• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XXII: A Dance with Destiny

Chapter XXII: A Dance with Destiny

Chapter 21 Recap: Captain Dash and Twilight Sparkle have met above the clouds. Two blank flanks, defying what they believe to be destiny. All is silent as they prepare themselves each for what needs to be done. Fleetfoot, Marble, and Cloudchaser all hurry to depart, as Minuette and the others have already seemed to escape. Despite the silence between both the alicorn and pegasus, something seems off. They are not alone.

Standing alone at the edge near a sea of stars, a strange unidentifiable creature stood. Each of its limbs partook of a different animal, while its body was slender in similarity to a snake. Yet the creature stood upright easily, as if it were meant for such a posture. It bared a younger face, and was awfully short ... perhaps a youngling of its kind. It stood there at the edge of an astral cliff, looking out towards those stars. It seemed bored, yet attentive. All was silent for now.

But then a happening occurred. One of the many stars flickered, shining brighter than all the others.

The creature's expression immediately changed, as it turned swiftly, exposing itself towards the view of the rest of its strange world. This world was massive, infinite in nature. Yet it wasn't defined by any form of known logic. Mountains hung in the distance yet bodies of water as large as lakes were elevated over them. An endless series of waterfalls decorated the vast scenery, yet originated from nothing, and despite this abnormal sense of beauty, it was accompanied by areas of black cavernous wastes spread about the surface. From the creature's perception everything as a whole consisted of miles on end. Areas of inferno, ice, water, flora, any sort of biome the mind could comprehend. Yet something stood out in that vast distance, a haunting landmark. It was a grand black castle, seemingly made of crystal, and somehow despite all that surrounded it, its presence was impossible to ignore. The creature continued forward, leaping and hopping upon fragments of broken floating stone. It slithered through the air towards another destination, with great haste.

Eventually after a time the creature arrived at a small worn cabin, floating aimlessly upon one of the many elevated rocks. It seemed a series of makeshift wooden bridges connected it to a region of flora, and abandoned ruins. The creature made its way to the front door, before effortlessly swinging it open with telekinetic magic. "All Seer, All Seer!"

A lone figure sitting at a dining table within the cabin merely raised a hoof, immediately silencing the creature. "I know of which words you plan to speak. The hour has come to finally meet." She rose slowly, exhaling as she peered out a window at the side of the cabin. "The stars whisper of a tragic tale. But there is a shimmering light behind this veil."

The creature looked towards the four hoofed individual worriedly. "All Seer ... m-meet? Meet who?"

The figure turned, making its way both towards the door and light. "That answer will come in due time. For now let us go take the fight to this blight." It was revealed it was none other than a zebra, wearing a brown raggedy cloak. "Together."

Twilight Sparkle didn't even feel as if she were a part of the same world. Her empty gaze eyed further up towards the skies, as she eventually looked back to Captain Dash in a sad and mellow manner. "There is no convincing you ... is there?"

Captain Dash had little change of demeanor, squinting at the alicorn with a slight smile. "No."

Twilight appeared both stunned and disappointed all the same, eventually, she cast her gaze down at the cloud below to gather her thoughts. "I'd always wanted to make more friends. I'd always imagined what it'd be like, being as popular as my brother." She then took a glance to the lower right. "What it'd be like to be the famous Shining Armor. To fill his hoofplates." She frowned gradually, "But I never wanted anything like this to happen. Not with you ... or anypony."

Captain Dash' eyes widened at the mare. After a brief pause she let off some loose chuckles.

Twilight looked back to Captain Dash, eyes now wide as she was thrown off by the suddenly humored pegasus.

Captain Dash raised a hoof to her forehead, bursting into laughter she couldn't control.

Twilight couldn't help but inquire with curiosity, "What's so funny?"

Captain Dash looked over at her, head leaned back in amusement. "Everything."

The silence between them grew, as the two now eyed one another with no change of expression. Twilight looked towards Captain Dash ... saddened yet determined, whereas the Pegasus eyed the mare in mere amusement.

Twilight lowered her head, as her face darkened. "I guess ... it is all funny." She gave an intense blood curdling glare towards Captain Dash. "You were always a celebrity for a mare like me. But I can feel this cavernous pit of magic pushing me, supporting me." She paused, "I don't care where it came from Captain Dash. If I can use it to stop even you, then I will. If I can't convince you, then you've left me no choice but this one." She huffed, "Failing isn't an option this time."

