• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XVI: Ashes in the Arcane

Chapter XVI: Ashes in the Arcane

Chapter 15 Recap: Was there a better option to her available? Did she take too long to reach this point? As Moondancer closes in on a desperate attempt to both understand, and bring down the barrier which surrounds Canterlot, a grim happening takes place. Now reaching towards an uncertain future, she wonders if in this sudden undertaking she's pursued, whether in a single moment, it was all for naught. Princess Nightmare Moon has realized Tantabus' abrupt defeat, and thus Equestria's future takes a much darker turn to address her enemies. An example must be made to show all the world, just what happens to those who resist her mighty reign.

Atop the black sea, Trixie, Diane and Rarity remained standing together in silence, fully attentive.

Princess Nightmare Moon peered down at Rarity, still with an everlasting gaze. "Is it done Rarity?"

Rarity bowed her head nonchalantly, keeping it lowered. "Yes, my princess."

Trixie didn't understand, as her own gaze drifted back and forth between Rarity and Princess Nightmare Moon in wonder. Suddenly, minuscule sparks of violet flame began to appear in the distance behind Princess Nightmare Moon's gaze, still upon the black sea. Trixie at first squinted at them, before her eyes widened and she was filled with an abnormal sense of dread. There was an abrupt howling which accompanied the sparks of flame, an eerie bleak sound as if weeping winds swept across the black waters. The sparks of flame all sunk deep into the sea, one by one diminishing, and vanishing into the dark depths. Trixie looked to Diane again, "What is all this?"

But Diane didn't answer, she only wore a subtle smile with tired eyes as she commented. "Shhhh Silly..."

Trixie flinched due to Diane's response, easily offended. But she understood the necessity.

Princess Nightmare Moon showed a hint of satisfaction within her leering gaze, as a chuckle escaped her. "Good, good."

Trixie eyed Princess Nightmare Moon, still not understanding. But then, the eerie flames she witnessed began cropping up around the three, all spread about as the howling became louder. The happening caused Trixie to go into a slight panic, as she put up her guard and drew closer towards Diane naturally, glancing around and watching as the same process she'd just witnessed happened right before their very eyes. She gritted her teeth in both fear and uncertainty, caution, as she constantly eyed the sinking sparks in further troubled confusion.

It was at that moment, Princess Nightmare Moon burst into abrupt devious laughter. It was laughter filled with now utter satisfaction. Princess Nightmare Moon was thoroughly enjoying herself, filled with joy, even if the happening might've been foreboding.

Trixie still didn't understand. What did any of this mean!? The frustration caused her to peer up at Princess Nightmare Moon in impatience, desperate to understand. But she dared not voice her angst. She only watched the princess relish in this strange moment.

While both Diane and Rarity kept their heads lowered. They ignored the laughing, and dared not look towards the flames.

But realizing Trixie's frustration, Diane gave her a casual glance, and comforting smile. "This place is a canvas."

Trixie blinked, glancing back at Diane as she arched a brow at her, honestly surprised she even spoke. "What?"

And Diane looked gloomily up towards Princess Nightmare Moon again, yet still with a smile. "And heartbreak, the paint."

Trixie kept her brow raised at her in question. Why must she speak in riddles?

"For you to understand, Child." Nightmare Moon said with a hint of amusement.

Trixie flinched, looking back up at Nightmare Moon's gaze in fear. But she paused, seeing that it'd disappeared, now having become an orb of dark sludge which dropped into the black sea. Only moments later the sea itself rose, and Princess Nightmare Moon in her full recognizable form had come from it, molded by the very waters as she was transparent much like all of them were. Trixie was speechless, and still she trembled as she turned her eyes downward in an immediate reaction. Never before had she been so scared, not only due to the fact that the princess had seemingly read her thoughts, but also being in a realm so unfamiliar. W-Was, was she listening in the entire time?

Nightmare Moon strode up to the group, as she casually lifted Trixie's head with a hoof, staring into her eyes. "There is much you will come to understand in the days ahead, give it time." She turned, trotting off further away from them upon the water. Eventually she cast a glance back at Rarity, smiling eagerly. "For we now have all the time in the world. Due to the fatal error of our little alicorn friend."

Rarity regarded Princess Nightmare Moon with curiosity. "Have you learned of something Princess? You seem in high spirits."

There was silence as Nightmare Moon peered up towards the empty blackness of this realm. "This world has diverged from the one our alicorn knows. Either she has failed in her quest to erase this timeline, or, this timeline is our own." There was a pause, followed by a brief grin from the princess as she turned to look back at the three yet again. "Regardless, both possibilities are sufficient. Only now, I have learned of her existence before hoof. I know the means she requires to defeat me, I know the plans she has to acquire friends, and I know she is accompanied by a dear baby dragon. One she was willing to risk everything for. A detrimental part of her story. But destiny has changed, I have made sure of it." Nightmare Moon glanced to her lower right with utmost affection, "Isn't that right little one? Come, show yourself."

And soon enough, another transparent figure emerged from the water, smaller and more innocent. Summoned to the Nightmare Realm specifically for this brief encounter as it stood by Nightmare Moon's side obediently. It was none other than a purple baby dragon.

Rarity's eyes widened significantly in instant recognition. "You, you truly did manage to find him. But, what of the alicorn?"

Princess Nightmare Moon wrapped one hoof around him, pulling him against her. "Yes, and he is not as talkative as his counterpart. On the contrary, he doesn't talk at all." She looked down upon him as if he were a precious treasure. "A shattered image of what we encountered, an orphan, abandoned by his fellow dragons and forced to trek alone. That is, until I came along. Now he is mine. As for the alicorn, there are no traces of her existence here in the Dragon Lands. But, I have no doubt the odds are in my favor. I am patient, for now."

