• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter V: The Cage of Lies

Chapter V: The Cage of Lies

Chapter 4 Recap: In a final moment of peace, Moondancer recalls her final conversation with Princess Cadence. So Twilight Sparkle was the little sister Princess Cadence spoke so highly of? Well perhaps Twilight Sparkle would understand her position. Perhaps she would understand the necessity to take action against Nightmare Moon before it's too late.

Twilight didn't understand where Moondancer's confidence came from. She only looked blankly up at her before her expression gradually worsened, filling with doubt while her gaze drifted to the ground. What did Moondancer see in her that she herself couldn't? What did the famed student of Princess Celestia see in the nopony that was Twilight Sparkle? As she sat there on her floor, bathed in moonlight, she eventually looked back to that hopeful smirking face, then steadily to Moondancer's extended hoof. Twilight felt her hesitation slipping away, her mind telling her to simply go with Moondancer's wishes just to ensure she didn't leave. She didn't want to lose a new friend, and all she needed to do apparently was clasp that extended hoof. So, she slowly began reaching, preparing to grab it, to accept unknowingly.

But Twilight's actions came to an abrupt halt, as the sound of an unfamiliar siren rang out across the city of Canterlot.

Moondancer immediately retracted her hoof before her eyes went wide, and she hurriedly made her way over to Twilight's window.

Twilight's heart began to race, as she poofed over towards her door and snatched up Smarty Pants, before looking back at Moondancer urgently. She hugged the doll to her chest with a gulp, and gave the fellow unicorn a worried stare. "M-Moondancer?"

Moondancer was silent for the time being, as she continued to peer out the window observantly, trying to concentrate. She saw the city cast in flashing red lights, while citizens began to emerge from their homes, glancing around in wonder and confusion. She stood there, stunned by fascination and wonder herself, until an uneasy realization crept upon her. So you're finally taking us seriously.

Twilight continued pressingly, now wearing a look of dire concern. "Moondancer, what's happening!?"

Moondancer continued to look out the window as she spoke in a bland tone. "We need to go Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight flinched, a little thrown off by the sudden proclamation. "G-Go? Go where!? Please tell me what's happening!"

Moondancer drifted absently from the window view, as she began making her way across the room and towards the door. She didn't even react when she took hold of Twilight's hoof, attempting to drag her out the room with her. "I'll explain on the way."

Twilight pulled her hoof back immediately in protest, still unsatisfied with her answers. "NO!"

Moondancer's eyes widened again as she glanced back at Twilight, eventually turning to face her in the open doorway. She gave the fellow unicorn a perplexed stare before sighing gradually, deciding to humor her. "Fine, if you really must know Twilight Sparkle, what is happening now is bigger than you can comprehend. What is happening is what was always bound to happen with her in charge." Her eyes became stern and serious, as she gave Twilight a judgmental glare. "For too long has Equestria ignored the constant threat that is Nightmare Moon. Now that she feels it's necessary, she will sweep through this city, pony by pony, until she stomps out any forms of resistance, and imprisons all those she deems questionable. So if you don't want to get caught in the crossfire-" Moondancer extended a hoof towards Twilight again, wearing a blank stare, "Then come with me. Let's leave this city before it's too late." She smiled as if she were pleased.

Twilight sat down again, while looking plainly at Moondancer and saying nothing for a moment. She eventually looked down at the carpet in deep thought as she placed a hoof to her muzzle, then looked back at Moondancer. "W-Well, where's your evidence then?"

Moondancer immediately flinched as she turned beet red, highly upset. "Evid-...T-Twilight!" She huffed in annoyance and glared now at her in impatience. "I don't need evidence! Isn't this evident enough for you!? I have no reason to lie to you!"

Twilight raised a brow at Moondancer, chuckling nervously. "Hm, well uh, I don't knoooow, seems awfully fishy." She crossed her hooves and closed her eyes, puckering her lower lip. "What do you think Smarty Pants, is it plausible? Neigh News did cover something about a rumor of a mysterious pony and time magic." She made a sudden crooked frown and opened her eyes, now in seriously deep thought. "Speaking of which how did they even get that information? Journalists must really be something these days, sheesh!" She raised a hoof to the air. "I know! Let us write down all the possibilities on paper! Then we can look over each one and decide which is most-"

Moondancer stomped a hoof furiously in protest. "Twilight! We don't have time for this!"

Twilight giggled in amusement however, acting enlightened. "Oh, was that a pun for the time magic?"

Moondancer gritted her teeth as her brow twitched, before she scoffed. "Do you really think this is some joke Twilight?"

