past the checkpoint. It was a new protocol that'd been instilled, ever since the alicorn so easily passed in and out of the castle grounds. While standing before the guards with a furious expression was a unicorn mare, similar to Captain Dash in color but possessing a snow white mane instead. Her eyes were pale violet and she wore a black hooded cloak, held together by a strange foreign pendant with a blood red ruby in the center of it. Captain Dash swiped a hoof, breathing heavily. "Let her pass you two! That's Trixie Lulamoon! The new apprentice of the princess!"

The guard's eyes widened as they each wore shocked and nervous expressions. They immediately backed off and sheathed both their lances, standing silent at their previous positions and just peering down at Trixie, hoping she wouldn't take too much offense.

Trixie gave them each disgusted scowls, before casually trotting past them. "Hmph!" As she made her way past the checkpoint, she glared angrily at both Captain Dash and AJ, before placing a hoof over her chest. "This is utterly ridiculous! Captain Dash! Do not think Trixie doesn't know who you are! What is the meaning of this!? Where were you to personally escort me!? To think I had to trot through the forest myself is absolutely incomprehensible! And how do these two buffoons not know of Trixie!? She DEMANDS an explanation!!!"

Dash immediately bowed her head in an apologetic manner. "My apologies Trixie! There should've been somepony to escort you! I'd gotten word the princess personally had somepony tasked with that assignment! There is no excuse for you having to make your way through the forest alone!" She gave a stern and serious stare at the unicorn as she continued. "As for the fact why the guards didn't recognize you, we all have little time to listen to the radio here at the castle and during training! They were aware of your coming, but not all the guards may be familiar with how you look. Again I apologize, but I promise we will have you accommodated for your troubles."

Trixie had her lower lip puckered at the pegasus in a conflicted manner, before easing up and patting herself off. "Well, as long as Captain Dash understands the problem, then Trixie is fine with the solution. Speaking of which, Trixie has yet another problem."

Both Captain Dash and AJ cringed a bit in reaction to those words, worriedly listening to Trixie.

Trixie pointed a hoof back towards the checkpoint in a tired manner with half-closed eyes. "Ever since arriving at the station, one of Trixie's idolizing worshipers has been stalking her! Please do something about this! For it has become quite cumbersome!"

Both Dash and AJ gave perplexed looks, and gazed past Trixie towards the forest beyond the checkpoint then.

Suddenly, emerging from beyond the trees and trotting casually and slowly was yet another pony. She too wore a hooded cloak, however her cloak was of obvious Nightmare Moon attire. It was the same color as Captain Dash and AJ's armor, but had intricate patterns embedded into the design. It consisted primarily of the colors yellow, purple, black, and sapphire, an obvious bode to Princess Nightmare Moon. However the pony herself was bright pink in color, her mane abnormally straightened to the point where it nearly hung on the ground. Her rump, perfectly concealed by the robe. She also seemed devoid of happiness, wearing a depressed frown with tired eyes as she trotted up towards the checkpoint.

Captain Dash glanced over at AJ in confusion. "Wait, isn't that?"

AJ raised a brow at the individual as well, going off of Dash's words. "Yeah, that's definitely one of Rarity's attires."

Captain Dash frowned in question. "But I've never seen that one before. What position could it be for?"

AJ scratched at the back of her mane. "No idea, never heard of a position that requires a cloak like that."

Captain Dash grumbled angrily as she looked towards the lower left in suspicion, not saying anything.

AJ noticed this almost immediately, glancing down at the pegasus in curiosity. "What's wrong?"

Captain Dash looked increasingly troubled as she was in deep thought. "It's just—" She paused as she looked back to the encroaching pink pony. "The princess always makes it common knowledge what position a pony is in. But, I've never seen or heard of that pony."

Trixie looked impatiently at AJ and Dash as they conversed. "Weeeeell? Are you two going to do something about her!?"

Both the guards at the checkpoint crossed their lances, blocking the pink pony from entering.

The pink pony glanced tiredly up at them, wearing a frown as she managed a weak smile. It was as if she were slightly humored and she chuckled softly, despite still having those sad eyes. "Hehe, I'm one of you guys sillies...." She pulled out an identification medal, which from then on it was apparent that she was indeed one of them. On the medal all it stated was the name, Diane.

The guards blinked a bit, before looking to one another, then sheathing their lances again and standing straight.