The baby dragon glanced up at Princess Nightmare Moon, still unfamiliar with her. But it looked back down towards the sea in nervousness, before nodding and smiling softly, actually agreeing. It was happy to be cared for, even if by her. It drew itself closer to Princess Nightmare Moon, while deep bags underlined its eyes and it had a neutral expression once again. While it still said nothing.

Rarity nodded to the princess, smiling. "Does this mean you will be returning to Equestria now Princess?"

There was yet another lengthy pause before Nightmare Moon replied with a blunt, "No."

All three of the group looked ahead at her in confusion then, uncertain of what she meant.

Princess Nightmare Moon continued, as both her image and the image of the baby dragon started to fade. "I only wished to touch base with all of you, and to address my concerns with Tantabus." She squinted at Rarity, showing a hint of dissatisfaction. "Tantabus was also an important asset to me Rarity, you know this. Though his true purpose was never intended to act as bait, his sacrifice at the very least allowed us the opportunity to take care of that pest I left in Canterlot. Squash any other meddlesome fools in my absence, for I give you full authority to do so. Sadly there are still, other, matters I must take care of here in the Dragon Lands before returning to Equestria." She closed her eyes with a smile, "Ensure that your fellows are having no issues. And do keep Captain Dash on a tight leash. That child," she gave off hushed chuckles as she continued to fade, "Has always done so much to impress me. If only she could work more on that immediate temper of hers." Nightmare Moon regarded the three with a look of satisfaction, before finally disappearing along with the baby dragon. "Now go my loyal subjects, continue to ensure my rule is not threatened. And let us show our alicorn friend, how thankful we are for her warning."

With that both the baby dragon and Nightmare Moon were gone, once again, dealing with matters in a distant land.

Rarity turned now with a stride, as she began to trot off, past both Diane and Trixie as she remained silent.

Trixie turned hesitantly, looking at Rarity in confusion. "S-So, what now? Is that it?"

Rarity glanced back, as a portal back to Equestria opened. "Did you not hear her Darling?" She sighed tiredly, "This is all just beginning."

But only minutes earlier in the city of Canterlot. There were still some, yet unaware of what was to come.

Minuette was flung back, smashing against the pavement before momentum forced her to skid to a stop while on her belly.

The young blue unicorn laid in the middle of a beautiful courtyard area, still at the south end of the city near the station. Standing not far off was Captain Dash, who nonchalantly circled the mare and her fallen friends, all of which were also upon the ground at this point, unable to get back up due to their beaten conditions. Captain Dash was the only one involved in this bout however, yet still wasn't even using a weapon. She only looked down upon her enemies with a bored unmerciful gaze. "You've got quite a bit of heart, Leader."

Minuette's right eye was blackened, as she frowned, struggling to even get on her hind knees, which was all she was able to manage. She glanced around, as she saw Celestial Defenders, Nightmare Guards, and even citizens, all observing what was happening. Everypony in the area was focused solely on the conflict between Captain Dash and her, as if allowing the two to settle the matter through some honor bound ritual. But Minuette didn't complain, she even smiled, as in the distant ambiance of the city, one could practically hear the ensuing anarchy that had been brought on by her decision. Yet despite her smile emitting a hint of satisfaction, there was also sadness in it. She eyed Captain Dash weakly, "I-It's true what they say about you, y-you're far too amazing. I know by now I can't win, not with normal magic." She exhaled, needing to catch her breath before looking back up at Captain Dash. "But it doesn't look like you're enjoying this either." She gave a troubled smirk, emptily looking down towards the ground. "So I can't help but wonder, what's the point of you dragging this out?"

Captain Dash gave her a patient but pitied stare. "It's not hard to find the answer. Actually, I'd say it's quite easy." Captain Dash closed her eyes, turning her head towards the lower right some. "Even if for different reasons, we both strove to acquire the same things."

Minuette frowned a little at Captain Dash. "The same things? What're you talking about?"

Captain Dash opened her eyes again, now leaning her head fully to the right as she peered at Minuette. "Change."

Minuette's eyes widened, as her shoulders sunk in draining realization. "You wanted all this to happen?"

Captain Dash tilted her head back, looking down upon the unicorn. "Sure, why not? We all knew this was going to happen inevitably at some point, and it's no secret that some ponies still supported Princess Celestia. It wasn't a matter of if you all were ever going to show up, it was a matter of when." She closed her eyes again, "Though I admit you guys really could've chosen a better time to stage all this, seeing as I was in the middle of something very important. But then again, I'm glad I can finally address this issue as well. Recent events may have forced our hooves, but as a result, we've forced yours." She looked back to Minuette again. "But you're happy aren't you? Despite the sacrifices you've made, despite the pain that'll result from your decision, you wanted this to begin. And I? I couldn't agree more."

Minuette looked at Captain Dash in shock, before she looked back down towards the ground, guiltily in silence.

As Celestial Defenders on the rooftop watched, they all bore incredibly frustrated expressions. Two unicorn mares in particular glanced back and forth between one another as one shook her head and muttered. "W-We can't just sit here and do nothing, can we?"

The second unicorn shook her head, as she frowned and pointed a hoof to Minuette. "I-I know but, Minuette is doing it for us." She gritted her teeth. "She knows Captain Dash is only keeping it between them to prevent any of her own troops from getting hurt."

