• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter IX: Paradise Ponyville

Chapter IX: Paradise Ponyville

Previous Chapter Recap: Private Purple Smart, unquestionably the perfect name to blend into the ranks of the Nightmare Guard... according to Twilight Sparkle. Yet even so, Twilight's heart stirs. Her dreams have only been abnormal since, while no answers have come as of yet. Perhaps being more directly involved within the Nightmare Guard, she can find more resources. As Twilight attempts to keep things steady, the emerging dangers of the world are ever unpredictable. A powerful force encroaches upon Ponyville.

"Ya couldn't have thought it'd last forever Twi?" Both Applejack and Twilight trotted just outside the front door of the mansion, as Applejack adjusted her hat. Twilight stood idly by, the mirror of worry as she had a brown satchel now upon her back. Applejack raised a brow at her and let off a hushed chuckle. "I ain't no worry worm, but I do mind the P's and Q's. We gotta be smart here Twi-" she paused and glanced around, before patting Twilight down a bit and continuing, "Private Purple. That means I can't have no recruit, blank flank or not, hanging out with me while she be lookin even a hint close to the alicorn." Applejack smirked, "Ya got it?"

Twilight kept her gaze on the ground. "R-Right. Of course! Makes toootal sense, uh... definitely down with it. The plan that is, hahaha, um.." she gulped and frowned as she looked hesitantly up at her. "What's that again?"

Applejack casually began making her way down the steps of the porch, before glancing back. "Well Private, for starters, time. Ya ain't the only purple pony around and we got that to our advantage. We wanna keep that absence of suspicion on our side, and in the meantime... we dig." She turned. "Simple enough right?"

Twilight seemed at ease, as she nodded plainly to Applejack. But soon enough she rubbed her chin with skepticism, uttering softly. "It is. Maybe too simple?" She frowned at Applejack, "I'm a worry worm aren't I?"

Applejack shook her head, still smiling. "No, you're exactly right Private, which is why we need to prepare as best we can as fast as we can." She nudged her head over in Twilight's direction, signaling her to come.

Twilight blinked a few times, before poofing down a measly three steps, now right beside Applejack.

Applejack had to pause momentarily and just stare at her. "Really?"

Twilight looked at her, honestly confused as she seemed deeply concerned. "What?"

Applejack shook her head, "Nothin." She glanced around again and lowered her voice. "Twilight, ya know I got a lot of privilege from my position. But I'll be honest with ya, I'm far from invincible." She frowned, seeming guilty even. "I know ya don't like thinking about it Twilight... but, even if a little. I need somethin substantial from that night." She squinted at her, "Give me somethin ta go on here. Anything that ya can offer where I can start."

Twilight looked at Applejack blankly. Yes... an inevitable question she thought. The images flashed through her mind in an instant, only to end with the abrupt picture of Captain Dash in her hooves. She still beared no reaction and eyed the grass for now. "The Celestial Defenders. We can start there... maybe." Her demeanor became solemn. Yes, even when she felt a hint of nervousness creep up, the subject matter of Canterlot would knock her out of her trance. That painful reminder that whenever she felt nervous, awkward, scared of being the mare she'd always known herself to be she realized... that wasn't an option. She had to be strong, and she couldn't show any such emotion. She couldn't allow that darkness to creep into her mind again... and just like that, that acknowledgment triggered one more flash. The perfect picture of herself, amidst the darkness with flames of blue encircling her eyes. That mirror of herself smirked. You've already begun to grow, Twilight.

Suddenly Applejack placed a hoof against Twilight, "Aye, Twilight."

Twilight's eyes snapped wide as she flinched, eyeing Applejack almost in shock.

The mare didn't fail to notice her demeanor, nor her sudden shift just now as well. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean ta pry just... thank you." She frowned at her, "Ya know it's okay right? Ya don't have to feel that way all the time."

Twilight looked at her, almost hesitant to even ask. "W-What way?" What was she talking about?

Applejack continued, earnestly. "Airtight. It's okay ta feel scared, frightened... vulnerable."

A shudder ran down her spine, as Twilight's expression sunk dramatically.