Twilight paused, as she sat there and looked down tiredly at Smarty Pants. The tension in the room slowly drifted away, as she broke the silence with an expectant tone. "No, no I don't Moondancer. I don't think you have any reason to lie to me, and I don't see you as somepony who would waste their time doing so anyways. But what's happening right now, everything you said, is, is it really true?"

Moondancer eased up again as she peered down at Twilight, understanding her concerns. "I don't have that much information Twilight, but all I know is that this was bound to happen someday. We just have some nameless pony to thank for speeding up the process. You are no longer safe in this city, nopony is safe, not until we find a way to remove Nightmare Moon from power. This is no longer a matter of opinion, and she will usher in a new age of totalitarian control. She won't stop until every citizen has been checked for treason."

Twilight rose as she kept Smarty Pants hugged to her chest, and still didn't appear convinced. "B-But isn't that jumping too far to conclusions Moondancer!? The princess wouldn't just imprison us all! She's done well at protecting us for years! This, t-this is crazy." She paused in thought. "A-And if we're innocent, won't we be cleared anyway? We don't have anything to worry about then right?"

Moondancer huffed, as she went on pleadingly at this point. "That doesn't matter, at this point there is no difference between a prisoner and a citizen anymore Twilight Sparkle! Whatever she is planning it will affect us all! Unless we leave now and gather our thoughts later! In a safer area!" She placed a hoof over her chest, "Trust me on this, you don't need to think everything through all the time!"

Twilight shook her head, still in further protest and disbelief. "But she's the princess of Equestria!"

Moondancer flinched at that final point, as she continued to listen, impatiently.

Twilight glanced back down towards her carpet. "Yes her regime and policies have been strict and aggressive, and there's been many problems with the other races, b-but she still has the trust and faith of many of the citizens for the problems she has fixed!" Twilight looked back at Moondancer desperately. "If what you say is true, then she'd be risking throwing that all away for some paranoia? W-Why!?"

Moondancer's expression sunk as she was no longer willing to debate this topic. "Does she have your faith Twilight?"

Twilight retracted her head a bit as she looked at Moondancer, confused by the sudden question. "H-Huh?"

Moondancer continued pressingly. "Does, she, have, your, FAITH!?"

Twilight flinched while she glanced to the lower right in thought, unable to answer.

Moondancer trotted up to Twilight then, raising her head with a hoof and looking her dead in the eyes. "I know her better than you do Twilight, I know her better than any of you do! Do you think for one second she actually cares about any of you!?" Moondancer looked hurt by the mere thought of it. "The same pony who'd banish one as kind as Princess Celestia? Nightmare Moon is just a tyrant who needs servants to do her bidding, and a herd of sheep to flock to her presence, nothing less! All that matters to her is herself, and those she's chosen to enact her rule! Anypony else is expendable! Just look at the other races, how do you think they feel being mistreated!?"

Twilight began shaking her head, as she backed away from Moondancer nervously. "Well um, I-"

Moondancer continued in an angered manner, only trailing after Twilight. "How do you think Princess Celestia feels!?"

Twilight backed all the way up until she reached the opposing wall, soon lowering her frame down onto the ground, trembling.

Yet Moondancer continued, even pressing her nose up against Twilight's. "How do you think I feel!?"

Twilight laid there, now looking up at her with wide eyes, listening intently, to each and every word.

And Moondancer's own eyes began to brim with tears. "Do you think I'm crazy Twilight Sparkle? That I'd just make this all up? All I've said about her is true, and even when the world is about to come crashing down around you, you all refuse to believe me." Her reasoning began outpouring personal griefs, as each and every word hit Twilight like a bullet of realization. "Why do I have to convince you of this? Just come with me." She smiled hopefully again, with saddened moist eyes. "You and I, together, w-we can figure out a way to stop her. We don't need anypony else. I saw it Twilight, you're special, you're just as alone as I am, you're different from them. I can see it."

In that single moment, Twilight realized Moondancer, perhaps, was even more lonely than she was.

As Moondancer felt her eyes grow moist and heavy, she hurriedly wiped them to prevent herself from falling into a state she'd deem shameful in these trying times. She rose, now baring that familiar cold demeanor she often had. "Forgive me Twilight. I realize now that I've assumed too much. There's no way you could understand where I'm coming from while knowing so little." She smiled patiently down at her.

Twilight, now feeling she understood Moondancer's feelings about her a bit better, looked up at the mare stunned and concerned.

Moondancer continued. "Which is why I will thoroughly convince you by remaining here, allowing you to see it for yourself, what she is capable of. Then, you can make your decision." She closed her eyes with a light chuckle. "And I can protect you all the same."