The first unicorn looked back down at Minuette, seeing how much she attempted to hold on to ensure Captain Dash didn't overwhelm them. This caused her to bite her lower lip in annoyance, struggling to resist the temptation to butt in. But as she watched the conflict continue, she also looked to the nightmare guards who were fully aware of their presence on the rooftops and were eyeing them eagerly. The first unicorn's gaze carried on over to the renown Captain Dash, who supposedly had made this a personal matter between both Minuette and her. It seemed even Captain Dash was holding back her guards from breaking out into total conflict. But was it truly for their sake? The unicorn couldn't be certain, but she only slumped in concern, having a gut feeling there was something they were missing.

Suddenly touching down upon that same rooftop was a hurried and panting Twinkleshine. "M-Minuette!? Lemon Hearts!?"

The two unicorns glanced back at Twinkleshine in surprise, as did other celestial defenders. "Twinkleshine!?"

Twinkleshine huffed, catching her breath as she immediately stopped at the edge of the roof, looking down.

All eyes turned up towards the rooftops then, noticing the newcomer. Even Captain Dash.

Minuette eyed Twinkleshine with both surprise, and dread as she muttered beneath her breath. "T-Twinkeshine?"

Lemon Hearts was currently on her side, laying upon the ground still, unconscious and unresponsive.

As Twinkleshine saw the crowd gathered, and how her friends were so severely beaten, she gritted her teeth in anger. Her angered glare immediately turning towards Captain Dash, before she glanced around at her fellows. "What do you all think you're doing!? Attack!"

But there was hesitation in all their eyes, even guilt was obvious based on all their expressions.

Captain Dash kept her bored gaze on Twinkleshine as she still spoke particularly to Minuette. "Looks like I'm out of time. You're friend up there probably won't back down, she's got way more tenacity than you do. So guess I'll just have to tell you the result I aim to gain from all this, Leader." She looked back towards Minuette casually. "I want you to tell me, who's been pulling the strings up till now?"

Minuette looked at Captain Dash, startled, yet again filled with shock due to another unexpected assumption.

Captain Dash kept her gaze firmly upon her, not surprised by her shock at the proclamation. "Surprised? I've known for some time now there's a pony who's been feeding information about our inner operations to various sources around Equestria. I also know this same pony is likely the one who planted all these foolish ideas about rebelling in your head. And you, you're going to tell me who it is."

Minuette trembled as she looked towards the ground, remaining silent and unable to remove that shocked look from her face. But eventually she eased up, smirking back at Captain Dash in determination. "Y-You shouldn't make so many assumptions. You have no idea what I could possibly know. But then again, was this your plan all along? Pummel me until I break? Is that how the princess works?"

Captain Dash continued, "Your stubbornness isn't shocking to me, to say the least." She glanced back towards one of her guards as she nudged her head in his direction. The guard reacted promptly, and with surprise, before he tossed Captain Dash his own lance for her to use. Captain Dash looked over it briefly, before pointing it firmly at Minuette. "But I've made it clear at this point what I can do. So tell me Leader, now that you've experienced that first hoof. Are you willing to watch your friends go through a similar form of punishment?"

Minuette shuddered, as she immediately snarled at Captain Dash. "W-What!? No! N-No! But this is between us! You-"

Captain Dash's expression remained cold, as she only continued to look towards Minuette. "And when did I ever say that?"

A course wind blew between them during a brief moment of silence, as realization also swept through the air.

Captain Dash kept the lance fastened on the unicorn. "You know what the result will be. But are you willing to witness it?"

Minuette froze, as she gritted her teeth and lowered her head. "You...You jerk." Unlike before, Minuette snapped in fury at the pegasus. "This, this wasn't ever about your troops was it!? Or keeping it between us! This was just about forcing me to choose!!"

Captain Dash acknowledged Minuette with a slight head tilt. "It's all pretty simple, isn't it?"

Minuette roared, attempting to rise to all fours, as she immediately crumbled back to the ground. "Leave them alone! You've hurt them enough!" She glanced over at Lemon Hearts, and her already fallen comrades before looking back to Captain Dash. "P-Please!" Yet she also tried to remain determined. "Hurting them will accomplish nothing! We'll still never submit to the tyranny of the Princess!"

Captain Dash strode closer towards Minuette, still keeping the lance upon her. "But you're wrong, it will accomplish something."

Minuette's eyes widened again, as she looked straight at the tip of the lance as it was now in her face.

Captain Dash gave Minuette a blank stare. "It'll accomplish hurting you, far more than I ever could." She paused, appearing on the verge of one already over the edge due to her lack of sympathy. "You chose to threaten the princess' world view without fully realizing what that even meant. But thankfully, you have no need to worry. I can bring you up to speed, on what exactly, you've gotten yourself into."

"I'm going to pummel you into the ground you psycho!" A fierce familiar voice cut in from behind Captain Dash.

Minuette looked past Captain Dash to see Twinkleshine quickly approaching. Twinkleshine!

Captain Dash continued to gaze down at Minuette. "Are you ready?"

Minuette looked up at Captain Dash in dismay again, shaking her head in a pleading manner. "W-Wait, wait!"

There was an abrupt pause, followed by the sound of crackling thunder.

As Twinkleshine came up behind Captain Dash with a charged spell, Captain Dash had already vanished, before the unicorn caught a brief glimpse of the pegasus gliding past her. "Huh?" The moment was near instantaneous, as all Twinkleshine felt was a slight brush from the tip of the lance, before her entire body was engulfed in a traumatic burning sensation which only lasted a mere second. Lightning surged through her before vanishing entirely, and smoke emitted from her torso as she possessed a slightly charred distinction. She stumbled, before falling flat on her face only a few feet from Minuette. She was still fully conscious, but struggled to comprehend what'd just happened.