Captain Dash took a moment to look to the mare more seriously. "Ironic how things work isn't it? To think the alicorn I was searching for this entire time was right under my nose. To think the colt I despised played a part in empowering that very same alicorn. I've never been one for destiny but I must appreciate its sense of humor. I must also appreciate your obvious determination but," she now wore a more cold expression as she paused. "Do you really think its that simple?"

Twilight's brows rose at Captain Dash, as she hesitantly cast her gaze downward, deep in thought.

Captain Dash continued, solemnly. "The night is coming to an end Alicorn. With it, this whole mess of a rebellion. What do you hope to accomplish in a world you know nothing about? What do you know of the sacrifices we've had to make to get this far? If not the Princess' regime, then whose? Yours? You run blindly towards an unknown destination, and for what?" She tilted her head to the right slightly. "Is the future your racing towards truly the one you want ... Alicorn?"

Twilight's hesitation continued, but as her thoughts raced she thought back to Moondancer, and what'd transpired over the night. She looked back to Captain Dash, a fierce fire burning within her. "I'm willing to accept the consequences."

Captain Dash looked to her blankly, before chuckling. "Hahaha ... I really hate idiots like you." She closed her eyes, "Always so eager to create change without thinking it through. Always so determined to dismantle the very pieces which bind Equestria together." A howling wind began to vibrantly make itself known around the mare, as she steadily began lowering her frame and glaring at the Alicorn, yet grinning wildly. "Don't think so highly of yourself ... Alicorn!"

And Twilight, caught off guard found herself blasted by a gust of wind, only to be followed up with the sudden onset of Captain Dash. The mare near immediately surrounded herself within a bubble of arcane as the lance smashed against it. Her eyes were wide, shocked, as she didn't expect such swift ferocity from the pegasus. Her thoughts had yet to catch up.

Captain Dash kept grinning fiercely, her forehooves trembling against the arcane bubble as she steadily continued to push. "Our dance has finally started Alicorn. Or should I say, Twilight Sparkle?" Soon a rapid wind pressure became apparent on the tip of Captain Dash' lance, as she increased momentum. "Lets see who buckles from the pressure first."

Fleetfoot pushed herself as fast as she could through the littered grounds of sleeping ponies. She tried not to eye them, to pay attention to any of them. She knew there was nothing she herself could really do. Upon her back was a sleeping Moondancer, grumbling every now and then. But that too she ignored, her only focus was reaching the edge of the city.

Marble carried Twilight Velvet on her back, and also attempted to reach out to Fleetfoot vocally. "Fleetfoot!"

But the pegasus ignored her, she just kept pushing forward. She tried to block everything out for now.

Marble didn't give up however. She repeated herself again and again. "Fleetfoot! Fleetfoot! Fleeeetfoot!"

Eventually the pegasus mare came to a screeching halt, breathing heavily as she snapped. "What Marble!?"

Marble flinched for a mere second, then gave a steady glare towards her companion in silence.

Fleetfoot went on a tirade, eyeing the ground as she did so. "What do you want me to do huh!? What's so important that you have to hound me now of all times!?" She looked back at the fellow mare with a pained expression. "Just what!?"

Corporal Cloudchaser carried her sister. She wore a blank expression, eyeing the two in uncertainty and worry.

Marble eventually spoke, her brows lowering as she tried to smile. "You are. I need to know that you're okay."

Fleetfoot grimaced at her, surprised by her inquiry. In a passive rage the pegasus looked to the ground, snapping. "Oh right, okay? Let's see! We're being forced to abandon all our friends and allies to who knows what as they're stuck asleep. It's only a matter of time before reinforcements pull in from the Princess' castle! And now, now of all times we find out that the Alicorn does exist! That she's Twilight Sparkle and what do we do Marble!?" The mare started to tremble in place.

Marble's eyes widened slowly at Fleetfoot. Taken aback by what she currently witnessed.

Fleetfoot's eyes were shut tight as she still appeared furious. Tears ran down the mare's face as she struggled to keep her composure. "We run, because that's all I know how to do. Run away, time and again. How pathetic am I? That even now, when I know I should be doing all I can to fight back, that I'm here running away. It's the only reason I made it this far."