The pink pony identified as Diane, continued trotting as she immediately lost the smile she once wore, completely sad again.

As Diane approached the three of them, Trixie especially, wore a horribly shocked expression.

Captain Dash and AJ didn't know what to make of the experience.

Trixie eyed Diane the entire time as she casually trotted up to them, still in disbelief with her jaw dropped. Diane trotted like a turtle however, slowly, up right beside Trixie eventually. She just stood silently beside her with her head lowered, saying nothing. Trixie began chuckling beneath her breath, almost going off into a mad cackle then. She burst into laughter. "Ahahahahahahahaha! Wait wait wait wait wait wait, THIS, THIIIIIIIIS, was Trixie's escort!? This meager little earth pony who looks like she got her favorite toy taken from her!?" Trixie couldn't contain herself as she just continued laughing. "Ahahahahahaha! What sort of nonsense is this!?"

Dash, just as confused pressed forward towards the pink pony. "Soldier, report!" She bore a serious glare.

However, Diane just glanced up at Captain Dash in a saddened manner. "Uh, haha, you knooow, just the usual...." She frowned and lowered her gaze back towards the ground again. She gave a sluggish and miserable salute, frowning heavily with a sigh.

Dash's nose wrinkled up in confusion, as she had no idea how to react to this, this soldier was entirely different from the norm.

AJ cut in however, glaring at Trixie in particular. "Ya got some sort of problem with earth ponies?"

Trixie paused as she raised a brow at AJ, still in mid-laughter. "Huh? Ah no no no, do not mistake Trixie. She has no problem whatsoever with earth ponies. It's just—" she couldn't help but snicker continuously in amusement. "The idea that an earth pony is expected to assist and protect The Great and Powerful Trixie is quite hysterical in itself! What'll it do!? Neigh angrily at opposing threats!? Ahahaha!"

AJ's glare became more intense. "Is that a fact?" She pressed closer towards the unicorn.

Trixie couldn't help but scoff in absolute amusement as she tilted her head back. "Oh, what's this? Is that anger I'm seeing!? Haha Trixie sees it, she's seen it many times before. Are you issuing a challenge then? Who are you anyway? Trixie has never seen you." Trixie closed her eyes, smirking as she began trotting away from the scene, further off into the open fields purposely and discretely. "Perhaps there's a reason for this? I mean truly, what sort of earth pony could ever hope to stand up to the reputation of the mighty Trixie?"

AJ followed after her casually, still giving her that serious glare, obviously not amused.

Many of the other guards training, and some of the traders, began to take notice of the scene.

Trixie started trotting back and forth in place, some distance away from AJ. "Aw, what's wrong? Cat got your tongue?"

Captain Dash didn't take notice of the rising conflict in the background however. Her attention was focused solely on the earth pony who stood before her, whose head was still lowered, lost in her own little world. "Soldier, what kind of report was that? Who are you?"

Diane glanced up at Dash, still with her head lowered before chuckling softly again. "I'm Diane silly. Eheh, um..." She seemed nervous and cast her eyes back towards the ground, and as she had her head lowered, it became apparent that for some odd reason she had a baby crocodile laying on the back of her neck, just staying there in place. It was nothing special based by the looks of it.

Captain Dash just couldn't seem to connect the pieces as to why the princess would recruit such a depressed earth pony. The mere thought of it brought frustration to the pegasus, as she tilted her head to the right and questioned her further. "Do you think this is a joke?"

Diane glanced back up towards the pegasus with another nervous chuckle. "W-Well, it is kind of funny, eheh.."

Captain Dash leaned her head back as her nose wrinkled up a bit. "How in the hay did the princess recruit you?"

Diane muttered in a more serious, yet still soft, tone. "Like she recruits everypony, through our dreams silly."

Captain Dash only became more troubled with every word that left this pony's muzzle. "Dreams, what are you talking abo—"

Suddenly, rampant cheers from guards and traders rang out nearby in unison. "Fight fight fight fight fight!"

Captain Dash glanced back as she raised a shocked brow. "WHAT!? F-FIGHT!?"

Diane peered ahead towards the area of commotion as well, but with a tired stare.

Standing a few yards apart was AJ and Trixie, peering at one another. While Trixie wore more of an amused smirk if anything, AJ was completely serious as she glared at the unicorn, kicking back on her armored hooves a bit, and letting off a huff of annoyance.