Minuette looked lost as she eyed the fallen Twinkleshine, and her expression distorted into one of absolute horror before a high pitched scream escaped from her muzzle. She raised both forehooves to her head as she couldn't stop her initial reaction of shock.

Many of the citizens gasped, before parents immediately covered their children's eyes also disturbed by the situation.

Even some of the Nightmare Guards were in disbelief, seeing Captain Dash was actually using a weapon.

One of the two unicorns from earlier, still upon the rooftops, immediately cried out afterwords. "Attack! Attack! Attaaaack!"

It was then, that majority of the Celestial Defenders watching descended down upon the scene, to provide support to Twinkleshine.

Yet the second unicorn remained behind, as she trembled while she watched Captain Dash. W-What? What was that?

Captain Dash only continued to stand there, emptily staring towards the ground as she held the lance in one hoof.

The unicorn who was too afraid to act continued to try to piece together what she just saw. It's no secret pegasus have a knack for controlling the weather, but, but what was that supposed to be? W-When, when did they ever find the means to weaponize it that way?

As a large band of Celestial Defenders all touched down around Captain Dash, Nightmare Guards also prepared to jump into the fray. But Captain Dash shook her head at them, immediately giving them the warning not to interfere, and they knew not to defy her. All of her guards held themselves back, and remained compliant, not acting. Captain Dash looked over the lance once again as she held it in front of herself tiredly. "Wind, rain, lightning, hail, even fire under the right circumstances." She glanced around at the defenders with half closed eyes. "From rainbow factories, to routinely crafting each and every day you'd experience for the rest of your lives, we pegasus have been at the forefront of pushing the limits of weather manipulation. War only helped further that. But don't be alarmed, not all pegasus can actively utilize such talent. It takes practice, skill, discipline and dedication. Which is why," she pointed the lance at one of the defenders, who reacted immediately by flinching, and then backed away some in obvious fear of the pegasus, "I'll be the one tending to you all tonight."

The Celestial Defenders all tossed hesitant glances at one another, before nodding and charging towards Captain Dash.

One of the defenders looked to her fellows as she too charged. "Don't hesitate! Box her in and don't give her a chance to attack!"

Minuette had already crawled towards the fallen Twinkleshine at that point, holding her head on her lap as she glanced back at Lemon Hearts, and her other fallen comrades. She watched, in a daze, appearing sick due to feeling so powerless. "P-Please, stop..."

But her words were too faint, and it was doubtful they even held the capability of making any sort of difference anyhow. The Celestial Defenders still pressed in on their charge, this group only consisting of unicorns. They all unleashed a flurry of spells to attempt besting the sole pegasus. From telekinesis to destructive spells, even spells from the elemental school. But even then nothing seemed to penetrate Captain Dash's seemingly impossible defense. Minuette watched as her comrades fought desperately to stop just one pegasus to no avail. She watched, as even though Captain Dash was horribly outnumbered, she managed to make child's play of full grown unicorns.

One unicorn stallion gritted his teeth as he shouted. "Move!" To which his companions reacted promptly, and he let loose a wave of telekinetic force which aimed to grab Captain Dash who was currently exposed in the open. All we need to do is hold her still! I-If one of us can just manage to grab her, then, we can do this. But Captain Dash only stood in the path of the invisible attack, not even eyeing the unicorn who aimed to seize hold of her. W-Why is she just standing there? But as his telekinetic wave reached her, he found that all it grabbed was empty air in that instant, as Captain Dash's image was transparent, faint, before vanishing entirely. A mere after image affect left due to the speed at which she moved. But the stallion couldn't comprehend this, still believing Captain Dash stood in that same place.

Captain Dash was now at that unicorn's side, as she lightly tapped him with the lance. "Thanks for the warning."

The unicorn stallion was instantly wrapped in a surge of lightning as well, before he to dropped to the ground.

The unicorn mare of the group who'd given orders to the other defenders during the initial charge snarled. She swiped a hoof, "This is ridiculous! Everypony! Focus! She's just one pegasus! No matter how fast she is! We have magic! We should be able to-" but she paused, only watching from a distance as Captain Dash disappeared yet again, only leaving a rainbow zigzag in her wake before reappearing right in her face. The unicorn mare was speechless, as she glanced down at herself. "-do, this?" The tip of the lance was already touching her breastplate area as the realization was there, but much like the fallen stallion, her thoughts had yet to catch up with her. She looked into Captain Dash's rose colored eyes, her expression slowly matching her panicked thoughts but only when it was too late. She was pulled into an instantaneous wave of immeasurable cold. Her words came to a stop, as she was covered in a thin layer of ice while falling to the ground.

But as Captain Dash strode past her falling body, she wished to leave her with a final comment. "No, you shouldn't." As she was finishing her stride, a bright series of different colored lights encroached at Captain Dash's side. She tossed a casual glance towards her right, seeing three separate streams of magic surging towards her. She squinted at them, deciphering what each school was in a matter of seconds. One arcane, and two frost. Still trying to slow me down? She smiled a little, as if a hint of amusement swept through her. Desperate, but at least it's sound teamwork, still- she paused, it's not gonna work. She spread one of her wings, as a mighty wind current flowed outward, redirecting each of the three spells back towards the unicorns in an upward sweep. "Whatever strategy you decide upon doesn't matter." And each of those spells landed back at their originating areas, affecting the casting unicorns instead. "You're all outclassed in this race."

Minuette continued to watch, petrified in a sense. Please, I don't want it to be like this. She shut her eyes tight. Please, stop it!

Minuette was but a filly in a memory. "Stop it!" She was standing in the beautiful Canterlot castle gardens on a sunny day.

