• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,942 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter XVIII: Threads of Twilight

Chapter XVIII: Threads of Twilight

Chapter 17 Recap: Canterlot has fallen ... and to Tantabus, not entirely unexpected. With the release of a grand dream spell, the entire population of the prestigious city has been submerged into a deep and seemingly permanent sleep. Perhaps there never was a chance to begin with. Though despite his lack of enthusiasm Tantabus has chosen instead to leave what little magic he had with another more ordinary pony found among the victims. Twilight Sparkle ... the nameless blank flank. Perhaps she can make a difference where he could not ... perhaps this power ordinary ponies seemingly possess does exist. Regardless she will be forced to find the answers to such questions on her own. Now only moments later, Twilight has awoken to find herself in a silent Canterlot.

Rarity had returned to a more familiar world then, along with both Diane and Trixie. Almost immediately after their arrival a band of guards had entered the throne room, not much to Rarity's surprise. She casually raised her head while standing atop the edge of the stairway leading up to the throne. She simply peered down at the individuals without much care or worry, while Diane and Trixie continued to stand silently beside her. She herself remained silent, waiting patiently for the guards to address her as she already knew what they'd say.

One of the guards blatantly came out. "Lady Rarity! Canterlot City, it's ... it's been-"

Rarity nodded to the guard. "I know, we have much to discuss. I shall address you all shortly, so wait outside with the others."

There was an awkward pause from all the guards before they nodded and per her instruction, slowly turned to leave afterwords.

Trixie glanced over at Rarity with a slight grit in her teeth while uttering quietly. "And tell them what!? That you decided to nuke the city with dream magic? For soooome reason, the Great and Powerful Trixie doesn't believe that'll sit well with the majority of them!"

Rarity closed her eyes not losing her composure one bit. "Which is why you paint them a pretty picture darling." She paused before looking blankly down towards the path leading up to the throne. "Those with the highest status are those who get to shape the story."

Trixie looked at Rarity with a raised brow as she wore a crooked frown. "Mmmm, how poetic of you..."

Rarity began trotting down the steps. "Now let us not waste anymore time dawdling. We have subjects to address."

Diane attempted to follow but not before getting gently tugged at her tail by Trixie, which caused her to glance back. "Hm?"

Trixie was slightly struck red in the face as she couldn't look at Diane due to how corny she felt. "Hey ... uh. The Great and Powerful Trixie thanks you for your efforts in, w-well in ensuring her safety and all." She sighed, "Trixie doesn't know if she could've made it through that place without you." She looked back at Diane reluctantly with obvious embarrassment. "Ms. Diane. Trixie is appreciative of you."

Diane looked up at Trixie with wide eyes before they became half-closed and she smiled obviously flattered. She giggled as she made her way up to Trixie and closed her eyes before rubbing foreheads with her, while placing a hoof behind Trixie's head. "I'm glad too silly..." Afterwords she turned with playful grace while grabbing hold of one of Trixie's hooves. "Now let's go see what's next for us."

Trixie looked down at Diane reluctantly before pulling down on the tip of her hat and lowering her head. "Right."

Applejack now stood outside her mansion as violent gushing winds caused her bushy mane to flap about vehemently.

Big Mac stood not far behind her noticing her grave expression as his gaze followed where she looked towards as well.

Up in the mountains which housed Canterlot City, it was hard not to notice. Not only had the barrier been raised around Canterlot, but by this point it'd been taken down as well. Now remnants of arcane clouds hung around the outskirts, while the aftereffect from an exponentially large spell sent gusts of wind hurdling even towards Ponyville. Applejack was stunned with disbelief, "Big Mac..."

Big Mac was looking up towards the city in the distance as well, but then looked back towards Applejack in silence.

Applejack glanced back at him as she gave him a stern glare. "I know what I said but I can't just sit idly by, not with this."

Big Mac frowned at her in understanding before nodding. "Yep."