AJ continued to glare at the unicorn. "Ya ready ta test those tricks of yours on a real earth pony?"

Trixie smirked as her horn started to glow with a red magical aura. "Oh most certainly! If that existed."

Captain Dash turned, gritting her teeth as she seemed panicked by the thought of those two fighting. W-Why're they fighting!? AJ, weren't you the one just telling me not to do the same!? Uh! She glanced around, seeing the many traders and guards gathered as well, before spreading her wings as if she were about to break off into a swift action. This isn't good! I have to stop them!

Trixie cackled playfully as she swiped a hoof and her horn continued to glow vibrantly. Suddenly amassing in front of her would be a ball of pure destructive magic, which she immediately sent surging at the earth pony. "Try this one on for size, earth pony!"

Trixie's spell was bright and magnificent to her onlookers. Power crackled from the sphere of magic, and sparks of it which struck the ground kicked up dirt and grass into the air; vaporizing it. Perhaps the spell was far too dangerous to be used in a duel such as this, but that was uncertain, and based on her current demeanor, Trixie didn't care. The magical sphere surged forward like a bullet, or a tennis ball smacked fiercely by a racket, already locked onto AJ's position as it continuously made its way down towards her, menacingly.

AJ kicked back on her hoof one last time before breaking off into a sprint, right towards the spell. She ran straight for it, unafraid apparently as she did a spin to propel herself into a reverse position, her back hooves now facing the magical oncoming sphere as she prepared to buck it. AJ waited patiently, as Trixie's spell managed to reach her in a few mere seconds. And as it arrived, AJ bucked at it dismissively, when her reaction caused the spell to erupt, covering the area in amassed dust and smoke, enveloping the area.

Captain Dash immediately froze as she gritted her teeth worriedly. Those idiots! They actually did it! AJ!?

The crowd surrounding the area, as well as Captain Dash, awaited for the dust and debris to clear.

Trixie stood off in the distance as she tilted her head back and chuckled. "Prepare the paramedic ponies." However as the dust began to settle, Trixie's smug expression slowly melted away into one of shock and bewilderment, and absolute confusion. "W-What?"

Many ponies in the crowd gasped as they were also watching, all of them bore wide eyes, uncertain of what to make of the scene.

Even AJ, who was still completely intact, was in a bucking position as her back hooves were struggling to push against something. She also wore a confused expression as due to the dust still in the air, she couldn't make out what was causing her so much resistance.

However, upon clearing entirely, it was obvious to everypony now that standing between the point of the spell's impact and AJ, was the pink pony from earlier. She wore no apparent expression, and simply had both her forehooves raised. One holding back AJ's raised rear hooves, while the other sizzled with smoke, apparently unaffected by Trixie's spell which she blocked. The pony kept her gaze on the grass and dirt as she muttered in a worried tone. "This ain't no party sillies." She lowered herself back down onto all fours. "Now's not the time to be playing so rough." She closed her eyes and made her way back over to Trixie's position with a tired stare. "Right Trixie?"

Trixie looked at her with a petrified expression for a moment. But then she spread her hooves, laughing nervously but soon masking it under a loud voracious cackle of confidence. "A-And theeeere you have it everypony! Trixie's loyal and most well deserved bodyguard comes to the rescue!" Trixie wrapped a hoof around the pink pony and snickered. "Of course Trixie should've expected her dear escort to intervene, worrying primarily for Trixie's well-being, isn't that right!?" She tilted her head to the left, smirking.

Diane at first had wide eyes, looking confused. But she gradually frowned with a sigh. "I guess, if that makes you happy...."

Trixie tossed a wave at the surrounding crowd. "Now, if you'll excuse us! Trixie and her dear and loyal bodyguard must now make our departure to the castle!" She then began trotting, wanting to leave the scene as soon as possible. "Come let us go then!"

The crowd burst into loud excited cheers, as they began stomping their hooves in proclamation of their adoration for the two.

But as both Trixie and Diane made their way off towards the castle, AJ still stood in the middle of the field. She wore a grave expression, one signifying that she was in deep thought and worry. She glanced back momentarily, particularly at Diane in suspicion. Her hooves... AJ thought back to their encounter, and how it felt as if she'd bucked against a stone wall. Their durability, what in the hay?...

