• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter I: The Daily Routine

Chapter I: The Daily Routine

Prologue: Equestria has changed. The Elements of Harmony have vanished without a trace, and Princess Celestia has become a subjugated prisoner within the moon, with the newly appointed Princess Nightmare Moon ruling in her stead. But as rumors of a mysterious purple alicorn have begun to surface threatening the princess' new rule, precautions have already started to take place, which aim to change the foundation Equestria was built upon for ages to come. While most ponies have learned to live with their new princess, others have started to question whether or not this new direction is something that can be prevented, before it's far too late to act otherwise. While few, have remained negligent to the changes, isolating themselves in their quiet little worlds without a care or worry. But even such listless individuals may find they can't avoid the call forever, for change is coming yet again, and who destiny may call upon might be what they least expect. The time to act has arrived, and the time for indifference, is finally at its end.

Twilight Sparkle? You probably wouldn't know the name. Nopony knew Twilight Sparkle for the most part. Why would they? Twilight Sparkle was a nopony, at least, that's what she told herself most of her life. Twilight trotted through the front door of her unkempt home, she wore a sluggish look that was familiar to her after so many days of the same repeated routine. "Hey Smarty Pants," she said tiredly as she dropped a sack of books on the floor. "I'm back from the library, I picked up some books on the school of gravitational magic. It should make for an interesting read." She chuckled softly with faint anticipation as she absently made her way into the kitchen.

Situated atop a dusty dresser, composed of a completely lifeless look as expected, was a tiny gray pony doll. It was in a raggedy condition, or perhaps it was just the poor craftsmanship which made it look that way. It had buttons for eyes and a patch of a different shade sewn on its left hoof. For some odd reason it also wore polka dot pants. This misshapen doll was none other than Smarty Pants.

The home itself was quite spacious, although not as clean as it probably should've been. Twilight turned on the sink as she was currently busy fixing herself up some food. "Hey Smarty Pants! So get this, apparently Princess Nightmare Moon is in a state of panic!"

Of course Smarty Pants didn't reply. He just continued to sit there in his silent lifeless state, staring absently ahead.

Eventually Twilight emerged from the kitchen as she used magic to absently turn on tiny floating orbs which acted as light sources in her home. As the orbs illuminated the main living area, it was revealed that she had books scattered all over the place, half of them being turned to some random page likely signifying she was still currently reading it. There were also hoodies spread about on the auburn carpet, some salad dressing stains, and magazines along with pony coupons to various stores around Canterlot. But she cared little for the state of her living area as was apparent by the giddy smile she wore. She couldn't even contain her excitement as she carried a bowl of salad drenched in tomato sauce and made way for a velvet beaten couch located at the center of the room, along with a tiny dining table with a radio on the middle of it. "And guess why! It's cause-....." she paused and scowled abruptly at the doll on the dresser. "Don't give me that look! I'll start going to the gym soon alright? It's just tomato sauce." She rolled her eyes and sat down grumpily on the couch with a mutter. "It's not like you're one to talk anyway." She took a bite of her salad before she continued talking. "So as I was saying Smarty Pants!"

But suddenly, abrasive knocks came upon Twilight's door without warning.

Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock Knock! Endlessly the knocks continued on Twilight's door in an impatient manner.

Twilight sighed as she rose from her couch and with flawless skill, disappeared in a mere instant as she reappeared at her door. She wore that tired expression as she seemed quite nervous for some reason. It wasn't really apparent why nor did she state her reason to Smarty Pants. She just wore a look as if troubled by the mere fact she had to come in direct contact with somepony. She took in a deep breath of preparation before doing a couple of light hoof stomps as if warming up for the encounter. "Okay okay Twilight! You got this!" After some ideal preparation she opened the door only a sliver, hiding majority of her body behind it as she peeked outside. "Uh, um, hello?"

Standing outside with an impatient expression was a mail pony who stared grumpily at the unicorn. "Ya got letters kid, surprisingly."

Twilight suddenly unveiled herself completely from behind the door with a surprised look, obviously taken aback by the fact she was receiving mail just as much. "I got letters? But I don't recall ordering any of the new Magic Menace Daily issues. That's so weird."

The mail pony groaned heavily like he was irritated by the mere presence of Twilight. "Uhuh, sure sure kid." He took out two scrolls with seals upon them before handing them casually to Twilight with telekinetic magic. He was obviously in a hurry to get out of here.