Standing in front of her, grinning fiercely was a filly Twinkleshine as she giggled while levitating a stick with magic, behind Minuette. "Nope!" With that, she used that stick to lightly tap Minuette on her flank before hurriedly levitating it to the front of her.

As Twinkleshine teased Minuette, surrounding the two were other fillies and colts who were also playing around the gardens.

An adult mare with a brown coat and white mane as well as rounded glasses cupped her muzzle with a hoof, as she called out to the children. "Now do be careful not to run off too far children, and always keep a friend close by!" She had a coffee cup for her cutie mark.

Not far off, a filly Lemon Hearts cried out, rubbing her eyes as she sobbed. "M-Ms Latteeeeee!! Flake pushed me!"

A small ice blue filly glanced over at Lemon Hearts angrily with a scrunched up face. "N-No I didn't! She's lying Ms Latte!"

Ms Latte frowned heavily, as she stomped over towards the two, muttering beneath her breath. "Jeez, what now?"

Minuette fell to her rump with one unexpected smack to her head from the stick as she whimpered. "I hate you!"

Twinkleshine gasped, her eyes turned to large orbs of moist sadness as she looked distraught. "W-What?"

Minuette repeated herself as she glared angrily at Twinkleshine before crossing her hooves. "I said I hate you!"

Twinkleshine's lower lip quivered as she grumbled and soon stomped a hoof at Minuette. "W-Well I hate you too then!"

But soon intervening was a caring, graceful female voice. "Now now, no need to jump to such hasty conclusions."

Both Twinkleshine and Minuette blinked, as they paused to look over towards their side. Approaching the two was none other than Princess Celestia herself, also casually strolling through the gardens as the children played. She chuckled, bearing a warm smile.

Both Minuette and Twinkleshine eyed her blankly. At the time, not knowing most ponies bowed when they saw the princess.

Princess Celestia didn't care for that however, realizing they were children. She only smiled as she looked down at them with affection. "More often than not, I also said such things towards one very dear to me. Though I didn't mean it," her eyes saddened a little in nostalgic recalling as she still kept smiling, while looking down at the two, "I do at times wish I could take it all back." She looked up towards the sky, "Such easy words to say. Yet still, they manage to stay with you." She squinted a bit at the sun, despite its brightness.

Minuette and Twinkleshine just blinked, looking at Princess Celestia blankly with no reaction to her words.

Princess Celestia flushed red, as she realized what she was doing and chuckled in utter embarrassment as she raised a hoof to her muzzle, glancing away for a second. "Ah dear, look at me, reminiscing to children in such a way." She sighed, smiling to herself in amusement as she looked back to them in an affectionate manner. She too always loved children, caring for them, watching over them.

Minuette leaned forward a bit as she peered up curiously at Princess Celestia. "Princess Celestia?"

Princess Celestia's eyes widened again, a bit surprised the filly called out to her. "Ah, yes child?"

Minuette looked at the princess worriedly, as Twinkleshine now stood at her side. "What happened to the one dear to you?"

Princess Celestia flinched, silently gazing down at the filly for a second. But she regarded Minuette with a deep heartfelt smile soon afterwords. "I sent her away. A sickness had taken over her, and as a result, made her very unstable and dangerous around others." She paused, looking down towards the ground. "I hope for her to return, once I find a cure for her sickness. But such things take time."

Twinkleshine commented, as she looked at Princess Celestia with a snicker. "You sent her away? I bet she was super mad!?"

Princess Celestia's gaze turned towards Twinkleshine as she closed her eyes, smiling. "Yes, yes she was."

Minuette frowned sadly at Princess Celestia, still filled with curiosity. "Do, do you ever think you did the wrong thing?"

Princess Celestia shook her head, as she looked back to Minuette. "I made my decision dear child. I choose to live with it."

Twinkleshine tilted her head to the left, appearing confused. "What's that even supposed to mean?"

Princess Celestia glanced up momentarily in thought, before looking back down at them. "Sometimes taking that first trot is the hardest, but often times, necessary. When faced with the indecisiveness of others, or losing what's most precious to you, do not be afraid to act." She turned her gaze downward as she flushed bright red. "Well at least, something along those lines." She chuckled, closing her eyes in embarrassment as she looked back to them, struggling to explain. "But you two are so young. There is no need to worry about such things. Simply be kind to one another, and keep those most important to you close to your heart, always." She approached them, before rubbing the top of their heads with a hoof, ruffling their manes playfully. "And no fighting! Now if you excuse me children, I must go engage with some of your other peers." She chuckled lightly, going off into a stride as she went towards another area, soon engaging with more children.

Minuette watched Princess Celestia for a few seconds more, deep in thought as she peered at her curiously.

Twinkleshine approached Minuette before nudging her, trying to get her attention. "Minuette? Hey Minuette!"

But Minuette didn't say anything, she only continued to observe Princess Celestia casually conversing with the other children. It was such a beautiful day, with such a peaceful atmosphere. A setting that at the time, she never realized, would someday, fade from Equestria.

Twinkleshine was growing apparently irritated as she nudged Minuette again, a little harder this time. "Minuette!"

Minuette was back to the present, as she blankly looked towards Captain Dash and the other defenders.

"M-Minuette..." Twinkleshine spoke weakly, while her head was still resting on her friend's lap.

Minuette guiltily looked down at Twinkleshine, before sniffling and bearing an apologetic frown. "I'm sorry, Twinkleshine." She closed her eyes, shaking her head and muttering in a broken manner, "I'm sorry I put you all through this. That I forced all this upon you."

Twinkleshine placed a hoof on Minuette's chest. "You didn't force anything, we made our own choices."

Minuette nodded to Twinkleshine. "And I've made mine. I'm going to stop this, no matter what."