And so they remained, looking at one another as Twilight's room was cast in the constant flashing of white and crimson light.

But Twilight broke the silence between them, looking back at the ground. "It's not that I don't believe you Moondancer, it's just..."

Moondancer raised a brow at Twilight in curiosity, waiting for her to finish what she was about to say.

Twilight looked desperately up at Moondancer then. "My mom and dad, they, they live on the other side of the city."

And that's when it hit Moondancer, the sudden realization that Twilight's reasons were far more personal than she cared to notice.

At Nightmare Moon's castle, Trixie currently relaxed in a cozy indoor diner, or at the very least a dining sector of the castle. It had a warm candle lit atmosphere despite the sapphire hue of the castle walls, and even a refreshment bar nearby. Trixie sat at the table closest to a window, which gave a good view of the castle courtyard, filled with squads of nightmare guards deploying to various areas unknown to her, though she assumed it had something to do with the sirens. She didn't put too much thought into it though, as she sipped from a small glass of apple cider, wearing a bored expression, taking one more gulp before exhaling tiredly. The sirens may have went on endlessly, but she didn't look troubled by them in the slightest. Thankfully from within the castle, the volume of the sirens wasn't as intense. "So what is this, some sort of drill? Trixie is sure they get the picture already." She leaned back in her seat as she glanced around the diner, briefly wondering why they were the only ones in here. "It sure is quiet, Trixie is starting to believe she came at a most inconvenient time."

Sitting across from Trixie with a full glass of her own cider was Diane. She too wore a tired expression, but didn't say anything.

Trixie looked frustrated for a split second while she looked down at her glass. "Can you believe that cocky little earth pony thought she could stand up to Trixie!? Hah, it is almost worthy of being upsetting, to think she got away with such outrageous thoughts!" She looked at Diane for a sign of approval, wanting confirmation for her beliefs. "Right!?" But as she sat there in further silence, awaiting Diane's reaction, Trixie couldn't help but regard the mare with a skeptical look as well. "Speaking of which, how did an earth pony manage to stop Trixie's spell?" Trixie leaned her head back with a smirk. "No no, it is impossible. It must've be some sort of ruse or cheap trick."

Diane looked at Trixie with half closed eyes and a sad frown then, but still didn't say anything.

Trixie grumbled and leaned towards her with a sigh, as she leaned one cheek on her hoof. She regarded Diane with a look of disappointment and utter boredom. "Helloooo, Trixie is speaking to you! Do you not know how to speak? Oh of course not!" She threw both hooves in the air before face planting on the table with a deep groan of annoyance. "This has all become very tiresome."

"Do forgive the princess darling, she has been quite busy as of late."

Trixie's head rose as she cast a glance across the diner, catching sight of a white unicorn who just entered. She raised a brow at her in slight curiosity, although still appearing primarily disinterested with who she was. "And who are you supposed to be?"

The unicorn placed a hoof over her chest. "My name is Rarity darling, and it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance." Rarity looked upon Trixie with little emotion, simply addressing her. "I ensure the castle remains intact and kept up to the princess' standards." Afterwords she casually trotted over to them from the door, eventually standing beside their table, looking down at the two plainly.

Trixie leaned her cheek on one hoof again. "And what does the princess' housekeeper want with The Great and Powerful Trixie?"

Rarity continued. She didn't fall for Trixie's bait, and seemed far too attentive to care at the current moment. "Well, seeing as you are important to the princess' plans, it would probably be in my best interest to ensure that you are not displeased with our service here at the castle. I do apologize for any complications you've encountered thus far." Rarity closed her eyes and bowed her head briefly.

Trixie smirked at Rarity while she absently rotated her glass with one free hoof. "Now that's more like it, finally somepony who gets it! So where is the princess anyhow? And what is with all these sirens? Trixie did not receive any word of this before her travels."

Rarity nodded to Trixie in an explanatory gesture. "A precaution I assure you. Majority of the princess' military forces know what actions need to be taken at this current time. The sirens are simply a helpful reminder. Did Diane not tell you any of this?"

Trixie glanced over at Diane, who was still remained seated across from her looking down at her full glass. "Nope!"

Rarity glanced over at Diane with a frown. "Truly, reliability has been coming up quite short as of late." She closed her eyes with a sigh, and went back to addressing Trixie. "But Diane is surprisingly capable I assure you. Please trust in the princess' judgement."

Trixie gave Diane a tired look momentarily, then glanced back over at Rarity, perplexed. "And what sort of plans does the princess have that requires Trixie to be babysat by a depressed pink pony? I do hope you understand how this looks from Trixie's perspective. "

Rarity peered out the window then herself, now in a bored manner. "May I tell you something personal darling?"

