• Published 18th Dec 2015
  • 18,924 Views, 985 Comments

The Clockwork Consequence - Michy

Social reject, blank flank, and failed candidate for Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. Twilight Sparkle holds little confidence for her future. But when even her own recluse world comes crashing down, will she choose to act?

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Chapter IV: Rise and Shine

Chapter IV: Rise and Shine

Previous Chapter Recap: Both Twilight Sparkle and Applejack show their resolve in the face of impossible odds. But is the road so clear? Applejack is completely certain it isn't, but Twilight Sparkle is determined not to let such emotions get in her way. Can she rise to the occasion, and ride this wave of determination?

Twilight was a mere filly sitting in her room. It was the dead of night, with the pale moonlight shining vibrantly through her glossed window. As she sat at the edge of her bed facing the window observantly, she focused particularly on the moon. Her mane was being fiddled with from behind, but it didn't bother her, not one bit.

"You have such a lovely mane Twilight ... I do wish you'd comb it more often." Stroking Twilight's mane from behind was Princess Cadence, as she laid sideways on the filly's bed, enjoying the task absently, with a smile.

Twilight turned her gaze downward, shrugging with a light frown. "I don't really care about that stuff."

Princess Cadence pulled Twilight back against her before forcing her face up upon the bed. She gave the filly an amused look as she poked at her muzzle with a snicker before giving her an eskimo kiss. "Which is why I said wish you smarty pants." She then began tickling Twilight's tummy. "Trying to be all sassy with me?"

Twilight giggled, attempting to push her hoof away. "Stop it!" She smiled wide as a result, appearing happy for but a moment, until something brought her expression down to a blank stare. She focused on Princess Cadence' shortened mane. "Big Sis, why did you cut your mane so short? Didn't you like it long?"

Princess Cadence' eyes widened down at the filly before she raised a hoof to her mane and glanced towards her left at some strands. She then smiled back down at Twilight, tilting her head to the right somewhat. "I didn't want it getting in the way Twilight. A long mane can get complicated when dealing with work."

Twilight leaned up with a sulk. "You mean fighting the North Shadow?"

Princess Cadence frowned at Twilight before gently turning her head towards her, looking into her eyes. "Now Twilight ... you know we only do it because we want you to feel safe. We all have to make sacrifices."

Twilight sulked further as bitterness from past emotions swelled. "Then just let Princess Celestia make them!"

Princess Cadence flinched, appalled even. But she didn't allow it to show for more than a brief second as she uttered, "Twilight!" She caught herself, halting any bitterness she had about Twilight's response near immediately. "You ... it's, it's not that simple. Princess Celestia hasn't been well! Don't be so mean."

Twilight crossed her hooves and puckered her lower lip, obviously flustered. "Hmph!"

Princess Cadence now sulked, as she looked at Twilight both sternly, but heartfelt ... trying to get through to her. She turned the filly's head towards her again, looking her in the eyes. "Twilight, it may not be today or tomorrow, maybe not even years from now. But someday, there'll come a time when in order to preserve the love of those you hold dear ... you must fight for them, because they won't always be able to fight for themselves." She ran a hoof down Twilight's cheek gently, eyeing her sadly. "Princess Celestia did the same for all of us, she cares about you just as much as she cares about me, so I'm ensuring to return her kindness in full. Sometimes Twilight, we have to find that courage within ourselves to lead from the front, even if it means discarding our old selves." Her brows lowered, "I don't mean to lecture you, but I need you to understand."

Twilight blinked a few times, still with her hooves crossed. "Getting rid of your old self? Like a phoenix?"

Princess Cadence's eyes widened before she closed them and smiled with a chuckle. "Erhm... sort of." She looked back to Twilight gently in adoration again. "Phoenix are reborn. Most of the time, it's their only choice." She began ruffling the top of Twilight's mane with a chuckle. "Different ... but the same. If that makes sense."

Twilight looked to Princess Cadence with raised brows. "Can Princess Celestia not do that Big Sis?"

Princess Cadence tilted her head to the right. "Do what Twilight?"

Twilight continued with a blank expression. "Can she not be like a phoenix? Be reborn if she's sick?"