Applejack smiled as she looked towards the mountains leading up to Canterlot, before glaring towards a forest path at the back of the farm. With that she kicked back her hooves and broke off into a sprint, straight for that forest path, leaping over her rear gate in the process.

Watching from an upper story window within their mansion was Apple Bloom, as she saw Applejack depart ... worriedly.

Big Mac continued to watch as Applejack disappeared into those forests ... surprisingly without much concern.

But Apple Bloom's feelings didn't change as she continued to look out towards the forest, then to the mountains as well. "Big Sis?"

Standing outside of Nightmare Moon's castle was a large gathering of both guards and citizens who commuted from nearby settlements, majority of them coming from the nearby town of Ponyville. They all looked up at Lady Rarity worriedly, for she was the one who'd be addressing them. There was nothing but silence for some time as she just stood there alongside Diane who was hooded, as well as Trixie. Rarity looked out towards all of them with a simple gaze. "I'm sure you're all wondering just what has happened here tonight."

Applejack breathed heavily as she continued to race through the forests with blitzing speed, leaping over trees and bushes.

Rarity continued to speak as she closed her eyes. "As you all are certainly aware, rumors have cropped up recently which tell tale of an alicorn who could venture through time itself. One who has threatened the princess' rule. Well I am here to tell you that is no rumor."

Applejack scaled a small dirt hill, climbing up it with haste as she pushed off her rear hooves into a leap before landing masterfully.

Rarity opened her eyes slowly then. "That it is indeed fact. And although not all of you may agree with the princess' methods, you know she has obviously produced results." She paused, "And much like the changelings and other external threats, this alicorn aims to disrupt our way of life. The order we've established, the peace we've managed to build. So now comes a decision." She took a second to glance around at the lot of them, "You can choose to help tear apart the fabric of this peaceful reality we've forged for ourselves and become part of the problem. Or you can prove your loyalty and stand by the princess' side once more, as we aim to stop this alicorn and whatever allies she manages to find, and to ensure no more chaos is wrought upon us all. But know should you choose to oppose the princess you will share the same fate as all other enemies she's bested before. There can be no generosity, for those who threaten Equestria's safety have yet to earn it." She closed her eyes halfway. "Now is yet another time of strife and conflict, and what role you play is entirely up to each and every one of you. What has befallen Canterlot is truly tragic ... but due to the overwhelming danger of the presumed enemy who aimed to lay siege to the city and use the citizens as leverage, a dire choice had to be made. But it can stop there. No more tragedies have to occur. But consider this our first test." She squinted, "All you must do is use your unified strength to help the princess once again, and truly save Equestria."

A large series of vibrant roars from the crowd echoed to the surrounding forests, majority of them filled with passion.

But not all were convinced by Rarity's words, and reluctant questioning glances were shared amongst a hesitant few.

Reporters concerned about the state of the citizens of Canterlot were also present, as they took various pictures of the scene.

Rarity glanced to her right as she looked at two guards in particular, unicorn guards who were using their telekinetic magic to keep a folded tapestry elevated. She nodded to them as they made their way by the three's side, standing silently and waiting for an order. Rarity looked back out towards the crowd before swiping a hoof. "Now go!" And then the guards used their telekinetic magic to unveil the large tapestry crafted by Rarity herself, which revealed the face and form of a gracious yet beautifully casual purple alicorn, one with a modest expression. It could even be considered complimentary due to the fact Rarity had made no attempt to deface her. The Alicorn sat in a classy organized posture, with her cutie mark fully visible for all to take note of. Rarity continued, "Prove your loyalty to the princess and help us stop this new threat! Find whatever you can, for alicorn or not, there is a pony out there who bears this appearance and she must be stopped! And remember, failure to do so could very well mean-" there was a long and dramatic pause...

Applejack continued to dip and dodge between trees and bushes as the city still seemed so distant and far away.

"The downfall of Equestria, and everything we've come to know, love, and cherish itself." Rarity finished.

Applejack huffed, needing to catch her breath as she had already made some distance from Ponyville. "I gotta keep movin..."