She saw herself... a filly who failed to enter Princess Celestia's school, head lowered in disappointment.

She saw herself... eating dinner solemnly at the table with both her mother and father. A failure.

She saw herself... sitting with Smarty Pants in her old home, listening to the radio, lonely.

She saw herself... sitting with Smarty Pants in the library, reading books, complacent.

She saw herself... waiting tables in Joe's Diner, laughing at jokes that targeted her only to fit in.

She saw herself... holding onto Moondancer's hoof, looking up at her, filled with complete reliance, desperation.

Then ultimately she saw herself sitting there. Amidst a city of comatose ponies, both her mother and Moondancer each resting their heads upon one of her hooves. Her expression was lost, and she recalled the feeling. Broken.

She saw herself reaching out to Smarty Pants... only to watch his tiny delicate figure be blown to pieces.

But in the end... Twilight smiled back at Applejack, earnestly just as much. "Yes, you're right."

Yet Applejack gave her a look of skepticism yet again. Per usual, something just was... off, about this mare. But the mysteries that surrounded Twilight would have to come another day, for now, she was simply grateful to her for opening up about that night. Twilight may put on the front of being entirely committed to her cause, fearlessly trekking forward to pursue her goals but Applejack wasn't so sure. Surely no mare could come out of her experience unscathed, she'd already made that assumption. Twilight was masking more innate feelings.

But even then, Twilight's unique circumstances and that magic which nurtured her wounds. She couldn't help but humor the thought, truly... the alicorn was here in front of her. But that was impossible, Twilight was still so wet behind the ears. That genuine nature surely wasn't an act, but she couldn't deny the possibility was there. Still, if she was so powerful why hide in such a manner? Why blend in as a unicorn and not something less suspicious such as an earth pony? Why choose to be a blank flank? It didn't add up. Yet even despite all these obvious answers, Applejack still felt something... off. Nonetheless, the best thing she could do is go with the flow for now. Twilight Sparkle gave her no reason to see her as an enemy, so she deserved to be trusted.

Twilight now made her way towards the front gate of the mansion. "Ready to go... Captain Jack?"

Applejack eyed her in thought for a few seconds more before smirking. "Sure thing, Private."

Twilight frowned, eyeing down absently. Sorry Applejack, I need to be strong, to see this through.

Applejack glanced up at they trotted out the front gate. "Well then... on to the next steps aye Twilight? Kind of funny, whenever I drop off new recruits myself. Reminds me of the first time I saw my little sister off ta school."

Twilight eyed her curiously. "S-School? Is where we're going truly structured in such a manner?"

Applejack smirked at her before looking up again, letting off some hushed chuckles. "Well it's... different."

Amidst the same area of town, nestled away and secure was yet another gated mansion. It was grand and violet in color, with a unique tent shape to include intricate pony designs. These residences all hung on the upper borders of Ponyville, built upon natural hills that overlooked the entirety of the town. Ponyville was quite large, and not unlike High Society individuals from Manehattan... there were also those here who could be considered no different than royalty. In the distance from these residences, one could even see the Princess' castle near the forest of Everfree. The guards' barracks were also located closer to that region, but many of the Nightmare Guard still ensured to patrol this area especially, many of them being far more attentive here.

Lady Rarity sat in a large closed chariot laced with gold metal trimmings. She rested a hoof on her cheek as she eyed the sky above them from a curtained window. The chariot went about a smooth course through the streets of this sector of Ponyville, casually at a relaxed pace. "You are awfully quiet darling. What troubles you?"

Sitting beside her was none other than Twinkleshine, adorned in both a cloak of Rarity's design and a hat which specifically covered her head and broken horn. Twinkleshine was also fastened with a black collar as she gritted her teeth in an angered manner. Her nose wrinkled some, "Oh I don't know? Maybe the fact I'm stuck here with you!?" She huffed, turning red in the face. "Why put me through this? You playing nice is just annoying."

Lady Rarity commented absently as they continued to ride. "You're a prisoner darling, and my prisoner especially. So it is only fitting I get to decide your punishment and for now, your punishment is to accompany me as I see fit." She glanced over at her, "I am far more generous compared to my counterparts also blessed with the Princess' gifts. They are not so willing to accommodate a prisoner before their... sweeping." She'd sigh and actually run a hoof alongside Twinkleshine's head, "I am also sorry for the loss of your horn dear."

