• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter III: Twilight's Purpose

Chapter III: Twilight's Purpose

Previous Chapter Recap: Lady Rarity realizes she must recover from the disaster of the Canterlot Lockdown. But everywhere she turns arises one complication after another. The militaristic pegasi show signs of deep discontent with the condition of Captain Dash, one of their esteemed soldiers. While other forces tied to Princess Nightmare Moon's rule emerge with uncertain news. But despite these tedious interruptions Lady Rarity knows there is still ultimately no threat to them. After all, she is Lady Rarity.

Both Applejack and Twilight now sat in front of one another, still within the barn. Thanks to the shade the heat was tolerable, though still bothersome. Some cracks of sunlight drifted through as well, granting them light.

Applejack eyed the ground. "It was all pretty overwhelming ... that's sayin somethin comin from me."

Twilight eyed Applejack, listening to her closely, though she wore an uneasy look.

Was dark ... though thanks ta the moonlight it wasn't hard ta see. But hearing, that was a different matter entirely. The sound of thunder rang throughout the darn near entire forest. Not to mention the screams from the other guards. They were really lookin for ya. But after seeing the condition you were in, I knew I couldn't let em have you.

Applejack stood before the tree, eyeing Twilight whom laid there unconscious. She wore a grim gaze, frowning as she eyed the purple unicorn. "How in the hay did ya survive a fall like that?" But as the seconds drew on, her brows rose as surprise overcame her. "W-What?" She took a few trots forward, wholly observant.

On my way ta the city, I saw flashes of strange lights in the sky, violent thrashing weather the likes of which I never seen before. But the last thing I expected to come crashing down was a pony. I knew there was a story here.

As Twilight Sparkle laid there against the tree, her bruises, cuts and wounds gradually faded away.

Applejack leaned down in front of Twilight, soon inspecting her. "What sort of magic-..." she was at a loss for words as she shook her head then, before lifting Twilight onto her back. "Gah, no time for that right now AJ, ya gotta get her outta here." She glanced back at Twilight whom was now on her back, before peering up towards the sky which echoed with crashing violet thunder. "Just what happened up there?" She sighed heavily.

Suddenly, the sound of a unicorn poof echoed through the trees alongside ruffling leaves.

Applejack's eyes widened as she immediately dashed forward with a kick of her rear hooves, sending herself blitzing meters ahead as she swiftly spun into a position where they were now hidden behind a tree.

"That is impossible! This is the exact position where she must've fallen! Trixie is certain of it!"

Applejack began to sweat as she remained silent, still holding Twilight on her back.

In the background, both Diane and Trixie had arrived. Trixie obviously annoyed as she tore off her hat and then tossed it onto the ground. Whereas Diane took a couple of trots forward, leaning down in front of the tree Twilight once laid against. She tilted her head to the right, chuckling. "Hmmm, my Pinka Sense is acting funny."

Applejack continued to remain silent, gritting her teeth. T-These two? Now of all times?

Trixie rolled her eyes, groaning as she glared at Diane. "This again? Really!?"

Diane rose as she eyed the tree with a curious smile. "I have a big hunch that somepony must've intervened and took that pony in the mere few seconds it took us to get here. Now that very same pony is hiding nearby. Maybe we should have a look around?" She glanced back at Trixie. "I think it'd be pretty fun. Like hide & seek."

Trixie picked up her hat, fastening it back onto her head. "Well if you want to go searching around a dark forest for some random pony, be my guest! Trixie on the other hoof has enough scores to settle! One with that peasant earth pony! Two, with that meddlesome unicorn on the train! And three!" She fumed as she gritted her teeth, snarling at the ground, "That despicable unicorn who got in the way of Trixie's flawless perfectly aimed spell! She is probably laughing as we speak!" Trixie turned with an enraged huff, "It's all so infuriating!"

Diane shrugged. "That sounds fun too. We maybe have a better chance of getting that pony." She glanced up towards the clouds with a casual expression, but slightly fascinated. "So I'll just keep you safe as usual. Hmhm."

Trixie held out a hoof towards Diane with puffed cheeks. "Hmph! Then stop dawdling and get over here!"

Diane casually trotted over to Trixie as she took the mare's hoof, and they both disappeared in an instant.

Applejack continued to sweat, though she exhaled and closed her eyes then. Filled with relief.