But Marble passionately interjected. "Wrong!" She glared at Fleetfoot. "What about me?"

Fleetfoot looked to Marble, sniffling as she seemed confused, still trying to keep her composure.

Marble continued, her passion of belief overflowing. "I wouldn't have ever made it this far without your protection! You helped keep me safe! You helped me learn how to stand up for myself." She shut her eyes tight then, "So don't go belittling all that you've done at the worst possible time! You ... idiot!" She huffed, before glaring at the mare again.

Fleetfoot frowned at Marble, still trembling as she lowered her head and kept her gaze downward.

Marble stepped ahead of Fleetfoot, as she huffed, still angry. "Now chin up, and follow me!"

Fleetfoot nodded briefly, eyes still contemplative as she sluggishly turned, and followed after Marble.

Corporal Cloudchaser remained standing there blankly temporarily, before smiling. She glanced back at Flitters on her back, eyeing her with a sense of regret. It was then she used a free hoof to angrily glare down at her Nightmare Guard breastplate, and tear it off forcefully, tossing it aside. With that, she continued, no longer as Corporal, but merely as Cloudchaser.

What're you doing Twilight?

The voice was ringing in her head and Twilight couldn't determine where it came from. Focus had to be her only motivation for now. She kept an arcane bubble wrapped around her, as pressuring it was Captain Dash. But ... Twilight gritted her teeth, as sweat poured down the side of her head. She postured herself, her body tightening in that position upon the cloud as she remained standing, trembling as it only became more difficult to keep her arcane bubble active.

Captain Dash continued to grin, cocking a brow eventually as she spoke in a hurried tone. "What's wrong Alicorn? Where's all that magic from before!? Ya messing with me!? Hahaha! Playing some sort of game!?" The mare continued to hold the lance with both forehooves, as she pressed it against the sphere. The surging winds surrounding the blade only intensified as Captain Dash continued, "What're you so afraid of!? You can't hide in there forever you know!"

Twilight continued to tremble, squinting now as she struggled to find a solution.

You are not capable of saving your friends without it. Stop ... stalling. Stop contemplating. Accept.

The voice came again, yet it only confused the Twilight more. It sounded so much like herself, but different somehow. She felt within its tone confidence she's never had. A tenacity she's never knew. A certainty she couldn't verify. Such such certainty. But about what? As her shield started to crack from the wind pressure, Twilight looked to Captain Dash's lance. T-That weapon is allowing her to forcefully manipulate the weather at will. How did Nightmare Moon manage that?

Soon enough Captain Dash picked up the momentum. She began swinging wildly at the bubble, each strike letting off a crackling smash. Twilight's arcane bubble continued to crack and shake with each violent smack. "Where were you when the Changelings arrived huh? Where were you all those years before! You sat back and did nothing until it suited you!"

You ... will ... FAIL, Twilight Sparkle, unless you listen to what I say! Delve into it! Unleash it upon her!

Twilight continued to tremble. This voice was clouding her thoughts. Yet when she truly thought about it, she knew what it spoke of. Twilight felt as if she were standing upon an infinite sea of magic, the same sea that'd allowed her to forcefully negate an entire avalanche of debris from destroying Canterlot. It was still available to her, that vast sea of magic. But a hint of fear rang through Twilight, as Captain Dash continued her relentless assault. She thought, b-but I will drown. Twilight didn't want to admit it, but Captain Dash's words already had an affect. The warning she spoke of.

I know that magic you claim to have received, is volatile in nature. I've seen what it does to ponies who can't handle it. Eventually, you'll be no different from the Princess you aim to stop.

Then the voice in Twilight's head rang out again, leaving the unicorn mare stunned.

Then drown.

Twilight stood there, wide eyed as she continued to listen, still contemplative and uncertain.

The voice continued. You will fail otherwise Twilight Sparkle. Drown yourself in the gift that's been given to you. Don't let the sacrifices which have given you this opportunity go to waste. Crush this mare's treacherous crusade against you.