Trixie raised a brow at Rarity again, thrown off but curious. "Trixie sees no problem with this if it's important."

Rarity looked troubled, as her eyes fastened on the night sky in the distance. "To upset the princess is a very grave mistake, one I dare not risk of doing. I myself have never seen the princess so upset in recent times, so much so that I fear for her mental state." Rarity's eyes saddened as she seemed to be recalling something, but didn't mention what it was. "I have no idea how that mysterious alicorn and her dragon could hope to accomplish their claims, but regardless, they have struck fear into the princess. Now our lady has enacted a regime that many will not sit quietly to." Rarity looked firmly at Trixie, in warning. "I realize you do not know much as of now, but trust me when I tell you, be grateful she chose for you to be here Ms. Trixie. For any who are not, are liable to become enemies of the princess very soon."

Trixie suddenly rose, swiping her hoof at the unicorn in paranoia. "Wait what!? What is it she plans to do!?"

Rarity didn't react to the hoof swipe, and merely regarded Trixie still with a serious glare. "You mean, what she is already doing. The princess does not take threats to her throne lightly darling. Her military power has only been further fortified since the alicorn's appearance." Rarity's gaze lingered on Trixie, then drifted on over to Diane, who just continued to sit quietly. "She's already gathered ponies of noteworthy reputation and talent, to enact her sense of order while she is away." She sighed, now looking back towards the night sky outside the window. "And now? She has begun her desperate search. The scene has been set, and we the citizens of Equestria are left with the consequences of some foreign intruders actions. Should the princess fail in what she has set out to do, we may pay the price as well."

Trixie gritted her teeth in frustration, now glaring at Rarity. "And what sort of price is that!? Trixie didn't come to be some pawn!"

Rarity glanced over at Trixie yet again in a bored manner. "We are all pawns for the princess to use, darling."

Trixie's flinched as her gaze drifted to the table top. She was now lost in thought, and passive frustration.

Rarity continued. "Which is why as her chosen, we must ensure that the princess is kept satisfied, regardless of what she may find. For yourself, for those you care about, always remember this, the princess' happiness comes first. You do not disagree with her, nor do you question her judgement, despite what you may think. Do these things, and you can avoid her wrath just as easily as receiving it."

Trixie snapped, slamming her hoof atop table and spilling the rest of her apple cider. She huffed, breathing heavily as the cool liquid coursed down to the table's edge, drizzling off. "Trixie did not travel all the way here to play puppet in the princess' game! Trixie is leaving this instant! She will not risk herself, not even for a position such as this! Tell the princess she can find another pawn to use in her, 'plaaans'!" Trixie immediately made her way out from the table, and casually towards the door, now stomping away in silent fear.

Diane glanced over at Trixie blankly, before beginning to rise as if about to go after her.

But Rarity glanced down at Diane, blocking her with a hoof sternly before shaking her head absently. She sighed, "Have you ever questioned how the princess picks her chosen darling? As much as you may wish to believe otherwise, it was not your reputation."

That final point, caused Trixie to come to an abrupt halt at the diner door. She glanced back at the unicorn silently with wide eyes.

Rarity turned fully to face Trixie, continuing. "Should you choose to leave this castle and run, then you also choose to defy the princess' wishes. She has watched you far longer than you realize, and knows far more about you than you could ever hope to understand. Do you understand what this means darling?" There was a brief silence. "She will find you again, regardless of where you hide."

Trixie began to tremble in place lightly, as she gritted her teeth still in frustration. "Trixie was deceived?"

Rarity went on patiently. "Should you choose to perceive it that way. But if you can, do make your next decision wisely."

Trixie stood in silence as she lowered her head slowly, still facing the exit. "And you believe staying here would be wise?"

Rarity looked to Trixie seriously again. "Yes, I do. If you must, simply have fun with it. I believe you can do that." She eased up. "The princess did not inform me personally of her plans for you, but if I do recall-" she paused, "You are quite renowned, are you not?"

Trixie's trembling ceased steadily as a wide grin appeared on her face, giving herself a sense of relief. "T-That, that Trixie is."

The sirens still rang throughout Canterlot City, as many of the citizens were heading straight for the train station and other points of communal reputation. However, the train station itself had already gathered a crowd of confused citizens filled with concern. Many of which were already looking to leave the city for the time being, until whatever was happening passed by like the dark cloud of a storm. The air was filled with cries of anger and frustration, while many citizens stood before the guards who were readying more of the sirens.