Rarity closed her eyes again as she spoke in a soft whisper, quiet enough so only the three of them could hear. "Diane."

Trixie and Diane glanced over at Rarity silently, awaiting what she had to say. Diane in particular had a shallow smile.

Rarity continued once more, "Make way for the city and take Ms. Trixie with you. The guard will inevitably follow in short to make preparations to preserve the state of the citizens until further notice ... and clean up whatever messes are present. But there may be clues as to why all of this was necessary in the first place." She glanced over at Diane. "You are a most reliable tracker despite your varied range of talents, so I trust you can get things done. Nopony should've been able to ignore the dream spell besides Tantabus and he is no more, but as you know there are often exceptions to the rule due to slight mishaps. I want you to find any you can and report them to me. Understood?"

Diane spoke softly. "I always enjoy a super fun scavenger hunt. Even when I don't know what I'm looking for."

Trixie appeared irritated. "So what, we're just supposed to waste our time looking for something that might not even be there?"

Rarity huffed. "What you're looking for is whatever caused all this. Whether it be multiple ponies, one pony, or the alicorn herself I don't care. Just find it and relay it to me. The princess is out there gathering her own answers and I aim not to waste any of her time." Rarity now began trotting down some steps leading out closer towards the crowd as she still spoke in regards to the two. "I must also get in contact with the other cities to inform them of what has happened. There is still so much that needs to be done. So we must get started now."

Trixie still peered down at Rarity questioningly. "And what of Trixie's reputation? You made mention it would be of some use."

Rarity glanced back at her with a squint. "And it will be darling, now stop being a pestering child and go. Time is of the essence."

Trixie nearly snapped at Rarity. "P-Pestering child!? How dare you mock the-" but she was interrupted with a soft nudge. She glanced to her right to notice Diane looking at her fairly seriously, as well as shaking her head at her slowly. This calmed Trixie for some odd reason as she glared at Diane still upset, before looking back at Rarity with a huff. "Fine, then let us be off." Trixie tipped her hat, and in a near instant the two were enveloped in a red magical aura as Trixie's eyes glowed a bright vibrant red as well, and the two poofed away.

Rarity kept her eyes on the spot they once stood for a moment longer in silence before looking back out towards the crowd.

A young reporter suddenly rushed forward. "Lady Rarity! Lady Rarity! Questions, please!"

Rarity's gaze landed upon the younger reporter as she eyed her blankly and with an indeterminable amount of patience.

The reporter flinched, nervously sweating before holding a mic up towards her. "U-Um, what's your take on the situation? As one of the princess' closest advisers, surely you have a unique perspective in regards to all this! When can we hope to see the situation resolved? And what guarantees do you have that we'll be safe from this strange new enemy's wrath? Y-Your thoughts? If you don't mind..."

Rarity continued to look down at her in that same manner before answering. "Do you doubt the princess?"

The reporter flinched yet again as she raised a brow. "H-Huh?"

Rarity repeated herself. "Do you ... doubt ... Princess Nightmare Moon, darling? It's a fairly straightforward question."

The reporter glanced around as she continued to sweat, as if looking to other members of the crowd for some help or reassurance.

But no others came to the reporter's aid, while some even eyed her with suspicion which caused her to tremble.

Rarity continued to look down at her blankly as she spoke yet again. "Well, shall I take your silence as a yes?"

The reporter immediately shook her head at Rarity, still trembling. "No! N-No, no! I, I have full confidence in the princess! I swear!"

Rarity smiled at the reporter. "Good. There's your answer. Have confidence in the princess and all shall go splendidly."

The reporter nodded to Rarity, thankful as she lowered her head in relief. "Y-Yes! ... Lady Rarity!"

Rarity turned with a stride. "Now go pass that along to your reporter friends. We'll provide more updates as time goes on."

More vibrant talks broke out within the crowd as both guards and citizens began to discuss amongst each other.