Twinkleshine gritted her teeth further before fiercely snarling and attempting to swat Rarity's hoof away.

Yet in that moment Rarity's horn sparked instantaneously with a speck of black magic.

Twinkleshine's collar mimicked that shade before the mare's eyes widened and then went into a daze, she wobbled and fell towards the opposing side of the chariot, limp yet still awake. "Nrrr..." she let off a tired grunt.

Lady Rarity now continued to pet the side of her head gently, in a caring manner. "Quite rude, but I understand your feelings." Though she did not speak of it publicly, Rarity acknowledged Twinkleshine as truly a gift. She was precious, an actual part of the resistance against the Princess. The things she knew were paramount and so to her, it was little different from being in possession of a delicate treasure. "But quiet down for a bit."

Twinkleshine remained limp and now... non-threatening as she laid there with half-closed eyes.

Lady Rarity continued to give her a subtle yet caring stare. She would soon lean forward, knocking on the closed frontal region of the chariot where another closed window was located. "Diane, darling. Are you there?"

The front window panel slid open as Diane tipped her head down into view. She appeared as she always had, tired, sad, and lacking much emotion yet still she smiled and waved casually. "Hiya Rarity... I'm here."

Lady Rarity nodded to her and then inquired further, "And Trixie I presume?"

On the outside of the chariot, sitting in an open space at the front were both Diane and Trixie. Trixie had both hooves crossed as she grumpily continued to peer ahead, whereas four stallions pulled the chariot itself.

Diane from the window point of view glanced up briefly, still smiling, before looking back to Rarity. "Yep..."

Lady Rarity nodded to her. "I'll need the two of you to help with carrying her inside."

Diane glanced over now at the dazed Twinkleshine, before nodding again back to Rarity. "Yep..."

Eventually, the chariot soon came to a stop in front of that particular mansion.

The four stallions remained in place whereas Trixie poofed down outside the chariot and Diane hopped off casually. They awaited Lady Rarity, who only emerged a few seconds afterward. Both Diane and Trixie trailed around to the side of the chariot nearest to the front gate of the mansion. Lady Rarity soon nodded to them with a smile, leaving the side door of the chariot she was closest to open. "Do be delicate with her."

Trixie grunted as she strode over to the chariot, and delicately pulled out Twinkleshine with a red telekinetic aura. Her magic then slammed the door of the chariot, which caused it to fly towards a nearby tree within a bordered patch of grass at the center of the road. Her antics pulled the stallions who guided them with it, as they all emerged from the cloud of smoke and debris with looks of confusion at the now wrecked chariot.

Trixie raised a hoof to her muzzle before uttering in a sarcastic manner. "Oops!"

Lady Rarity rolled her eyes, as she simply began to stride over to the front gate of the mansion.

Diane followed closely in kind, seeing as Trixie obviously needed no help to levitate Twinkleshine.

As the four arrived, two guards kept watch at the front gate. They immediately went into stiff postures as they bowed their heads at the sight of both Lady Rarity and Trixie. "L-Lady Rarity, Apprentice Trixie!" One exclaimed with obvious nervousness in his tone. "It is good to see you both, do... p-please, come in. We have ensured nopony has entered, and Lady Sweetie Belle has not yet returned from her school session either Ma'am."

Lady Rarity nodded to him with both eyes closed. "Because she has yet to be dismissed, darling."

The guard appeared dumbfounded for a quick second before uttering, "R-Right. Apologies!"

With magic, Lady Rarity slowly opened the front gate and looked back to the others, who kept pace as she continued on towards the mansion casually, up the front steps and to the front door. "Place her on the couch."

Once inside, Trixie couldn't help but gaze around. It was spacious, as expected. Well... her own personal mansion was nestled more in the private hills of Equestria. It was far more impressive! That's what she told herself at least. Many portraits of different Nightmare Guard armor variants adorned the walls, from sketches to official portraits. Even some fully built sets of armor were on display in nestled corners around the furniture. Trixie squinted a bit as she made her way further inside, "Jeez, you must really have a thing for armor."