Princess Cadence looked to Twilight, even more saddened. "Her light ... is just a little dim is all." She closed her eyes and then rubbed the filly's head teasingly. "Hey, now let's talk about something else!" She smiled widely.

Twilight shrugged and then reached for Smarty Pants who was on the far end of the bed. "Like what?"

Princess Cadence then snatched the filly and hugged her tight. "Like how much you love my snugs!"

And Twilight burst into a giggle fit, before eagerly allowing herself to be snugged. Such love was appreciated.

She'd allowed those times to slip by ... they always seemed so natural then. Her world felt simple.

Applejack sat alone in an empty diner. She felt immersed with its dark oak interior and large tinted windows, giving way to the absence of most light. Small shimmering arcane spheres acted as lamps, forms of energy which did give the diner at least some sort of visibility, creating a distinct pale yellow hue. Applejack sat at a counter, fastened against one of the large windows that gave view to the rest of Ponyville. It was apparent based on her view the diner was built on a large hill, distant enough to be a little more private, while close enough to draw in customers. Though obviously no customers were desired today, as a 'closed' sign hung on the front door. Applejack sipped from a glass of apple cider, just gazing silently through the window, thinking to herself. Soon those thoughts were interrupted by rhythmic knocks, which caused her to smile and glance back.

Eventually the door opened as a figure slowly trotted inside and glanced around. She shut the door behind her, trotting in further as she shaded her hoof a bit from the arcane powered lamps, also exposing her features without shadow. She wore plain clothing and shades, as if to blend in. A light aquamarine earth pony, with contrasting shades of indigo alongside opal in her mane. Her eyes went wide with relief at Applejack, "AJ!"

Applejack continued to smile back at her as she rose from her seat and approached, "Rara, it's good to see ya."

Rara nodded to Applejack wholeheartedly, before the two embraced in a hug. "Always."

After a brief moment Applejack took a few trots back, as she nodded to Rara. "Sit down, it'll be awhile. I'll bring ya some cider." She began making her way over to the back counter, "Thanks for comin on such short notice."

Rara pulled out a seat casually, before stretching and leaning back some, throwing her shades on the table in the process. "Don't you ever thank me for doing what any best friend would do. I'm always gonna be here when you need me AJ. Even if you left me alone in the high life, I understand you did it for family reasons."

Applejack soon returned with two mugs of cider, leaving her previous cup behind. "And I know yer strong enough to make it there without me. Ya always were the most talented one Rara." She also sat casually, placing one mug in front of herself then the other in front of Rara. "This whole life of fame, you were made for it."

Rara smiled curiously at Applejack with a squint and raised brow. "And what about you? Were you made for this ... guard life? How's things on the other side of the fence? The ... normal, side." She chuckled a little.

Applejack sipped from her side some as she soon stared at the surface of the substance. She was silent for awhile, eventually looking to Rara more seriously "Rara... I've decided I'm finally gonna play my part in all this."

Rara continued to smile and slowly ... that smile melted away into a look of apparent despair, along with shock. Rara's eyes were wide, as that expression now cemented itself as she uttered, "What ... What're you-"

Applejack interjected. "I'm gonna help those who wish to go against Nightmare Moon."

Rara began to tremble as she slowly lifted her mug and began chugging it ferociously. Eventually, she slammed it on the table and looked down. She slowed her breathing which'd become a bit more panicky, and eventually gave a long and steady exhale. Afterwords, she wiped her lips with her sleeve sloppily, still keeping her gaze lowered. "AJ ... I, I need for you to think about what you just said, I mean ... really think about it. O-Okay?"

Applejack shook her head, eyeing the mare plainly. "I said what I mean Rara. I thought long and hard about it."

Rara raised a hoof to her face and sighed. She continued to tremble, before she showed obvious signs of both frustration and irritation. She looked down at the surface of the table. "W-What? Just how did... how did this come about? Where, when, why, how? Explain it to me ... now! What lead you to this AJ? Tell me this instant!"

Applejack glanced down. "Time Rara, you know how I feel about the Princess. You've known for a long time."

Rara slammed her hooves on the table. "Nothing about this! If I knew you were this bad, I would've signed you up with my personal therapist myself! Applejack, just how far are you going to let this go!? First you abandon your old life in high society, then you go on to join the Nightmare Guard, now this? Talking about actual rebellion? That can land you a banishment sentence Applejack! You should never say anything like that!"