As she faced back towards the castle, she closed her eyes. So it's finally begun. This time-travelling alicorn nonsense. Surely it won't last long, for none can simply stand against the princess. Rarity's eyes were half closed now as she looked towards the tiled marble path leading up to the castle doors. That was your first mistake alicorn. You lack the proper judgement to even fathom stopping the princess. Your naive innocence was far too apparent. I don't know what land you came from but ... it is certainly not ours. She closed her eyes again as she continued to trot back towards the castle. Destiny has already made it clear ... it'll take far more than a bundle of friends to succeed here.

Back within the city of Canterlot, the foreboding reality from the aftermath of the dream spell hadn't diminished.

Twilight had already gathered Moondancer with minimal effort using telekinetic magic, as she laid both her mother and friend out before her. It was still so quiet, even torturous for Twilight as she was currently suspended in disbelief, unable to truly accept what'd just happened. Her expression was blank ... doe eyed even, as she just looked down there at two ponies she knew truly supported her. And despite not casting the dream spell herself on them, she still felt responsible. Was this truly fated? Destiny, is this what you're selling me?

Beneath the midnight sky with the rainbow silhouette of Princess Celestia's image painted faintly on the full moon, all ponies laid asleep against their will, lost within a veil of dream and shadow. Twilight shook her head. That everything here, was all meant to be?

Twilight dug through Moondancer's satchel, pulling out a scroll in which she had no idea what manner of spell was inlaid within. Well frankly, I think I'm done with all this. She appeared concentrated ... solemn, and wholly serious. I'm done, letting you have your way. Her horn started to glow as she activated the scroll and dug deep within her own personal reserves for anything she could find. She gritted her teeth, spreading her hooves as she looked down at her fallen mother and friend sternly in concentration. So you're going to give me the answers I need. Whether it's meant to be or not. You hear me? The ground around Twilight began to shake as a large circular perimeter made itself known with bright purple magic. The wind currents around Canterlot even became more intense as she closed her eyes and concentrated further. Now ... give me something, anything! Twilight opened her eyes then as they were a bright shimmering white and unknowingly to her, she was radiating with a mixture of powerful inherent magic. Just this once, please! And then ... all fell dark yet again.

Twilight Sparkle opened her eyes slowly, to find herself in a blank surfaced world. It was the complete opposite of where the purple colt had appeared before her previously. It wasn't lonesome nor black. It was strangely fulfilling ... fascinating. Twilight glanced around at this empty white world as she only observed for a time to exude some curiosity. Within a few seconds she noticed that Smarty Pants was still wrapped around her neck, even if this world was another supposed dream. She blinked a few times staring upwards at a vast and gorgeous bright blue sky. "What is this place Smarty Pants?" Soon enough Twilight looked forward as what she saw caused her eyes to widen further. There in the distance was yet another pony. Her mane was a bright pink and her coat a gorgeous white. Her very figure was something Twilight felt she'd never seen before in person, yet somehow ... it still appeared oddly familiar. So she began a cautious approach.

The pony was currently faced away from Twilight, looking up towards the endless sky. She was sitting yet still was so tall and elegant. Beautiful beyond words. She said nothing and did nothing ... only continuing to sit there in silence and presumed deep thought.

Twilight continued to slowly approach her and eventually within a few feet of her ... reached out slowly. S-She has wings. She must be a pegasus ... but, how could a pegasus have reached this world without any magic? It's improbable but not impossible. Unless...

And slowly that figure turned her head with a look of light curiosity. It appeared she herself were simply checking out of precautionary measures to see what was there. And in that moment they both had made eye contact, then followed still with utter silence.

Now even Twilight flinched as she paused in her approach as they just stared at one another. But what ultimately caught Twilight off guard even further was the fact she saw a horn upon this pony. Twilight then fell stumbling back in complete shock! "You're an alicorn!"