Twilight took the scrolls as she casually glanced over them with curiosity for only a moment, before giving the mail pony an excited giddy look. "Hey, w-would you like to come and read them with me? I so rarely get letters! I mean, i-it's really exciting! Don't ya think?" She wore an awkward wide smile as she hugged the scrolls to her chest with one hoof, hopeful and expectant of his reply obviously.

The mail pony's grumpy look slowly dissipated into one of absolute pity. He obviously felt sorry for Twilight based on his current demeanor as he looked at her with a sense of sorrow and passive annoyance. "Listen kid, I'm your mail pony, not your best buddy. If ya want to share your private letters with your friends that's fine, but I ain't one of those. I just got a job ta do. Ya ask me to check out your new stuff every single time I deliver something, regardless if it's a letter or not! You need to go out there and find yourself some actual friends, not rely on the social encounters of some old stallion who comes here as a part of the work routine." With that he turned away from the unicorn as he tugged on his mail pony hat and began trotting away from her home, leaving Twilight to her own business once again.

Twilight suddenly wore a look of disappointment in herself as she realized the mail pony was right. It was hard not to sulk, which she did, her head was fully lowered as she kept the scrolls hugged to her chest. She looked absolutely defeated, and utterly embarrassed. Deep down she knew that she was taking advantage of the fact that he was forced to come here to deliver the mail. She just didn't want to admit to herself how horrible she was at making actual friends. At realizing how sensitive she was to the critiques others made about her character, about her failures in life. She turned absently to trot back into her home as she shut the door behind her with a frown.

Twilight now sat on her couch again except this time it was as if all the life had been drained from her. Her eyes were halfway closed and she looked as if she were in a daze, lost in thought. She gave the letters a tired stare, it was apparent she was questioning reading them now. Yet still she slowly began to peel at the seals, unable to sate her curiosity even though she realized that they might not be anything special or worth mentioning. When she unrolled the first one however, that's when a whiny groan left her lips and she turned away from it in an even more pained manner. Twilight leaned forward as she let the other letter rest at her side and just covered her face with one hoof while contemplating reading this one. It was a letter from none other than her older brother Shining Armor. Twilight trembled practically, as she sat there on the couch with the letter floating absently in front of her, as if mustering the courage to look over the inked parchment. Twilight exhaled, admitting that after that lecture from the mail pony, she might as well take one more hit from her brother immediately after.

Dear Twiley,

How're you Little Sister? You've lost touch with me again. Listen, I know you're busy with your
own life, but I just want you to know that despite what I said, I'm always here for you. But that also
won't stop me from saying what I truly believe is best for you. All these years and you still
haven't gotten over failing to get into Celestia's school. There's gotta come a time when you need
to let that go Twiley. You need to do something more with your life. Maybe, despite how much you
love magic, you're just not meant for it. Sometimes destiny just isn't that straightforward, and I
know that's not something you want to hear but, it's something I feel you have to.

Also are you still okay on bits? Mom told me that you're working at Joe's Donuts, that's a great
place to start! And donut discounts to boot! Overall I just wanted to reach out to you after all
this time. I still feel horrible about those things I said when we were at Mom and Dad's that year,
but they're just as worried about you as I am. I'm so sorry if I hurt you Twiley, that was never my
intention. You'll always be my little sister. I just want what's best for you. It doesn't matter if you're
a blank flank, it doesn't matter what the world thinks, I will always love you no matter what.


Shining Armor

When Twilight finished reading she still had that sulking expression. Almost instantaneously she'd lost it however, suddenly wearing a cheeky confident smile and laughing abruptly. "Well that wasn't so bad!" She placed a hoof over her chest and exhaled before folding the letter with telekinetic magic and placing it on the table. Her expression gradually sunk again however, like she was merely convincing herself to laugh it off despite being concerned. She eventually placed a hoof over her face again and groaned as she gulped and reached for the next letter, opening it. She chuckled nervously in preparation, "W-Well, onto the next one I guess. Right Smarty Pants?"

My Dear Sweet Daughter Twilight,

Twilight smiled softly to herself in relief. She couldn't help but giggle with a bit of enthusiasm. "Well off to a good start!"


Twilight immediately shrieked in horror as she tossed the letter behind the couch and buried her face into the sofa with a heavy whine and grunt. She laid there for some time while she pondered the question of what to do with herself. It'd been such a great trip to the library earlier and she was considering how she had work in a few hours as well, but now was too demotivated to actually enjoy her free time. She muttered beneath her breath as she had her head still buried in the sofa. "Uh, why did I read it?" She raised her forehooves to her ruffled mane and began rubbing at it in frustration before turning her head on one cheek and staring at her unfinished salad and the radio.