Applejack looked firmly at Rara. "I'm not going to sit here and lie to myself, and to you Rara."

Rara rose as she scoffed, "I'm going to see Macintosh. Where is he!?"

Applejack took another glance back down at the surface of her cider. "He already knows at this point too."

Rara sneered as she squinted one eye, before gritting her teeth. "And!?"

Applejack nodded back to her, "And he knows what ta do if I get caught in all this. The safety of those I care about is my utmost priority, which is why I have ta do this. But I realize there is a consequence, and that if I fail then it'll fall back on everypony I know and hold dear... to include you, Rara." She frowned, glancing down.

Rara scoffed again, rolling her eyes and muttering, "To include me ... tch. You think I care about any of that?" She placed a hoof against her chest, "I'm worried about you Applejack! You, my dear and cherished best friend. You're practically admitting to me you're about to destroy your entire life and I'm expected to just sit here and take it? If reporting you didn't do more harm than good, then I would! I would in a heartbeat Applejack!"

Applejack responded passionately. "And that's the problem Rara! There shouldn't be any issue! We shouldn't have to be worried about speaking up! It never happened under Princess Celestia! It shouldn't happen now!"

Rara flinched as she glanced to her right, wearily and in wonder.

Applejack rose, as she turned and continued to speak. "Rara... look at what we've become at this point. All the cities are no different than prisons and here we are, trekkin on as usual. We've grown too used to this lifestyle." She lowered her head, "If I weren't high society, Apple Bloom and the others would still be suffering."

Rara approached Applejack pleadingly. "But why you? Why does it have to be you AJ? Be realistic! Princess Nightmare Moon is an alicorn, an alicorn! She banished Princess Celestia. She helped defeat the changelings. She has an army of ponies willing to die at her command, and you want to go against that with what? The high hope there might be some other ponies out in the world who're just as crazy as you're being? You don't have the means to accomplish this AJ! You wouldn't have it even in a thousand years! It's just not possible!"

Applejack turned to face Rara again. "Did being realistic make me a top model in all of high society Rara?"

Rara's eyes widened as she scoffed again. "Applejack! That's ... completely different!"

Applejack shook her head. "Rara, I only made it that far because I was determined to. I worked hard at it. Just like you worked hard to get where yer at today. Did being realistic allow me to reach a status with enough respect in the Nightmare Guard ta at least have some push and pull with the Princess? Yes it's true that if I were ta be realistic Rara, I wouldn't get very far. But that's the whole point, I need ta think crazy here." She paused, "I need to be as unrealistically determined as I can be, and as crazy as ever if I really plan ta do this. I have ta convince myself I can do this Rara." Applejack squinted at her, "I've already made up my mind ... I'm sorry."

Rara's eyes saddened tremendously. "If I can't convince you... why did you even bring me here AJ?"

Applejack raised her head and stood firmly. "I wanted ta ask that... if I do fail. Would ya look after them for me?"

Rara's eyes widened at Applejack again as she appeared shocked, unable to find words for the time being.

Applejack glanced down sadly. "Yer the one I trust the most ta do this Rara. My Auntie and Uncle would be in trouble too, they'd panic ... wouldn't keep a cool head." She looked back up to her, "Them too, if you can..."

Rara appeared hurt by her response as she muttered softly. "Are you an idiot? You know I'd never deny taking care of your family AJ." She sighed ... falling silent for a time. "But fine, if you're really going to do this just ... please, be careful. The rumors I've heard in high society, the ponies that the Princess has under her, they're very dangerous AJ. This isn't some game, if you get caught red hooved, your life is over. Understand?"

Applejack smiled warmly at Rara. "I understand Rara ... thank you."

With that the two embraced once again in a tight hug, before stepping away from one another.

Rara continued, curiously. "So do you at least have somepony else in mind crazy enough to help you?"

Applejack nodded again, still smiling warmly. "Yep, just met quite the special one actually." She chuckled, gazing up with interest. "She's been through a bit as of late. But she's still willing ta do this with me. She's still trekking forward, as if she's already got this whole thing figured out. It's refreshing ta be honest, and it gives me a bit more confidence about all this." She then turned her gaze down worriedly. "But at the same time it worries me. Any other pony would turn tail and run, but she didn't. I'm starting to wonder if that should be alarming."