The alicorn looked upon Twilight now in just as much shock while her expression was filled with disbelief at the sight of her. She slowly turned to face Twilight who was now on her bottom, as she herself stood to all fours, revealing truly just how much taller she was than the frail purple unicorn who paled in comparison. But something was off about the alicorn's demeanor, a deep and underlying sadness became apparent the longer she looked down at Twilight who was still only confused. It was as if that after such an infinite amount of time a realization had hit her ... an answer she had not seen, and that failure to notice caused instant regret. She began shaking her head.

Twilight blinked, hugging Smarty Pants to her chest as she only raised a brow in further confusion. Eh?

The alicorn began backing away from Twilight almost as if in fear. "No ... just leave, go away child. Leave me be..."

And those words are what triggered Twilight's thought process as something sparked deep within her own memories. Though she had never met her before she had heard that voice. It was far too renown to forget otherwise. "Princess Celestia?" She was still in disbelief.

The alicorn continued. "All those years I spent searching for answers ... only to have them appear before me out of the blue."

Twilight slowly began to rise again as excitement and relief began to creep upon her. It's, it's really her! Princess Celestia! Twilight had made contact with Princess Celestia herself! All their problems were solved! All she needed to do now was find a way to get her out of this strange place! Sure it'd take some time but this was a great start! She opened her muzzle slowly, about to speak! "Princess I-"

But the alicorn turned away from Twilight then off towards the infinite distance, before breaking off into a hurried sprint.

Twilight just stood in silence while looking at Princess Celestia depart, completely thrown off. "Huh?"

Slowly, another pony had opened her eyes as well ... , it was none other than Marble. Wait, she made it? Even she was surprised. She hadn't even found time to conceive what that strange spell was. Well, she was certainly grateful but where was she? She peered up towards an empty dark blue sky riddled with stars and a series of clouds. She only blinked, trying to make sense of what was happening. Now that she thought about it, the surface she was laying upon also felt a little abnormal. Her brow raised as she laid there on her back. "W-Wha?"

Suddenly, coming into her view of vision was Fleetfoot, smiling down at her with a grinning chuckle. "Welcome back sleepyhead."

Marble was still confused. Until she turned her head and glanced around, only to immediately lean up in shock and fear! Surrounding her was nothing but a surface of cloud ... and a seemingly tiny one at that. She was upon Fleetfoot's lap, who had her rear hooves crossed as she sat upon the cloud as if it were no different from a lawn chair. She was entirely comfortable. They were high up in the air, it'd been so fast and quick that Marble couldn't even tell what had happened. She wrapped her hooves around Fleetfoot while trembling. "Eeeeeep!"

Fleetfoot couldn't help but laugh, amused obviously. But ... that amusement was short-lived. Her expression became grave soon enough ... as she just ensured to keep Marble fastened on her lap but was hesitant to speak. "It's over Marble, we should leave Canterlot."

Marble though still trembling, paused to lean back and look at Fleetfoot in confusion. "Huh?"

Fleetfoot had a tired gaze as she looked downward towards the grand view of Canterlot City. Despite the city being a beautiful sight to look upon, it was also sad. For with the barrier gone ... Fleetfoot knew that could only mean one thing. "She had us all along."

Marble still didn't understand as she looked to Fleetfoot obviously pained by what she'd heard so far, even in slight denial.

But Fleetfoot didn't stop. "That barrier spell wasn't only made to keep ponies contained but also punish disobedience as well. That entire time everything was a trap. I'm sure when word about this gets out, it'll keep all the other cities in line." She squinted in frustration, "But even so, I know she'll find some sick way of twisting it in her favor. She always does." She sighed ... frowning. "It's a shame, even though we just met them, that Twilight Sparkle and her friend didn't seem like a bad duo. They even came back for us after all that."

Marble leaned back and stared into Fleetfoot's eyes seriously. "Then let's go back down for them."

Fleetfoot paused, needing a second to rethink what Marble just said. "What? Marble, there's no point. This spell it-"

Marble shook her head, frowning and looking at Fleetfoot pleadingly. "We ... we need to at least try to do something."

"Thinking about abandoning your allies again Fleetfoot? ...You have no loyalty."