Twinkleshine shuddered, as she shook her head. She thought back to a particular memory then, something she didn't expect to recall. It wasn't too long ago, while she was speaking with both Twilight Sparkle and Moondancer. "Minuette? No, no! W-What're you doing?"

Twinkleshine grimaced as she pressed forward towards Moondancer. "Maybe if you weren't so nestled up in the city, you'd know that we've been simply preparing ourselves for the time to strike! Now that it's come, we'll be more prepared than ever before!"

Moondancer snickered a little, glaring at Twinkleshine. "Somehow I doubt that, how are you even gonna go against the princess?"

Twinkleshine's face darkened as she appeared gravely determined to prove Moondancer wrong. "Our leader Minuette has more secrets than you'll ever know Moondancer. She's a close friend of mine, and fiercely passionate about our cause. You'd never understand."

As Twilight was sitting there however, she attempted to get both of their attention. "H-Hey, will you two stop fighting?"

Twinkleshine slowly raised a hoof to Minuette's cheek in desperation. "I-I know what you're planning. Stop it, please."

Minuette regarded her distraught friend with a sad smile. "Captain Dash is too much like us Twinkleshine. She's determined to make sure nothing threatens her beliefs, and she has the motivation, skill, and ferocity to back it up. I've seen it. I'm afraid of it." She looked directly down into Twinkleshine's eyes, placing a hoof on her cheek as well. Her eyes were half closed in a nostalgic gaze, as if she were reflecting back on old memories they had together. "Equestria's future is at risk now more than ever. We need ponies who're willing to do all that they can to preserve it. But with Captain Dash, I'm scared this will end before it even starts. If there's any chance I can stop her in her tracks here and now, before it's too late, before she goes on to find all the others, t-then, I'm sorry, I have to take it. I just have to."

Twinkleshine summoned to the strength to raise both hooves to Minuette's cheeks as she pulled her closer. "She isn't worth it!"

Minuette was silent as she just looked down at Twinkleshine for some time, before looking back towards Captain Dash and her own companions fall one by one. She closed her eyes, also thinking back to Princess Celestia, deep in thought, and heartfelt certainty.

The image of Princess Celestia smiling appeared in her mind. Taking that first trot is the hardest, but often times, necessary.

Minuette slowly rose, as she laid Twinkleshine's head down on the ground comfortably. She glanced over at Lemon Hearts again, as she gritted her teeth. Despite being badly beaten, she managed to get back to her hooves. Minuette slowly pressed forward, closer towards the battle between the defenders and Captain Dash, as onlookers continued to observe. She took in deep breaths in order to get there, stumbling every few feet as she still continued. Eventually, as she got close enough she shouted at the pegasus. "Captain Dash!"

Everything paused, even Captain Dash as she glanced over at Minuette with interest. "So you've finally decided to talk huh?"

There was yet another lengthy silence between the two, as they all just stood there.

The other Celestial Defenders gradually backed away from the pegasus, breathing heavily, needing to rest for a moment.

But slowly, the air around Minuette began to grow heavy, as she was outlined by a light blue magical aura.

Twinkleshine rolled onto her belly, also attempting to crawl as best she could. "Minuette! Please!"

Captain Dash slowly raised a brow, as she didn't fail to notice this. She then peered around, realizing that even the few remaining defenders attacking her didn't recognize whatever magic Minuette was using. Captain Dash's squinted at her. "What're you doing?"

Minuette closed her eyes momentarily as the light blue aura became more vibrant. "I might not be the perfect pony, or the smartest, or the strongest, but I'll never regret deciding to help lead the charge for Equestria's future." As she opened them, they were now glowing bright blue while the dark blue in her mane began to turn white as it got longer. "And no matter what you think, we won't ever become loyal to Nightmare Moon! We will keep this movement going and stop her reign!" She swiped her hoof, "Even if that means going through you first, Captain Dash!" A bright flash of magic ignited from Minuette, as a portal originating from a sphere of runic symbols appeared over her entire body. She was then flushed in this strange new magic, as it practically became embedded into her, drowning her in its essence.

The other Celestial Defenders looked at Minuette in awe, even the Nightmare Guards, as they were stunned by what was happening.

Captain Dash glared at Minuette in silence, as her face darkened and she bit her lower lip in anger. This magic....

A flash back to the time the purple alicorn escaped through that portal, appeared in Captain Dash's head.

A deep snarl formed on her features as she raised the lance in a guard position. It's the same as last time.

It didn't take long for the process to finish, as afterwords the strange ritualistic portal disappeared and Minuette exhaled. Magic still seeped from her very being, as her body appeared strained while her now fully white mane continued to grow longer. Eventually, after taking a second to breathe, she focused back on Captain Dash with a stern gaze. "I'm really sorry, that I have to use such an unknown school."

Captain Dash prepared to press forward into an attack. I'll just stop whatever she's casting and- but instantly, Captain Dash found herself surrounded by five beams of arcane magic on all sides. Not even a second had passed, leaving the pegasus stunned. What?

All the beams of arcane energy landed on the spot where the pegasus stood, igniting and creating a large explosive reaction.

Captain Dash immediately shot upward with a flap of her wings, getting out of the explosion of the spells. But the damage was already done, as her body twitched and emitted with light trails of smoke, showing the magical burns she received. She peered long and hard at Minuette as she remained elevated in the air now, utterly speechless. She had no words, and only stared down at the unicorn.

One of the nightmare guards called out to Captain Dash in a panic. "C-Captain!"

Captain Dash immediately snapped, furiously, showing more emotion than she ever had in this entire bout. "Quiet!"