The nightmare guards were all situated at primary exit points of the city. They consisted of pairs of two for the most part, sometimes three. One guard held a massive horn at his hip if he were not using it, while another whom was always a unicorn, levitated a massive transparent sphere, filled with a spark of magic glowing within, deep red in color. The rare third would simply be there to assist. The guards all stood at high points in the city, commonly atop buildings near their station, to make the best of their current dilemma.

Many citizens approached these groups of guards, demanding answers. One of which was a female unicorn, obviously not used to being told 'no' based on her stature. She wore a glamorous white fur coat, and placed a hoof over her chest as she peered up at a particular group of guards a couple of feet from the train station group. She was caked in makeup even, baring the look of the typical Canterlot pony. "This is absolutely unacceptable! Do ye know who my father is!? He shall have you lot thrown in the dungeon for this disturbance!"

More of the citizens began cutting in blatantly, throwing in insults, demands, and concerns all at the same time.

"What is going on!? Do you plan to ignore us forever! We are Canterlot ponies for pity's sake!"

"Please tell us what's happening!? Is there a threat nearby! S-Should we all evacuate the city!?

"Would you stop blowing those bloody horns!? This place is sophisticated!"

"How come I was not informed of this!? What is the princess thinking!? I am on the city council!"

"Where is your supervisor!? This type of behavior is intolerable! How can you not brief us the situation!?"

"Is this how the guards enact themselves these days! Why the nerve! I demand to speak to whoever's in charge!"

Standing in that same group was a middle-aged couple based on their features. The stallion was a pale sapphire unicorn, with an even darker shade for his mane. His cutie mark was a crescent moon within a crescent moon, while his mane-style was neatly shortcut, folded over in the manner of a sophisticated stallion. His wife bore a pure white coat, while her mane consisted of her coat color but was evenly divided in segments between that and purple. Her cutie mark was three violet stars, locked into a trinity position. The two were awfully silent but wore concerned expressions as they briefly glanced at one another, then back to the guards attentively, patiently.

One of the guards near that group of citizens began to address them. "Please try to remain calm citizens! We are currently under orders to keep the sirens going. Once we receive the go ahead from our superiors, we will be briefing you all the current situation!"

A stallion among the group of citizens raised his hoof to the air. "You better! We will not tolerate being left in the dark!"

The rest of the citizens chimed in with chants and cheers, accompanied by defiant roars of anger.

The particular guard who'd addressed them just sighed, looking down at them in a tired manner with a slight frown.

Meanwhile, at the station platform itself, two guards stood atop a painted metal canopy, consisting of the colors purple and gold. One was a unicorn nightmare guard, adorned in black and sapphire plated armor. In frustration he was levitating a giant sphere filled with the red spark of magic, as that spark began rotating in circles creating an expansive light. He didn't pay much attention to the other unicorn who stood beside him and blew a long horn which created the sound of the siren. All of this only made it harder for the guard levitating the orb to concentrate, and as the citizens protests continued, he prepared to give them a good scolding, before another particular individual in the distance caught his attention. Both of them immediately stopped all they were doing as they saluted, speaking in sync. "C-Captain Dash!"

Captain Dash, accompanied by her three other squad members, all touched down in an open courtyard a few feet from the train station. Nearby them there was a running fountain, filled with sparkling water. It was made of stone and had a unicorn standing on one hind leg with its head raised towards the sky, as if making a declaration towards the heavens while water spewed from its horn. Captain Dash didn't let it distract her too long, but assumed the fountain's presentation was out of respect for the princesses. She patted herself off momentarily while she stood upon purple cobblestone. She didn't even react to seeing the crowds of gathered citizens.

The citizens only continued to amass at the very edges of the city. It all felt so festive to her, what with the lights and active atmosphere. It certainly looked like a festival was taking place to her despite it being just the opposite. Captain Dash glanced back at her squad members with a nod as Lieutenant Dust just continued to wear a smirk, nodding back to her. She pressed forward abruptly, as many of the citizens who noticed her coming immediately made a nervous pathway, eyeing her silently but not speaking out against her. Captain Dash expected as much, and as a result looked bored because of it. She was used to the glorified menace treatment. She was only interested in the guards. She stopped before the two atop the canopy, eyeing them impatiently. "Canterlot Sector, report! Who is your designated leader here!?" She took a moment to pat herself off while stretching her wings absently, awaiting their reply while citizens distanced themselves.