Twilight gritted her teeth, appearing fearful of the inclination. It wasn't so easy as before. When she'd initially flew up here, everything seemed cloudy, the magic she'd received just came as she willed it. She thought nothing of balance. Yet now in this moment, she could feel something awry trying to pull her down. A cavernous bottomless depth of magic, the thought of submerging herself within it frightened her. What was this voice that lurked beneath the surface? Doubts started to creep into her mind as she focused angrily on Captain Dash. She wanted nothing more than to put a stop to the mare. But even a small taste of the power she had access to seemed abnormally overwhelming. What cost did it come with?

Captain Dash continued to unleash her flurry upon Twilight's bubble. "I've found myself in hopeless situations again and again! I always crawl back up! I always find a way! You think here and now, you, some hopeless mare with her only backing being destiny, will be able to trump the experiences I've dealt with! This is another day for me!" Captain Dash's grin disappeared instantaneously as she spun, and in that spin the cloud pulled her back a few feet swiftly. She fastened her lance upon Twilight's bubble, before the cloud repeated the process in reverse and sent the mare surging towards the bubble again. Captain Dash let off a piercing cry, "So why don't we stop stalling! And get this over with already!"

Twilight gritted her teeth as crackles of magic shimmered around her and she snarled. "That's ENOUGH!" She roared out as loud as she could, as her bubble exploded and expanded in a volatile ring of magic.

Captain Dash flinched, reacting promptly as the cloud knocked her up into the air with a swift movement of her lance, allowing her to ascend enough to dodge the sudden ring before immediately dropping back down masterfully atop the cloud afterwords. The mare glared at Twilight momentarily, before an eager tight lipped smirk appeared again. Her eyes widened as her pupils dilated, as if she were enthralled with the Alicorn. "That's it. Take this seriously."

T-Twilight! Wait!

Twilight called out as she hurried forward. "S-Smarty Pants! Maneuver!" Twilight squinted at Captain Dash as she rushed forward. I'll do this on my own accord! I won't become like Nightmare Moon! All I need is just a little bit of this magic and I can succeed. I-I can feel it. Smarty Pants raced around the perimeter of Captain Dash who just remained standing there atop the cloud. Twilight rushed Captain Dash's front side, before hurriedly teleporting behind her. Her horn started to glow, while she focused particularly on the pegasus' lance. All I need is a little-


Eh? Twilight found herself stumbling back. Her nose bruised and bloody red, as her sight became foggy. As she fell off balance, she wobbled as she attempted to recover. W-Wha? What just...

Captain Dash had rear kicked the mare in the face swiftly, then going into a turning motion herself and just as swiftly, executing two powerful jabs with her right forehoof. She then fastened her lance upon her for a fatal jab then and there.

Twilight was left shaken by the blows as she muttered. "S-Smarty ... Smarty Pants."

Smarty Pants, wrapped in telekinetic magic rushed to Twilight's aid as it slammed itself into the Captain's lance, pushing it just far enough to prevent Twilight from being stabbed. Afterwords, the doll tumbled atop the cloud.

Captain Dash was still within a surge of momentum as she rushed towards Twilight. She gritted her teeth in annoyance at Smarty Pants "Tch..." before spinning on one rear hoof and propelling herself into a kick once again to Twilight's face.

Twilight's cheek was smashed against as the force of the kick sent her into a single spin facing the opposite direction. She wheezed as it'd already started to swell and she just began retreating, trotting forward into a teleport spell.

Captain Dash closed her eyes, listening closely as the very winds around them. Eventually her ears twitched as she caught sound of the rapidly condensing air which resulted from a teleportation spell. She immediately looked up into the sky towards a position at her upper right, at first eyeing only an empty space.

Not a second late Twilight had arrived in that very same position. The mare far more furious than before as she let off a powerful surge of arcane magic, blasting straight down at Captain Dash!

Captain Dash was as graceful as a dancer with her movements however. She closed her eyes, and with a simple rotation of the lance, the cloud pulled her from harm's way, the very surface of it moving to her advantage.

Twilight's blast shot through the cloud and dissipated into the air. Twilight looked at the crackles and shimmers left behind by the blast as a look of concern overcame her. I-I did it again. I pulled too much. I, I have to be careful. She then glared at Captain Dash with determination again. Smarty Pants already moving in on the pegasus.

But Captain Dash's movements were too quick, precise. She easily dodged the doll as it began fluttering about attempting to hit her. Dash eyed it with each sway of her body that she easily dodged as the cloud's surface manipulated itself to aid the pegasus. That doll is embedded with her magic, I can't take any chances with it making direct contact. Captain Dash eventually glanced over and up at Twilight blankly.