The guard immediately retracted himself, standing silently in position but still appearing deeply concerned.

An expression of anger came upon Captain Dash as she looked down at Minuette, filled with uncertainty. It'd been a feeling she never expected to experience here, or at least not until she encountered the alicorn again. The fact this once meager traitor was now causing her to do so, left her speechless. As she saw how the unicorn was vibrantly outlined by that strange magical aura, and how her mane constantly got longer as time pressed on, she realized how detrimental the situation truly was, and it infuriated her. Time magic...

Minuette continued to look up at Captain Dash, fully concentrated as she currently remained silent.

Meanwhile, Twinkleshine shouted at her friend from behind. "Minuette! Stop using that magic now! We don't know enough about it! It needs more time to be studied!" She cried out to her, closing her eyes. "You promised you'd wait until we found a safe way to use it!"

Captain Dash gritted her teeth, as her expression distorted into one of absolute rage and ferocity, and she quivered with anger as she scowled. But soon that scowl turned into a snide smirk, as from the sky she pointed the lance at Minuette, looking down on her from above. "So you found a forbidden tactic to help match my speed, so what?" She squinted at the unicorn. "I can already tell that time magic you're using is having abnormal affects on your body! You can't use it forever! You only have the advantage over me for a short while! Is this what you were planning to use to stop the Princess!? Hah! Hahaha!" She burst into laughter, chuckling wildly. "Don't make me laugh! Even if you can slow down time that's not nearly enough to outmatch me, or the Princess! You won't stop anything!" She raised the lance to the air, pointing it straight up towards the barrier. "I guess it's time I show you, even with time magic, I'm still fast enough to overcome it."

But Minuette didn't say anything, she only looked up at Captain Dash, still from the ground as her mane now touched the ground. Yet despite this, her youth remained, while her body began slowly getting skinnier as the seconds passed, and still, she ignored it.

As Captain Dash held the lance to the air, she went into the slight movement of bringing it down in a swinging motion. "This, is speed." I'll show her, that not even time magic is enough to save this little rebellion. My fastest speed is unseen, even to the quickest eye. And once I'm done here, I'll go on to find the alicorn, and bring an end to all this nonsense. None of this is beyond me, I'll make it all look easy, like all those times before. I'll prove the Princess wrong, and everything will return to as it was before. She smirked, chuckling even as due to the momentum of her swing, the lance had already began to ignite with both lightning and ice. My efforts can't be matched.

But in an instantaneous moment, Captain Dash found that her lance had been removed from her hoof, as it was now some distance behind her yet still in that same position as if she were swinging it. Only now, it was aimed right at her. Captain Dash's eyes went wide as she slowly glanced behind herself. What!? And as the bright arc of lightning and ice began to appear from her lance, her pupils dilated as she noticed something else. The lance was now outlined with a telekinetic aura, having been seized in an impossible amount of time. B-But! How!? How!? Captain Dash tried to move from the oncoming wave of lightning and ice she knew would hit her in the next second, but as she did so, even more shock overcame her as she glanced to her side. Her right wing was immobile, held still also with telekinetic magic, a feeling she hadn't even noticed before. This caused her to look back down at Minuette in silence, now being the one in disbelief.

Minuette still looked at her silently, now much skinnier than before as she was appearing withered and tired.

Captain Dash continued to look down at her, now in subtle frustration. I understand now princess.

Minuette frowned at Captain Dash, as if she realized that Captain Dash had pinpointed just how off-balance such magic was.

Captain Dash's expression distorted into one of angst. Why you wish to master this magic.

The arc of lightning and ice that contained the momentum of Captain Dash's fastest swing surged forward, landing into the pegasus as before anypony down below could even make sense of what'd just happened, all that was seen was a wild violent combustion of yellow and blue, crackling and shimmering with horrible force. Captain Dash screamed, though her screams were drowned out by the sound of the elements she'd summoned, and not even a second later, she was sent flying upward in a zigzagged pattern, before another explosive crackling reaction from the lightning sent the pegasus flying off towards another area of the city, leaving a trail of smoke in her wake.

Some distance away, having been already making her way to that sector of the city, Corporal Cloudchaser flinched, shielding her eyes while flying in the sky as she saw the reaction from far away, and even noticed a tiny figure being sent towards her area by it. H-Huh?

As Captain Dash had been sent flying off, Minuette wheezed as she suddenly crumbled to her belly, laying on the ground tiredly.

Everypony looked at Minuette, who was now a shriveled shell of her former self while not particularly looking aged, unable to say a word. In only what felt like less than even five minutes, Minuette had summoned abnormal magic that allowed her to swiftly make quick work of arguably the most skilled pegasus in Equestria. It was unlike anything anypony had ever seen, and they didn't know how to react.

Many of the Nightmare Guards even, all looked at the unicorn, at a loss for words, as they eyed one another in question.

One of them however soon screamed out, "Seize her! Seize her this instant!" That same guard soon turned, swiping a hoof at majority of his fellows who also stood by and watched. "Some of you go and retrieve Captain Dash! Find out what condition she's in!"

"As if we'll let that happen you idiots!" One of the Celestial Defenders shouted, her voice filled with ferocity.

The Nightmare Guard flinched as a sweat drop coursed down the side of his head.

Many of the Celestial Defenders instantly realized the advantage this gave them. Now that they were able to fully concentrate on the Nightmare Guards without the dreaded Captain Dash also involved, they had already surrounded Minuette hurriedly as they faced towards the Nightmare Guards, ready to combat them if need be. While others began making their way around them, also preparing to strike if it were necessary. That same Celestial Defender continued, glaring at the Nightmare Guards angrily, "Circumstances have changed."