The guards saluted again as a precaution, before one continued to speak on his own. "Captain Dash! An honor to be in your presence! Uh-" but as he spoke, the sphere they'd been previously levitating dropped and slammed against the top of the canopy, soon rolling forward and smashing against the platform below, then further down into the courtyard as citizens screamed and moved out of its way. He made an awkward cringe and gulped. But Captain Dash didn't really care, she shrugged it off and waved on for him to continue. The guard nodded nervously again. "U-Uh, we've been assigned under the command of P-Prince Tanta Dreamweaver Ma'am!" He fell silent then.

Captain Dash blinked a bit with wide eyes for a moment, before she made a scrunched up face as she looked utterly confused, squinting one eye towards them. "Wait wait wait, prince who?" She looked back at her three squad mates. "What's he talking about?"

Lieutenant Dust looked a bit shocked, but not entirely sure. She flapped her wings with both forehooves crossed while her rear hooves were also crossed over one another, as she hovered momentarily. "W-Whoa, pretty sure he's talking about Tantabus."

Corporal Cloudchaser shrugged in response back. "I wasn't assigned to the Tantabus Project, but I agree."

Specialist Flitters placed a hoof beneath her muzzle as she glanced to both of them. "W-Who is Tantabus?"

Captain Dash's eyes widened in realization as she groaned and covered her face with her hoof for a moment, dragging it down in an exaggerated manner and then waving back at the rest of her squad absently. "Yeah yeah, it's him. Let's go let him know we're here." All the energy seemed to drain from Dash then, as she sluggishly looked back up towards the guards. "Where's he at?" She raised a brow.

One of the two guards answered again immediately. He pointed his hoof towards the the station ticket booth. "He's in the ticket booth Captain Dash, he asked us to just go about the procedures. He should still be in there, I haven't seen him leave since."

Captain Dash peered up at the guards tiredly, before commenting. "Of course he is. Let's go you three..." She turned sluggishly towards the ticket booth, spreading her wings momentarily to flap up onto the station platform, then continuing on towards the booth.

Lieutenant Dust began to trail after Dash, when she was suddenly grabbed by her tail. Of course she glanced back with a raised brow, only to catch sight of Specialist Flitters holding onto her tail tightly with obvious concern. An amused expression graced Dust's features as she snickered a bit in response. "Aaaaw Flitters, now's not the time for confessions." She tilted her head to the right with a blush.

Flitters looked at the ground in a moment of silence, before focusing back on Dust. "Who, who exactly is Tantabus Lieutenant?"

Lieutenant Dust looked at Flitters in understanding then. "Try not to worry your head about it. Only a slim few in the entire Nightmare Guard know who he really is. Let the captain and I take care of this, I don't want you two getting involved with the little guy."

Flitters looked at Lieutenant Dust in concern still for but a moment, before nodding and lowering her gaze silently.

Lieutenant Dust smirked again. "Just stay outside the ticket booth for now, but you can peek in if you want. Just humor the kid if he asks." She looked ahead again as she spread her wings, and continued after Dash while Flitters let loose her hold she had on her tail.

Flitters looked to her twin sister in annoyance. "You knew who Tantabus was?"

Cloudchaser shrugged and nodded to her. "Well I heard rumors about him, can't say I really know him sis."

Flitters grumbled and looked ahead in frustration, as she trailed after Captain Dash and Lieutenant Dust.

Cloudchaser rolled her eyes, and mimicked Flitters, ensuring to follow after her as well.

There, sitting in the ticket booth, on a chair far too tall for him, was a dark purple colt with hypnotic pink eyes to boot. Embedded deep within those eyes were tiny minuscule pink swirls, as his long starry mane bore similarity in color, while being a far darker shade and baring sparkles of shimmering white glistening within. His mane was also outlined by a thick pink magical aura much like Nightmare Moon's, while his cutie mark was a shackle shaped like a horse shoe. He was busy playing a tiny gaming device, and looked as if he'd been far too busy with it. Deep black bags underlined his eyes while he wore a concentrated expression, letting the tip of his tongue stick out as he played. His legs hung over the edge of the seat as did his starry tail, and when he spoke, his voice was high pitched and soft, with a dialect in similarity to Princess Nightmare Moon. "Take that ye nasty biter! Boom boom!" He did hushed devious chuckles, when suddenly his gaming device was snatched from his hooves, causing his eyes to widen significantly in utter shock as he looked up. "H-Hey!"

Standing over him with a steady glare was Captain Dash, who didn't seem too pleased. "Prince Tanta Dreamweaver? That your new name now?" She currently held the colt's device in one hoof, keeping it stretched away from him and out of reach. "Very clever runt."

And suddenly peeking their heads up a bit from outside the booth window was Flitters and Cloudchaser, silently observing.