Twilight eventually leaned up again, sitting on her bottom as she let her lower hooves hang over the edge of the couch and rested her forehooves on her thighs in silence. She sighed exhaustively as if she were completely drained. She scratched at the side of her mane as she lazily levitated her salad over towards her, feeding herself with telekinetic magic as she used her fork to pick at one of the tomatoes. She munched with half closed eyes, trying to wash away her angst and creeping depression in regards to her family. She knew everyday she ignored the mess which surrounded her, and it only got worse and worse. But how could she face it? How could she convince herself that she was simply wasting her life away bit by bit. Twilight teared up absently as she chewed her salad in her solemn silence the more she let the negativity dwell in her mind. She couldn't stop the overflow from coming, her eyes began getting misty and feeling heavy. She let a single momentary thought echo in her mind. If being a blank flank doesn't matter so much. Why do they keep bringing it up?

Twilight began to scowl lightly while she was eating her salad. Her family always wondered why she became so distant? Well this is the reason she thought. She hated this feeling, absolutely despised it. The constant reminders that she was a screw up and everypony else knew it. That she was just some nerdy anti-social magic school reject. She knew it all already! She understood it better than anypony! So why did that have to stop her from pursuing what she loved? Was it so wrong? She refused to believe that. One day she'd prove it to all of them. So while she was eating her salad she let off a fierce screeching yell out of frustration, but also to take a load off from the overwhelming sense of stress she felt. "Smarty Pants!" After a brief pause, she suddenly smiled wide and closed her eyes before doing yet another cheeky grin, brushing off all those concerns she had as if they were but specks of dust. "Let's turn on the radio shall we!?"

It was only minutes later Twilight was laughing uncontrollably, as if the problems and depression she just had never existed. Her salad was only half finished and still on the table, while Smarty Pants was pressed tightly against her chest with one hoof while she listened to the radio. She was now sitting on the carpet, leaning back against the bottom of her couch while she stared eagerly at the broadcasting device as if she were watching an actual show. She listened closely to the voice, stuck in her own little world. "Just listen to how confident she is Smarty Pants." The adoration for the voice was painfully apparent on Twilight's face, like a child looking upon its idol.

The voice itself was feminine, sharp, and extremely smug. Yet it possessed a style of charismatic entertainment not often seen in common ponies. The personality behind the speaker was vibrant and many could tell, it was alluring in its own right and in a way addicting. "Why yes my dear and loyal followers, it is no easy task being as great as The Great and Powerful Trixie! To reach such skill and status takes endless study! Hard work! Dedication! And of course," she chuckled, "A good dose of natural talent! Believe me, I know."

Another voice suddenly chimed in on the radio, more ordinary and inquisitive as was common of a reporter or interviewer. "Ms. Trixie, you've been heavily involved with freelance magic dueling for the past few years, seeing as you are the prodigal unicorn of our times in terms of raw skill. But as the new aspiring student of Princess Nightmare Moon, will you be leaving the dueling business behind?"

"Why of course. Princess Nightmare Moon has chosen me as her star disciple. To refuse her offer would not only be a grave sign of disrespect, but a foolish mistake for one such as myself. I am eager to learn as much as I can from the best of the best."

"Many of your fans are quite disappointed that this might mean you will never get the chance to face off against Princess Celestia's ex-student. Many theories are out there she may be just as great and powerful as you, seeing as she was trained by an alicorn. What do you say to these theories and claims? Might they be true? Might there be a unicorn even greater than the Great and Powerful Trixie herself?"

Twilight suddenly leaned closer with immediate interest, eyeing the radio hungrily for Trixie's reply.

"Why that washed up traitor in Canterlot you mean? Hah! As if! Surely any who would even dare conceive such a ridiculous notion are not as loyal as they say, that or quite dense. A unicorn such as that could never hope to stand up to Trixie, it is no contest I assure you."

Twilight frowned with slight disappointment. "Aw come on Trixie. You're way more classier than that."

The reporter paused briefly before speaking again. "One final question if I may Trixie. Many fans have been curious about the iconic pendant you wear around your neck. Is it a family heirloom? Some sort of ancient artifact? When might we hear the story behind it?"

Twilight hugged Smarty Pants to her chest with both hooves now, jittery with excitement! "Oh oh oh! Please please please!"