That voice. Fleetfoot recognized it, and it wasn't a good feeling. She gritted her teeth as she turned slowly, trying to maneuver while still ensuring Marble didn't plummet down towards the city below. She muttered "Marble, hurry and get on my back ... now."

Marble was distracted, looking past Fleetfoot as she still held onto her tightly.

Fleetfoot shouted the same response, "Now Marble!"

Marble was knocked out of her trance as she nodded. "O-Okay." She turned, adjusting herself properly onto Fleetfoot's back.

Now there was nothing but silence, as both Marble and Fleetfoot turned to face the opposing direction of the cloud they were on. Fleetfoot sighed, frowning inherently at the sight she knew was some distance away from her. There she saw an old familiar face.

Not far off in the distance was Captain Dash, accompanied by another mare, more than likely one of her subordinates.

Captain Dash glanced down below at the city of Canterlot, then back over at Fleetfoot without much care or concern. "I should've known you'd be round up with these traitors. It suits you ya know? It seems you're all but determined to tear down the world we've built."

Fleetfoot couldn't help but respond with an angered snarl. "World we've built!? Dash! I will claim no part in it and you shouldn't either! W-What? What're you even doing here!? What happened to you?" She noticed how damaged Dash was which unexpectedly, still caused her to worry. "You're ... you're hurt." She frowned at the pegasus, "But I'm not surprised you managed to escape the dream spell."

Captain Dash tilted her head to the right. "But I can't say the same. How did you manage to foresee an opening?"

Fleetfoot squinted at Dash, almost offended. "I may not have known about this barrier magic or whatever you call it, but I have seen what the princess' dream spells can do and how they work. You know that. Just like you know this world you're so desperate to defend is lead and managed by a reckless tyrant! Can't you see everything's she's done Dash!? What she's going to continue doing!? It's not right!"

Marble remained on Fleetfoot's back, observantly listening. But she raised a brow at the pegasus with Captain Dash.

The pegasus seemed in a daze as she looked down at Canterlot from their cloud while upon her knees, petrified in shock.

Captain Dash kept that same bored expression but ran a hoof through her mane. "I wouldn't expect you to understand. You abandoned your cause a long time ago. You only see the princess for her methods, but not her results. You don't see all the good she's done."

Fleetfoot swiped a hoof. "And what good will come of this Dash!? Throwing your own subjects under the bus!? Is that the type of princess you want to follow the rest of your life!?" She shouted desperately at the fellow pegasi, "Wake up! You're so drowned in her glory of conquest you can't see her for what she truly is! She doesn't even care about you! About any of us! She'd replace you in a heartbeat!"

Captain Dash sneered, unable to brush off Fleetfoot's words any longer. "And the world was so much better before am I right!?"

Fleetfoot flinched ... thrown off by Dash's response as she only glared angrily at her in silence, listening for now.

Captain Dash chuckled. "Baha! Stop kidding yourself Fleetfoot. Princess Celestia was a doormat, one who let her enemies step all over her and her subjects. Princess Nightmare Moon rules with strength, and passion." She raised a hoof at Fleetfoot. "With skill and precision. Actual things that matter. As long as you're dedicated you can make something of yourself, you can make a difference. There isn't a stigma with being assertive or ridiculous lessons about friendship and peace. You can only do so much when you're too weak willed to make a move." She huffed, closing her eyes with a sigh. "Something you just don't seem to get Fleetfoot. If only you could understand that."

Yet another moment of silence passed as Fleetfoot glanced down towards the vast city of Canterlot. "I'm not saying that the system was perfect, or that there isn't room for change." She looked back at Captain Dash seriously. "But at least our morals were in the right place!" A pained look overcame her. "At least we didn't succumb to hatred! At least we weren't as cold and callous as you are now Dash!"

Disgust came over Captain Dash as she only scoffed. "You truly are a lost cause Fleetfoot. How were you ever my superior?"