The colt gasped and nearly fell out of his seat, before grabbing hold of the edge of the ticket booth counter. He grunted while biting his lower lip. "C-Captain Dash!? What're you doing here!? T-This is my sector! Leave me be, I, I ain't done nothin wrong!" He frowned.

Captain Dash took a moment to glance around as she noticed around the ticket booth area it was a total mess. There were stacks of comic books, multiple cups of coffee all sitting on the counter, with extra packs waiting and a coffee machine nearby. There were even blankets and pillows and sketchbooks all piled in the corner with snacks. Dash's nose scrunched up in annoyance. "Do you think this is a joke? The Lockdown is taking place and here you are holed up in some little clubhouse?" Her eyes drifted back to focusing on the abnormal colt who sat in front of her while clutching the counter, while her own patience faded fast. "Why are you even here, Tantabus?"

Tantabus stood atop the chair on his hind legs, glaring at the pegasus with equal eye contact, before placing both forehooves on his hips. "It's Prince Tanta! Not, Tanty-Bus! And this is my sector, so leave me alone! I don't have to tell you anything Captain Dash!"

Dash tossed the gaming device into the pile of snacks on the other side of the room as she glared firmly at the colt. "Well until the princess makes it official, I believe I have every right to call you whatever I want, runt. The princess never said anything about you watching over a sector either, so it's awfully suspicious if you ask me. Manehattan, Las Pegasus, Cloudsdale, Trottingham, pretty much every major point in Equestria will be under watch during the LD until the princess can accomplish the dream sweep. Yet you're saying she chose you, you, to watch over Canterlot? One of the most important target cities and previously the home of Princess Celestia? What dung."

Tantabus shoved the pegasus away before breaking down into a misty form, and instantaneously reappearing near a cup of coffee. "Think whatever you want! Now will you stop questioning me!? I-I didn't do nothin I said!" He chugged the cup of coffee and began getting the jitters, turning around to face Captain Dash again, but now glaring up at her. "Like the princess, I can also look into dreams! So I'm to inspect the citizens while she's away, here in this city first! Then I get to go to the next, understand? I-I'm not hiding anythin! What're you doing here anyways!? The princess never said you were assigned here! So I believe that means you shouldn't be here, Dash!"

"Well then, maybe you'll be happy to hear that we're here looking into some suspicious characters in your city then, hm?"

Tantabus' eyes widened as he glanced over at the entrance to the ticket booth, catching sight of Lieutenant Dust. His expression sunk further as he looked even more worried, puckering his lower lip some. "Y-You're here too? Whyyyyy? If you two want to go find your suspicious ponies, then go find them and leave! I, I don't want anything to go wrong here, I just don't want to get in trouble okay?"

Captain Dash gritted her teeth as she shoved the colt lightly, before making her way deep into the booth and then leaning against a wall and crossing her forehooves. But as she remained in that position, she glanced over at the cups of coffees before grabbing one herself.

Tantabus rubbed at the side of his forehoof, "Hey!" As he grumbled with absolute irritation, "You're such a jerk!"

Lieutenant Dust glanced around the ticket booth with amusement. "Hah, quite a cozy little base you got going on here. Planning on camping out during the entire LD or something?" She snickered then cocked her head to the right. "But in all seriousness, if the princess is letting you out, then she must be really be paranoid about all this. Weren't you supposed to be restricted to the castle Tantabus?"

Tantabus rubbed at the side of his forehoof again as he lowered his head, looking frustrated.

Lieutenant Dust raised a hoof slightly with a smirk. "Hey, don't sweat it, since you're not cooped up in the castle, it means she's actually found another use for you right? Like the captain said, we had no idea you were assigned here Tanta. So how about you tell us your side of the story, then we'll tell you ours. A fair trade right? Then maybe, we can restrict the city perimeter a bit behind schedule."

Tantabus glanced up at Lieutenant Dust momentarily, still with a frown. "But that'd be going against procedure you dummy."

Lieutenant Dust raised a brow at him, smiling still. "Well just leave the possibility open, I'm sure you'll like what we have to say."

Tantabus climbed back onto the chair, now facing her as he let his rear hooves dangle. "Well, we're still making sure the citizens have enough time to gather right now and the sirens are already going! So anypony you want to question in the city should be gathering too! Just go out there and find them or something! I don't need to bring up the dome yet! Not until every other city is finished too!"

Captain Dash took a sip from the cup of coffee and raised a brow. "Are you able to inspect a pony who's already awake?"

Tantabus leaned back in his chair as he scoffed, blushing in embarrassment. "O-Of course I am! It's pretty easy to!"