Lady Rarity followed in after Diane. "It is a distracting hobby, one I quite enjoy." She shut the door gently.

Trixie placed Twinkleshine down on the couch, before sighing and glancing back. "Okay... now what?"

Lady Rarity removed her top as she hung it on a nearby rack at the front door. "Now you two leave us." She strode on over towards the center of the living room near the couch, glancing around, looking for something.

Trixie's nose wrinkled. "What? You dragged Trixie all the way over here for some LIFTING duty!?"

Lady Rarity addressed her absently. "Do not put such a dramatic spin on it, darling. I appreciate your company."

Trixie began to fume, as she glared at Rarity. "All you have done since Trixie has arrived is boss her around!"

Lady Rarity continued to eye her blankly. "If you truly wish to be the Princess' protege, then I am asking little."

Trixie flinched before her nose wrinkled at Rarity again. Yet she stood there in silence, only growling.

Lady Rarity sighed, lowering her head some as she used telekinesis to pull up a chair towards the couch before sitting in it. "Do not mistake me Trixie, it is not that I disrespect you." She paused and adjusted her bun while eyeing Twinkleshine, "I aim to make things as linear as possible when it comes to your tasks. In times such as these... do accept the convenience of simpler moments." She ran a hoof along the cheek of the sleeping Twinkleshine. "Times shall get darker, this I can promise you. So for now, do as I say and simply... leave."

Trixie opened her muzzle, about to speak before suddenly three abrupt knocks came upon the door.

There was dead silence between the four of them now... Twinkleshine still being in a daze.

Diane didn't want to interrupt, but she raised a hoof slightly. "Eheh, shall I get that?" She snickered tiredly.

Lady Rarity sighed again and lowered her head some. "Please do so."

Diane turned to open the door, as standing outside was another nightmare guard. The four stallions whom pulled the chariot were still in the distance, trying to make sense of it while sorting through the wreckage.

The mare pegasus guard seemed frantic, breathing heavily. "M-Ma'am! Legionnaire Finity!"

Lady Rarity closed her eyes. "Legionnaire... did you not receive word Captain Jack would be taking on-"

The mare pegasus saluted almost abruptly. "I-I did Ma'am. Which is why I flew over from the castle. I made a personal call that before you left for Canterlot... y-you'd want to hear about this report yourself."

Lady Rarity looked to her questionably before exhaling and nodding. "Very well Legionnaire."

She'd salute again. "Ma'am, before reporting in to Captain Jack, I wanted to inform you that we've been investigating some strange happenings at one of our outposts not far from Ponyville. We sent parties out to take a look, and every single time they never returned... until recently." She pulled a scroll from a holster at her side, as she looked it over. "After the latest disappearance of three of our guards, a solo pegasus recon legionnaire went to take a look a few hours ago. What he found were remnants of what appears to be..." she gulped, "Ponies affected by dream magic Ma'am. They are all currently in a comatose state as it is."

Both Lady Rarity and Diane eyed the guard with looks of high skepticism and shock then.

Trixie on the other hoof just glanced around as she muttered. "Should Trixie be more serious?"

Lady Rarity looked to Diane frantically. "D-Diane, darling. Scratch what I said, Trixie and you shall stay here. Look after Twinkleshine for me, will you? Nopony touches her!" She hurried on over towards the door.

Diane interjected with a curious tired look. "Well... okay, but, not even a little hair?"

Lady Rarity pressed her nose against Diane's, still frantic. "Not a hair!"

Trixie sighed once again as she just stood there in annoyance. "Well, Trixie can't say she's surprised."

Lady Rarity grabbed her top from the rack before fastening it on. "Legionnaire... Finity, was it? I have a very important task for you." She looked to the mare more desperately. "Do hurry on over to the school, Sweetie Belle should be getting released soon and knowing what you know, ensure her escorts are aware and you stay with them." She paused, "Those guards you mentioned, the ones affected by dream magic. Where are they now? Back at the medical ward within the guards' camp, I presume." She took a few trots out the door.