Trixie let off an amused and suspiciously devious chuckle. "Perhaps someday Trixie will share that story. But once again Trixie must say, that day is not today, my dear and loyal followers. Now Trixie must bid you all adieu! She has much preparation to do before her departure to meet with Princess Nightmare Moon! Do remain attentive to your magical studies, and always remember!" She paused briefly, "Always aspire to be the greatest and most powerful unicorn of all! Or aspire to be nothing at all! Until next time everypony!"

"And there you have it folks! Another exciting update from our favorite duelist unicorn, Trixie herself! Now onto other news!"

Twilight suddenly switched the radio channel with her telekinetic magic before poofing up and onto the couch, already in a laying position as she looked towards the ceiling. She sighed with great disappointment. "So not today either huh Smarty Pants? According to the bio summary of Issue #48, I'm going to assume that the necklace has to be from that rival griffon story in the wayward mountains. But eh, it wouldn't be a very exciting outcome." She shrugged and turned on her side as she began listening absently to the radio again, not as interested as she previously was listening to Trixie. "Too bad I wasn't born with that much natural talent. I wonder what I'd be efficient in." Twilight closed her eyes, only attempting to rest them as she tried to concentrate on the radio a bit harder, but still getting bored.

The words on the radio soon became a faint echo, getting more and more distant in her mind. "Rumors of time travel research has begun to spread about, but could it really be true? Could Princess Nightmare Moon really be interested in such a thing and if so, why?"

"That's the big question on everypony's mind Rick! Who was this mysterious visitor that has been rumored? What reason does Princess Nightmare Moon have to panic? That and more after this brief break, please stick with us here on Neigh News!"

The words became more and more faint, as Twilight finally slipped into a deep temporary sleep, ushering in utter silence.

Hours later, Twilight was still stuck in that deep sleep, undisturbed and resting peacefully.

But a familiar sound of melodic hatred suddenly invaded that enveloping sweet sweet solace called sleep Twilight was currently submerged in. It was the sound of her alarm. Constantly chiming like a tune of sadistic happiness, a tiny square device sat not far off on a small cabinet located near the kitchen. "Oh wuh oh wuh oh oh wuh oh wuh! Unleash the magic! Unleash the magic! If we lose then you're to-" Almost immediately the device was enveloped in a purple magical aura and flung against a wall, smashing into numerous tiny pieces. Those pieces all dropped down to the floor revealing a pile of the devices all smashed and destroyed in a similar manner.

Twilight was currently laying down flat on her couch while her horn was glowing absently with the purple aura. She groaned into the sofa, making an inaudible gargling noise. She sluggishly pushed herself up with her forehooves as she had deep bags beneath her eyes. "Smarty Pants? W-What time is it?" She scratched at the back of her ruffled mane as she used her telekinetic magic to dig through the messy assortment of items on the floor and drag over a silver pocket watch, popping it open and staring at it tiredly. It only took a fraction of a second for her eyes to snap wide, signifying that she was likely in a pickle. "WHAT!? I'M-" her expression died down again into one of boredom, "Right on schedule. Well, time to go to work." She poofed from the couch and slipped on a hoody with further use of her magic. Twilight didn't even take the time to go to a restroom to wash up and just teleported straight to the kitchen sink, turning it on and washing her face before poofing right back to the front door. She kept the same expression the entire time as she slipped her pocket watch into the hoody and wrapped Smarty Pants around the back of her neck in a manner as if he were holding onto her, a silent comforting companion.

The radio was still on as a news broadcast was still going. "The Big Three are just-" but Twilight shut it off then and there.

Twilight yawned, patting her muzzle with her hoof before smiling softly. "Welp! Let's go to work then Smarty Pants!" With that she opened the front door, did a couple of light hoof stomps and then did a slow paced circular spin, almost like she was doing another preparation warm up, but this time to go outside. She exhaled as she finished that spin and smiled again, a little more confidently before leaving out the front door and locking it behind her. As Twilight left, all the tiny little orbs which lit the home all turned off in unison.

On her way to Joe's Donuts, Twilight kept her head lowered as she trotted. She never made eye contact with anypony and wore a fairly nervous and somewhat frightened expression. She was wary of the world around her, devoid of trust and filled with caution. Or maybe it was simply a look of acceptance of the status she convinced herself of carrying. That she was lower than a street urchin while trotting through the city of Canterlot, a city filled with royal ponies and talented graduates from the school she was supposed to originally attend.