Applejack had her forehooves crossed as she closed her eyes. "Needless ta say, there were a couple more close calls with Nightmare Guards but ... that ain't so important." She looked back at Twilight seriously, frowning all the while. "Just what happened out there Twilight?" She showed a deep concern, "Why'd you end up ... here?"

Twilight appeared empty as she reflected on what she'd say, eyeing the ground with a blank gaze. So many memories flashed of that night, and she struggled to come up with a reliable way to recount it all.

Twilight recalled Moondancer overlooking her as they were within her room, with such confidence in her.

Moondancer smiled, "That's cause you're special Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight recalled Twinkleshine as she departed from them upon the Canterlot rooftops.

Twinkleshine shouting out to Twilight. "Forget everything and run! Or face everything and rise!"

She recalled Specialist Ebonblitz, the pegasus whom assaulted her in the alleyways.

Specialist Ebonblitz snapped at Twilight. "Why aren't you on our side then, Twilight Sparkle!?"

She recalled the purple colt in the world of black, whom gave her his strange magic.

The colt had a lowered gaze. "Momma's story, isn't the story I want to tell."

She recalled ... Captain Dash upon her lap atop the clouds, quickly fading.

Captain Dash gave her a tired smile. "You still believe ... in those filly's tales?"

And then, Twilight saw her mother. Reaching out to her before they'd been hit by the Princess' spell.

Only for a final image of Princess Celestia in a world of pure white, standing alone in the distance to appear in her mind. Twilight shook her head at Princess Celestia. "Are you just going to run away from everything?"

Princess Celestia looked back to her sadly. "Is that so hard to believe? Twilight Sparkle..."

Twilight started to tremble some as she reflected on all the recollections.

Applejack reached out to her hesitantly. "H-Hey! You alright? Listen, you don't have ta force yourself alright? I-"

Then Twilight cut her off, speaking distinctly. "I'm tired of being lost .... Applejack."

Applejack paused in her reaching out, only listening now but still eyeing her with concern.

Twilight looked to Applejack blankly. "Somewhere along the way we got lost, and we're all trying desperately to find our way again. Maybe ...even Princess Nightmare Moon is the same." She paused, "But I know enough to realize, this isn't the way Equestria was meant to be. Princess Nightmare Moon will only lead us further into the dark. A world built around control will only breed more resistance." She turned her gaze downward, "There's a better path out there. But to find it, we need to correct all of the Princess' mistakes. It may have taken a dozen ponies, a midnight catastrophe, and a strange dream for me to learn, but I did, and I plan to make the most of it." She looked back to Applejack seriously. "Applejack, Princess Nightmare Moon won't stop now. Now that a pony has driven her to this paranoia, it's only a matter of time before she gets rid of everypony entirely."

Applejack flinched, as she crossed her forehooves again. "D-Don't ya think that's a bit paranoid yourself?"

Twilight shook her head, looking towards the ground again. "Last night, Princess Nightmare Moon unleashed a spell that put everypony in the city to a deep sleep. I only escaped because of a strange colt who gave me his magic. Princess Nightmare Moon may be calm now, but she'll lose her patience eventually. That's inevitable."

Applejack tilted her head to the right. "What makes ya say that? Though ... I ain't really arguing with ya."

Twilight looked back to Applejack. "It's a pattern Applejack. When Princess Nightmare Moon finds a particular race suspicious, she gets rid of them. Just like with the Changelings, just like with the Diamond Dogs, just like with the other once well known species of Equestria. They all were eventually removed in the Subspecies Act."

Applejack's brows rose before she rubbed her chin and muttered. "I can see the correlation. But then again ... a lot of species involved with Subspecies Act were putting up resistances against the Princess ya know."

Twilight nodded, "Because they saw what we failed to. Princess Nightmare Moon is a lit fuse Applejack. If she is willing to condemn an entire race for the actions of a few, when does it stop? Inevitably, they all would've been thrown out anyways, so of course they put up a resistance. We as a whole weren't affected, so we failed to see the bigger picture. Even now we fail to see it ... but we're all part of the same cycle. We saw it as the Princess trying to protect us, but in reality she was always protecting herself. None of us are safe from her actions."

Applejack interjected. "Then why in the hay not just get rid of everypony from the get go?"

Twilight shrugged absently. "W-What's a Princess without subjects? Who wants to rule a wasteland?"