The legionnaire nodded to her. "Y-Yes Ma'am. Some are still in transit, but most have arrived."

Lady Rarity nodded back to her, "Thank you, darling." She'd trot hurriedly around to the back of the mansion.

The legionnaire tilted her head out the door, eyeing Lady Rarity in sudden confusion. "Huh?"

Diane interjected. "Oh... don't worry about her." She closed her eyes and smiled, "That's her rush-mode."

As she arrived towards the back of the mansion, she took in a few deep breaths then closed her eyes. After a brief moment, she opened them wide to reveal a familiar moderate cyan shade with draconic slits as pupils. Her coat was slowly wrapped in black as her horn started to glow. A tear in reality opened nearby, bordering with purple flames as an impenetrable black was hidden within, yet without hesitation, she leaped inside.

Another such tear opened in an entirely different location. Lady Rarity now stepped out, before the black upon her coat dissipated and her eyes returned to normal with a sudden pop. She wheezed, sweating now as she needed to take a moment to gather herself. A look of panic upon her as she placed a hoof upon her chest and took in some deep breaths, soon enough, regaining her composure. She stood straight now, shaded by a large concrete building. She was familiar with the location it seemed, nestled between a large stone wall and the building she stood beside. A loud commotion could be heard not far off, as she trotted to it casually.

As she made it towards a more open area, guards of all variants of pony were seen in the courtyard practicing all sorts of magic and barebones combat. Many of them in basic training regalia she herself made. Recruits... is what she thought. She glanced towards the center fountain, large and grand in nature which depicted Princess Nightmare Moon at the center, stepping upon the defeated Changeling Queen. That'd been so long ago. She glanced to her upper right some, actually taking in the sight of the massive building. It was more an entirely separate castle on its own, bearing the colors of the Nightmare Guard armor. At the center, hanging above the entrance to the building was the Eye of Nightmare Moon. The common symbol and identifier of a guard.

"And this is the symbol of the Nightmare Guard!" A light high pitched voice stated with glee.

Lady Rarity was drawn to the discussion absently, as she watched from a distance.

A pale pink filly with a curly bright blue mane adorned in apprentice attire escorted a pegasus mare. "See!"

The pegasus mare also in basic guard regalia was light gold in color, with a jet black mane accompanied by varying shades of gray. Her eyes a moderate rose, as she commented. "Interesting, you're a lifesaver kid."

The filly exclaimed happily, "Golly! The Princess does say, strength in numbers! Happy to help!"

Lady Rarity amidst the sounds of clashing, grunting ponies... even some laughter. She had to take a moment to merely soak in the atmosphere. Her eyes were half-closed as she appeared quite nostalgic. She took a few trots out, into the orange light of the setting sun. Even further down the path, she reached the main entryway into these grounds, a large black gate with pointed lance tips at the top. The tips emitted a blue flame, which she even knew were enchanted with the Princess' magic herself. Those blue flames... her mind drifted back to the meeting she had not long after what'd happened in Canterlot, one particularly involving Captain Dash.

An older pegasus guard gritted his teeth before slamming a hoof even harder upon the table. "That does not answer as to why Captain Dash is absent Lady Rarity! If further word of this gets out, do you understand what'll happen!? Those media ponies won't let up! They'll play on that narrative to the detriment of Equestria! If you cannot give me a fair answer, then I'll have no choice but to report this to the High Commander. Understand?"

Lady Rarity squinted at this particular pony in annoyance. "Commander Shining is accompanying the Princess."

There was a long silence, before the older pony replied. "You know that is not the pony who I speak of."

Lady Rarity stood, as she began to fume red. Eventually, she could no longer keep her composure as she now slammed her hooves on the table with a growl. "You measly geezer! Are you trying to make my life complicated!? What is with all of you pegasus not acting rationally!? I am only trying to preserve the peace! Yet you want to burn all of Equestria to the ground! What could you possibly be trying to accomplish with this!?"

The older pegasus snapped back. "What I aim to accomplish, is to preserve our very existence!"

Lady Rarity flinched as she gritted her teeth and seemed to be absent of words.