As the minutes drifted on by as Twilight made her way through the gorgeous city, she eventually looked towards the night sky. It still allowed her to ignore the world around her but take in a more scenic route at the same time. Twilight was so used to it being night, she almost forgot what the warmth of the sun felt like. Princess Nightmare Moon wasn't very fond of the sun, but she still understood the necessity for it, as Princess Celestia understood the necessity of the night. But Nightmare Moon's days were short, and not very well controlled. A warm sunny day would last for a single longer day at best and even then, be unbearably and scorching hot. It was almost as if Princess Nightmare Moon were trying to get them to hate the sun just as much as she did, Twilight wouldn't put it past her anyhow.

While she trotted, it was almost sad that she'd resorted to ignoring the beautiful city which she lived in. The streets were all tiled to perfection while shining polished lamps kept the streets lit with a gorgeous yellow shade of lighting. The houses and establishments all had a sense of class to them, often baring a style only fit for the royalty which commonly trotted among the streets. There was no building with faded painting, and no signs of poverty or lack of wealth anywhere. Well besides the few special individuals like Twilight herself who wore a plain unappealing black hoody and had an unkempt mane which she never brushed. Ponies often noticed this too, and despised it.

But those leering glances always tended to drift away from Twilight after a brief second. Most of the royal ponies of Canterlot would rather pass their judgement swiftly and silently than concern themselves with such a nopony. Their time was far too valuable to spend any second of it mingling with some blank flank unicorn who looked like a commoner pony. So it was decided by the majority, even though none of them knew they were all in agreement, to toss a look of disgust and move on, or completely ignore her entirely, either solution worked. Twilight had grown used to the lack of acknowledgement from her peers and fellow citizens of Canterlot. She'd become as invisible as Princess Celestia's old castle, which was now off limits for the time being until Nightmare Moon added her own personal touch to it.

After a few more minutes of trotting, Twilight finally reached Joe's Donuts. It was a brightly lit eatery with vast wide windows surrounding the entire diner. Joe's was spelled out with enlarged blinking letters which acted as lights, flickering on and off with a pink alluring glow. Twilight couldn't help but cast a smile at the familiar eatery almost as if it were a place of comfort. While she made those final trots towards the front door, Twilight cast a quick glance towards the old castle with wide curious eyes. It practically sent a chill down her spine seeing it. It was so massive yet enveloped entirely in shadow now, in complete darkness and mystery. Nopony had been inside it since years ago before Princess Celestia was banished. Now it was a husk of its former self, a mass of hollow memories. Twilight could almost feel the emptiness seep into her just from looking at it, seeing the many dusted windows unveil nothing but pure pitch black. She eventually shook her head and gulped, looking back towards Joe's Donuts. She put on that smile again, it wasn't her concern anyhow.

Joe, the owner of the establishment, was currently wearing an apron and baker's hat as he stood behind the main counter which gave a small view of the kitchen. He was sweeping at the moment but didn't fail to notice Twilight enter. "Hey hey hey Squirt!" He was a fairly gruff stallion with a pale amber coat, brown mane and goatee, and gorgeous bright green eyes. He wore a smile as he waved at her.

There were other unicorns situated in the establishment, a group of them being an established clique while the others were some couples who decided they were in the mood for donuts. Many regarded Twilight with an uncaring expression before returning to eating their food and going on with their business, while the clique however couldn't stop giggling and chuckling at the sight of her in amusement.

Twilight smiled earnestly at Joe. "Hiya Joe!" She trotted hurriedly over towards him eagerly, even rushing behind the counter as the two approached one another in an expectant manner. Suddenly Twilight started preaching a tune in sync as Joe sung along perfectly while they did some strange hoof gestures. "Up high! Down low! Fast swipe! Too slow! Always on the fly! Donuts on the go! Bro hoof, let's roll!" They rose and slapped their forehooves together before chuckling merrily as Joe rubbed the top of Twilight's mane affectionately.

Joe smirked as he looked down at the familiar unicorn. "Nice ta see you squirt. You too Smarty Pants. You kids been staying out of trouble right? Don't want to hear anything about one of my favorite employees needing to be put on suspension ya know."

Twilight chuckled in embarressment as she flushed red in the cheeks and scratched at the back of her mane. "You know I don't really do much Joe. I stay at home and uh...well, um, r-read books." She sunk her head a little. "It's near impossible for me to get in any trouble."

Joe rubbed the top of Twilight's head again. "Which is exactly what I like to hear squirt. I never have to worry about you." Joe nudged his head back in the direction towards the kitchen. "I'll take counter shift today, Mickey's got the kitchen. You take up orders."