Rara's eyes widened as she suddenly appeared skeptical. "Wait, what!? What're you talking about? Who!?"

Applejack glanced over at Rara, humored. "A blank flank from Canterlot, with quite the history."

"Who's that over there?" Quiet mutters echoed around the area in regards to a mare who stood nearby.

Who was this mare? It sure as hay wasn't Twilight Sparkle ... yet, was? Twilight had yet to really take in the dramatic change to character she was attempting to pull off, nor had she really adapted to what that meant as of yet. Old habits still made themselves known, ones a bit harder to shake. Twilight's mane was finally combed over, creating a particular stylistic display. More wild and upstanding, wavy and bushy, it spoke of confidence and flare. Something she desired for herself ... but was a change in appearance really necessary she thought.

"O-Oh um, Ma'am. D-D-Didn't I just lend you that book?" Another mare said sheepishly.

Twilight stood in front of a counter, particularly a librarian running a counter. The library they stood in was an oak spiral rising as far as the eye could see. A library within a tree? Twilight couldn't help but feel a sharp sense of irony. She'd transcended this spiral with ease by this point, with frighteningly comfortable familiarity. As she stood in front of the librarian on the first floor she shrugged absently. "Ah it was only around 400 pages."

The mare at the counter nodded nervously. "R-Right. Um ... so what are you looking for exactly?" She was absolutely red, as she tossed brief glanced periodically at Twilight. S-She's so pretty, cool, and smart too.

Twilight rubbed her chin before placing the book firmly upon the counter. "This was a decent read, but more entails around the subject matter of hybrid magic dynamics. Something related in hindsight but not exactly what I'm looking for. The author was a recent scholar, so it makes sense." She glanced down with a sigh. Not this one either ... I wonder, has it truly never been documented before this? Dream magic. Well after all, Princess Nightmare Moon would never allow anypony to blatantly study her. Suddenly Twilight's eyes widened significantly, "O-Oh, um. By chance do you have the Realms of Magic by Globe Trotter of Hooverfell? It should be common."

The mare fumbled before she nodded. "Oh uh! Y-Yes. G-Row, 4th floor. Um ... right side? M-Maybe?"

Twilight nodded to her with a smile. "I believe I can find it." She bowed, "I am appreciative of your efforts."

The mare nodded to her with a gulp. "Yes um ... o-of course!"

Twilight then turned, only to be blocked by a group of three teenage mares. She flinched.

One of the mares seemed awfully nervous. "H-Hi there! Um, I'm Copper Rose!"

Another butted in. "I'm Willa Works."

The final added on, "Berry the Bashful!"

They all soon spoke in sync, "We just wanted to say uh ... you're super duper awesome!"

Twilight blinked a few times at them as she rubbed at the back of her neck. "Ah I see ... um." So ... this is the result Applejack was speaking of earlier. To think it'd be this effective. I'm uh.. s-surprised to say the least.

It was hours earlier as Twilight went back to a recollection. She sat in a crystalline salon, with marble polished floors radiating a diamond blue glow. The walls were adorned with glittery decor, in the form of both violet and turquoise waves. Many establishments within Ponyville spoke of wealth, perhaps even more so than Canterlot itself. To think such a place was so close to home, and she never took the time to visit. Well, she wasn't exactly a travelling mare anyhow. Even now, Twilight felt hints of anxiety swell up within her. She gulped, muttering. "You really think this will help?" She glanced back at somepony skeptically, "It seems a bit pointless honestly."

The two were currently alone, as Applejack sat in a waiting seat not far behind the mare. She glanced towards the left at the employee lounge door, ensuring nopony was listening in on them currently. Afterwords, she nodded to Twilight. "Twilight ... your appearance says a lot about you. Ponyville is a town of pure wealth and status, Canterlot was the same wasn't it? Tell me, did your appearance draw a lot of attention there?"