Fleetfoot frowned at Dash ... actually hurt by her response. Why did it hurt? If it was so apparent she didn't care about her.

Captain Dash closed her eyes, swiping her lance casually. "I now live in a world that sees ponies not for their flaws but for their worth. One that doesn't bother us with constant preaching about acceptance, and other sappy stuff that doesn't actually help ponies." She glared back at Fleetfoot. "I know enough to stand on my own four hooves without sentimental reigns needing to hold me down. Call it cold if you want but I see that as progress. Equestria is safer now because of the princess' tenacity, and I'm free to fight alongside her to the best of my ability. Princess Celestia would've held me back from reaching my full potential. My success speaks for itself, I need nothing else."

Fleetfoot peered at Captain Dash in disbelief, she was unrecognizable to her. "What happened to you Dash?"

Captain Dash squinted at her. "I grew up ... you should've done the same." She paused, "Isn't that right Dust?"

Fleetfoot gasped as she turned to look behind her, as upon another cloud was Lieutenant Dust. "D-Dust!?"

Lieutenant Dust exhaled. "What?" She had just landed, obviously tired and upset from the looks of it. She looked upon the scene in both confusion yet acceptance ... too lazy to even make sense of it all. "Looks like somehow you managed to get away, aye Fleetfoot?"

Captain Dash nodded to Lieutenant Dust. "Good to see you Lieutenant."

Lieutenant Dust raised a brow at Captain Dash. "Yeah ... wish I could say the same. What in the hay happened to you?"

Captain Dash closed her eyes and lowered her head. "It's a long story, not that it matters now."

Fleetfoot gritted her teeth as she simply glanced back and forth between the two now more nervous than before.

Captain Dash glanced back down at the city. "Do you understand now Fleetfoot? This world belongs to the princess. Nothing is coming to save you or these other traitor ponies. Even now as you contemplate making some sort of move against us, you doubt yourself. So tell me ... what will it be?" She glared back at Fleetfoot. "Will you continue to believe in some filly's tale that will bring about change?"

A course wind blew between them all followed by another routine moment of silence.

But Fleetfoot kept her composure as she spoke. "Say what you will Dash but deep down ... even you believe I'm right."

Captain Dash raised a brow at Fleetfoot, showing a hint of annoyance.

Fleetfoot lowered her head and also peered down at the quiet city. "In the end ... even you realize what's coming."

The change that looms over the horizon.

Twilight now chased after Princess Celestia herself as she stumbled onto the invisible ground but never gave up in her desperate chase. "P-Princess Celestia! What're you doing!? W-Why! Why are you running from me!?" She cried out to her! "Stop running! Please!"

But Princess Celestia didn't stop and only grew further and further away.

Twilight's despair began to sink in as she watched her go. Why! Why isn't my magic working!? She couldn't teleport and it was infuriating! But she couldn't give up either! So much was riding on this moment ... to find the answers she needed to save everypony!

Princess Celestia continued to sprint towards the empty distance as she had her eyes closed, blocking out Twilight's pleas.

Twilight inevitably came to a stop and shut her eyes tight before letting out a screeching cry. "Is this what you want!?"

Princess Celestia kept her head lowered as she also came to a steady stop and remained silent.

Twilight breathed heavily as she shook her head at Princess Celestia. "To run away from your problems!? To run away from everypony who's counting on you!? From everypony who's depending on you!? To run away from Moondancer ... Princess Celestia!?"

Princess Celestia turned to look at Twilight then with a blank and tired stare. "Is that so hard to believe ... Twilight Sparkle?"

Twilight's eyes widened as she was left feeling stunned realizing the implication ... and remaining silent because of it.

Princess Celestia turned away from her again while glancing back before spreading her wings. "Goodbye ... and I'm sorry."