Twilight saluted Joe with respect and nodded to him, "Will do Sir!" As he trotted off back towards the kitchen. Twilight suddenly sighed before lowering her head and glancing around nervously at the customers. She secretly hated taking orders but she never objected to Joe for the most part, he was kind enough to give her a job despite her being some no name pony with no talent in cooking. She wouldn't risk that for anything, not even if it meant being forced to interact with the other ponies besides him. So Twilight put on her apron, tugging on it to make sure it fit nicely, before beginning to make her rounds around the restaurant, first heading towards the clique.

The clique consisted of three unicorn mares, all of which wore gorgeous scarfs and had combed silky smooth manes. They were obviously unicorns of status, as was a consistent theme in Canterlot, and they each watched Twilight approach eagerly. One of the mares who was a sapphire blue shade with a turquoise mane smirked lightly at the waitress. "Heeeeey there blank flank. What's cooking?"

Twilight gulped as she scratched at the back of her mane and nervously pulled out a small notepad with telekinetic magic. She chuckled and did a hoof gesture to compliment her greeting. "Ya knooow! Uh, d-donuts! Haha! So er, w-what's crackalackin with you guys? Eheh, heh heh." She glanced to her right. "W-Well uh, not crackalackin but um, well, like, hey and all. I mean, the equivalent of what's cookin. An alternative term used to converse with others. S-So no, actually crackalackin but, cookin! Hmhm!" She grinned.

The group of three each had a brow raised at Twilight with wrinkled noses and looks of disbelief. They tossed awkward glances at one another before chuckling a bit to break the awkward tension they felt. The blue unicorn continued addressing Twilight then as she nudged a hoof in her direction. "Hey, blank flank. I always forget, what's your name again? Not that it really matters anyhow."

Twilight put on a wide uncomfortable smile as she avoided eye contact with them. "Uh, Twilight, um...Twilight Sparkle."

The blue unicorn mare slapped her thigh with a gasp. "That's riiiiiiiiiight! Totally! Twilight! Thaaaat's it!"

Another of the mare's suddenly chimed in. She was a neon green color with a yellow and white mane. She leaned her head on one hoof and gave Twilight a curious playful look. "You're Shining Armor's sister right? To be honest it's amazing how different you two are. While he's a big name in the city, here you are and nopony even recognizes your face." She shrugged and glanced around at her two friends for approval. "Well besides us of course." She returned her gaze to Twilight playfully. "In a way you could say we're almost like your friends. Well, not really, considering if we didn't love Joe's donuts so much we wouldn't know your name either. So what's your story Twilight? How did the sister of the amazing Shining Armor manage to fail to get into Celestia's school? That has to be quite the tale."

The blue unicorn mare suddenly laughed softly. "Hahaha, even I passed and I'm freaking horrible at most magic."

Twilight's head lowered as she kept looking away from them. "G-Guys, I really need to start taking your orders."

The neon green mare snickered and leaned towards the timid unicorn. "Oh come on Twilight! Why're you so serious?"

The blue mare couldn't help but tease Twilight as well playfully. "Come on, we're just playing with you! Lighten up!"

Twilight shrugged and tried to let off a hushed laugh nervously. "Hahaha, uh yeah. I-I guess you're right."

The neon green mare leaned her head back with a smile. "That's the spirit! Now about that sto—" But there was suddenly a long abrupt pause as somepony entered the diner, somepony who caused the rest of the customers inside to fall completely silent.

As Twilight still had her head lowered, the drawn on silence eventually caused her to raise her head in curiosity when she immediately noticed everypony's eyes were drawn onto one particular individual. A pale yellow unicorn who wore thick black rimmed glasses and had a red mane with two different shades of purple to accompany it. She had a stern professional look about her, but was still graceful in the way she bore her confidence and cared little for how much others were obviously troubled by her presence. She had a one strap leather satchel hanging on her side as she immediately made way for a seat, not hesitating to sit down and pull out a book.

The neon green mare leaned up in her seat grumpily, glaring firmly at the unicorn who just entered. "What's she doing here?"

However the blue mare leaned towards her friend, pushing her back. "Are you crazy!? S-She's arguably the strongest unicorn in the city! Don't go picking fights with ponies like that you idiot! D-Don't even look at her." She immediately sunk back into her seat.

Twilight felt like she was the only one who didn't have any idea who this pony was. She looked at the neon green mare with a perplexed stare while her face scrunched up into one of confusion. "Um, who is she?" Twilight tilted her head to the right.