Twilight remained suspended in the air, cheek and eye swelling as she seemed hesitant to come down.

Wet behind the ears. Captain Dash suddenly raised her lance in the mare's direction, as a portion of cloud suddenly shot up and itself around Twilight's rear hoof, latching onto her.

Twilight flinched, "Huh!"

Captain Dash smirked, now bringing her lance downward.

Twilight was pulled down and slammed atop the cloud's surface. Where Captain Dash immediately descended upon her once again from atop, attempting to bring the lance down upon her. The mare rolled, dodging the stab as she poofed, teleporting three consecutive times to create some distance between them, then attempting to scurry away.

Captain Dash's face darkened as she seemed somewhat annoyed. "What're you doing?"

Twilight still attempted to create some distance as she breathed heavily. She was currently faced away from Captain Dash, but eventually, slowly and inevitably, took a glance back at the mare. Then she saw it, the oncoming lance as it scraped the mare's cheek. Twilight's world slowed, as the pain of the cut hadn't set in. But the shock was initiated.

Captain Dash continued her assault, glaring at Twilight every step of the way. Her movements with her lance were in similarity to that of a seasoned fighter, not an action wasted as currently she went for precise single swings, spinning once with each one as it sent Twilight off balance. The Alicorn was consistently stumbling back. "Who's this pitiful filly?"

Twilight attempted to block, now resorting to casting arcane shields over her forehooves as she stumbled backwards, and they'd shatter upon contact with Captain Dash's spear each time. She grunted, flinching from the swings.

Captain Dash sliced her again, this time on her rear leg. "Where is your magic Alicorn? Can you not use it?"

Twilight let off a pained cry as Smarty Pants immediately intersected between them and she limped back.

Captain Dash didn't let up her momentum, she struck the doll with swiftness this time, knocking it away with ease as she pressed on against Twilight. "Or could it be you're unable to use it? I guess it doesn't really matter." The mare was cold and focused, as she spun her lance and fastened it for a straight jab as the cloud pulled her back to create distance. Captain Dash's eyes closed halfway as her ruby gaze was centered upon Twilight's torso. "Due to your whimsical generosity. I'll just end things here." And suddenly Captain Dash was thrust forward. The tip of the lance heading straight for Twilight's exposed chest. "Just accept the result ... Alicorn."

Twilight's appeared dazed from the earlier blows, as she looked emptily ahead.

The voice in her head sounded tired and passively frustrated. No my dear Twilight ... this simply won't do.

An echo of pierced flesh rang above the clouds.

Lady Rarity allowed herself to exhale slowly, calming herself. She stood within the throne room of Nightmare Moon's castle, or particularly, behind the throne. She frowned a bit as she peered towards an empty wall. But after a long eerie silence, a rectangular veil of shadow appeared. The shadow let off a long awry grumble, before clearing some. A voice escaped it.

"Lady Rarity. It is always a pleasure to hear from you. How fares the castle? Your contact was ... unexpected."

Lady Rarity closed her eyes, before her body was soon wrapped within the shadows which surrounded various parts of the throne room. Eventually they crawled from her form, leaving the mare in her previous state of nightmare. Her coat was black and her mane was a darkened tint of violet, accompanied by a snowy white. She frowned some, glaring towards the veil. "The castle is fine. It is the Princess I am worried about. I cannot reach her, she will not answer me."

The voice from the veil continued. "If she does not answer. It means she is choosing not to."

Lady Rarity snapped at the voice, "Which is unacceptable in my current circumstances!"

A chuckle escaped the veil. "Bold words aimed towards our Princess. But I understand ... do you require support?"

Lady Rarity began pacing back and forth. "N-No ... Not yet. Not just yet. But I have experienced a strange phenomenon that requires investigating. I only wish to inform the Princess of this, for it may very well affect her decision to remain within the Dragon Lands." Rarity looked back towards the veil, "The Alicorn may be making her move."

There was a brief pause in the voice. "The Alicorn? Mhmhmhm! You are like the Princess? You still fear that possibility? What can one pony do against us all?"

Rarity squinted towards the veil in all seriousness. "Anything. If destiny wills it."