Twilight looked down at her lap, or more particularly the black of her apron, thinking back to memories of Canterlot. Every time she'd travel to work, she recalled the stares of the other citizens, looking down upon her for her appearance. She did stand out in a negative manner, thankfully back then nopony cared enough to inform the guards, as if they'd really have a say in anything once they found out her history anyway. But still, Twilight understood. Even so, there was still another problem. She glanced back again, skeptically. "It did. But there still isn't anything you can do about my blank flank. That draws the most attention overall."

Applejack closed her eyes momentarily, before eyeing Twilight more seriously. "What do you know of me Twi?"

Twilight raised her head and responded near immediately. "Huh? Well where do I start Applejack? Captain Jack, easily the most influential of the Big Three. You started your career in Manehattan, and went into the modeling industry with the help of your relatives. Your flare and passionate style, determination, and strength won the hearts of many and landed you a top spot as a favored model among the masses. Not only that, but you helped host the food network. I used to listen to some of your more easier recipes!" Twilight paused with a curious expression. "Though there isn't much public knowledge of why you joined the Nightmare Guard, it was near impossible not to know who you were after you reached a consensus with Nightmare Moon to initiate a day cycle to help farmers in Equestria all around. You made it on the cover of Pony Times after all. You're amazing!"

Applejack blinked a few times, stunned. She rubbed at the back of her neck in embarrassment, blushing.

Twilight glanced back at her again, wide eyes. "What's wrong Applejack?"

Applejack looked back to Twilight, frowning some. "Shucks Twi ... just, well, honestly I'm surprised ya knew all that. Not ta sound like a big shot or anything, but ya still went with me even though you knew all about me? Ya didn't seem phased at all about any of it. Not that ya should be, I don't bite or nothin. Still, just a bit surprising."

Twilight fell silent for a moment, but eventually spoke. "I couldn't let that bother me Applejack."

Applejack's eyes widened some as she blinked again, continuing to listen.

Twilight continued, "You let me sleep soundly in your barn. You even put on locks to prevent others from disturbing me. Then when you finally showed up you gave me the option to just trot away, to make a choice." She squinted, "If anything, you showing up was a sign of just how big this all is." She looked to herself in the mirror and gave a determined smile, "Which is why I'll play my part too to help you, and we can embark on this adventure together." She glanced back at Applejack again, closing her eyes and smiling warmly at her.

Applejack smiled warmly back, both amused and relieved. "Ya really are something ... Miss Twilight Sparkle."

Then Twilight let off a mutter, as she looked coldly towards the ground. "Besides ... I have a lot to make up for."

This of course caught Applejack's attention, and immediate concern as she tilted her head. "Twilight?"

Twilight seemed lost in her daze as images flashed through her head and she began to sweat. Images of wide eyed ponies staring blankly towards nothingness, lost in the infinite sleep of the Princess' dream spell. Flashes of Captain Dash, and the crimson red on her hooves. Yes ... Twilight had yet to forget. How could she? She started to tremble as she sat in that seat. Then ultimately as she sat there, she recalled herself. Crystalline flames emitting from her gaze. I'll always be watching. Twilight shut her eyes tight, controlling her breathing.

But Applejack intervened, at this point standing behind Twilight with a hoof on her shoulder. "Twilight!"

Twilight flinched as her eyes snapped wide and she'd been drawn back to the present.

Applejack gazed down at her worriedly. "W-What's the matter? Ya alright?"

Twilight looked at herself in the mirror, realizing her strange behavior. She nodded slowly, as she gave Applejack a reassuring smile. "I'm ... I'm alright." I'm sorry Applejack ... I'm sorry I can't tell you. She looked ahead again, trying to put on a more calm and collected posture. "Just uh ... b-bad memories from that night."

Applejack frowned at Twilight, still in concern before ruffling the top of her mane. "Don't sweat it." She went back to take a seat, as she situated herself in it, before crossing her hooves again. "The point I was getting at Twilight was ... when it comes to fashion, it's about working with that ya have. Some styles look better on others, but everypony has a style. It's about figuring out what defines you and making it work, cause everything works for somepony, and ya have something really special Twilight." She smiled at her, "That blank flank is a treasure. Learn ta accept it for what it is, a sign of endless possibility, of discovering who ya really are."

Twilight glanced down again in thought. "Discovering ... who I really am huh." She thought back to Moondancer and her words. (You're special ... Twilight Sparkle.) Moondancer ... did you see it that way too? She was lost in the thought, before looking back up again. I promise, I'll do my best to make you all proud. I'll become a better mare.