Meanwhile, even Captain Dash looked puzzled. Wasn't Diane just behind her? But as Captain Dash glanced back to ensure she wasn't losing her mind, her eyes widened as she saw that in the ground beneath where Diane stood, there was now a deep hole.

"Yooooooo~ Captain Dashy! Hey hey, Daaaaashy!" An unexpected voice chimed in.

Dash's eyes widened at the sound of that familiar, cocky voice. She glanced back and into the air.

Descending gradually upon the ground, and eventually touching down in front of her, were her squadmates. Lieutenant Dust, Specialist Flitters, and Corporal Cloudchaser. The twins ensured to salute Dash, while Dust just tossed the captain a casual wave. "Yo~"

Dash gave a serious glare towards the three as she didn't hesitate to trot up to them. "You're all back! What's the report!?"

Lieutenant Dust wore a smirk with half closed eyes. "We searched everywhere for that pony you talked about Captain, but found no sign of her. Pale pink, dark purple mane with sky blue stripes right? Sorry, but it looks like for now, she's nowhere to be found."

Dash growled beneath her breath, before letting off a ferocious howl and kicking her hoof in the dirt in anger. "Eraaaaaah!!!!"

Lieutenant Dust continued however, still smirking in anticipation. "But, I think we might've found something better."

Captain Dash froze, as she glanced over at Dust impatiently, and raised a brow. "What're you talking about Lieutenant?"

Lieutenant Dust chuckled a little and leaned her head back. "The actual alicorn, may not be as foreign as we thought."

Captain Dash began trotting back and forth, glaring at Lieutenant Dust. "Like I said, what're you on about? If there was a trace of another alicorn in these parts of Equestria, then the princess would know! Not only that, no dragon likes hanging with ponies!"

Lieutenant Dust raised a hoof. "Maybe you're right, and maybe, this one's different. Maybe she's not an alicorn at all, yet."

Captain Dash groaned as she turned around, dismissing the theory. "If there was a unicorn with enough talent to turn into an actual alicorn, then there would have been signs Lieutenant! The princess isn't an idiot, she took all these things into consideration!" Dash glared back at her fellow squadmate in irritation. "Trixie is the closest thing to such a unicorn, and she looks nothing like the alicorn! Neither does Princess Celestia's old student! Are you saying some nameless nopony has the chance of being an alicorn!? Don't make me laugh!"

Lieutenant Dust continued to smirk. "You mentioned the alicorn claimed to have friends right? So tell me Captain—"

Captain Dash continued to glare back at Dust with disinterest for the time being.

Lieutenant Dust tilted her head to the right again. "What happens if a nameless nopony, consisting of the shades of purple and pink, who also just so happens to have an undiscovered destiny, happened to befriend the Famed Outcast of Canterlot herself? "

Captain Dash's eyes widened, as she gradually became overcome with shock, and ultimately, realization.

Lieutenant Dust grinned cheekily as she tapped the side of her own head. "Best of the best? Am I right?"

Captain Dash turned to face her squad. "Where is this unicorn? I am presuming she is in Canterlot still with the ex-student!?"

Lieutenant Dust wore a smirk as she, along with Specialist Flitters and Corporal Cloudchaser, nodded plainly.

And suddenly, blaring out for what seemed like miles on end, screeching sirens ranged across the entirety of Equestria. The orbs of light surrounding the castle turned red, pulsing brightly. While all soldiers of the Nightmare Guard began to fortify themselves.

Some distance away, AJ looked to the sky in despair and shock, as she hurriedly looked to Dash. "DASH!!!!"

Captain Dash glanced over at the earth pony with disinterest and half-closed eyes in a bored manner.

AJ was breathing heavily as she made her way over towards her. "The Equestria Lockdown!? It's happenin tonight!?"

Captain Dash closed her eyes and smirked. "You should've attended the briefing, Captain."

AJ continued to stare at her in that grave manner, as if her world had been turned upside down.

As Captain Dash began to trot away, she inquired absently to Lieutenant Dust. "How much time do we have?"

Lieutenant Dust chuckled in amusement. "For anypony else, not much. But for the fastest fliers around? Plenty."

Captain Dash smirked eagerly, as she began making her way off into a casual trot, looking towards the general skies. As she trotted, her squad followed close behind as she began to chuckle softly beneath her breath. "Let's go make some new friends."

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