A hushed chuckle of amusement escaped the veil. "With what, the power of love and friendship?"

Rarity flinched as she looked down nervously in a grave manner. "That is what troubles me."

The veil continued, "Lady Rarity, I assure you that there is nothing to fear when it comes to love nor-"

But she interjected. "It is not love or friendship I felt that made me fear the possibility of the Alicorn."

The voice from the veil paused, stopping now to simply listen. "Hm?"

Rarity eyed the rectangle of pure misty black again in further concern. "It was the exponential terror that came instead. A foul bitterness I have not felt ever in my life. It was for but a second but it was there ... and, i-if I am not simply imagining things-" She cast her gaze downward with a tremble, "Then I'd much rather have had the destined Alicorn instead."

The veil finally responded. "Are you suggesting another Nightmare Pony of the Princess' caliber exists?"

Rarity squinted a bit again. "What I'm suggesting is there is a possibility of that being the case."

The tone of the voice came with a distinct change, one of skepticism ... yet worry. "I have felt nothing from the Realm of Nightmares, and the Princess has said nothing. How could such a being remain out of sight for all this time?"

Rarity appeared to be in deep thought again before she spoke. "For years now the Princess has established herself in this world as the seat of power. None have been able to effectively challenge her. That, or some chose not to."

The voice once again was silent, implying it was listening.

Rarity paused momentarily. "Perhaps our actions have finally prodded a monster from its stupor." She looked seriously towards the veil. "Perhaps ... we woke something we shouldn't have."

A scoff escaped the veil, "Enough with the silly ghost stories! Fine! I will attempt to reach out to the Princess if it'll put you at ease, but I do not expect her to answer my call either. Regardless, should you catch wind of this 'monster' Lady Rarity, do please inform me. I would love to investigate such a being myself. Afterall how fascinating would that be?" It paused, "Since the North Shadow I have not seen one who can challenge the Princess. Though this world does hide many fascinating secrets. Well ... I must be going for now Lady Rarity. I thank you for this information. I have many 'slaves' to attend to, peasants to question. Should you be in need of me I as always, am only a little ways away."

With this the rectangular veil disappeared into thin air.

Lady Rarity's shadowy form dissipated as well, as she just stood there in her silence. She eyed the wall once again, contemplative and deep in thought. She said nothing...

Marble gritted her teeth as she tried to keep her balance as she slid down a hill of piled mountain debris alongside the edge of Canterlot City, leading down into the forests below. She was at the home stretch, and eventually leaped to land upon a bed of grass softly. She exhaled, smiling to herself before glancing back at the others who were behind her.

Both Fleetfoot and Cloudchaser, with their respective ponies on their backs, each mimicked her leaps and lands.

Eventually as they'd begun to trot further into the forests, Marble tried to remain upbeat, more so than usual. She let off a relieved chuckle. "W-Well ... We made it out Fleetfoot. We can tell everypony of what happened here." But as she continued to trot, and got no response, eventually Marble glanced back, still smiling. "Fleetfoot?"

Fleetfoot was eyeing the sky, worriedly so, as she took some time to respond. "It all just seems off ... Marble."

Cloudchaser was also listening, but doing only that as she wasn't sure what Fleetfoot was getting at.

Marble looked to the pegasus in concern. "What do you mean?"

Fleetfoot squinted up at the clouds. "Twilight Sparkle ... the Alicorn. She exists but ... it all just seems off."

Marble nor Cloudchaser understood. They just continued to watch the mare and listen.

Fleetfoot thought back to when she saw Twilight first emerge as the Alicorn. "I don't know how to explain it..."

Captain Dash stood there, hooves trembling as she looked down at her own forehooves which gripped her lance. She then slowly turned her gaze up back towards Twilight. Her expression distorting into one of confusion.

There Twilight Sparkle stood, as she also held onto the part of lance just past the blade. But the blade penetrated all through her torso, leaving a violet sludge which leaked from the wound. However, her expression was not one of worry nor panic, it was one of tired amusement. She peered down at the lance with half closed eyes, muttering in a distinct and almost motherly tone. "This simply won't do at all." Soon that piercing gaze turned towards Captain Dash. "That was way too close for comfort. I told you didn't I? Well it doesn't matter." She paused, "I'll take things over from here."