The blue mare shot her own glare straight towards Twilight. "Who is she!? What do you mean who is she!? Have you been living under a rock your entire life or something!?" She suddenly sunk further into her seat a little as she frowned to herself in recollection. "Oh, right." She returned to glaring at Twilight, "That's Moondancer, the infamous ex-student of Princess Celestia. She's a total mark of shame on this city ever since Princess Nightmare Moon took over. I'm surprised the Nightmare Guard hasn't thrown her in the dungeon already. As long as she's in this city, the other cities will keep looking down at us for harboring the closest pupil of the banished princess!"

The third and final mare of the clique growled as she slammed her forehooves on the table in anger. She was a pale orange shade with a curly bright blonde mane. "To make things worse, she probably doesn't even care! She still just trots around so confidently."

Yet despite how much the clique obviously despised this pony, Twilight looked at her with infatuation and curiosity. This was the legendary ex-pupil of Princess Celestia herself!? Twilight had heard stories about her but always only heard her addressed as the infamous ex-pupil! So her name was Moondancer!? Twilight could barely contain her excitement, all the questions in regards to magic she wanted to ask her. She was practically trembling as she watched her from afar like a lurking stalker. Oh how she wanted to go up and speak with her!

And just then, Moondancer raised a hoof and glanced about the diner. "Excuse me, waiter?"

Twilight shrieked and jumped with joy. "EEEEEEK!" Before kicking up a cloud of dust and rushing over to Moondancer's location.

The clique all coughed as the blue mare wheezed, calling out to Twilight afterwords. "H-Hey! What about us Blank Flank!?"

Twilight stopped abruptly in front of Moondancer's table. She stood completely still, wearing a creepily wide and anxious smile while her notepad remained elevated in front of her. She just stood there silently and patiently, awaiting Moondancer's orders.

Moondancer couldn't help but raise a brow at Twilight nervously as she sat. "Uh, are you okay?"

Twilight grinned as she did a shooing motion with her hoof. "Oh me? Absolutely fine! Well, of course me! I mean, who else would you be talking to right? Only me here. Only waiter right? Haha sorry! I'm being quite dumb aren't I? But it's just so obvious I couldn't help myself!" She shrugged and smiled widely at Moondancer again and began shaking in place. "But yes! Fine! Absolutely great!"

Moondancer eyed the mare's bedmane, seeing she obviously didn't care much for her appearance. She also noticed the abnormally placed doll who was pretty much hugging her neck, as well as the hoody beneath the apron. "You're....definitely a strange one."

Twilight's eyes widened. "Me? Oh right. Of course me! Uh, yeah, sorry about that again! Strange yep! Haha! Um...so, uuuuh!"

Moondancer closed her eyes while both her forehooves rested atop the table. She seemed to suddenly go into some deep thought as she glanced around the restaurant absently for a moment, noticing the looming stares still remained. "Well if you don't mind, Strange Waitress, I think I'll take my order now." She looked down towards her book, no longer even looking towards Twilight anymore.

Twilight peered down at her book in curiosity as she couldn't help but comment. "Oh? Is that the Arts of the Chaotic Field? Chaotic Magic is fairly unknown and its destructive capacity is unpredictable. I've practiced with it a few times myself! Very cool stuff!"

Moondancer's eyes widened as she raised both brows, glancing at Twilight. "You're telling me you know what this book is?"

Twilight nodded absently. "Uhuh! I read that one a couple of years ago during one of my binge reads!"

Moondancer looked at Twilight with a perplexed and shocked expression for a moment longer before returning to looking down at the book with a concentrated expression. "I see, that's pretty impressive honestly." She must be a graduate from Celestia's old school.

Twilight shuddered, fumbling with the notepad as she tried to snap right back into concentration mode. She had to resort to actually holding it with both hooves as she had her pen levitated in front of her. "O-Oh of course! Right! But um, what would you like!?"

Moondancer had one hoof resting against her cheek as she continued reading her book. "Four strawberry donuts, light on the sprinkles, along with a large cup of your iced caramel coffee. Easy on the sugar please, does something to my stomach."

Twilight turned around immediately as she began trotting away, having memorized her order with ease. "Coming right up!"

Moondancer, pleasingly surprised took a moment to glance at Twilight in curiosity seeing as she recognized quick wit when she saw it. But something else caught the unicorn's attention further, that being Twilight's bare flank. Moondancer's eyes snapped wide as she looked overwhelmed with shock and surprise before calling out to Twilight suddenly again, reaching out for her. "H-Hey! Waitress! Could you come back for a second!? I forgot to order something!" She lowered herself back into her seat nervously. Moondancer suddenly raised her hooves to her muzzle and looked down towards the table, contemplating something in deep concern. What could it have been?