A brief silence carried on between the two as Applejack was obviously flustered.

Applejack made a crooked frown and looked down skeptically. Eventually she rubbed at the back of her mane as she sighed. "Ya know, seeing as I'm a prominent member of the guard and my life here ain't too shabby, it really stinks that I'm really gettin at what you're saying. But shucks, does it feel awfully bad too knowing that I didn't do enough either till now." She paused, "Never really saw myself as selfish. Just, didn't notice is all."

Twilight shook her head. "You can't beat yourself up over it. None of us really noticed. Until the alicorn situation, we had no real reason to connect the two pieces. Plus, what could we have done as normal ponies?"

Applejack looked at her with a slightly raised lip and one squinted eye. "Er ... somethin? Anything?"

Twilight's eyes widened as she turned a guilty gaze downward. This was true. Deep down even she knew that while the other races were being subjugated to ridicule and hardship, she chose not to resist or do anything. Twilight however buried that guilt, it would do her no good now. She looked back to Applejack seriously. "Then we'll just have to make up for it. Once we figure out a way to stop Princess Nightmare Moon, we'll build an Equestria that welcomes all races into the fold. Just like with Princess Celestia! It'll be like the old world!"

Applejack couldn't help but chuckle a bit. "Uuuuh, don't think it'll be that easy Twilight Sparkle."

Twilight raised a brow at Applejack, leaning forward. "Why not? We'll just say sorry and befriend them."

Applejack smirked, snickering. "Pft! Errrr yeah, pretty sure it'll play out exaaaactly like that."

Twilight squinted at Applejack. "Um ... is that sarcasm?"

Applejack shook her head, glancing to her upper right. "Wha? Sarcasm? Nope! Whateeeever do ya mean?"

Twilight closed her eyes and smiled, clapping her hooves together once. "Alright good!"

Applejack blinked a few times before raising a brow at her. This pony serious?

Twilight continued, crossing her hooves and looking down in a thoughtful manner. "Okay, so let's-"

Applejack raised both hooves and lowered her head. "Wait wait wait ... hold on a second now Twilight Sparkle. Now, I know after all ya been through yer a bit anxious and all, ready to go in hooves blazin. But, just think about this fer a second now." She lowered her hooves again, eyeing Twilight with concern. "How're we gonna stop Princess Nightmare Moon? Shucks, we're just two ponies you and I. She bested all other races in Equestria, and even Princess Celestia. Who knows what kind of crazy magic and spells she's mastered. Not ta mention the ponies she surrounds herself with. Until she directly betrays em, they're still on her side. How're we supposed ta deal with that?" She crossed her hooves then, "Not that I don't have any ideas, but, just curious on your thoughts. Afterall ... before ya met me, you were all alone out there." She sighed, "It's a bit like crazy talk."

But Twilight looked to Applejack blankly. Her thoughts streamed. Despite Applejack's words, all that came through her head were ponies she'd encountered. Moondancer. Fleetfoot and Marble. Twinkleshine. The colt. Even ... that strange manifestation of herself she saw combat with Captain Dash. Twilight chose not to speak of the Seven Stars, and even of becoming an alicorn. She felt herself panic at the recollection of it all, not even certain if she truly believed what'd transpired at the end. Something in her heart ached... and she trembled. But when she did speak, she spoke clearly and distinctly, with certainty. "We aren't alone Applejack. There are ponies out there just like us, we just have to find them." Her smile became a bit more hopeful, "I know a few I'm confident escaped Canterlot as well. But I guess ... I'll just have to have faith I'll find them again." With this Twilight rose, as she peered down at Applejack. "We'll stop Nightmare Moon, bring back Princess Celestia, and find a way to put Equestria back on the right path again." She raised her voice, "And no more Ponies, Changelings, or any other races will have to worry about being afraid, lonely, or sad again. Even if I have to build it myself." Twilight paused, "I'll find a way." With this she turned and trotted towards the doors.

Applejack was left sitting there, a bit stunned as she was leaned back now, and blinked a few times. Jeez ... who in the hay is this mare? Ya come falling from the sky, recover like it's nothin, then go on ta talk about defeating Nightmare Moon and creating some better world? What're ya crazy? Just who do ya think you are? A Princess?