That same Nightmare Guard who'd shouted glanced around in irritation. H-How did this happen? And so swiftly!? What absurdity! He glared at Minuette, who was still in a daze and breathing heavily while on the ground. What sort of monster can accomplish such a feat?

Twinkleshine cried out to Minuette, sobbing as she gained the momentum to hurriedly make her way towards her. "Minuette!"

Corporal Cloudchaser touched down upon the ground, at the spot where the South Sector divided into the East Sector, as she already found a small band of Nightmare Guards surrounding the fallen object. Cloudchaser looked upon the scene worriedly, as she just stood there silently observing for a moment, before deciding to approach. She trotted slowly up towards the other guards. "H-Hey, guys, what was it? Is it bad?" But as she saw herself what it was, she flinched, at a loss for words by the sight she saw before her. "W-Wha!? How in the!-....."

There laying on her belly, sizzling with smoke and in a broken wounded condition was Captain Dash as she was still fully conscious. She was leaned up slightly, eyeing the ground with wide eyes as she quivered with disbelief, rage, and shock, not saying anything.

Corporal Cloudchaser shook her head as she didn't understand, nor found such a sight possible. "Captain Dash!?"

Minuette continued to catch her breath as she kept her eyes on the ground.

One of her fellow defenders hurried up to her, leaning down to attempt helping her. "M-Minuette, are you alright?"

Minuette slowly waved a hoof in a dismissive gesture. "Please, g-go make sure the others are okay. I'll be fine." She coughed again, before looking up to the sky, but more particularly the barrier. Even then... it still wasn't enough. Captain Dash, s-she's still out there. But this should buy us time to leave the city. Minuette felt the sudden hug of Twinkleshine, who didn't hesitate to embrace her. This caused her to smile as she looked over at her tiredly. "Sorry Twinkleshine."

Twinkleshine sobbed, as she hugged her friend. "I told you not to use it you idiot! L-Look what it did to you!"

Minuette placed a hoof on Twinkleshine's cheek again. "It was worth it, if it meant protecting you all. If it meant g-giving us some sort of chance." Minuette looked over towards Lemon Hearts who was now being tended to as well, as she smiled gratefully with half-closed eyes. Princess Celestia, I will protect everypony, and the memory of the world you stood for. I won't let it disappear with time. I'll protect it, with all the power you left for us.

Lemon Hearts was helped to her hooves, as she slowly opened her eyes, blinking a little. "Minuette? T-Twinkleshine?"

Minuette's smile widened as she looked upon Lemon Hearts. No matter what it- But Minuette's thoughts paused, as suddenly an intense crackling sound caused her and everypony around her to look towards the source, one of the sphere's on the rooftops. It'd become violent, unstable, and filled with a strange corrupt magic. Minuette lacked expression, as she eyed the sphere in disbelief. Unable to process the idea, that right after achieving a moment's rest, near instantaneously it would be snatched away from her so swiftly. -takes? And the sphere's energy suddenly expanded, drowning out the entire area, before erupting with explosive black magical essence. There was then nothing but silence, as in a flash nopony could determine what'd just happened, or what spell had been cast. Her world, had gone mute.

Meanwhile, in a desolate land, where few hooves trotted, there was a lone individual who often called this place home. The land itself was a mirror image of Equestria, only darker, more foreboding, even more so than Nightmare Moon's current form of it. Black thunder reached across the entirety of the region, into far distant mountains, while the forests were eerie, only carrying bleak hollow winds which whistled upon violet leaves. The lakes were murky, cloudy, and didn't appear to hold any signs of wildlife. The individual who resided here, sat in the remnants of a worn crumbling watch post, a pillar of stone. She had a brown cloak on, and was fairly small while easily able to be depicted as a young pony. Though her hood was raised, a sapphire horn still protruded from her only slightly lighter mane, while the shape of wings could be seen buried beneath the cloak. The young pony was sitting against a wall in silence, as she used magic to play with a stick. Her eyes were sad, lacking all forms of motivation as she only appeared to be lost in her thoughts. Her memories of deep regret.

Suddenly, the sound of crashing thunder, louder than she'd ever heard before, echoed across the lands.

The young pony almost immediately rose, scurrying to her hooves as she made way for an open window. In the distance, she looked upon a city, a massive city, which looked abandoned and just as worn as the rest of this land appeared. But there was a familiarity to it, and the pony had already realized this long ago. The city itself was Canterlot, or perhaps, a mirage of it. She watched as sparks of lightning raged across the city, more so than ever before, which caused her to squint. She peered down towards the surrounding region from where she was to see other creatures, nightmarish creatures, emerging from various nooks and shadows spread about the land and slowly encroaching upon the broken form of Canterlot. The pony looked back towards the city in distinct worry, and curiosity, as she spoke with a hint of grace and royalty. "Sister, is it me who's responsible for sending more of our dear subjects to this place? Am I still troubling you?" She paused briefly as her face darkened and she lowered her head with a mutter, "Are you hurting, because of me?" The pony then looked ahead with determination towards the city, as she steeled herself and spread her wings, before leaping out the window and flying towards it, beneath the clouds. Wherever you are Sister, I only hope you know, I will do all I can to stay true to the pony you loved. She began picking up the pace hurriedly. I will continue to press on even here, I will continue to be the protector you remembered. I will continue to try, for you.

Author's Note:

Hi everyone. :pinkiesick:............... Thank you so much for reading.

I have no words. The amount of time it took me to get this out is unacceptable.

I just could never get to a point where I was satisfied with this chapter. :facehoof: I still don't like it.

I really believe I got a plan however to get chapters out quicker, so hopefully it sticks this time. :fluttercry:

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