Twilight's eyes widened as she was called and she didn't hesitate to turn around, making her way with a prance in a hurried manner back to the table. She looked concerned. "Did I forget something!? I-I'm really sorry! I, I usually get everything right on the first try!"

Moondancer spoke absently, staring blankly ahead. "Can you sit down?"

Twilight blinked a bit as she glanced back towards the counter. It looked like Joe was currently talking with another customer at the counter, as based on his gestures they were laughing about something in their conversation. Twilight looked back down at Moondancer and nodded to her abruptly. "Um, y-yes." She scooted into the space right next to Moondancer awkwardly and stared blankly ahead to.

Moondancer closed her eyes with a heavy sigh. "The seat in front of me please."

Twilight nodded, "Oh! R-Right!" She poofed with magic to the opposing seat, now staring straight at Moondancer.

Moondancer peered at Twilight then observantly. "Great, now to stop curious prying eyes from listening." And suddenly surrounding their table was a large pink bubble, encasing them in their own little private dome. "Too many gossiping ponies these days."

And as she'd stated, while they were secluded in the private bubble, observers became increasingly frustrated.

Twilight's eyes widened as she looked up, looking at the bubble in fascination. "What, what is this?"

Moondancer spoke absently as she continued to glance over Twilight curiously. "A bubble of silence."

Twilight smiled wide as she continued looking up at the bubble. "Wow! So cool! Hahahaha!"

Moondancer couldn't help but smile in regards to her enthusiasm. "Glad to see somepony else has as much appreciation for the works of magic." She slammed her book shut. "But back to the point. I'll keep our conversation brief, as to not draw too much attention."

Twilight nodded attentively as she kept her eyes on Moondancer, appearing a bit nervous.

Moondancer continued to stare at Twilight in curiosity. "What's your name?"

Twilight blushed a little as she avoided eye contact, often embarrassed by the question. "Um, i-it's Twilight Sparkle."

Moondancer's eyes widened significantly in further surprise. "Wait, you're the sister of Shining Armor?"

Twilight blushed further, sulking in her embarrassment as she chuckled softly. "Uh, y-yeah. Sorry to disappoint."

Moondancer shook her head in an apologetic manner. "No no no, I'm sorry I didn't mean it like that. You're just not what I expected." Her gaze fastened on Twilight further, with seemingly endless bounds of her curiosity for the mare, her interest in her. "You're obviously not one for fashion and you also got an awkward personality, probably a shut-in? Whereas your brother is a famous public figure. He's Commander of the Nightmare Guard and had no trouble transitioning from Princess Celestia's guard and earning Nightmare Moon's trust, now leading the entirety of her forces. That's quite a feat of accomplishment. I always found it strange there was little to no information on his sibling." She couldn't help but smile earnestly with a raised brow. "Not to mention you're a blank flank. This is all, very strange."

Twilight frowned. "I know I'm not my brother."

Moondancer frowned right back in annoyance with Twilight. "Would you stop that? I'm not attempting to attack you Twilight. I mean, forgive me." She sighed and lowered her head for but a moment before looking at Twilight earnestly, respectively. "Just please let me finish what I am saying. I couldn't care less about your status in society, as you've probably noticed I'm not very well liked either. I'm actually glad you're not well known. That allows me to talk to you without having to be worried about others questioning who you are for the most part. But something else I noticed about you Twilight, is that you're a quick wit, and you obviously have a love for magic. That's rare from a blank flank." Moondancer's expression brightened some with anticipation. "Do you understand what I'm getting at?"

Twilight's now looked legitimately surprised, unsure of what Moondancer was getting at. "Well, n-not really."

Moondancer closed her eyes, smirking at her. "There's something special about you, whether you want to believe it or not. "

Twilight flushed red shyly, as she looked at Moondancer with a flustered yet flattered expression before hurriedly looking away.

Moondancer suddenly popped the bubble of silence as she rose from her seat. She made way for the door suddenly, no longer interested in ordering or eating anything as she tucked away her book with telekinetic magic. "And I plan to figure it out." As she reached the door she made sure to glance back at Twilight, still with interest. "Keep your eyes open Twilight, I'll be in touch."

Twilight had already risen from her seat as she watched the unicorn depart with wide shocked eyes. She looked suspended in disbelief as the words echoed in her mind. I-In touch? Twilight suddenly smiled uncontrollably. Did, did I just make myself a friend!?

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