But for Twilight, as she'd reached those closed doors, she soon placed her hoof upon them. She was already familiar with the path of hesitation, of self-doubt and hopelessness. She knew it wouldn't get her far. After all the chances she'd received to be here, she knew those thoughts were ... unacceptable. But still, something stirred within her. A determination and drive. What was it? What pushed her ahead so eagerly?

Within her mind, Twilight saw a lone dirt road branching off into a forest. It reminded her of an instance when she were with Moondancer. She was alone at first. She looked back and saw herself in the distance, within the darkness of another forest which cast a strange image. She was sitting alone in her room, upon her back in the dark as she laughed and tossed Smarty Pants in the air, catching him each time. Twilight's gaze saddened as she saw this however, perhaps it was Smarty Pants ... perhaps, something else. But it saddened her nonetheless. She watched herself play with her dear companion while hugging him to her chest. Eventually, she closed her eyes and turned away, facing the path ahead again.

But as she opened them, it was no longer barren or empty. Standing off in the distance were recognizable figures. Moondancer, both Shining Armor and Cadence, her parents, Joe from Joe's Donuts along with the cook Mickey, even the members of the Celestial Defenders she'd met that night. But her eyes widened as she saw further off in the distant background with her back turned towards her was ... Princess Celestia? Twilight's heart fluttered with abnormal feelings, as they stood off in the distance all smiling at her. She felt her mind become clear. For the first time in what felt like an eternity, Twilight understood what she'd forgotten. The connection to those she cared about, the possibility to make those connections. The bright side of Equestria. For her, it wasn't just about stopping Princess Nightmare Moon. No ... her purpose was far more important than that. For Twilight Sparkle, she wanted this to be her world. Everypony's world. If she focused ... she could see it.

Beyond the recognizable faces. Beyond the trees and the unknown that laid ahead. Twilight saw something that filled her very being with joy. A collective of ponies, changelings, yaks, zebras, diamond dogs, puppies, cats, whatever the mind could think of all frolicking and socializing without worry. Nopony sitting alone in a dark room by themselves. But a replication of that feeling Moondancer gave her when they first conversed in the diner. A feeling Twilight couldn't shake ... a feeling absent of loneliness. It was a passion she was unfamiliar with. One that even rose above her desire to stop Princess Nightmare Moon. For Twilight ... it was a perfect world. But what did it mean? Was this the path she desired for herself after this was all over? A new world rebuilt?

Princess Celestia off in the distance glanced back at Twilight, before flying off into the bright blue sky.

Twilight's eyes widened even further at her, before eventually, she closed her eyes and attempted to concentrate.

Twilight now stood in the open space between the doors of the barn house, feeling the warmth of the sun upon her entire body. It was ... soothing. She had to squint at first, her eyes adjusting to the brightness of the sun. As her vision cleared, she saw the bright green of the grass in front of her, along with perfectly trimmed shrubbery. Song birds frolicked to a nearby fountain as they stretched their wings and took baths. And in the distance past the large gate enclosing a nearby mansion, Twilight saw the town of Ponyville. Small but grand, and divided into smaller sectors. It almost reminded her of a smaller Canterlot. It was all so strange.

Then throwing a hoof around her neck was Applejack. "Now simmer down there Sally!"

Twilight jolted forward a bit before glancing to her left at Applejack, blinking a few times.

Applejack smirked at the mare. "Don't go running off on me so eagerly now, I still got a ton uh questions ta ask ya. Especially before we go off and er ... change Equestria, all that jazz. Also ..." she then used that hoof wrapped around Twilight to lightly lift some of her shabby mane. "We're definitely gettin ya a manecut." Applejack paused as she eyed Twilight up and down, before both her brows rose. "Hm ... ya know, that's funny."

Twilight's cheeks flushed red as she glanced downward and muttered. "H-Huh?"

Applejack smirked at her further in amusement. "Yer features really remind me of the alicorn's."

Twilight looked back over at her before smiling a bit. "If only it were that easy."

With this the two began trotting out the barn, further towards the mansion gates.

Wait for me everypony. I'll find the Seven Stars, and we'll stop Princess Nightmare Moon before it's too late.

Wait for me ... Princess Celestia. When you come back, you'll no longer be alone.

When you come back ... you'll be in an Equestria you can feel proud of. We all will.

Twilight Sparkle for the first time since childhood. Felt herself rising with motivation ... and purpose.

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