What was this? Twilight laid on her side within a realm of pure black. Much in similarity to when she'd met the colt. She blinked a few times as she awoke, and then looked down at her own reflection again which was mirrored upon the misty surface. As she rose, she wobbled a bit as her eyes widened due to a source of light which she could tell originated behind her, it was bright and impossible to ignore. Soon enough she turned, slowly, only to see her own world view in front of herself, as if she were watching it through somepony else' eyes. The mare was stunned, unable to respond as she stood there and watched as Captain Dash struggled to hold her lance in place. She could only watch and attempt to process the scene as best she could.

Captain Dash watched, as a shiver ran down her spine and she appeared fully concentrated. She leaped back with her lance in hoof, needing a moment to gather herself.

Twilight Sparkle continued to stand there, smiling more wide as the sludge which protruded from both the side of her muzzle and the gaping wound on her torso, began to disappear and fade with no more than a sizzle.

Captain Dash immediately pointed her lance at Twilight Sparkle, wrapping her immediately in clouds.

Fleetfoot's voice continued. The feeling Twilight Sparkle gave me as I saw her emerge ... was far from comforting.

The cloud wrapped around Twilight Sparkle became overcome with a surge of lightning, shredding wind pressure, and shards of icy blue fabricated from the cold air as Captain Dash went into swift swinging motions, executing all of these actions with her precise weather control. Afterwords her cocoon of the elements froze over completely. The mare stood there, watching with wide eyes as she kept that same observant look the whole while, not saying a word.

Light began to emerge from the cocoon of clouds, a bright violet light as it pierced any crack available. The light only intensified before it became blinding, then letting off an exponential amount of brightness and magical energy shattered the cocoon completely.

Captain Dash whom shaded her eyes temporarily with a raised forehoof, immediately went on the defensive, as coming down upon her were large ethereal purple spikes. The cloud carried her as swiftly as it could as the mare only managed to dodge these oncoming spikes by mere inches each time. Eventually, she simply tossed herself into the air upon a higher cloud to avoid them entirely, as she breathed heavily, watching with a distraught expression. Twilight's voice came again, but the demeanor was entirely different. Captain Dash couldn't pinpoint the tone, but deep inside she felt a frightening reminder. It reminded her of the Princess.

"Captain Rainbow Dash, diligent protector of Equestria, faithful servant of Nightmare Moon." Twilight Sparkle stood now with her eyes closed, as she smirked slightly and her head was lowered. "Twilight is not ready for one of your caliber. She is unseasoned, naive, and only wishes to do the right thing. I cherish that innocence, but also realize its faults." The Alicorn looked up towards the pegasus, again with half-closed eyes. "She is a novice competing on the field of a master. Do not hold it against her, she only wished to play fair." The Alicorn now turned to face Captain Dash, still looking up at her. "But no chances must be taken, you are far too dangerous to be around my dear Twilight, Captain Dash. There is still so much that needs to be done, but your part to play must be brought to an abrupt end. I'll give you credit however ..." she closed her eyes, smiling kindly. "You were frighteningly close. Far closer than anypony else will ever come. So for that, I give you credit." She opened her eyes slowly, widening her smile. "Goodbye." Twilight once again swiped a hoof downward.

Fleetfoot finished. But ... I guess, maybe ... it was just my imagination.

Twilight ... from wherever she was currently trapped, cried out a desperate pleading, "Nooooooooo!"

Captain Dash felt herself be pulled forward, wrapped in a telekinetic force she hadn't even noticed. As she was pulled down towards the Alicorn, she raised her lance for it was all she could think of doing as she prepared for a fierce swing at Twilight the moment she'd arrive at her position.

But Twilight only continued to smile at the pegasus, as she manifested a long ethereal sword. "Hm."

And Captain Dash's eyes widened as not a second later, she was upon the alicorn and swung. But with a shattering crack, her lance split with ease, as Twilight's blade sunk into her torso much like her lance had previously done to her earlier. The piercing of flesh was distinct, as was the cracking of her armor. And the blade, made it all the way through like butter. The mare's pupils dilated as she looked down at the blade, and red began to course down the side of her muzzle. Eventually, she looked Twilight in her eyes, silent.

The Alicorn only wore that same amused expression, as she spoke. "You sought the Alicorn Captain Dash. Well ... here she is."

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