Twilight continued to stand there as she watched Princess Celestia fly off towards that infinite sky then, leaving her behind. It was only moments later the world around her faded and Twilight found herself once again back to their reality. Instead now she was looking towards the full moon ... still left with no answers to the questions she had and her one pinnacle solution being unsatisfactory to say the least. She was undone, and lowered her rear hooves to sit as she was still left stunned in disbelief. Moondancer and her mother were still lost in a deep sleep. Nothing had been accomplished from that desperate attempt, yet deep within Twilight, something cavernous still stirred.

Twilight still had yet to feel it or even notice. But in light of this most recent failure ... it was there, a deep embodied rage.

There beneath the faint image of Princess Celestia upon the full moon. She had reached a limit she didn't even know she had.

Fleetfoot continued to peer at Captain Dash. "And you're all afraid of it. Princess Nightmare Moon ... and even you."

Marble continued to remain wrapped around Fleetfoot's back as she stayed silent and observant. Albeit worriedly.

Lieutenant Dust had a troubled expression ... as if Fleetfoot's words struck a cord with her somehow. Not even she could really pinpoint where those worries came from. She thought about everything that'd transpired this night for her, and indeed ... everything felt off.

Corporal Cloudchaser was still peering down at the city, suspended in shock as she still had yet to utter a word since.

But Captain Dash slowly began to smirk as she wrapped both hooves around herself. Was it true or was she simply in denial? Regardless she burst into a sweet and steady laughter. "Baha ... Bahaha! So is that how it is Fleetfoot!? Is that how you see things!?"

Fleetfoot kept silent as she just continued to glare silently at Captain Dash from then on. Choosing to stick with her beliefs.

That silence only sent Captain Dash into more amusement or perhaps coated anger. "Then explain it to me!"

Fleetfoot glanced back down at the surface of the cloud she stood upon yet again only with a frown.

Captain Dash grinned and spread her hooves. "Where is the destined savior that we're so afraid of!? That I'm so afraid of!?"

And in that moment a bright violet light shot straight upwards, drowning out the entire area they stood in, leaving their entire group stunned. It was blinding, shimmering and utterly incomprehensible. It was a beacon in the clouds ... with a point of origin beneath.

Captain Dash still had her hooves spread as her expression had changed in that instant. She was now the personification of fear and doubt, uncertainty and dread. She was consumed with silence as her gaze only drifted down back towards the city of Canterlot.

Lieutenant Dust nearly mimicked Captain Dash but instead was only filled with shock and confusion. What?

Marble, Fleetfoot, and Corporal Cloudchaser all eyed beneath them as well in awe and wonder. None of them knowing what it was.

From the forests leading up to Canterlot ... Applejack paused as she took cover behind a tree trunk as the violet light even reached all the way out to where she was. She tried to peek, it being too bright for her to even get a good look at the city. "W-Wha? What in the hay!?"

In another part of the numerous paths leading towards Canterlot, Trixie shielded Diane in a magical bubble of her own.

Trixie shaded her eyes with a hoof as she gritted her teeth. "What sort of light show is this!?"

But Diane was completely enthralled by it as she watched it with wide eyes. She said nothing and only stood there ... also in awe.

A commotion had already brewed back at Nightmare Moon's castle as the numerous citizens who'd been gathered all watched from afar, uncertain of the spectacle they were witnessing. Citizen and guards alike had no form of comprehending it. While Rarity watched it from within the back of the throne room as the light had even pierced through all the windows. She too was left stunned, if not mortified. This was a feeling she couldn't explain. For it was the first time in ages she considered relating it to the princess herself. It was doubt.

Even as the violet light faded and the cylinder it'd created as a beacon in the sky crumbled away, the message had been sent.

Twilight Sparkle slowly opened her eyes to reveal the pure glowing white within them once more. Her magic once again radiating from her body, leaking like a cracked container attempting to hold a storm of power. She cared not to control it or made any attempt to do so. She would use anything she could to find the solution she required, even if she didn't understand it herself. She didn't care what the rest of the world thought about her or even paid mind to that possibility in this scenario. All she needed to do was succeed ... and she would.

To those who had been waiting for her, she didn't even know herself. But she was here ... Twilight Sparkle had finally arrived.

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