In the distance past the black gates, Lady Rarity could see various caravans all still gathered. Inspections for the alicorn were dispersing by this point whereas the Princess' castle loomed not far in the distance. A symbol.

"L-Lady Rarity! I... oh my! I did NOT expect you. Whaaaaat are you doing here!?" Came a sudden feminine voice.

Lady Rarity turned now, only to catch sight of a familiar mare adorned in attire much like her own if not exactly similar. The mare was pale blue in color, with various shades of orange depicted in her mane. Her eyes a bright orange with a dark violet eyeshadow to compliment her looks. Lady Rarity nodded to her, "Sassy Saddles, dearest." She glanced around the courtyard again and even further past smaller connecting bridges which lead to other buildings of the Nightmare Guard's main camp, before eyeing Sassy again. "The camp seems fine."

The mare revealed as Sassy Saddles blushed intensely as she held a hoof to her muzzle and eyed the ground nervously. "Well it is uh, of course meant to appeal to both you and the Princess' standards! I aim to pleeeease. But Lady Rarity... suuuurely a random inspection is not warranted? I-Is it? I mean... I did nothing wrong did I? I'd heard word you were leaving for Canterlot and to make my reports to Captain Jack." She looked back to Lady Rarity nervously. "There were negative reports weren't there!? Oh it's that blasted chow hall again I'm sure!"

Lady Rarity began trotting on ahead towards one of the bridges leading to another sector of the camp. Sassy ensured to follow in kind as Rarity glanced over and up at her. "No Sassy, there is far too much going on currently for me to be worrying about such things. Which is exactly why I'm here on such short notice. I've heard word from one of our guards that we had some ponies out in the field who suffered... unique, injuries."

As they crossed the bridge, Sassy Saddles paused with a hoof raised to her muzzle. "Ah yes... erhm, we did have some recent arrivals to the med-wing. Though I myself have not gathered the details of their injuries."

Lady Rarity kept trotting forward. "It makes sense, the moment they found out they must've sent word to me."

Sassy Saddles frowned with concern. "Oh my... R-Rarity is something the matter? Should we be worried?"

Lady Rarity paused in front of the ward. "Do not fret darling. Only yet another, albeit minor... inconvenience."

In Ponyville, amidst the quiet streets of ponies going about their days, hidden within an alleyway the sapphire mare continued her trek. Her face was masked within the shadow of her hood, but her familiar eyes shined as bright as moonlight. The determination in her gaze unfaltering, as she glared at a nightmare guard whom she had pinned to the wall. She asked a simple enough question, "The blank flank of Canterlot. Where... is she?"

The nightmare guard, upon his breastplate, was the apparent eye of Nightmare Moon, along with four silver stars. He trembled in her grasp as he gritted his teeth. "Does this look like Canterlot to you? T-Try there!" He gulped, a mere earth pony as he uttered nervously. "Please, d-don't hurt me, I'm a good pony! I swear!"

The sapphire mare squinted. "Hurt you? Never. Save you? Well in time, all our subjects shall be saved." Her horn emitted a familiar dark glow as her essence slithered into the ears of earth pony stallion.

The earth pony shook his head, "N-No... what're you doing!? My, I'm...who,... who, am I?" His eyes steadily rolled back as he went into an empty daze, and soon slumped forward, limp. His gaze peered aimlessly ahead.

The sapphire mare loosened her grip and let him drop. She eyed him for a moment longer, "Be at peace child." She turned and began trotting further into the darkness of the alleyway. Using telekinetic magic, the pulled down on her hood some as she eyed the ground in contemplation. Bit by bit I'm learning more about this world, and bit by bit I'll tear it all down. She glared ahead again. But first, I must reclaim that which is mine. I must...

Twilight Sparkle as she trotted down the hill with Captain Jack which lead to the homes of the prestigious within Ponyville... she looked to the sky with a blank stare. She was quiet for some time and thought. In time-

Lady Rarity looked towards the eye of Nightmare Moon above the medical ward with a smile. In time-

Whereas the sapphire mare trotted ahead, fiercely focused. In time-

And all three finished their trains of thought, unbeknownst to one another. Equestria will return as it should be.

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