Captain Dash groaned and closed her eyes, leaning her head down some. "Don't get smug, I was just confirming."

Lieutenant Dust looked at Tantabus skeptically. "Tanta, I got a question for you. Are you really the princess' kid?"

Tantabus flinched as his shoulders rose and he cringed. "W-Why're you asking that!? Of course I am!"

Lieutenant Dust continued in playful suspicion. "So why aren't you officially PrinceTanta like you say?"

Tantabus flushed red as he gritted his teeth, fuming as he tossed one of his empty cups at the pegasus. "Shutup already!"

Lieutenant Dust dodged masterfully as she raised both hooves in front of herself. "Hey hey! It was just a question haha! No need to get all violent now!" She dropped back down to all fours. "But let's get back to the point. Would you be willing to bend the rules for us?"

Tantabus frowned again as he squinted at the pegasus a bit, thinking for a moment, before sharing his thoughts. "Well, um, who are these suspicious ponies? And why are you all so eager to get them anyway?" He raised a brow at her, peering at her curiously.

Lieutenant Dust snickered as she closed her eyes. "Well that's-"

But Captain Dash cut her off. "That's enough Dust." She got off from leaning on the wall and dropped back down to all fours, as she headed for the door of the ticket booth and glared over seriously at Tantabus. "We're going to be having a private discussion Tantabus, so no snooping around. You'll get the information that we all want, but I'm the one taking them back with me to the dungeons. Make sure this city remains locked down, and if any signs of rebellion spark among the civilians, take care of it as best as you can. We'll be around to assist if we see anything strange as well." She paused for a moment, "Also, when do you plan to start initiating the next phase of the LD?"

Tantabus sighed and scratched at the back of his mane tiredly. "I-I told you already, when everything is perfectly setup."

Captain Dash nodded to her. "Alright, that sounds good. Let's go Dust." She made her way out of the ticket booth.

Tantabus couldn't help but sigh with relief. "Jeez, finally."

Lieutenant Dust blinked a bit before glancing over at Tantabus, shrugging before heading out the door then herself.

As they left, Lieutenant Dust couldn't help but regard Captain Dash with confusion. "Something I should know?" They now stood a few feet from the ticket booth, increasing the distance further as seconds passed on. Corporal Cloudchaser and Specialist Flitters didn't hesitate to trail after them silently and obediently, after they'd removed themselves from their peeking positions at the ticket booth window.

Dash tossed a glare at Lieutenant Dust with a slight snarl. "Do you know why the princess created him Lieutenant?"

Lieutenant Dust grimaced a bit. "Created? Wait as in, just, made out of nowhere? Not uh, ya know?"

Captain Dash groaned and covered her face with a hoof. "No! Of course not you doofus. Tantabus was meant for a particular purposes, and he wasn't supposed to be used until those arose. The fact that the princess is letting him out now shows just how bad things are." Dash's expression sunk further as her gaze became steady, as if she were lost in recalling. "I was present during his creation, and a pony like that shouldn't be in charge of leading an entire city of troops in an operation such as this. He should be the one being watched, not the other way around."

Lieutenant Dust had a brow raised, surprised to say the least by all this, as she continued to listen. "The kid's that dangerous?"

Captain Dash nodded. "One of the reasons he was made was stopping the Shadow of the Crystal Mountains, to be a force powerful enough to end one of the last looming threats here in Equestria. That was the primary reason of the Tantabus Project, and what it still should be."

Lieutenant Dust halted as she squinted one eye a bit. "If he's supposed to be that dangerous then how does the princess expect to keep him under control? Forget control, how can she expect to let him roam freely like this? This is way too serious to not be considered Dash..."

Captain Dash nodded again. "The Tantabus was originally meant to focus on its secondary purpose which is to conduct dream sweeps. Then stop the Shadow of the Crystal Mountains and disappear when the time came. But there were complications, it was unstable, wild. The only way the princess could train Tantabus to do what she wanted was to give it a true life of its own. Nurture it, allow it to mature into one who would willingly give itself for that purpose. Yet instead all the princess got was a lazy spoiled colt who complains all the time, and does and says what he wants. He has been a great cause of frustration for some time now. But maybe the princess knows something we don't, maybe there's something bigger going on here."

Lieutenant Dust, Specialist Flitters, and Corporal Cloudchaser all stopped in their tracks, regarding Captain Dash still with curiosity.

While Tantabus remained in the ticket booth, and he now had a purple scarf wrapped around his neck while he sipped his coffee.

Captain Dash lowered her head with a troubled look. "Something that the princess felt only Tantabus could accomplish."

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