Applejack nodded. "Yeah." She glanced up in amusement. "Now if only I could convince that stubborn Dash."

Twilight flinched, as she slowly glanced back again, thrown off by Applejack's words.

Applejack rubbed at the back of her neck again, "Ya know much about her Twi? Captain Dash?"

"Ladies! Ladies! Vwi, I am so so sorry about ze wait! Please forgive me!"

Both Applejack and Twilight glanced over at the employee lounge.

Twilight though she said nothing, looked down guiltily ... sweating with relief. T-Thank you.

Standing at the door nervously rubbing her hooves together was a bright pink pony with a vibrant blue mane. Her cutie mark depicted a white lotus, as she wore a glittery shimmering green apron. "The last zing I was expecting would be the prestigious Lady Applejack accompanied by a friend. It has been ... well, so so very long since you've come to visit Ma'am, that I just had to show up personally to tend to your needs of course."

Applejack glanced over at her, shaking her head with a sigh. "Ah ... why, you really didn't have to." Her voice depiction changed, as she spoke with a lighter tone and with a far different accent. "But we appreciate your tender generosity to ensure our satisfaction Miss Aloe." She rose, heading over midway to meet with the mare as the two shook hooves. "I'm glad to see both the Salon and Spa have been doing so well. It's wonderful."

Miss Aloe chuckled as she blushed deeply. "W-Well my sister and I have both you and Lady Rarity to thank Madam. Your attendance has attracted many ponies far and wide, interested in our services."

Applejack waved a bashful hoof. "Ah! You're too kind Miss Aloe. Too kind! It is your undeniable talent and dedication to the cause that has made this such a wonderful establishment to visit. Not I, not one bit."

Miss Aloe couldn't stop herself from blushing further as she giggled in delight. "Thank you, thank you, thank you Madam. Your words are always appreciated." She paused, gesturing towards Twilight. "So uh ... w-what might your friend be desiring today by chance? Zis one knows all the latest popular styles of course."

Applejack smiled back at Twilight. "What do you say Twilight? Anything you'd like in particular?"

Twilight looked to her reflection in the mirror a little more curiously. "I was thinking different ... but the same."

Twilight was back to the present, trotting casually down a marble brick road. She looked down at the pages of the book she was reading, using telekinetic magic to elevate it in front of her. Meanwhile, a stack of at least ten other books remained floating behind her. As well as ... well, the three teenage mares from earlier.

Copper Rose continued gazing up at Twilight. "W-What's your name Ma'am!? Do you live alone?"

Willa Works nodded up to her as well. "Do you go on adventures, are you a traveler?"

Twilight wore a straight faced expression, before she turned her gaze down towards the three observantly. Hm. They seem to possess a fascination for my sense of character. Well, not that it isn't appreciated, I'd sure like to opportunity to study this new social status as well but ... she frowned, I have bigger things I need to concentrate on right now. She gazed back down at her book absently. This is only for the purpose of blending in of course.

"You there! With the wildly puffy purple mane!" The voice was stern and gruff.

Twilight paused, as did her three stalker mares. She glanced back blankly, with an empty stare.

There stood three stallion Nightmare Guards. The same one spoke, "You possess features very similar to the wanted alicorn. We must ask you come with us for some ... questions. Do not put up any resistance."

Twilight however wasn't shaken in the slightest. She continued to stare at them blankly, whereas her stalker mares began to back away from her with worry and concern. Why wasn't she afraid? It'd been that way for some time now. Twilight was never good with confrontation. Never well at conversation. But ever since that night cycle, such fears seemed silly. Such fears seemed ... trivial. Was it because of her experience? Or, was it due to that far greater influence she knew lurked within? Twilight shrugged, "Sure thing," and shut her book.

Rise and shine Twilight Sparkle. Are you beginning to have a change of heart?

Twilight began casually trotting on over towards them, her books effortlessly elevated behind her.

Or have you turned your own goals, into ones that can utilize my gifts? Gifts that fit your image.

Twilight knew that compared to what she needed to accomplish, she could never let this phase her.

Author's Note:

In case anypony was confused. :rainbowlaugh:

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